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Approved Tech Sekitangara - Lightsaber Nodachi

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



  • Intent: To make a new lightsaber
  • Image Source: Commission made by Braze Braze
  • Canon Link: Lightsaber
  • Permissions: X
  • Primary Source: N/A




  • Classification: Lightsaber Nodachi
  • Size: Extremely Large (Size Referance)
    • Hilt - Large
    • Blade Length - LargeExtremely Large
  • Weight:Heavy
  • Force: High
  • Cortosis: Very High
  • Elemental: Very High



  • Hitting the rock - Non-dimetris circuits prevents the lightsabers activation loop receiving a feedback crash that runs through the system upon hitting the material Cortosis. This means that the blade remains active on contact.
  • Ronin - The crystal and carefully selected components make this weapon a terrifying tool in combat. The heat from this weapon can be felt far further than other normal blades, and the longer the time and battles go on this heat builds. Energy from the blaster bolts and opposing lightsabers get absorbed into the blade rather than being reflected. Because of this, over the period of a long time, the Crystal would become increasingly dangerous as the resonant blade would seem to grow from energy consumed from shots and lightsabers.
  • Locked - Several internal pins between the hilt and Auxiliary need to be pressed down using Telekinesis to draw the blade.

  • Ranger Danger - The focus crystal used in this lightsaber prevents the wielder from deflecting blaster bolts. This makes it considerably weaker against ranged opponents.
  • What it can't stop - like all lightsabers, this cannot stop sonic, scattershot weapons and cannot pass through material resistant to lightsabers.
  • Not standard design - Unlike the average Lightsaber the design is unique due to its extra length and the non standard components, it has a more weighty feel than others.
  • Force breach - This ability and similar will affect the usage of this weapon while under the influence. The sith rune and force activated lock will not work. While the former can be worked around the latter is a different issue.

The Sekitangara is the third lightsaber in Teresa’s collection she had made herself. Unlike the first pair that was made to be held in a single hand this one’s extended blade is made for both. Upon drawing the blade anyone will immediately understand the length of the hilt as the blade length is an outstanding length. On the primary cycle the blade from tip to bottom is 7ft4” while on the second cycle the blade extends an extra 3ft.

With a broader understanding of how they are built, components were selected with more care and the overall decoration and appearance of the weapon. Looking at it showed a finer pride for not just the lightsaber but for who she was as a person too. Embedded into the bottom of the Lightsaber Auxiliary embedded into the endcap displays the newly made insignia made for the Blackened Valkyrie.

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Maker of Stuff and Things.
Factory Judge
This all looks great, only one question.

The heat from this weapon can be felt far further than other blades and longer the battle goes on, the harder the strikes become.
Could you please expand on this? Do you mean that the blade inherently gets stronger with more clashes, or just as long as it's activated, it gets stronger? There's a bit of vagueness there that I'd prefer be clarified.

Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax
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