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Approved Tech ShadowComm System

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Intent: To submit a powerful and stealthy communications system for future submissions and role-playing.​
Image Source: N/A​
Canon Link: N/A​
Permissions: N/A​
Primary Source(s):
Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali
Affiliation: Closed-Market​
Model: ShadowComm System​
Modularity: None​
Production: Unique Production​
Holo-Communications Suite:
Subspace / Standard Communications Suite:
Hyperwave Communications:
Communications Security:
Communications Counter-Security:
  • Allows enhanced anonymity, virtually untraceable and hyper-secure communications, combining multiple technologies to safeguard against tracing/intercepting signals, slicing, decryption, etc.
  • Able to monitor, intercept, decode, trace, and interrupt enemy full-spectrum communications, including those originating in hyperspace.
  • Permits full-spectrum HoloNet and communications options with enhanced signal, able to penetrate (in some cases) dense rock, metal, ion/electrical storms, or other adverse conditions.
  • Verpine miniaturization technologies allow it to be mounted on starfighter-sized ships, small transport vessels, or vehicles, however its smaller size means lowered relative range and capabilities as compared to systems used on large military-grade capital ships.
  • Virtually Invincible to Jamming: The equipment used in this design is very hard to hack into.
  • Able to Transmit through Rock and Metal: The equipment used in this design can penetrate through most rock and even plates of metal.
  • Real-time Translation Capability: Thanks to the computer-assisted TranLang III module, real-time translation is made possible in several million languages and dialects.
  • Self-Healing: The bio-tech components used in this design can heal if they damaged, usually over a period of several hours to a few days, provided the damage is not too excessive.
  • Hardened to EMP/Ion: The systems’ design is, at every level, protected and shielded against EMP/Ion strikes.
  • Difficult to Slice: The signal transmissions, if they can be intercepted at all, are encrypted to various levels which at their highest are nearly impregnable to break.
  • Excellent stealth communications package ensures untraceable, highly-encrypted long-range communications.
  • Enables passive monitoring, signal tracing, and jamming/interruption, while safeguarding anonymity and un-traceability for the user.
  • Enables full-spectrum holonet and holo-communications capabilities.
  • Highly Complex: Uses a variety of complex components and software, making it very difficult to easily repair depending on the level of damage and can make parts hard to replace in some corners of the galaxy.
  • Only as Good as the Other End: Encryption and decryption is great, and this system is great for it, but if the receiver on the other end can’t keep up, it’s all for nothing. This system works to the lowest-common-denominator-setting, which can make messages easier to intercept and decode.
  • Fickle: Due to its bio-tech components, it can be susceptible to radiation and succumb to viruses and diseases, if steristeel casing is compromised system becomes vulnerable to biological damage.
  • Hard, Not Limitless: A strong-enough EMP/Ion strike can knock the system offline, requiring a complete reboot of the system, which can take as much as an hour.
  • Size Matters, No Matter What Yoda Says: The scaled-down size limits the range and capability of this system, meaning that it just can’t compare with, or stand up to, massive military-grade systems and technologies like those found on dedicated communications-intercepting/jamming star destroyers or SSDs.
  • Feed Me: Heavy power draw makes this system unable to operate with most independent power cells and requires deriving power from the vessel’s main power system instead, meaning that if the ship’s reactor is disabled, communications using this system are virtually impossible without another power source of the same scale.
The ShadowComm represents the highest and furthest development of long-range stealth communications and surveillance espionage technology, a system designed to detect, monitor, decrypt, and disrupt enemy communications while simultaneously allowing users to make and maintain anonymity, security, and consistency over vast distances and rigorous conditions, even to move terrific amounts of data at blazingly high speeds about the galaxy. Shielded against EMP/Ion disruption and damage, amazingly hard to jam or slice, and able to reach across the stars with crystal clear signal, the ShadowComm is an impressive leap forward in communications technology.​
Sure, it’s complex and yes, it requires a beast of a power source, and of course, it’s finicky and risks being compromised by biological perils, but then so is Visanj, so….​
The fact remains, the ShadowComm will ensure quantum-level encryption and security, even safeguarding user’s anonymity, using a variety of mediums: Hyperwave communications, subspace and radionics, even holographics. It can bypass all but the densest rock and metal, meaning communications and data transfers can occur when whipping through the guts of a Death Star or the twisting caverns of a far-away asteroid. But this isn’t where its capabilities begin or end.​
Endowed by its creator with the ability to passively scan and monitor a host of communications channels, frequencies, and types, this little device is something akin to a scaled-down Ranger Transceiver, and just as potent though will lowered range regarding this activity. At that same lessened range, it can intercept and decode encrypted transmissions, translate millions of languages and codes, and – if the user wishes – silence all but the most powerful signals, making it perfectly capable of acting as an orbital ‘listening post’ and shutting down or disrupting enemy communications almost at will. Personal communicators, vehicle comms, starfighters, freighters, even smaller capital ships like corvettes and light frigates can usually be interrupted using the ShadowComm, all with the source of their consternation carefully and almost imperviously shrouded in mystery. Against bigger arrays, like those found on large military-grade ships or installations, the ShadowComm lacks the power to interrupt, but can still monitor and decipher them with excellent efficiency in most cases.​

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