Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shielding Solutions (PM for invite.)


The Sith and the Jedi would simply not get along. Given that, Warren needed a way to protect himself against decapitation or loss of limbs via lightsabers. Armor alone wasn't enough as the metals needed to create a suitable armor would be too expensive. Growling in frustration, Warren took out the blueprint paper and began to draw schematics for a new invention of his. The blasters had been one thing as the lightsaber crystal had only changed the color of the blaster bolts, but now what he was going to try was a bit more ambitious to say the least. What he needed was a shield that could block both lightsaber blades, and blaster bolts.

"If I recalibrate the capacitors the shield could have more power. Realigning the crystal should also allow the shield to be more stable, and useful in combat. But it still needs something. What is my shield missing?"

Sighing, Warren tore up the blueprints he had made for the shield. The design was flawed, meaning it couldn't properly be used by him. Taking out another piece of blueprint paper, he started to draw the design of the shield again for he knew he'd need it. A shield was useful and more versatile than a saber, but would make a good addition to his arsenal. As he worked inside of his lab, Warren grew more and more frustrated.

"Argh. The design is simply hopeless. How am I supposed to make a good shield?"


Well-Known Member
Slow day. The smuggling job from Nar Shaddaa to Tatooine went by quickly. Pay was decent, cargo was intact, nothing bad happened. Improvising was half of the fun, though, so in a way Crux hated when jobs went completely right. The human was so distracted, in fact, that when he thought he entered a cantina he was surprised to see no bar, drinks, hookers, or fights. Instead he ended up facing a room that looked an awful lot like his M-SAS station back on Proxida. Tons of scientific apparatuses, monitors, and towards the deeper guts of the facility, a hopeless-sounding voice. Denko cocked his head to one side and made sure his coat was covering his newly-constructed lightsaber before he stepped in deeper to investigate the sound.

[member="Warren Century"]
Sensors in the lab went off alerting him to the presence of another individual. An interruption was absolutely something he didn't need right now. Working on the shield required his full concentration. Perhaps if he used a flexible containment matrix of some sort for the shield, the shield could actually be useful. Approaching the individual with both guns drawn, Warren was tempted to blast him, in the face. Repeatedly. For earlier a girl had came in and had played demolition derby on his lab. It had not been pleasant undoing all the damage that had been done to his home, and Warren wasn't in a good mood. Eyes narrowed he said.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Lab. This. Instant. If. You. Wish. To. Live."

His words were seething with fury as Warren fired a warning shot at his feet.


Well-Known Member
"Hey, now," Crux took a step back but did not leave, "I walked in the wrong door and heard someone frustrated back here. Thought I'd see what's up, no need to get trigger-happy." his eyes glanced down at the carbon scoring by his feet and he clicked his cheek against his teeth. Of all the placed he had to walk into, it was the violent one.

His eyes shifted to the side slightly. Curiosity. Smuggler's eyes. The first shiny thing he set eyes on was an oddly-shaped thing that looked like it was supposed to fit on someone's arm. Hopefully he would know before blaster bolts started flying around this fancy laboratory-house-thing.

[member="Warren Century"]
"I have already had one home wrecker today. A young woman. She sabotaged a LOT of my inventions and nearly blew me, and this place sky high. I'm still cleaning up, but taking a break for now. She's currently in a jail cell far away from my base of operations, so she can't do this again. As to why I'm frustrated, it's that there's so many Jedi, Sith and others who wield lightsabers but virtually no armor that's cost effective to use. Thus, I'm working on an innovation to change the fact no technology exists that can possibly handle the brunt of a Sith or Jedi's lightsaber attacks."

Warren then took out the arm gauntlet, after putting his guns down. Turning it on he watched the shield sputter out and die. The circuitry he had used wasn't good enough, or there was a problem with the power cells. Great. He'd have to build another prototype, and try again. But still, he planned to have the shield made soon so he could mass produce the shield by means of another company, and make cushy credits.

"My shield is nowhere near done, unfortunately. It will take multiple prototypes before a functional copy can be made, and I can show it to an investor who will buy the design and agree to give me free copies for life, and a small fee off of every purchase of it."


Well-Known Member
"Well," Crux mused on the fact that phrik existed, but it was usually only effective if someone had a whole suit, "Yeah I can see the niche to be filled." normal energy shields had their uses, but also their glaring limitations. A good middle-of-the-road could definitely serve the galaxy well.

He looked around this back part of the lab and realised that there really had been a bit of a disaster in here. He felt bad for the guy. Denko's employees sometimes got particular about beakers being out of place. He supposed this violent behaviour was normal for someone like that getting their lab wrecked. Nothing he could really do about it, though, so he let that detail slide through the cracks of his attention.

Crux was, however, personally interested in the shield. He was a bit of a gear head himself and a tinkerer. When you do not trust droids, you are forced to learn many things around a ship, or around places you are not supposed to be in. He had an idea, and perhaps his own reward for the effort.

"Need any help with this thing?" he asked, "I don't work for free, but I figure helping you work out the kinks on the design is probably worth getting one of my own." he shrugged it off in such a way that he did not seem to have ulterior motives. Just something of a business proposition. Which, honestly, it really was. Play assistant, get shield. No strings, no commitments, and maybe some more help in the future for some more shiny toys. On call. Simple enough of an arrangement in Crux's head; one that left them both free to live their lives but still group up if it was needed. Contacts were very useful things.

[member="Warren Century"]
"Good idea. Having an assistant might help me finish the shield sooner. If that horrible woman shows up I'm tempted to employ lethal force. She ruined sixteen models of the shield that worked exceptionally better."

Proximity alarms went off and as he looked at the cameras, Warren became white in the face. "Shut the door, padlock it, weld it shut. She's in town and headed towards my lab. Get the grenades. " Warren was entering a panic attack because he really didn't want to deal with the teenager. Groaning in irritation, Warren sighed. What would he do with her? He'd already tried sending her into the desert. It had taken her roughly 3 days to find her way back and wreck his lab worse than before.

"Call the authorities. Baton down the hatches."

Warren would need to be snapped out of it.

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