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Character Seydon of Arda

Profile Adaptation with Permission from Qae Shena Qae Shena
Seydon of Arda ~ Dunaan
VA: Doug Cockle
Sometimes, a fairy tale is worth fighting for.


Name: Seydon of Arda
Faction: Independent
Rank: Dunaan Huntsman
Species: Alchemical Mutant
Age: 74
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 205lb’s
Eyes: Viper Gold
Hair: White
Skin: Albino

Force Sensitive: Yes


Personal Traits
  • +/- Separate & Equal Station: At a time when the Jedi’s political marriage to the Republic pushed their numbers to stand as vanguard for every increasing expansionist policy, Seydon walked away. A firm believer in self-determination, he values his independence and ability for moral agency greatly. However, his stance has bought him few friends, and has alienated him to the path of the loner.
  • + Hard Serenity: Thanks to the rigid system of physical upbringing utilized by his teachers upon Tython and Coruscant, Seydon understands the necessity for discipline, will-power, and self-control. As such, he is not a difficult learner, at least when it comes to physical activities especially pertaining to combat or wilderness and urban survival.
  • +/- Predestined Idealist: One factor that hasn’t engendered him close to more traditional political circles is the matter of his convictions. Seydon despises bloated government, cruel dictatorship, and mercenary rule. He finds that the majority of ordinary sentients are at the mercy of despotic whims by a handful of privileged belligerents. He will argue that it is every individual’s right to self-determination, freedom, even if his vision for an open Galaxy will land him in trouble against the Powers-That-Be.
  • +/- Will Kindled: The man’s been faced with numerous, crushing trials that ordinarily would break even the most iron-backed individuals. What pushes Seydon to carry on and commit to actions that few would dare conceive is unknowable. On the one hand, he is indispensable for any company. On the other, what do you make of a man with the gumption to kill his own mother?
  • + Corded Durability: In no small thanks to the rigors of a Dunaan training regime and his own years of personal exercise, Seydon is physically indomitable and greatly hardy. His survival of a point-black blaster discharge and a shattered back is testament to his strenuous endurance.
  • +/- Always Straining Upwards: Despite precepts that precede his general reputation, the Dunaan is not a hard man to love or to return that same emotion. Seydon values the company of a loved one, of friends and those who’ve chose to call him ‘family’. It stems from a lack of one during his early youth, which makes him at times weak to tenderness, given his humble heart, and easily manipulated by anyone cunning enough to realize it.
  • - Dulled Thought: Many of the more fascinating, dazzling, and powerful abilities afforded to Force practitioners will always be out of Seydon’s reach. He simply doesn’t possess the mental acumen or ‘edge’ required. This also renders him exposed to the same powers, as his defenses are seemingly permanently retarded.
  • - Cognitive Straining: In part thanks to his actions across the Outer Rim in the company of his mother’s warband, the Sayda, Seydon has been forced to reconsider many of his most closely cherished idealisms. As such, when confronted with a conflicting situation, he often becomes brooding, cautious, and indecisive.
  • ++++/- …Heft of Endowment: ...Difficult to accommodate in some social settings. Balance Issues. Always has a weapon in hand. Larger-than-life personality. Herglic-scale. Though he always rises to the occasion, his efforts often go too far. Suffice to say, a favourite proverb of an old lover goes: “in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

Combat Abilities, and Skills
  • +++++ Parrying Longknife: Whether paired with his axe or simply by its lonesome, the lad has likewise come to take a more appreciative and reverent stance over the combat prowess of a decent battle knife. By itself, Seydon is capable of keeping even a Battlemaster at bay. Combined with his aptitude for an axe/knife combination, he is nigh unstoppable.
  • +++++ Hand-to-Hand: Dunaan Ajax’s byword for an enhanced subset of close-quarter techniques designed for life or death contact engagements. It’s curt, terse, ferociously violent, with maneuvers emphasizing massive physical trauma and demoralization. Further development has Seydon exercising an eclectic hybridization of Gand martial arts, Changa bushfighting, Echani arts, Forbelean defense techniques, Hijkata, K'Jtari, Tae-Jitsu, Stava, and K'tara.
  • ++++++ Longsword: At observing Seydon’s swordsmanship, Ajax was quick to call it a travesty. He adopted him into the classical systems of bygone Ys, inuring him to the robust precision inherent to wielding a proper longblade. Now, Seydon ranks among the last masters of the near-extinct Ysian School, a practitioner of the Bassandra manuals detailing the nuances of wielding a solid blade, and a nigh unparalleled destroyer. Example Example Example Example Example Example
  • +++++ Survivalist: Following the conclusion of the Cato Neimoidian pacification, Seydon departed Republic space, more than a little disgusted at the whoring of the Jedi Mandate in the pursuit of political profiteering… and at his own inability to affect the changes he wished. For many years, through the horrors of Roche, Donanyd, and beyond, he has wandered through the wilds of the Unknown Regions, picking up a deal of skills that helped aided his survival through harsh wild and urban environs. Including: Foraging, Herbology & Natural Medicine, Hunting, Crafting, Natural Chemistry, Basic Smithing, Tracking, Cooking, Skinning & Food Preservation, Scavenging, Trapping, and Mapping.
  • - Lack of Spiritual Reach: Offensive Force powers, abilities ranging from the more arcane and forbidden ‘Drain’ and Sith ‘Fear’, to esoteric Illusory effects and Alter Environment ‘spells’ are outside of anything Seydon could be remotely talented in. He only becomes effective when the distance is closed. Anyone with an aptitude for ranged combat, blasters, explosives, or Force power, holds a keen advantage if they can waylay his stride.

Trial of the Waters
  • Power, Durability, Speed: The Trial of the Waters lasted seven days and as many nights. For unbearable hours, Seydon suffered through pains and agonies he’d been unable to fathom prior. However, he survived, and the alchemical bath ensured permanent effects. Musculature was bolstered, granting him the might fifteen times that of an Olympian weightlifter. Incredible strength. Impossible speed. Powerful endurance. For his body to cope, the entirety of his skeletal frame became bolstered with increased ossification. Organs, connective tissues, nervous ends, down to even lowly capillaries, were reinforced alchemically and fortified.

  • Senses & Perception: With eyes dyed to gold, slit and bestial, Seydon can see in lowlight and dark conditions as clear as day, able to pick out detail with sterling clarity as well as peer into the infrared spectrum. His ears can perceive sound up to a 120khz. The taste buds atop his tongue number in the fifty thousands, four times that of an ordinary human specimen, granting extraordinary sensitivity to taste. An army of fine, microscopic hairs clothe his skin invisibly, granting an ability to measure and detect vibration both in air and solid surfaces besides tactile differentiation. And though only the nose can define and qualify smell, Seydon's brain has grown a substantial number of new olfactory receptor cells upon its lobe. He can track a Wampa through a hundred miles of Hoth snow and ice.

  • Reaction/Immunization/Longevity: His nervous system has been completely re-wired, with uncountable further ganglions and sheathes of neural material overlaid across his entire frame. Even the make-up of his grey brain-matter has been subtly altered to accommodate an increase in reactive speed. Distilling the complexities of neurophysiology to an essence: with practice, dedication, and a small mote of luck, he can pick a slug-round out of the air from as little as five yards away. With luck. Better to just deflect the damn shot. But included in the Waters were mixtures of Sith poisons, Terentatek viruses, reacting and activating to chemical enablers to infuse the Dunaan’s immune system. Unless he unknowingly or willingly digests fierce amounts of neurological poisons or otherwise potent diseases, he simply can’t get sick. An added side-effect points to a retardation of his aging cycle, granting him an increased operational period of several centuries as opposed to several decades, referenced by Ajax in relation to his own age of some seven hundred years.

  • Dark of Chaos: An added side-effect induced by exposure to blacker practices and Force magic pertains to Seydon’s inherent ‘alignment.’ Although not an exactly understood field itself, his ability to draw on ‘Lighter’ powers and disciplines has been severed. ‘Neutral’ abilities and those pertaining to the ‘Dark’ are what are left to him now. Alongside a hyperactive sensitivity to shifts in black Force power, such as those released in conducted occult rites, ‘darker’ powers, or the presence of alchemically changed creations. Such is the price of a Dunaan’s existence.

Force Talents
  • ++++ Art of Movement: The principle and exercise behind the agility philosophies of AoM grant Seydon cunning dexterity and natural speed, allowing him to scale natural and manufactured environs. He is preternaturally able to maneuver through almost any given setting.
  • +++ Force Pull/Push: Some Force practitioners can crush Durasteel with their minds, bend whole starships to warp and dance to their whim. Seydon is not so talented, but he can shove at least a handful of opponents off their feet with a concentrated mental shunt. Or pull a gaggle of blades from their hands.
  • ++++ Force Jump: To quote a stunned trainer watching the boy’s secondary performance trials on Coruscant: ‘The boy can fly!’ An overstatement for a gifted leaper.
  • +++ Force Speed: By necessity, Seydon can overcharge the muscles of his frame to push his physicality past the bounds limited by ordinary mortal shortcomings. While he’s never pushed his Force talent to see for how far, long, and swiftly he can ‘speed’ along, the lad’s been hesitant against side-effects of possible hubris.
  • ++++ Force Sense: Ordinarily, Force Sense is practiced to ‘see’ past physical boundaries and peer into the ether, catching wafts of surrounding Life force and physical auras of living beings. Seydon’s take on the ability is much more literal. With a bit of tuning, he can enhance the sensitivity of his ears’ small bones, cochlea and attached nerve. Or tickle the rods of his eyeballs to accept a little more ambient light, or open to different wavelengths of vision entirely. Literally any of the classical senses, hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell, Seroth can push to pick up on details ordinarily overlooked.
  • ++ Pyrokinesis: A rare talent outside the vaunted practices of the Kro Var Shapers, Seydon learned a skill from both Ember Rekali and materials recovered from the Chuunthor vessel that allows him to gust bursts and sustained streams of fire from his hands.
  • ++ Force Barrier: To grant himself breathing room or just to guard against sudden environmental threats, Seydon can conjure a spherical shield of guarding Force energy. However, its potency to withstand assault is dependent on will and concentration reserves, as backlash from kinetic absorption can and will break the shielding down.
  • + Force Drain: Seydon's application of the vaunted 'Drain' technique is arguably gentler than most common usages. A radial field of effect is constructed that leaches vigor and mental fortitude, slowing opponents reflexive motions and rendering them sluggish. An occasional power that more often sees application against various monsters too-quick for even his powerful Dunaan reaction speeds and strength.
  • ++ Touch of the Kiin'Dray: The Nightsisters belonging to Dathomir guard their practices and traditions with the same level of prodigious care seen visited on military resources. For all their mystique and ability, they never could account for what Ember Rekali saw fit to do with himself. So he gave Seydon a few pointers on how to bind his hands or any portion of his skin to sheer or too-slick surfaces with a touch of Force. A last ditch technique when his climbing, acrobatic, and skill with strength fail him.
  • +/- Alter Environment/Illusion/Mind Trick: The renowned and feared ‘witching’ powers, dealing with the very foundations of Force manipulation: carbon matter and mental perception. Such ways are outside of Seydon’s mental acumen to understand or apply. And this also leaves him intensely vulnerable to any practiced mentalist, Shaper, or Sorcerer. Though in part thanks to Rosa Mazhar’s patient tutelage, he can use a few Mind Tricks on occasion to help soothe more obstinate or otherwise difficult individuals.

Items & Equipment:
  • Trench Parrying Knife: Once in the possession of his mentor Shev Rayner, this Durasteel battle knife has seen some reforging and repairs to give its once nicked, warped tang a fearsome sheen and cutting edge.
  • Razorlight/Winterfang: Brother swords forged in the Age of the Gulag Plague. Razorlight, built keen with a glistening edge, Bane of Men. Winterfang, bred with the blood of Terentatek, Bane of Monsters. The tools of a Dunaan, perfect for a killing witcher.
  • Korriban Compass: One of Rave Merrill's most exclusive constructs, a rare marriage of multiple alchemic disciplines. The compass is a heavily specialized detector, able to scent out and lock onto deviant Force signatures ranging from artifacts to ranging Sithspawn. Seydon utilizes it whenever a particular beast or challenge eludes his already powerful, natural senses. While susceptible to a number of notable weaknesses, he values its robust utility when in the midst of a bind.
  • Dunaan Medallion: A guild artefact, consisting of a simple bulb of machined metal that's subsequently treated to a sorcerous ritual consisting of Dark Force energies and classical Ysian alchemy. Thereafter, the medallion is rendered sensitive to the presence of particularly strong Dark Side eddies, as well as the presence of Sithspawn and similarly Force-altered monsters, shivering and vibrating when in close proximity.
  • Field Kit: Seydon's treasured assortment of work gear. Ranging from specialized blade oils and svolten rhyolite whetstones, to a portable chem-set allowing him to concoct various potions, bombs, poisons, and other substances vital to his career as a itinerant monster-killer. Alongside well-used and often thrice-repaired wilderness survival equipment, all trussed up in an aged backpack replete with crude stitch-work and odd brackish stains burned against the tough leather.


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