Onley Xiangu
Scum of the Earth

[SIZE=12pt]NAME:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Shezi Khoza (she-zye co-zah)[/SIZE]
RANK: Witch Initiate
AGE: 22
SEX: Female[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]HEIGHT:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] 5’ 0”
EYES: Naturally green; often wears black contacts.
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: Pale
Tough as Nails: It’s hard to get under Shezi’s skin. She’s cool in almost all situations and can run with the best of them.
Mini Powerhouse: To assume Shezi isn’t an obstacle simply because she’s tiny would be foolish. On top of her natural flexibility and athleticism due to her species, she has a preference for telekinetics and shielding – the eye in the center of her own storm.
Itty Bitty: Extremely petite, the girl weighs about as much as a pillow. Mitigated slightly by her species’ physical attributes and natural speed, she is still at a huge disadvantage against larger opponents and uses the Force to fight.
Abrasive: Although not intentionally rude, Shezi can be offensive and doesn’t watch her mouth. She’s out to please herself and only herself – other’s happiness be damned.
Shezi is naturally green-eyed, but often wears full-eye black contacts that only make her deathly pale skin more stark, an affect she furthers with make-up. With a preference for the arcane and esoteric she often paints symbols on herself, reminders of things she likes or legends she’s heard that strike her fancy.
Shezi Khoza was, in a story not uncommon to her people, born within the confines of a ship traveling space. Her parents, both full-blood Vahla, were traveling the galaxy in search of their lost homeworld when Shezi came in to the world two months early – an occurrence that left her naturally smaller than her other Vahla counterparts but was also a harbinger for the surprise she would always be.
To this day she calls no one world home, both because as Vahla her ‘homeworld’ is lost seemingly forever, and because her parents never stopped their search. Hopping from planet to planet and staying no longer on each than the time it took to refuel and grab a few day’s rest, Shezi never received a formal education or made any long-lasting friends. As a consequence she is on the one hand socially adept from mingling among countless cultures and peoples, easy reading cues and small gestures. But on the other hand, most of the crowds she fell in to the were the spacers, the street rats huddling around spaceports looking for hand-outs or to thieve from unsuspecting travelers. She learned to be tough as nails, taking poodoo from absolutely no one and cultivating a taste for meting out retribution and scathing retorts.
However despite her deeply rooted heritage, it wasn’t in her makeup to search for a homeworld she didn’t care about. She’d been to dozens upon dozens of planets, called nowhere home. Wherever this mysterious planet lay, she doubted it would hold her for long either. At 16, she left her parents to a search she couldn’t bring herself to care about.
Using public transportation or stowing away on transports she traveled the galaxy on her own. For the last six years she has associated herself with anyone and everyone, learning and exploring…and discovering a love for the occult and arcane. In the underbelly of almost every planet there were people who would pay her for her help, for her willingness to help them sacrifice to their gods (drugs, sex, violence, deities – everyone has a God), to read symbols and portents. Sometimes when she slept she dreamt, and those dreams came true.
But drifting is getting boring.