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Approved Location Shadow Port Ticon

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Name: Shadow Port Ticon

Image Source: ME!

Intent: Ton serve as hidden starport for the Red Ravens, Smugglers Alliance and other Criminal types. Also will serve as the head quarters for Ticon Industries

Classification: This is a starport and manufactory on the top level, complete with workshop. The bottom level is hidden underground by a secret turbolift which contains a Cantina where underworld business can be conducted.

Location: The location is on sanctuary, next to the Galactic Liberation Front HQ.

Affiliation: Red Ravens, The Smugglers Alliance, and any other Underworld

Description: The Shadow port Ticon serves as a tucked away space port and cantina where various underworld elements can conduct business. The top portion of the port is dome shaped structure housing several dry-docks for medium sized ships. Within the confines of the top floor there are multiple stations.

The shadowport includes a salvage melting foundry, which can melt down spare parts and metal into liquid form. From here it can be moved into various molds on the manufactory line where it is pressed and supercooled. At the end of this process it can be added to another station complete with droid arms and welding teams. The pieces can be assembled into spaceship parts ranging from major capitol ship parts to smaller parts.

The purpose of the shop is make various parts and eventually small amounts of customized arms and armor.

Down below there is a Cantina, accessible only by a hidden turbolift that is in a specific portion of the wall. The pass codes for the turbolift is a discreet piece of sheet metal that is actually a biometric scanner. The scanner reads the fingerprints of the individual and allows the lift to open if authorized.

Manual authorization can be done from the cantinas enclosed bar as well.

The Cantina is also laid out as a circle, with the innermost portion being an enclosed bar space, which blast shields can slide down and enclose, protecting the occupants from small to medium arms fire.

The outer circle after that is large open space, which serves as dance floor and a deterrent to would be attackers, giving staff time to react.

The outer most ring is a dimly lit ring of chairs tables and booths, in which business can be conducted or drinks shared between friends.

Outside the dome there are twenty point defence lasers ranged around the base to protect the structure from unwanted invasion by smaller craft.

While the dome posses no shields, it is only accessible by a retractable portal at the top which opens and closes by manual direction or with the proper codes. Here ships enter and then lower into the dry docks or simply park in any open space to visit.

The only man sized entrance is durasteel blast door on the western side of the structure, large enough for only one humanoid at a time to enter, thus making it defensive fatal funnel.

History: The structure was an abandoned warehouse close to the GLC communications/HQ building on Sanctuary. After meeting with Regor Laxvan, the Galactic Liberation Front commander, Colap struck a deal to use the building. The deal was a free retrofit and discounted repairs on Regors fleet, in exchange for a safe haven.

The sub cellars over time were converted by worker droids and various freed slaves paid a wage by Colap.

After the cellars were complete the workshop was set up. A team of mercs was brought in to finalize the development of the structure, with some minor mishaps, including a welding droid rampage.

Development thread Below

Links: Shadow Port Ticon.
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