Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Shadows in the Smog

It is said that if you look hard enough, you can find the most interesting people in the Galaxy on the streets of Nar Shaddaa. However, the lower levels of the ecumenopolis are so lightless and filthy that you would have difficulty finding any metal surface not covered in a layer of grease and dirt. This sordid environment meant that a person could quite simply disappear into the twisting alleyways, and never be seen again.

This morose maze was being navigated by Zengel Felgreen for his current assignment. He had been tracking this particular criminal from Christophsis to here on Nar Shaddaa. Killing this one would be no simple task. As he prowled the alleyways, Felgreen gripped his blaster with both hands, and clenched teeth. He felt ready for anyth—

Suddenly, Felgreen heard a loud clattering noise behind him. He rapidly turned around, aiming his blaster in the direction of the clatter. Before he fired it, he saw that the noise’s culprit was nothing but a particularly ugly rodent. Felgreen merely shook his head, and continued onwards.

The truth was, he could meet anything down here. Felgreen was fairly certain that whether or not it was his target, he would meet someone down here. Whether they would help him or hinder him, time would tell.
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Crane Baxa

There was a collective murmur barely in the hearing range of this mysterious Felgreen but he can hear it loud and clear. From afar, there was a group of rather burly looking gangsters...which is polite with the words towards gangsters, around a rather large set of long yet narrow containers. Inside each one was four sets of blasters, notably Nadir Repeater Blaster Carbines. Each person had a turn to pick one up and examine them, they were unpowered as they clearly had no power packs in them. A voice rang out, a bit squeaky but it came from a small Chadra-Fan being sitting on a much more massive box, flanked by two N5-1 Exterminator Droids.

"It has some heft yes, but the recoil is non-existent. You will be able to spray down fifty bolts within a few seconds, option to switch to ionic mode for those wishing to take down more...electronic like targets. Only bad news, it only works in close ranges such as this and there is only fifty rounds to a power cell. Still for your average...hit and run I assume you be doing, this will do the job and far more. Price is a grand a blaster, non-negotiable."

"I think we can manage that Rat Man. What about if we needed to really level a speeder?"

"There are options...but go over there first, make sure your comfortable...then we discuss heavy ordnance."

Zengel Felgreen Zengel Felgreen
Crane Baxa

Felgreen continued prowling the alleyways, his eyes scanning for his target. This particular stretch was illuminated only by electric signs that gave off a dull green glow. He looked at the electronic watch on his wrist. It would officially be nighttime soon, but that hardly mattered here. Many of this moon’s inhabitants had never even seen daylight.

Somewhere above him, Felgreen heard footsteps. They were moving quickly, and from the sound of them, were on a flimsy metal platform of some kind. He looked up, towards the direction of the noise, and saw a shadowy figure climbing the stairs of one of the few remaining structures which still possessed a fire-escape. It was so old, it looked just about ready to fall over. Felgreen rapidly began climbing up the metal bars of the fire escape, with frightening determination. The target saw this, and began running faster itself. However, the fire escape was not going to support the weight of this chase. With a loud, metal screech, it completely collapsed, sending both Felgreen and his target crashing down to the alleyway below.

Felgreen sat up, and saw that both he and his target had landed in the middle of a group of unsavory-looking individuals, surrounded by large crates. Most of them stared at Felgreen and his target with a mixture of surprise and anger. Their silence only added to the tension. Clearly this was not going to be an open-and-shut job for Felgreen.
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Crane Baxa

Before the conversation could have went anywhere or even got towards negotiating a price, a loud set of sounds resounded around them. The Chadra-Fan and the droids quickly drew their blasters as they awaited, looking around before the screech occurred and sent them crashing between the party. The other gangsters of course were drawing the weapons from the crates and aiming...even if not powered, it was enough of a statement. While the two droids were holding what appeared to be sonic weaponry, the Chadra-Fan held a fragmentation shotgun, old yet still useful as it was the size of him...but he held it was expert ease.

"Well then...whosa are all of yousa? N-2, run scans of these two through ID Database One through Six. I recommend neither of you move at this time."

Slowly getting up from his strange perch of a crate like chair, he moved as he slowly moved in a half circle around to keep his eyes on them. The soft tink was all that could be heard when he did so, a visible lightsaber showing from around the Chadra-Fans belt that was front and center. Slowly stopping near the gangsters, he looked at them and made a motion, speaking Huttese as he was proficient in a few languages.

"Seen them before?"
"Nah, looks like just hunter on a prey."
"Think the Hutts are involved?"
"Could...though why us?"

This conversation seemed to be bouncing back and forth, the droids no matter what had one trained on one or the other. This...this was not a good day for anyone.
Zengel Felgreen Zengel Felgreen

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