Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Senate Staff Shuffle


The Senate, Senate District, Coruscant

Of course, Dominique was interested in why Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha wanted to be ushered into the Senate building posing as an assistant. Though the initial request hadn't conveyed all the particulars. Entirely on purpose, naturally. Mostly because they didn't want operational details ending up in the 'wrong' hands (such as the Jedi); but also because Vexx, herself, wasn't part of the group asking for her help in this matter.

Only natural they would ask. After all, they'd pledged to help her, which naturally meant she needed to help them. Oh, they wanted to keep her in her seat ensuring Denon was a fertile ground on which their criminal enterprise could flourish. That was all well and good, but it raised certain questions. How would they acquire information? Or access to sensitive locations? If they were given more, they could do more. So the price wasn't just that they cared, but they needed her to help them help her.

Dominique hadn't been caught off guard by these little details. She'd known going in. Despite what they might think, they weren't the first criminal group Vexx had dealings with. Though they did seem to be of a size that might eclipse most others in the past. Useful. Dangerous. And annoyingly secretive.

"The building has many amenities," Dominique continued as they strode down the boulevard-wide corridor of the building, "including many to ensure the safety of those within it. It is no short list, the number of times it has been targeted by the current government's enemies. It is built to withstand an assault." Though even the Senate building had its limits. Hopefully ones they would not test while she was personally present to witness their failing.

"This way." Dominique turned toward a door that part so they could ascend to another level. "If you would like to keep your time here short, perhaps you could tell me what your real interest is here?" The Senator glanced at the man that had accompanied her this far from the corner of her eye. They would walk the entire length of every floor until he saw whatever it is he wished to see; it wasn't the most expedient way nor the most discrete, but it was an option. Just how tight lipped were these people going to be? They didn't honestly believe she'd sell them out so easily, did they?

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

The Senate, Senate District, Coruscant / Kardek's Outfit / Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

The Family had many enemies. Some of those enemies were Senators who were not aware that their policies and positions within the Senate were putting them at odds with the syndicate. Nevertheless, whether aware of it or not, these enemies needed to be tempered, redirected…. controlled.

But in order for any of that to happen, they first needed to be monitored.

The rogue sported a business suit with a briefcase full of little goodies to help with such a task. He wasn't sure if it was viable to actually plant anything on a first walk through, but with Senator Vexx by his side, he didn't want to come unprepared for the possibility. Being here with her access wasn't an opportunity he wanted to pass up.

Kardek followed Vexx, a data pad in hand as he appeared to be taking notes regarding her upcoming calendar. In reality, he was taking notes on everything that he was observing from Vexx's tour of the Senate building. The man had shared little information on the outset with the Senator, but he was confident that she would be favorable towards the endeavor once she learned more details regarding its nature.

He nodded at her insights, continuing to type as they walked, remaining silent for the moment. His cover was as one of her aids, and he would not disclose any sensitive information until both himself and Vexx were confident that their words would not be overheard or recorded.

As they entered the lift, Vexx probed for more information. Kardek glanced around, looking for any signs of security surveillance. "I trust that it is safe to speak freely?" He inquired. Once she had either confirmed this to be the case or brought him to a secure location, Kardek would begin to share,

"We want to obtain leverage over the senators that voted for intervention on Denon." He said in a soft voice. "Leverage, as well as gaining an advantage in knowing what they might be planning before it arrives on the Senate floor. This will give us…" He raised an eyebrow, suggesting he was referring to both the Senator as well as those he represented, "…The ability to counter their moves before they've had a chance to set them into motion. It should also allow you an advantage in garnering votes in a different direction if undesirable legislation does make its way to the chamber."

He turned off the datapad and clasped it under his arm, looking intently at Vexx, "Is there any way that we can gain access to their offices? I'm sure I can't just waltz my way in…" He smirked, "But with your Senatorial position, I'm sure we could schedule meetings with the Senators and gain access in that way. Senator…" He paused, a look of playful mischief crossing his features as he struck a professional pose, "Might you be in need of a new, permanent aid?" He did a slight bow, obviously offering himself for such a role, "I'm sure working closer together would be an… enjoyable experience." He smirked.
The Senate, Senate District, Coruscant

A quiet chuckle rumbled from the tall Senator at Kardek's side. "Quite safe. Can you imagine the scandals that would result if this building were in any way bugged? Oh, they might get one or two of us, but the rest would quietly teardown any group responsible for being so 'diligent' in their work." Vexx turned her head aside to look at the man with a smile on her lips. "As much as some are want to claim moral superiority and purity, there are practically no worlds not conspiring at some level. Each of us, in the end, only cares for our world; not some place halfway across the galaxy. That is why it is important to make others understand how legislation applies to them personally, or you will never garner any support."

What Kardek had to say as to his purpose there, Dominique had an ear for. They certainly had an understanding as to the purpose and usefulness of garnering the very information she just said would bring an organization down, however. Yet, again, what was proposed was hardly a novel idea. They wouldn't be the first nor the only ones at present conspiring as such. It was part of the reason Dominique, herself, weighed every promise and word this band of criminals said carefully -- in case they were working for someone else already.

As for the man's idea... it was a fair one. Unpleasant as it would be to feign interest in certain other Senators, it would be the best method. "A permanent aid that often finds himself away on business?" Dominique chuckled once more. "Well, the background as part of your file should help a little with that." They had, after all, provided such details to register the man. Couldn't have some random person wandering about the building and calling their self Vexx's aide.

Not that Dominique was terrible worried if Kardek got fingered -- was that the term? This organization provided suitable plausible deniability on Vexx's part. More so than if she'd utilized any native Denon or known DireX affiliate, anyway.

Though it would be a great shame if Kardek were caught. She hoped their abilities were everything they'd been sold as -- for their sake.

She reached over with one hand to brush Kardek's chest as if absently clearing a spot of dust. "I certainly could use someone capable close at hand. You certainly have a talented tongue." Being a Senator's aid wasn't all fun and games. Plenty of paperwork to deal with, but it would put him in close contact with a multitude of important faces -- high or low. "Do you already have a residence picked out?" And where would her mischievous aid be staying on Coruscant while they were occupying the office there?


Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx . Kardek's Outfit

The Rogue raised an eyebrow as Vexx pondered a worst-case scenario. She was right of coarse, if they were not careful or they were sloppy, then it could come back on top of their heads. But Kardek would be careful. There were many ways in order to hedge your bets and limit such risks.

"I'm sure it would be quite a scandal indeed. Unfortunate surely for the militant group of extremists that the evidence would point back to." He was obviously suggesting that, if any bugs were to be placed, they would not trace back to his own organization. "And you would surely have plausible deniability, Dominique. Which is another reason it is preferable for us to keep our cards close to our chest… for you sake, of coarse." He smiled a wide, rather innocent smile, "Trust us!" He of course knew that she was not a woman who would simply give out trust to just anyone, and the nature of their working relationship left much room for ambiguity, which naturally could produce mistrust if one wasn't careful. Kardek knew that he could not simply trust the Senator either… The only thing that both parties could put their trust in fully was that they would surely seek their own best interests, and right now, that interest was aligned.

As she expounded upon the nature of politics and its corruptive nature, he tilted his head, listening attentively. "Sounds like the nature of the galaxy to me. I confess that I do trust you, Dominique… I trust that you are a capable Senator. That you will go to great lengths to establish your domain and to confront those that rally against it. And that…" He smiled, placing a hand on her arm, "Is why we have chosen to align ourselves with you. You take care of the politics, and let us do what we do best."

Kardek smirked at her observation that he would likely be engaged in other business as well, "True. But we are many. And yes, I will disappear frequently, but from my assessment?" He stroked his beard as he contemplated, "The senate is one of our greatest battle fields. If we want to operate freely within the core, we must make this a top priority. And so this will be worth my investment… my time."

As she brushed at his suit, he glanced down slightly at her hand, a slight smile crossing his lips. She remarked about his talented tongue, a statement that caused his smile to grow into a playful smirk for various reasons. As she inquired regarding where he would be staying, he reached up and took her hand into his, holding it with one and gently massaging it with the other, "I have some prospects. Anything you would recommend?" His superiors had provided a stipend in order to procure a residence close to the Senate building. It would be preferable as opposed to staying in his own ship in some docking yard somewhere.
Yes, well, Dominique did believe in effective governance. So long as Kardek's criminal family didn't push too greedily, there was a certain balance that could be struck. One that allowed a functional economy with manageable losses. Something Darkwire would never understand -- what was worse was they chose not to understand. If they weren't so useful as a foil to blame things on... And then there was the DireX themselves. Manageable losses seemed to be a concept Vexx questioned if they understood; loss of face was just as important as the loss of life. Actions of late had drawn increased and unwanted attention to Denon.

A fine brow arched upward at Kardek's assessment. The Senate certainly was a critical battlefield. If the Senate let the Jedi loose to do as they will they would ruin every criminal enterprise they stumbled across. The ironic thing was their pursuit of justice would result in just about as much chaos as a Sith invasion. Some people didn't understand how governing bodies worked. The People only saw a sliver of what happened to keep things running.

"Mmm." Dominique smiled over at her 'assistant.' "Perhaps after we're done here I'll show you one." It would be prudent for the man to keep his own dwelling lest question arise. Still, it would be equally beneficially if such a place was kept near to her own. After all, much as Kardek would probably eschew actual work if he could, the man couldn't foist all of his work off on another aide and maintain his cover. It'd let them go over matters of importance -- both legitimate Senate work and their private off-the-books endeavors.

It should also prove tempting for them to keep an eye on her, which meant Vexx could keep an eye on him. There might not be anything to see around his dwelling. Likely they had some secure means of communication; perhaps some drop boxes and prearranged meeting locations. Hardly mattered. It might facilitate learning more sooner than later, if she were lucky. It hurt to rely on luck, but as long as she wasn't waiting to draw the Wildcard, it never hurt if it just happened to fall into her grasp.

The lift stopped and the doors parted. Dominique's golden eyes slid toward the open corridor beyond. With a hum, the Senator began to step out of the carriage. "Why don't I show you some of the influential Senator offices here? I'm certainly we'll need to arrange a few meetings with them, now and again. To get their support or sway them over to our side." It would help if Kardek had an inkling of where to go. The building was rather large, after all. If it weren't for all the droids plodding about anyone might get lost.

Dominique tapped a finger to the corner of her lips, "I never have asked your thoughts about the Force Users running about. You may start to hear whispers, you know. I've heard there are special interest groups lining up to do 'something' on the matter." Vexx looked over at Kardek. "Personally, I find them... difficult to deal with. Though, at times, they have their uses." Especially the ones obsessed with Denon. A world of riches that could furnish the Alliance with weapons and ships during a time of war, and they thought to grind it to the halt in the name of justice.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

The rogue nodded at her proposal, following the Senator out into the corridor as they began to survey the senatorial offices. He turned to her as she probed into his position regarding force users. He considered her own position on the matter, his eyes glancing back down the hallway as he tilted his head slightly to the side and mused upon his own,

"Light side force users are entirely predictable I've found. Easy to manipulate them or to throw them onto a different path. However, they are definitely dangerous. I would always prefer them to be on a leash and as far away from my business as possible. Jedi are self-righteous, dogmatic idealists with entirely too much power at their disposal. They demand conformity to their own doctrine, and they look down on everyone else who does not share their own views. However…" He looked back towards Vexx with a smirk, "I would take a predictable Jedi over a dark force user any day of the week. I can manipulate the predictable. Dark force users are… chaos walking to say the least."

As they continued to walk, Kardek ran his hand through his hair, continuing to meditate on the topic, "We obviously don't want Jedi on Denon. We could possibly cause some upsets on other worlds in order to distract the Alliance, but if it ended up being unavoidable, perhaps we could draw focus to your adversaries on Denon. If they do come, we might as well have them work for us." He chuckled a bit in amusement at his own mischievousness.

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Vexx smiled even as she didn't believe the Jedi as easily led as Kardek did. Oh, they certainly had their blindspots and their penchant for crusades of justice. It was the latter that rankled. It would take something just as the man would say a few seconds later -- a greater cause for justice or retribution to draw their attention from Denon. Despite what Darkwire would have the galaxy believe, however, Vexx was neither a monster nor a fool. 'Upsets' often had a way of resulting in widespread suffering. Sometimes the math demanded it, but if there were a less inefficient use of resources Vexx preferred it. Upsets had lasting ripple effects, after all.

"They should be focused on Darkwire. I should see no reason why they would think terrorists a better ally than men and women of business that helped keep the Alliance solvent." It was part of the reason Vexx tried to help the ridiculously chaotic bunch. They were supposed to be an obvious punching bag for the DireX and the Jedi. She'd have used Sith if having them on Denon wouldn't result in untold destruction and economic collapse from their hot-tempered, socipathic philosophies. At least the slicers were inept when it came to combat -- databases were easy to restore compared to entire factories being leveled.

"So, you would not advocate that those with their 'talent' be... removed from polite society?" The Senator nodded slightly. Despite what he'd said, nothing pointed to outright hatred or a wish to see them suddenly gone. Distraction and manipulation meant the expectation their presence would linger, no matter how annoying. "Keep your ears open for opposing viewpoints. You can never tell when knowing who believe otherwise might prove valuable." Staff members often said things to each other they could never say to a Senator. Perhaps the man would hear whispers she would not.

"As for the Jedi being on Denon," Vexx exhaled, "I would rather we could ban them from the planet. They seem to delight in taking advantage of my tolerance of their constant scurrying about. Too many think themselves the Alliance's secret police for my tastes. Though they could prove useful in uncovering the source of certain illicit activities," the Senator agreed in the end.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha

His head turned towards her, tilting a bit at her question regarding whether or not they should exist at all within society. He hadn't realized that such an intense stance was what she had been probing for. While annoying, he certainly did not harbor any desire for them to be eradicated or removed from communities.

"No." He stated, running his hand through his hair, "I would never take such a strong stance. I've worked alongside Jedi in the past. While I believe everything I said is still accurate, they should not be excommunicated from society. I don't believe that to be the case about any group." His words were a bit softer, obviously processing the question and wondering what her stance was on the issue. "I think that line of thinking is what ultimately causes most of the pain and chaos throughout the galaxy. Just because I don't agree with someone's religion or philosophy doesn't mean they don't have a right to exist."

He nodded slowly at her request to keep his ears open, a bit surprised that such a strong sentiment was apparently held by some within the Senate chamber. And some would paint him as the monster? unreal. But it seemed that the Senator did not share that line of thinking.

He listened to her words that followed as she processed the Jedi's presence on Denon. It was a problem, there was no denying it. They had a tendency to take matters into their own hands, functioning as judge, jury and executioner with no real oversight. They would need to tread carefully when dealing or interacting with them. "How strong is the Jedi presence on Denon?" He asked.

He then paused in the hallway, turning and looking at Vexx. He had shared a lot of his own perspective, but wanted to discover more of hers. She had been in the Senate for a long time. She surely had her finger on the pulse of what was going on. "So tell me Dominique… from your perspective, what are our most important first steps?"
Dominique smiled. She made to claims as to her own opinion, of course. A personal could infer what they liked from what she'd said. Something of a habit, really. The less people knew about her the better -- only what she wanted them to know. Which was why she wore such colorful outfits even at formal occasions. A part of her was aware it was not always a good habit though; and she wouldn't mind finding people she could trust. Could members of this criminal organization be among them? Well that was certainly a question.

Kardek's own stance was intriguing. He stated a firm philosophical stance favoring the greatest diversity rather than the greatest control. Not what she would have expected from a member of his organization. Dominique was under no delusion they could be trusted. Not yet. It was still too early in their alliance to be confident of anything. Still, she would have expected them to be ardent advocates for domination, control, and manipulation at the expense of any other. Only so far as an objective required, then?

A soft laugh followed Kardek's question. "Stronger than any would like, but not any greater than any other world. There is one in particular that takes it upon themself to haunt the DireX thinking they will single-handedly change the world." As they strode through the hallway, a finely manicured nail tapped her lips. "If not careful he might very well do that... but not in the manner that he desires." Recent events in the Senate had shown what one person might accomplish. It had been a very narrowly avoided intervention by the Alliance.

The man stopped and Dominique glided to a stop to look over at him. "Alliances. Much as I enjoy watching my enemies boil in a cauldron of their own making, if we cannot manage enough votes to keep things in our favor all else is for naught. Aside from other Corporatists, those of the Concord and Populist Parties might align with us, despite their suspicions. I'm wary of the Federalists and Imperialists. While we could always manage influence with those of power, it would require an iron net to keep them from dispensing of us whenever it became convenient. If either of us were interested in ruling the entire Alliance perhaps..." Dominique gave a quiet laugh. "They'd be easy to win over if we needed, but let us save them for if all others spurn our equitable deal."

"I am equally hesitant to suggest aiding in the undermining of the Jedi,"
she admitted after a moment. "It seems as though the Sith are as constant a rallying cry in the galaxy as Darkwire is back on Denon -- and they have the nerve to look at our problems while ignoring the larger issue. The abilities of the Jedi are undeniably useful in holding back those such as the Maw. Perhaps if we can help them see their efforts are better spent in that direction."

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Vexx Said:
If either of us were interested in ruling the entire Alliance perhaps..."

Kardek chuckled, winking subtly at the Senator, "Don't tempt me." The truth was, Kardek was an extremely ambitious individual. He wanted power, influence, prestige, respect… And it wasn't just for him alone, but for the Family. The Family was his great cause, and he would stop at nothing to see it rise to its highest potential… and of coarse, he would receive the credit due him and reap the benefits of his labor. Surly that is not too much to ask.

He continued listening as she expound upon the various strategies and possible pitfalls of each. Her final assessment regarding the Jedi caused a nod from the rogue, "I agree completely." He responded. It was the best course of action, for the Jedi and for Denon. And for their interests.

"Well!" He exclaimed, looking to the left and the right of the corridor, "Seems like we have much work on our hands, Senator! On behalf of my community, we stand with you." He ran a hand through his hair, looking back at Vexx with a bit of a mischievous look in his eyes, "Is there anything else within this grand tour that you would like to show me? Or perhaps we could retire for the evening. I have a lovely bottle of brandy at my disposal, however…" He fronted a fake look of concern, "No residence as of yet to retire to." His smirk crept back onto his lips as he tilted his head slightly. He was not sure what mood the good Senator was in, but he could surely mix pleasure with business if she was so inclined.

Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx
Dominique regarded the man with a small smile. Kardek certain had an enthusiastic personality, publicly. And his reassurance was pleasing, if not taken with the whole-heartedness he might desire. It wasn't that she didn't believe their two parties could work together. No, not that. It was the fact she knew very little of this cabal that appeared eager to help her help them. Circumstances seemed to demand she trust them quite a bit; not a very balanced relationship.

"Nothing pressing. I'd show you the security center, but I think you can imagine what you'd find in there." And she hoped there'd be no plans of an all out assault on the building. It wouldn't do much for this covert alliance if things got heated.

Speaking of which, Kardek had a sly idea. One Dominique found engaging for a few reasons. One of which being the chance to learn more about him. She might not get him to confide a name, but a name was only that. Understanding someone came from more than knowing a name. Intimacy afforded quite a bit of understanding about someone; there was only so much room for passable evasion and misdirection.

"Yes. You have just arrived. I think I can find a place for you tonight. If you care to join me." Dominique smiled and turned to resume their trek down the corridors. She'd head for the pad where a transport awaited to ferry them to her place on Coruscant. It wasn't as lavish as the one on Denon, but it wasn't exactly a hovel either.

"Speaking of evening activities, do you have a favorite kind of music?"

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

Kardek tilted his head as he began to follow the good Senator, pondering her question regarding music, "Well, I suppose it depends on what best fits the mood. So the question is… what mood are you in, Senator Vexx?"


Kardek rolled his suitcase to the side of Dominique's couch and unzipped the opening, rummaging around briefly for something a bit more relaxing to slip into.

"Quite a nice place you've got here." He commented as a long-sleeved black shirt emerged, followed quickly by his aforementioned bottle of top shelf whiskey, which he inspected for a moment before turning and presenting it to her. "Option A, a lovely smooth whiskey with hints of cinnamon, but dangerous indeed." His tone was light and a bit playful, the rogue ready to enjoy himself a bit after a long day. "But alas… Option B…" He slid out a bottle of fine Fioran wine, now holding both in either hand with the shirt resting across his shoulder, "A rather elegant red and, might I say, delightful prospect as well." He then smiled and nodded at her own selection of liquor, "Or perhaps you will put me to shame with something from your own collection."
Dominique strode casually toward the small bar with its shelves of alcohol. She paused and turned her head aside to look back at Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha as he sorted through his suitcase. After a moment, her fingers slipped between two glasses that quietly clinked together as she drew them from their places. A smirk tugged at the woman's lips as she began to saunter back in his direction.

"I'm competitive by nature, Kardek, you shouldn't tempt me." The glasses were set carefully down atop a black glass table that rested on a polished floor. Her golden eyes rose to meet his as she straightened up. "Danger suits me fine, but I never pass up a good wine." Indeed, the man had seen her at several events -- even in the Senate chamber itself on holo -- with a wine glass in hand. "An elegant and bold red?"

Surrounding them were towering windows along two walls affording the living area a breathtaking view of nearby portions of Coruscant. Dominique's abode was as lofty as her sense of fashion, and just as out of reach for over ninety-nine percent of the population. What was the point of acquiring wealth if you didn't spend it? A little luxury went a long way... all the luxury was a woman's personal paradise.

Slowly, she glided closer to the windows as Kardek poured. One arm crossed in front to cradle the opposite elbow as she caressed one side of her face. The colored glasses had been slid from the bridge of her nose and held idly between her fingers. "When you look around," Dominique asked with an airy, distant tone, "what do you see, Kardek?"

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

He smirked, sliding the whiskey back into its place among his other travel items, "Bold indeed. Very well. Wine it is." He popped open the wine and poured it into the provided glasses. Noticing the rather contemplative mood of the Senator as she gazed out her towering windows, he pondered the woman for a moment, wondering what might be floating through her mind.

She was quite a phenomenal woman. Everything she had fought for. Everything she had built. And her beauty complimented her brilliance in such a way that it was difficult for the man to determine which outshined the other. He could not help but admire her.

He set the shirt down on top of his travel bag, opting to change later as he took hold of the filled glasses and made his way over to Dominique. He stood right beside her as the Demone Superiore subtly offered Vexx a glass, then took a sip of his own as he pondered the view along with her inquiry. It was evident that there was something specific she was processing, although it was admittedly lost on him for the moment. The vista was breathtaking, however he assumed that the nature of her question was more metaphorical In nature.

"I see…" a pause, his expression rather focused as he debated with himself regarding his own answer, "Millions of sentients, trying to make their own path forward in this galaxy." Another sip, his gaze shifting to observe Dominique with curiosity as well as a bit of concern for the woman. This was a side of her that he had not seen before, and he wondered about all the stress and pressure she must surely feel. He could relate, at some level. Visionaries often carry the weight of the future in a way that is impossible to explain.

A finger tapped quietly against his glass. Another pause.

Dominique rolled her head a bit to the side as she turned an eye toward Kardek with a smile. In one hand she set her glasses on a nearby end table, and in the other accepted his offer for a glass.

Kardek was dangerous. A skill warrior, but someone capable of exuding debonair qualities. Any number of men or women could be led astray if he had any sort of mal-intent. It forced Dominique to always evaluate the light in which the man acted. Was it because he was trying to make himself indispensable, and therefore able to pass along information to his handlers... or was it because he had a genuine interest, and somehow felt invested? In fact, she expected it was both. It seemed impossible to separate the man from the job. A testament to his ability to juggle both without giving any outward sign of the effort.

After a sip of the wine and a smile, Dominique replied, "The Grand Masquerade." She pivoted slightly in Kardek's direction. "On the surface everything is lavish and abundant. Beneath that surface -- just as soon as it's out of sight -- is a different tale." Another soft laugh followed. "My heart doesn't bleed for them. I wouldn't be where I am if I lay awake at night plagued with the knowledge not everything is as placid as it seems. But there is a point, Kardek, when the mask slips... the house of cards begins to fall..."

Her free hand reached out to lay gently atop Kardek's wrist. "I just need to know where you stand. In this dance, a single foot placed incorrectly could end the illusion." Whether that was 'you' as in the individual, or are in the group he represented, Dominique deliberately left open for interpretation.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx

He listened quietly as Vexx shared her precarious perspective, his gaze focused. He searched for the meaning behind the words, wondering what exactly she was referring to, whether it be the Senate, Denon…

His eyes fell down to her hand as it touched his wrist. As she brought clarity, Kardek immediately interpreted her request personally. He concluded that Dominique wanted to know where he truly stood… did the Demone Superiore stand with Vexx, or did he stand with the Family, when it was all said and done. Where was his loyalty, if the house of cards began to fall.

He sighed softly, nodding with a rather serious and meditative look, his gaze finally lifting to peer out again at the darkening Coruscanti skyline. He knew she needed more. She had been operating in the dark, forced to trust him on little to no information. Surely she had voices in her head that constantly cast uncertainty into the mix. He would feel the same way in her position. At first, he didn't know how to respond. But finally, he reached resolution within him as he continued with a bit of vulnerability.

"My entire life, I've been living for someone else." Another small sip of wine, providing a pause, "I did terrible things for years, all to earn one mans' approval. And then, I ran as far away as I possibly could from that man's influence in my life… and everything I did became about proving to myself that I wasn't him. That I was nothing like him." He glanced out of the corner of his eye at Dominique, pausing with a bit of heaviness apparent as he let a sip slip out again, "But I realized that, no matter what, he was at the center of everything that I did, whether it was for, or against. Even in absence, he had complete control over me. I was a slave."

Kardek pivoted towards Vexx slightly, placing his hand softly on top of her's as it touched him. He appeared more determined, his gaze narrow, brows furrowed slightly, "Now? I live for myself. I create my own destiny… hold my own fate in my hands. This might not be everything you wanted to hear… but as far as I am concerned… right here… right now…" He squeezed her hand gently, looking sincerely into her eyes and speaking in a soft timbre, "… I believe, with all of my heart, that we will do this. Together. I'm standing beside you, Dominique. I am your advocate. As much as I am representing my organization to you, I am representing you to my organization. And I truly want what's best for you."

Kardek tilted his head, desiring to reassure the woman that she did not stand alone. That he was really here for her. However, at the same time, Kardek felt the tension within of the tightrope that he was forced to walk, knowing that some things were beyond his control… beyond his authority.
Dominique's golden eyes seemed softer in the dwindling glow of the sun through the windows. She met his eyes whenever he glanced in her direction, and kept her hand lightly upon his wrist. At first, she didn't know where Kardek was going with his personal story. His fall, his faux ascent, and now his desire to take what he felt was rightfully his -- a life of his own accord. Perhaps, if put to the question, she might say she felt a pang of empathy for the man's journey. Perhaps. Dominique, however, was not one for being soft. It took effort not to immediately be abrasive to distract from her tone even suggesting vulnerability.

When the man met and held her gaze once more, she found a strength there that only a true performer or the truth could inspire. Which made what he gave what he had to say all the more weight. Advocate? Well, it wasn't quite a vow of being her unrelenting champion, but Dominique never expected Kardek to turn on those he'd pledge to just for her sake. Advocate would do.

With a step, Dominique closed the distance between them as they stood hand in hand. "I know so little about this organization, Kardek. I can't say you won't ever have to choose between us. I'm fighting to make sure Denon stays strong in the galactic community. As long as this organization and I don't differ on that point -- that Denon be strong and independent -- I think we'll do alright." A smile touched her lips once more as she stood close to him.

"And, perhaps, I can help you create that destiny you seek. Equitable trade for services rendered."
A quiet, soft laugh bubbled forth.

It would be nice to trust what Kardek had said as the truth. To dream that if the choice had to be made, it would be to her benefit. It never hurt to dream. At least for now, Dominique felt she could continue to trust the man as she had thus far.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

Kardek Alpha

I’m Kardek, He’s Alpha
His eyes were locked onto hers as she drew closer, Kardek listening to every word intently. It was true. Dominique was being asked to trust in an organization that she knew next to nothing about. Would he have been so relenting if he was in her shoes? Somehow he doubted it.

Kardek nodded in thoughtful contemplation, sighing as he looked at Vexx and pondered how best to respond, biting his bottom lip slightly. "I don't think I would ever have to choose between you and my organization, Dominique. But if such a choice ever did need to be made, know this…" He put his hand on her shoulder, offering a sincere expression as his piercing and sharp eyes absorbed into hers, "I would do what I believe is right. I would choose who I believe is in the right. So if you can't trust my organization because it feels too ethereal, do your best to trust me. If you truly want to know me, then you will know what I would choose if the time ever did come."

He gently rubbed his thumb against her shirt, an attempt to reassure Vexx that what he said was true. "But I promise you, I will try to bring you in as much as I can. I know you need more information. I will try."

Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx
If they were other people, Dominique thought Kardek's words would have been heartfelt and reassuring. Dominique couldn't ever say she'd ever lived in that world where such miracles existed. So while his words sounded good, Dominique couldn't help but hear the emphasis on what Kardek believed right. But what, exactly, did he believe to be right and in which circumstance?

He was right in the end, however. If she wanted to learn the answer to that pivotal question then Dominique would need to find a way to understand Kardek. The real Kardek and not the charmer she knew him to be. An equally challenging endeavor, though one at least within sight for her to stretch her hand out in an effort to grasp -- unlike the ethereal group he worked for.

Dominique smiled for a moment. "Thank you, Kardek. Trust doesn't come easy in our lifestyle, does it?" Idly she set the glass aside so her hand could curl up and rest atop his. "I will try. I could use someone I trusted instead of looking over my shoulder even surrounded by 'friends.'" That wasn't overly melodramatic was it? Well, though she wasn't inclined to admit it to herself just yet, it would be good to have someone she could trust. Someone that would be there if things did go horribly wrong. That wouldn't judge her too harshly... provided they never found out half the things she'd done in her life.

"And you can trust I will do what I believe is right for Denon. I may be a selfish patriot, but I remain a patriot all the same." If Denon prospered, she prospered. Simple math, really. Previously that meant maintaining the status quo. As things had begun to sour, however, it might now require Dominique prepared for a paradigm shift. It wasn't prone to happen tomorrow, but these things always started small. They were a silent, growing threat. If they could stop it all the better; if not... she'd be prepared either way. With Kardek's help things should go more smoothly, and that should satisfy those he represented as well.

"Well, enough of that. Why don't we get comfortable?" They could talk more on such topics if Kardek liked, but she didn't want the evening to be all business. There was time for that still. A little while before the Storm arrived.

Kardek Alpha Kardek Alpha

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