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Shadows of the Past [A'den Kyr'am + Prudii Kyr'am]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

Outer RIm - Kyrayc

MIrshko frowned slightly as she studied her sensor panel closely. She honestly had no idea what had brought her out this far. Maybe what she'd heard was just that - rumors. But maybe it was more than that. Sighing heavily, she then touched a few controls to check the surrounding space. So far, she wasn't picking up anything. THat didn't mean there wasn't something there.

She sighed. Cloak or not, she knew it was likely someone had picked up her transition from hyperspace. At this point, she didn't really have any other options. Going back to Mandalore was completely out of the question. And she had no idea if anywhere was remotely safe. She knew she probably would have been fine among the group of Mandalorians she'd spent time with before - but she would be lying if she said she knew where to find any of them. Like many, they seemed to have vanished with no trace.

A muttered curse was her only response to her mental commentary as she lightly punched at the controls. Her Stygium cloak was still active. But she knew that the ship was old - no matter how well she tried to maintain it. She frowned again and angled down toward the mottled brown and green marble of the planet below.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Prudii Kyr'am Compound
Jungles, Kyrayc

A'den's Beskar'gam


Prudii Kyr'am Compound


The light from the sky beamed through the trees and birds were chirping and monkeys howling in the distance. The jungles of Kyrayc were peaceful. A'den stood just outside the communications compound Headquarters, wearing his familiar red and black Beskar'gam. His waist cape flowing around his legs in the wind. A'den was watching his Aliit spar in the distance across the compound in the battle circle. A'den had been thinking of a friend from his past, a woman he once loved. Anija. She was a former Mand'alor, and A'den's friend. Suddenly the scanners in the building behind him started beeping. A'den's thoughts were ripped away as he turned and walked inside and straight to the screens. What now A'den thought. A'den bent over typing on a computer then looked up to the screen. The scanners picked up a ship in orbit. A'den then pressed a button on his comlink. A'den then returned his attention to the screen. After a moment a red, grey and black Mandalorian came into the building behind A'den. Gar juha par ni Alor? (You called for me Alor?)

A'den turned around and looked to his Aliit member. Cad olyay na'yr likr o'r a'caya, Ni copaanir at kar'taylir vaii bic b slanar, sur'ulur bic bal rala ni kar'taylir (There is an incoming ship in orbit, I want to know where it's going, monitor it and let me know) The two exchanged positions. Elek Alor. A'den walked out of the building and at a quick pace started heading towards the hangar that housed his Firespray. A'den didn't know why this one ship bothered him but it did, and he wanted to investigate and find out.

[member="Mirshko Betna"]

Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]


As she guided the Bes'uliik towards the surface, Mirshko felt the back of her neck tingle in warning. She'd learned long ago to trust that feeling. Sighing, she diverted from the direction she'd been traveling and aiming towards what her sensors told her was swampland. This put her off course from her original destination, but she hoped it would help disguise her for the time being. Several minutes passed as she searched for a safe landing spot just outside the swamps. It wasn't easy. Especially considering she was in an area of space that she knew nothing about.

Sighing heavily, she closed down the systems one by one before she popped the canopy and slid down the sloped fuselage of the bes'uliik with practiced ease. She was wearing her full beskar'gam - which was a heavily modified set of Advanced Hyperion Combat Armor. Whether it was any good against any sensors they might have she didn't know. She supposed it was only a matter of time. Stifling a sigh, she checked the weapons at her belt before putting the ship into standby mode and activating the security protocols. With that, she headed off into the jungle, a small pack of supplies over her shoulder.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Swamps, Kyrayc



The swamps were dark, very little light got through the trees. Frogs were heard croaking, the swamp gases bubbling, flies and mosquitos were buzzing about. The air was humid and foul smelling. This really was an unpleasant place to be. In the swamps The Grim Legion's Mortem Squad was patrolling very slowly not to make a sound, their HUDS watching everything around them. Suddenly their HUDS went off alarming them of someone nearby. They drew their blasters and the lead squad member gave hand signs to the others to split up and surrounding the target. As they did this they all activated their cloaking devices. After a few moments of walking they found their target, a female Mandalorian had landed a ship in the swamp. The lead member silently alerted the Prudii Kyr'am compound of their findings. The Mortem Squad kept their distance but have surrounded [member="Mirshko Betna"] watching her every move awaiting the word from command base on what to do about her.


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

The back of her neck tingled as she made her way slowly through the darkened swamp. She had hoped for some time to think and to figure out what to do next, but it seemed that was not to be. The sounds of the swamp were somewhat soothing. But that did not dissuade Mirshkoo from her current focus. She honestly had zero idea what to expect from any Mandalorians might be here.

Frowning, she dropped her hand towards the disruptor pistol at her hip for a moment before she changed her mind. She wasn't here to hurt anyone. She wanted time and space to clear her head. The stealth field of the Hyperion armor was mostly visual in nature, as she well knew. With a deep breath, she concentrated on blending her presence into the Force that flowed around her. Whether she would be able to fool any sensors, she didn't know. It had been a long time since she even tried.

With a sigh, she closed her fingers around the dinu'ul that was attached to her hip. As she slid her fingers into the grip, she unwound the bes'briik from around her waist with her other hand. She got the sense that they considered her a threat of some kind. Which she wasn't - but they didn't know that. Her senses prickled as she felt them closing the circle around her. She shifted her feet and breathed out. Maybe someone would notice the fact that she'd intentionally picked non-lethal weapons.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Swamps, Kyrayc



The Mortem squad got orders to detain and question [member="Mirshko Betna"]. The squad moved in on her seeing her despite her stealth, the troopers had Thermal vision ti see her heat signature and special HUD equipment to see her and then they deactivated their cloaking devices revealing themselves to the female Mandalorian. Suddenly mirshko would find herself surrounded by two dozen black armored legion special forces troopers, guns at the ready aimed at her. One particular troop lowered his gun and stepped closer, his feet in boots splashing through the swamp as he got closer to her. He begin to speak to her and when he spoke his voiced was altered like with a voice sounds like It's coming through a comlink.

Excuse me Ma'am, we were on patrol and noticed you wearing Beskar'gam. We reported it to our command as only non affiliated Mandalorian Empire members are allowed on Kyrayc. So we were given strict orders to question you. I'm Lieutenant Bryer of the Grim Legion, a Private Mercenary Military that works for the Mandalorian Clan, Prudii Kyr'am. Prudii Kyr'am owns controlship of Kyrayc. So I ask, who are you, what's your purpose on Kyrayc and who are you affiliated with?

Lieutenant Bryer keeps his rifle lowered watching the young woman using his HUD to scan her watching for any possible threats. He watches her movements as he casually awaits for a reply on his questions.


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

She sighed. Apparently, in spite of the stealth tech, she was still detectable. She frowned a moment and fiddled with the control interface on her wrist. An instant later, the stealth field flickered and died. Truth be told, the effects of the field generated by the Hyperion armor she wore were mostly visual in nature. Something she'd have to work on, she reminded herself. In her left hand glowed the activated dinu'ul. She wasn't messing around. And in her left, waited the coiled bes'briik. She wasn't about to take chances.

After a moment to appraise the situation, she turned her gaze to the one who had spoken. All he would see was her helmet's visor, however. There were a few beats of silence as she looked around at the group arrayed around her. "Lieutenant Bryer. Do you always assume that those unknown you are a threat? Have I threatened anyone? Have I hurt anyone? No."

Her eyes would narrow behind her visor as she lowered her dinu'ul and bes'briik... but only slightly. "My name is Mirshko. And as to whom I am associated with.." she would pause, and rotate her right hand to poke a few controls on her gauntlet. She didn't feel it was safe to speak the clan name... but she had a feeling the sigil might be recognized. In a moment, a hologram would appear, flickering to life from her gauntlet's holo emitter. It was the Betna Sigil.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Swamps, Kyrayc



Lieutenant Bryer watched [member="Mirshko Betna"] decloak herself then answered his questions. He noticed the dinu'ul and the bes'briik. He listened to her answer with questions. Listen, I ask the questions, no we don't treat everyone as threats on Kyrayc, only those affiliated with the Mandalorian Empire. Your wearing Beskar'gam that means only 1 of 3 things, 1 your with the Empire, 2 your wearing stolen Beskar'gam, or 3 your a lone wolf Mandalorian. Now answer my question.

Mirshko then answered his next question by activating a hologram showing the Betna insignia. Bryer took a picture of the Insignia with his HUD and send it to A'den Kyr'am.

A'den received the photo and studied it. A'den got a very focused look on his face when he realized what symbol that was. Bring her to me.

Yes sir,Bryer looks to Mirshko. Our commander wishes to meet with you, you can leave your ship here, it will be safe here.


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

At that, she sighed. It seemed things were about to get more complicated. She took a slow breath and then nodded. She wasn't entirely happy with the situation, either. And it seemed like she didn't have all that much choice in the matter. They seemed to be just as wary and uncertain of her and her intentions as she was of theirs. Several long seconds passed as she considered the situation carefully. Then she made her decision. The hum of the activated dinu'ul vanished as she shut it down and reattached it to her belt. This was followed soon after by the bes'briik being returned to it's place as well.

"Do you mind...?" she asked softly, indicating the men surrounding them with weapons still drawn using her chin. A deep breath mostly settled her sudden case of nerves. She wasn't familiar with whoever this Prudii Kyr'am was... or what their intentions were. For now, she simply waited, her senses alert for any other possible dangers. She wasn't going to resist.. yet. But she didn't entirely trust them, either.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Swamps, Kyrayc



Lieutenant Bryer watched [member="Mirshko Betna"] and listened to her request. Bryer nodded to the rest of the troops and they all lowered their weapons. Bryer turned on the heel of his boot swished through the swamp water as he walked towards their ship. Follow me. The rest of the troops enclosed on mirshko to follow behind. Bryer was taking them to the Prudii Kyr'am compound in the jungles that was 650 miles due south.


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

Mirshko sighed for a moment as she looked around at the group. She could feel that they meant her no harm, but she was still cautious. As the rest lowered their weapons and moved in to create a cordon around her, Mirshko frowned. Whoever this Prudii Kyr'am was, someone seemed to know of her. She wasn't yet sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She'd find out soon enough, either way. She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves as she followed Bryer through the swamps. There was something about them that she found... oddly soothing. It wasn't something she could really put her finger on.

They continued on in silence until they reached Byer's ship. Mirshko didn't have much to say to them really. She didn't know who they were. What she did know was that they had no love for the Mandalorian Empire. Much as she did. Especially after what they'd done to her home. She squeezed her eyes shut against the images that pushed their way to the surface once more. Once they'd reached the ship, she sank into one of the seats back from the loading ramp, but still facing it. Such a location gave her a rather good vantage, and she found it somewhat comforting.

The journey itself was spent in relative silence, with the exception of the muffled comm traffic that she could hear from the soldiers around her. She absently busied herself with checking over her dinu'ul and besbriik. It was a habit that she found to be calming. Especially since she was heading into a situation where she didn't know what to expect. She didn't much care what they thought about the habit, either. She was mainly trying to calm her nerves.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Prudii Kyr'am Outpost, Kyrayc



The flight to the compound was long and quiet, not an eerie quiet but a subtle quiet. Once the ship arrived in the jungle everything changed. It was a matter of moments now. The compound came into view. The ship landed on a landing platform. Once landed all the troops stood up as the ramp lowered. Upon exiting the sight was one to behold. A MASSIVE old military base secured with turrets and high walls, this was the Prudii Kyr'am Compound. The compound had several dozen Legion Troopers, a good handful of Mortem Squad Troopers and several several Prudii Kyr'am Clan Members all around working, sparring making the base better. One particular Mandalorian wearing black and grey armor named Kylo Kyr'am was at the honor circle teaching recruits how to fight. Much sun didn't get through the thick jungle trees, only a few rays here and there. The compound was lit up with military flood lights and torches and a few camp fires. Lieutenant Bryer looked to [member="Mirshko Betna"]. Wait here, I'll get our commander. Lieutenant Bryer marched off towards one of the bigger buildings leaving Mirshko alone in front of the ship as the rest of the troops from the ship dispersed to various places.


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

It was.. strange. Almost surreal. Mirshko watched as the troopers filed off of the ship and dispersed. She didn't know where they went off to, and she supposed it didn't matter. A knot of nervousness had settled in her stomach once more, and she breathed out slowly trying to disperse it. Not that it helped overly much. After a few moments, she made her way down the ramp and looked about the area. In some ways, it reminded her of the Betna homestead. But in other ways, it was clearly a military installation.

She sighed softly and nodded as Bryer spoke. It was nerve-wracking enough to be in a place with which she was unfamiliar. Her gaze traveled around the compound for several moments, studying it's layout and observing its inhabitants. Her gaze rested on Kylo Kyr'am for several long moments as she frowned. SHe wasn't sure what to make of this whole situation. And even though she sensed no ill will from them, she was still wary. After a moment, she dropped down on the edge of the boarding ramp and dropped one of her many knives from it's hiding place and began to sharpen it absently. She found the habit calming.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder

Prudii Kyr'am Outpost, Kyrayc



Bryer stepped out of the building with a very tall Mandalorian, he was wearing Beskar'am that was painted red and black. He wore a waist cape that was black, with a red waist sash down his front, a black sash over his chest that had a medal on it with a piece of parchment hanging from it with the Resol'nare in it. On his belts he had another medal and a Mandalorian mask. His back had two beskads and a brown shoulder cape that was blowing in the breeze. His Buy'ce had the traditional T visor but the T visor was designed like the face of a Skull.


The Mandalorian walked with Bryer up to [member="Mirshko Betna"], when A'den arrived he towered over the girl as A'den stood nearly 6'8" A'den spoke to her. A'den's Voice Welcome to Prudii Kyr'am compound. I'm the Alor of Prudii Kyr'am. My aliit owns this planet, now please explain to me how you have that emblem you showed Bryer here, I know that insignia. A'den watched her close through his T visor


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

Mirsho watched the pair cross the space from the building to where she stood. The figure with Byer was rather imposing, but Mirshko wouldn't let that distract her from what she was focused on. She took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders as she pulled the holoprojector from a belt pouch once more. Holding it in her right hand, she reached up with her left to unseal her helmet and remove it. She had the distinct sense that she needed to show him her face.

She held his gaze as she gripped the lower edge of her helmet in her fingers, the holoprojector still in her right hand. "I possess this emblem because it is the symbol of my family. My name...... is Mirshko Betna. Anija was my mother."


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder



A'den watched the woman remove her helmet, refusing to remove his, he looked at her knowing some of her facial features were familiar, but couldn't place it. Once she spoke and stated who she was, A'den was taken back by this statement. Standing before him was the daughter of a women he once loved. A'den shaking his head and hiding his emotions replied to her statement.

So prey tell then, if you're the daughter of former Mand'alor, what are you doing here and what has become of Anija?

A'den was curious for this answer, he himself was also once Mand'alor, back in 245 ABY, but now he was just a simple Alor.

[member="Mirshko Betna"]


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

At his rather blunt question, Mirshko sighed heavily. She was still coming to grips with it herself and found it hard to wrap her mind around at times. After a moment, she lowered the hand which held the holoprojector before slipping it back into a pouch on her belt. "I.... can't really give you a definitive answer on your first question, Alor." she replied quietly yet firmly after a moment. "I suppose I'm trying to find my way back to the Mando'ade."

She sighed once more. "I was away for a year or so training, and when I returned, I found Manda'yaim to have been devastated by the Cataclysm. I have not seen nor heard anything from either of my parents. My father is still missing. As to my mother..." she slumped slightly. " I recently was reunited with a friend of my parents who has helped me in my search for her." She wanted so much to just curl up in a corner and grieve, but she knew that wasn't an option.

So, she lifted her chin and held his gaze as she chewed on her lower lip for a moment. "My mother.... is dead." The words sounded hollow even to her own ears. It was the first time she'd dared to utter them, and she bit down on her lower lip> She shook her head, still not wanting to fully accept it. "From what I've been able to find out, she and my father had returned to defend their home following the Cataclysm. They went up against Death Watch and ... lost badly. My mother died in that battle. My father... I don't know." She frowned and lifted a hand to briefly pinch at the bridge of her nose. For now, she kept any mention of her...abilities out of the conversation.


Prudii Kyr'am Alor/Mandalorian Elder



A'den listened to her say she didn't have an answer for being on Kyrayc. Then she said Anija was dead. It felt like someone just cut through A'den with a lightsaber, his heart sank. Sad emotion ran across his face but it couldn't be seen hidden behind the emotionless Grim Reaper T visor. He also heard the part about her father. A'den shook off his feelings for now looking around the camp and then back to her.

You're welcome to stay here, I'm having your ship brought to our hangars. We can help you find your father if he's alive. As for your mother, my condolences. Prove yourself useful around here, and you might be welcome into Clan Kyr'am, right now we are prepping for war against the Confederacy of Independent systems as they are invading Eshan. Talk to our war master or battle master to see if you can help in anyway, they will be located over in the training grounds near Kylo, also ask around, many things need to be done, I'm sure someone has something you can do, any questions?

A'den waited for her reply.


Mirshko Betna

Daughter of Arrbi and Anija
[member="A'den Kyr'am"]

Mirshko frowned for a moment, clutching her helmet by it's lower rim as she regarded him. She hadn't seen nor heard anything about her father in months - almost a year now. And yet there were whispers that he'd met much the same fate as Mom. She sighed then and followed his gaze around the camp for a few moments.

"I fear that there is very little left - if anything of Betna these days. I have been unable to reach others of my clan. And have only encountered one or two outside the clan itself whom I trust.." she continued quietly yet firmly after a moment. "Present company included..." She was, of course, referring to Muad. Though, if he knew of her friend, Mirshko didn't know. She frowned again at his last question. "Uhm.. where can I stay? I mean I could sleep in my ship, but that gets rather uncomfortable after a while."

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