Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shards of the Mind...

Location: AEI HQ - Ostanes' Personal Apartments​
His hopes had been dashed, in the end, even after the price paid to try and lure that woman to him.. [member="Rave Merrill"], either sensing what he might intend, or by other means, had merely sent him a package. Of all the nerve that hag had, this one action was almost as bad as the erasure of his memories. Rage boiled in him as he screamed, the Force itself pouring out from his vocal chords, shattering a vase holding rather nicely scented black roses - someone had thought he would appreciate the affectation. Regardless, he lashed out, waves of telekinetic force applying what his muscles couldn't.

Eventually, almost spent, he collapsed to the floor, open palms slicing bloody on a fallen stand mirror pain-stakingly made by artisans on a forgotten world by hand. Agony lanced up his arm as he recoiled, blood dripping onto the splintered surface in haphazard patterns, as he seethed in pain. Mind dangerously close to unhinging, he gripped the package, intent on hurling the thing into the brazier that powered his little personal altar in his apartments. But a presence within it stopped him with it in his hands.

Looking from the package, to the corpse of the courier he had lashed out and killed, the terentatek fang of his lightsaber still rammed past the base in his eye socket, he shook in indecision. Something was in this package, he had known since it came into this room. But dare he open it, and see what it was? The woman may be fooling the Galaxy, scant reports he had said she had left the Alchemy game, after a fashion, and others said she was damn near a hippie. But he didn't believe them. What if this was an attempt to further unhinge and destroy him, some artifact to finish what her mind wipe had begun? Paranoia warred with curiosity in his mind as blood dribbled freely onto the package.

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