Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Setting the Hunt

Cryax frowned. "There's really no way I can slice into Jedi Archives from here. They're run off completely private servers from Anaxes." He shrugged. "My hands are tied. Once we're planetside and can get into the Archives, then I can do my thing. You're all calling the shots, though. I've never been to a Jedi stronghold before."

The Chiss wished the Sovereign would tell him a bit more about this mysterious ally. He also wondered if the Sith would let him play with a lightsaber. He had a feeling that both things were out of the question.

[member="Darth Sovereign"]
Sovereign shrugged, it was worth a shot. The apprentice knew it would be next to impossible to remotely access the servers but hey a Sith could dream right? The male nodded as the Chiss responded to his inquiry, "Understood, I'll get you inside the archives but it will be up to you at that point to get what we need." An image of the exterior appeared on screen as Sovereign begun planning the mission, "We will scout out locations on the exterior of the Auxiliary Temple here and here. Take note of any ventilation hatch or opening we can exploit when nightfall comes, I will provide a distraction to draw attention away from the forward entrance during our infiltration. Any thoughts so far?"

The Sith allowed the Chiss a moment to voice any concerns for the mission at hand, unfortunately failure was not an option for Sovereign and he would not fail this test to Darth Vidar. They would use every resource available to get the job done, yet the Sith still had a wild card to play and for the moment he was holding that card close to the chest.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax studied the Hologram carefully. He paced around it, wringing his hands, and riffing out loud to Sovereign.

"There are a few problems I forsee. One is that whatever distraction you cause will need to be happening long enough for me to actually do the slicing. And I can't give you a time frame for that. It depends on how deeply the Jedi data is hidden and how powerfully safeguarded. Problem two is the issue of me being completely unprotected in the Archives while I'm actually working. I can't really slice and watch my butt at the same time."

He frowned, quickly calculating some odds in his head. Tactically this was a bad idea. But if they had another?

"Didn't you say we were meeting a Bounty Hunter here? That might even out our odds."

In the lowest levels, in the abyssal urban depths, of the great city that was Anaxes, it was a rare thing indeed to see sunlight. For the inhabitants of the baroque and gleaming cloud cutters, sky towers and superskytowers—the latter reaching as much as two kilometres high— the sun was something taken for granted, just as were the other comforts of life. Since WeatherNet guaranteed that it never rained until dusk or later, the rich golden sunlight was simply expected, in the same way that one expected air to fill one’s lungs with every breath.

But hundreds of stories below the first inhabited floors of the great towers, ziggurats, and minarets, in some places actually on or under the city-planet’s surface, it was another story. Here hundreds of thousands of humans and other species lived and died, sometimes without ever catching as much as a glimpse of the fabled sky. Here the light that filtered through the omnipresent gray inversion layer was wan and pallid. The rain that reached the surface was nearly always acidic, enough so at times to etc tiny channels and grooves into ferrocarbon foundations. It was hard to believe that anything at all could survive in these dismal trenches. Yet even here life, both intelligent and otherwise, had adjusted long ago to the perpetual twilight and structured environment.

At the very bottom of the chasms, in the variegated pulsing of phosphor lights and signs, stone mites, conduit worms, and other scavengers flourished on technological detritus. Duracrete slugs blindly masticated their way through rubble. Hawk-bats built nest near power converters to keep their eggs warm. Armored rats and spider-roaches scuttled and hunted through piles of trash two stories high. And millions of other species of opportunistic and parasitic organisms, from single-celled animalcules all the way up to those self-aware enough to wish they weren’t, doggedly pursued their common quest for survival, little different from the struggles on a thousand different jungle worlds. Down here was where the jetsam of the galaxy, a motley collection of sentients dismissed by those above simply as “the underdwellers,” eked out lives of brutality and despair. It was merely a different kind of jungle, after all.
And where there’s a jungle, there are always those who hunt.

Lily walked hurriedly through the colourful crowds that thronged the black markets. A layer of smoke and fog, a miasma of narcotics, alcohol and decaying lives thickened the air. She moved cautiously and stealthily through puddles of stuttering neon light. It wasn’t safe for her to be here. As a former Royal Guard to the One Sith, and Darth Mierin, no where in the Republic was safe for her. She slipped through crowds of various species—Bothans, Niktos, Twi’leks, and Humans—with few noticing her. A spice den opened up for her, in way of a concealed entrance. A thinly corridor stretched seemingly as far as the eye could see. Shady and less-than-honourable thugs rested themselves against the walls, murmuring to one another in intoxicated drawls. Orange luminescence shone between carved lommite, giving the wall the appearance of a thousand tiny lights that sparkled and shadowed as mysterious gangsters wandered past. She brought a transponder to her mouth, thumbing the activation device, "What's your coordinates?"

[member="Darth Sovereign"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Sovereign nodded as he listened to the slicer's concerns, "I agree, I don't know how long any distraction I can conjure will hold them off. I would be there with you but perhaps having a Sith wandering the halls of the Jedi Archives isn't the wisest idea. We will coordinate a new plan planetside, we have plenty of time." Pressing onward the vessel moved into the upper atmosphere of the capital world, the closer they came to the surface the rougher the ride became until a sudden halt to the thumping of the came. They had arrived.

Piercing the clouds above the ecumenopolis that spanned planet wide came forth the Emperor's Wrath fresh from the stratosphere moving downward toward the massive city that served as the new capital and fortress world of the Galactic Republic. As the vessel plunged downward towards the surface of Anaxes a voice filled the speakers of the cockpit, the voice of Luminous herself. Sovereign smiled as he tilted his head in the direction of Cryax, "Looks like we won't be doing it alone, hold on." The vessel picked up momentous speed as it plummeted between the golden towers toward the darkened pit known as the lower city, like any ecumenopolis the lower city served as a hub for crime and filth ridden vermin to gather in hopes of survival under the boot of local gangs and organized crime rings.

Sovereign moved the vessel into the lower city in hopes of avoiding the attention of Republic officials not that it mattered unless they needed to make a speedy retreat from the planet. The denizens of the lower city wouldn't bother to look twice they had enough problems as it was, the only concern was the local gangs but they wouldn't be planetside long enough for that to become a real concern. Lowering the vessel into an empty landing bay covered in minor debris the Emperor's Wrath touched down in the decayed abandoned space, dropping the loading ramp of the light corvette the Sith responded to his contact's message.

"Lower City 6503.72 Degrees Latitude 9371.15 Degrees Longitude. We are touched down in an abandoned docking bay."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Lily Rose"]

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