RC 212
[member="Ark Tallen"]
[member="Mad Klay Grubber"]
[member="Shane Zion"]
[member="Tyranus Collik"]
[member="Venris Helion"]
[member="Larana Holst"]
@Roth Tillian
New things are developing as we heat up. The Crew have signed on in an accord of Captains known as the Tatooine Charter. This is our self imposed guidelines, acting like a code of sorts.
[member="Ark Tallen"], is now appointed Quartemaster of the Fleet! You can now apply for your leadership posistion if you wish it. Visit the OOC for a description.
Kathlan station has fallen! It is now a joint base between us and the Underground! Feel free to RP on it, whilst I write up a submission for us!
And last but not the least by far, The Expedition to Tortuga system has begun! A pirate haven and scum hole. It sports tropical beaches, oceans and salty space dogs with booze a plenty. Come join us and write the next chapter of the Hero's of the Expeditionary Fleet!