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Approved Tech [Shadow Tech Industries] Trickster Mine

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Intent: To create a more deadly upgraded version of old explosive trip mine technology
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Shadow Tech Industries - STI
Model: Trickster Mine
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Durasteel, electronic components
Classification: Ranged Mine
Size: Stationary
Length: .3 meters
Weight: 5 kg
Ammunition Type: Grenades
Ammunition Capacity: 6
Effective Range: up to 20 m
Rate of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Special Features: The mine can fire multiple grenades to stop a determined advancing force.
Description: What you have here is a good old fashion mine. The design is based of the old LX-4 Proton Mine from old in that it utilizes a lot of the same technology. For instance, this mine still posses the same two detection systems the old model had. The first being a heat sensor to detect the body heat of incoming enemy units. And the second being a gravity sensitive sensor able to detect magnetic disturbances of passing vehicles. The sensor in this case though, has been dialed up a bit to detect smaller amounts of metal such as the amount present in guns or even grenades. (A capability achieved with a $100 metal detector from today's tech) It makes it much more dangerous as now nothing can pass through the mine field without setting off the device. Not even small droids. This drawback was found to be acceptable as it is designed for those that do not wish anything to pass through no matter what.

The major difference between this model and the old LX-4 is both the type of explosive used, ammo capacity, and its reusability. With 6 explosives attached to the mains sensor, an enemy can be lured into believing the area is clear once the first mine goes off, just to be met by a second....and third...and so on. The explosive used can be any type of grenade. I.E., Frag, Cryo, Thermal Detonator, etc. This gives the mine great versatility to be adaptable and used in whatever situation is deemed fit.

The sensor and launcher module that the explosives attach to however, is completely reusable. So if a mine runs out of ammunition to lob at the enemy, it can be reloaded for later use. This saves the customer 500 credits per reload. Also like its older cousin, it can only be deactivated by detonation. Yet another serious drawback which could limit friendly troop movement through the lines. The blast radius of the weapon is anywhere from 5-20 meters depending on the type of grenade used in the device.

Mines come in different camo motifs to better fit in with their different surrounds and not be so easily detected. It is recommended to dig a shallow (15-22cm / 6"-9") hole to lower the mine in to. Bury the device as best as you can (for better concealment), but make sure the explosives themselves are not covered so as to prevent proper firing. Failure to keep the explosives clear will result in premature detonation and destruction of the entire device along with any extra charges that might still be present.

Warning! This mine if very sensitive to metal. Use on metal rich worlds or too close to buildings will more than likely result in instant detonation upon activation.

Disclaimer: This is to not the the item being purchased is only the sensor/launcher device itself. Explosives are NOT included in the purchase of this device.

How it works:
The device is self is a rotating platform which grenades are inserted into. After entering what type of grenade is being used, and the grenades blast specifications into the simple interface, the device is armed and becomes active in 30 seconds. From that point on, anything that steps within 20 meter sensor range of the mine will soon find grenades being hurled there way until the mine is empty. The mine itself only has a range of 20 meters. Essentially just far enough so that if class A thermal detonators are used, the blast radius won't include the mine itself.
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I'm Sexy and I Know It
Alright. Sorry for the delay, let's get to work. Loooots of issues I'm seeing here.

First, this is, in short and sweet terms, a reusable LX-4 Proton Mine with a thermal detonator twist. Now, I'm seeing what you're trying to do and I can applaud the effort, but this type of weapon contradicts itself. Buried mines are generally a one shot type deal, primarily because they self detonate. The LX-4 even states that the weapon is self-detonating:

The LX-4 proton mine was a self-detonating defensive mine produced by Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. for use by the Imperial Military.
Self-detonating and self-destruction are generally synonymous. Also, you're trying to create a weapon that acts like a canon, buried proton mine, but does the damage of a thermal detonator. Now, thing is that thermal detonators are far from being described as "reusable" in any way. The blast radius of this weapon is 20 meters, as you've stated. The weapon also uses the destructive power of a thermal detonator, which means that it will vaporize anything within the 20 meter blast radius. This means that, with a buried mine, you've just vaporized your own, reusable mine and sympathetically detonated the other charges in the mine.

Ice said:
The explosive used is the same material used in thermal detonators. The purpose of this was to vaporize whatever stepped into the detection field so that the sensor wouldn't be hampered by debris from the previous targets.

Ice said:
The blast radius of the weapon is also like its predecessor at 20 meters.

So, with that stated, we can move on to the conclusion here. If you want this to remain as is, no changes to function at all, you'll need to include the weakness that it'll blow itself up before it can utilize the other explosives in the weapon as it's a buried mine based on a self detonating design. You'll also need to include, since small amounts of metal nearby can set this mine off (ie. grenades, ammo, belt buckles, etc.), that arming this mine while buried in metal rich soil or near metallic rocks, ores, buildings, etc. will detonate the mine. No dev thread, no real edits, two major drawbacks/flaws in the design. Sure, it's not as cool as a multi-explosion, thermal detonator-esque mine, but you never know. Sell it to someone you don't like and have them try and ambush Mandos with the stuff on Myrkr (a metal rich planet. Seriously, it's everywhere. Even in the trees. Messes up electronics and stuff). It'd make one heck of a Trickster mine even then, just not the way it was intended.

Now, if you're trying to make a directional mine, then this isn't going to be buried. I know the US military (and most likely errybody else who owns a military in a first world country) has designs to make a landmine that does the multi-shot direction stuff, so it's not impossible. If that's the case, you're gonna have to go through and remove the references to buried mines and the like. Heck, if it's a directional mine, then it's nothing like the LX-4 which resembles something more akin to a factory produced and "officially sanctioned" IED. If this is the route you wanna go, then you'll need to rewrite this mine description and make it clear what it does and how it functions as a directional mine.

Regardless of how you go about it, @ mention me and we'll see where to go from there.

Interesting observations. Makes sense to me. Edits made. :) And thanks for your time, I appreciate it.

Let me know if the changes are acceptable. I'm kind of trying to keep the burried aspect while not having the buried aspect so it isn't so easily detected. But like I said, let me know if that works for you. The device now has 4 drawbacks.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Alright. We're on the right track, but there's still some bits and pieces to fix.

I understand you're trying to make a landmine that is hard to detect, but I'm thinking you're going about it the wrong way to an extent. You're not always going to be able to bury a mine, meaning you may have to set it on top of the ground or conceal it differently. The idea of a mine that a stationary, hidden explosive set as a trap will deter an enemy from attacking or moving in that area. With that said, there's two key words here: 'Hidden' and 'deter'.

Hidden does not necessarily mean buried. In WWII, German troops would place anti-personnel mines called Bouncing Betties in pretty much everything. Walls, desks, pianos, file cabinets, ceilings, floors, etc. Mines are also primarily used as a deterrent. After the first explosion goes off, 9 times out of 10 you immediately realize there are far more than likely going to be far more. At that point, you call up engineers to clear the fields.

Also, you have three different types of mine categories. There are subcategories, but these are the main three.

Buried mines are just that: Buried. They're designed to be concealed under the ground and triggered by someone stepping on it or a vehicle rolling over it. They blow up, destroy the vehicle overtop, or destroy the leg of the poor dogface who stepped on it. These are both tricky and extremely simple. You set them and people step on them. That said, they have to either step on them or step near them, meaning that someone who knows what they're doing, or is made of pure luck, can get by them to an extent. That said, however, these are often the more devastating mines and carry the largest charges.

Projected mines are mines that are launched in a direction before exploding. Think a bouncing betty from WWII. Once triggered, it launches itself a set distance, usually a meter or two, into the air before detonating and launching shrapnel in all directions. This is less for vehicles and more for anti-personnel purposes. The mines tend to target the upper bodies and head of the enemy and the shrapnel has a wide radius as the blast is projected outwards from above the ground and not upwards from beneath it. These are rather ineffective against vehicles and fairly nasty against foot soldiers.

Directional mines are mines that are a sort of blend of buried and projected. They're set statically like the others and can be buried as well if need be. When triggered, they project all shrapnel and/or blast in one direction, hence the term 'directional.' Think a modern day Claymore mine. These are excellent for area denial against infantry troops, though not so much against vehicles. The mines are generally designed to target the entire body of the enemy, or at least what is exposed. Due to the amount of shrapnel and blast going in one, single direction, those hit with this are often killed instantly or wish they were killed instantly.

Now, what you're making is a multi-fire projected mine. In layman's terms, it's kind of like a stationary grenade launcher that launches thermal detonators at targets. If this isn't the case, you'll need to explain it a bit better lol

With that in mind, however, you'll need to include a range of explosive projection and how this thing targets enemies it detects. If you haven't included a detection range, you'll need to include that as well.

Lastly, as a Tier II and with this landmine being so expensive, despite it's re-usability, I'll have to ask this to be reduced to limited. With a comprehensive dev thread of 10+ posts I can see this being minor production. Anything higher would need at least 30+ and multiple writers due to the cost and company size.
While I'm not sure why a price tag would suddenly make something difficult to mass produce, in light of your comments I have decided to alter the device some.

These changes are that instead of specialized thermal detonators only. It now accept any type of traditional grenade. All of which are NOT included in the purchase of the device.

So essentially, all you are buying is the sensor/launcher mine itself. And not the grenades. This allows me to sell the device for a mere few hundred credits a piece as well as makes it much more versatile and open to people with more limited budgets and/or different deterrent needs.

It should also be noted that as I'm trying to tier up to level 3, I am required to make 3 things at mass produced level. Which is the intention of producing something as simple as this device.

Does this work for you?



I'm Sexy and I Know It
I'm at work so I can't really go over it comprehensively, but I can address the cost bit. It wasn't the price tag, it was a line you placed in with the phrase "expensive" or "cost prohibitive" in the description. That's what I was looking at for that bit. I'm off at 00:00 so I'll try to look at this again tonight if I get a chance.
Ice said:
It makes it much more dangerous as now nothing can pass through the mine field without setting off the device. Not even small droids. This drawback was found to be acceptable as it is designed for those that do not wish anything to pass through no matter what.
Please specify that it is metal that cannot pass through, as your sensor bit prior describes. If not, then this must be removed.

Ice said:
The major difference between this model and the old LX-4 is both the type of explosive used, ammo capacity, and its reusability. With 6 explosives attached to the mains sensor, an enemy can be lured into believing the area is clear once the first mine goes off, just to be met by a second....and third...and so on. The explosive used can be any type of grenade. I.E., Frag, Cryo, Thermal Detonator, etc. This gives the mine great versatility to be adaptable and used in whatever situation is deemed fit.
How exactly is your mine reusable? What is to stop one explosive from setting off the rest (as explosives would), and also destroy the material? This is made of durasteel, something which would be completely destroyed by a thermal detonator. I suggest changing the material used into a more durable metal or otherwise remove the tidbit on being reusable, unless the explosives are so small that they would not effect the durasteel itself.

All that being said, I will stand with Popo's request for a development thread, albeit of at least 10 posts for your requested production rather than 30 (as you have a tier 3 company as well, I can reason with financial backing). This may be a contract, or simply an acquisition of funds necessary from some NPC. Be aware that the work you put in is what you get out.
The sentence before your quote mentions specifically metal.
As mentioned, it is a launcher. After detecting a threat, it launches the grenade at its target causing the grenade to explode out of range of the launcher so as not to damage it.
Popo's request for a dev thread was when it was an all inclusive device using only thermal detonators and costing 12,500 credits for each fully loaded device. I then modified it to be nothing more than the launcher/sensor itself (grenades of whatever type are an extra cost not included with the purchase of this). As an item costing a mere 500 credits and being pretty low tech, I was hoping I would be allowed to mass produce without a dev thread. Is this not an acceptable trade off?

[member="Darth Vitium"]
I missed the last portion of your submission (the "How does this work" part), wherein you explain it was a mortar, and not a mine. That being said, although you clarify it at that point, at the bottom of your submission it then states:

Ice said:
After entering what type of grenade is being used, and the grenades blast specifications into the simple interface, the device is armed and becomes active in 30 seconds. From that point on, anything that steps within 20 meter sensor range of the mine will soon find grenades being hurled there way until the mine is empty.

This entirely contradicts what has been stated above, in pertaining to metal versus any other material. I cannot leave these sort of details up to conjecture, every point you make a statement that has an exception needs to list that exception either before or after it to explicitly ensure anyone who uses this does not attempt to misuse it and have this reported.

All of this being said, your weapon is a ranged weapon and this does not fit that format if such is true. Please utilized the ranged weapon template.
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