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Approved Tech Shiftcloth

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To create a new textile for future submissions and role-playing.
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Visanj T’shkali
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Model: Shiftcloth
Modularity: None
Production: Limited
Weight: Weightless
Color: Can be dyed to various colors.
  • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Very High
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: Very High
  • Other, Sonic: Average
  • Other, Radiation: High
  • Other, EMP/Ion: High
  • Other, Biological: None
  • Other, Gases (Poisonous and toxic): High
  • Other, Toxic Chemicals (Liquid/Solid): High
  • Other, Elemental: High
  • Other, Vacuum: None
  • Other, Pressure: None
  • Other, Acid (And other corrosive substances): High
  • Other, Force Abilities: None
  • Incredibly durable, weightless, and able to change shape, this textile can be used in a variety of applications.
  • Extremely durable, resilient against blaster-type energy weapons and lightsaber-type weapons, and highly resilient against a variety of toxins, corrosive substances, and radiation (even including EMP/Ion weapons). It is further resistant against the elements and waterproofed, it is resistant to tearing, cutting, and punctures.
  • Weightless, the cloth can change and hold its shape when a very low-potency electrical current is run through it, then releases this shape when the current is ceased, returning to its original form.
  • Worn by shapeshifters, it can alter its form temporarily as the wearer changes form without tearing or breaking, continuing to provide protective qualities and without hindrance to movement.
  • Offers no protection against Force-based attacks.
  • Offers no protection against vacuum or pressure, making it unsuitable for use in EVA or survival suits.
  • Cannot block or prevent biological contagions.
  • Is only resistant against infantry-type weapons, being unable to stop rounds fired from crew-serve weapons and those mounted aboard vehicles and starfighters.
  • While it can stop vibroblades and melee weapons, it cannot defend concussive injury from grenades or nearby explosions, although it can deflect flying debris and shrapnel fairly well.

With a soft sheen, the cloth appears to shimmer, especially as it changes form, a subtle hint at the profound nature of this new textile. Able to withstand even a direct shot or two from infantry-level blaster-type weapons or hits from lightsaber-type weapons, as well as to deflect shrapnel and debris and hold up against cuts, tears, punctures, and slashes from melee weapons, including vibroblades, the cloth is remarkably durable. Weightless and waterproof, it offers protection against a variety of toxins and corrosive substances, radiation, and the elements. But perhaps its greatest strength is its ability to change form, taking on new shapes and holding that shape until released, allowing it to return to its original form.

Yet it is not without drawbacks, as it can give wearers no protections against heavier weapons, concussive forces from nearby explosions, and it is utterly useless in the vacuum of space or against intense pressure. It has no defense against Force-based attacks either. Lastly, it cannot stop contagions from biological germs or viral particles.

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