Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seeking both answers and the truth.

The mention of the word slicer almost made Kixi collapse. Another vision entered her head, this time a new vision not seen before. A Gran slicer. Helping her break into the very temple she now stood in. He was the third person in her vision along with herself and the Trandoshan. She put her hand on her eyes momentarily as she slowly re-composed herself. Kixi quickly told Master Corvus of her new vision as the Jedi Master was concerned at Kixi's sudden stumble.

"It's okay Master, this cannot be the same slicer you speak of. There would be no relationship between the two. The mention of Sith have triggered many of these visions because Sith have something to do with it. I would assume the mention of a slicer has done the same."

Kixi now all composed again continued.

"Due to the nature of the situation, I think it is best you accompany me Master. Just in case something unexpected happens, you'll be in a much better position to guide me through."

Kixi looked up at the Grandmaster.

"I'm basically ready to depart whenever you are ready."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was hoping that Kixi would ask her to accompany her on the journey. In part for the gravity of the situation. In some way because she wanted to help recover the artefact and resolve the issue. And, in truth, because she wanted to make sure Kixi was OK. Not that she didn't trust her, but because she wouldn’t forgive herself is something untoward happened.

“In truth the man we’ll visit is no slicer. He may have one in his employ, but he is just a goodhearted Besalisk. Who sometimes satis very close to the wind and only through the grace of his conscience does he not cross the line. At least not often.”

“And there is no time like the present. We can take your ship if you prefer. And we’re going to Ord Sigatt. To a diner. They make wonderful ryshcate by the way, but that’s not important. But the owner of the diner is.”

She removed a datapad from her pocket and tapped a few keys. “They’re used to me leaving at short notice. Someone will have a bad packed and waiting for me at the hangar.”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]

Kixi replied as Master Corvus had decided to accompany Kixi on her journey. For Kixi she really didn't know what to expect or what would come of it, so the assurances of the Grandmaster's presence did give Kixi that extra boost of confidence that she needed.

As [member="Corvus Raaf"] entered a message of notice to the owner of a diner they would be heading to, Kixi motioned the Grandmaster to follow her to the hangar where her ship awaited. It didn't take long to reach as everything at the temple was in close proximity to each other.

"This is it. My two seater starfighter, the Cǎlder mit Arkhan. It means Sword of Might in my native tongue. The ship is quite unique even from where I'm from and packs quite a punch might I add, with the addition of a cloaking device. Not that we should be needing any of that on our trip to Ord Sigatt."

Kixi wasn't shy when it came to boasting about any of her ship's, nor the technology she had access to. After all her home world and confederations of surrounding worlds were all quite advanced, and had only few rivals that could challenge them. Kixi keyed in a control panel on her left arm brace which remotely opened the starfighter's canopy and began automatic pre-flight checks. Kixi then motioned with a polite smile for Master Corvus to hop into the back and strap herself in. Kixi would then do the same after she has made sure the Grandmaster was securely strapped inside the ship and ready for takeoff.
Corvus admired the ship. “I’m a native of Corellia, so I know my ships. And this thing is a beauty. I rarely fly fighters any more, but this looks most impressive.”

Corvus had two fighters at her disposal. The most recent addition was a ship designed by and for Jedi — to allow them to use their Abilities with the Force to aid in their flying.

“The planet is independent, but I was there not long ago and solved a problem of a corrupt governor, so they’re positively disposed towards the Jedi.”

Corvus nimbly took the co-pilot’s seat behind and strapped herself in. “Ready when you are,” she said, glancing at the controls around her, trying to work out which button did what.

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Once they were all set to go, Kixi fired up the Arkhan's atmospheric engines and took off.

"This might get a bit bumpy initially as we pass through the clouds and until I switch to sublight engines. At the moment we're flying just like a standard aircraft with the wings creating lift."

The small jet engine was loud as it pushed the small ship to Mach 2 and high above the clouds. Some minor turbulence could be felt but it was of no concern to either occupant.

"I'm about to engage the sublight engines for outer space travel. They're quite powerful so you might be thrown back a little until the inertial compensators adjust which may take several seconds. Okay here goes."

Kixi quickly switched engines and almost instantly the Arkhan's nose pointed skywards. Kixi was definitely thrown aback onto her seat as the inertial compensator then kicked in. Within less than half a minute they were in space and had broken orbit.

"Master Corvus I'll need the coordinates for Ord Sigatt before we make the jump to hyperspace. As you can see, everything in this ship is written in either Züncålidiom or Sajnen. Given its all foreign to you, please don't touch anything unless you're sure of what it does."

Kixi would then wait for the Grandmaster to give her the coordinates. Once this was done, they entered hyperspace and would soon arrive at their destination. It wasn't a long trip as Ord Sigatt wasn't that far in terms of light years away from where they were. It wasn't long until they eventually dropped out of hyperspace with the planet gleaming dead ahead.

"There is the planet, straight ahead. You'll have to tell me exactly where to go and land from here Master."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus was a seasoned pilot. Since she was a Knight, she’d been able to pilot herself around the galaxy and typically flew her Jedi Corvette, but at times flew fighters and was a decent pilot.

Her companion wasn’t kidding about the inertia, but forewarned was forearmed, and so she was able to ride out the temporary discomfort for a short while.

Corvus shared the coordinates and made sure she didn’t touch anything. Corellians made ships that were broadly the same to fly regardless of size. This was, quite literally, from another galaxy.

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” she said, “And please call me Corvus.”

Ord Sigatt was a small, rocky planet with mostly barren terrain and a few scattered lakes. For centuries, its modest population consisted of people who stayed only until they found somewhere else to go. Some long-time colonists lived on the outskirts of the main settlement, but most lived close to the spaceport, the energy station, or the water treatment facility that made up the main settlement. As for tourism, most travellers regarded Ord Sigatt as little more than a place to rest or refuel their ships.

Corvus gave Kixi the location of one of the public hangars on the outskirts of the city. It was a short walk to the restaurant from there.

After gaining clearance from the spaceport, they were directed to an open-roof hangar. Even from inside the cockpit, you could tell the air wasn’t clean. Ord Sigatt was now a mining planet.

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
As Kixi guided the Arkhan through and down Ord Sigatt's thin and polluted atmosphere, it again began to shake due to turbulence. It's sublight engines were designed for space flight only. With too much power, they were designed for flight at no less than hypersonic speeds, thus why Kixi had switched over to the small jet atmospheric engine and now flying like a standard atmospheric aircraft. Nonetheless the minor discomfort was of no big deal to either occupant. Corvus herself being Corellian had flown and been in many similar ships, however the Arkhan's use of both advanced sublight engine technology combined with primitive atmospheric jet propulsion would seem rather strange to most.

As Kixi set the starfighter down in an open public hangar, both occupants hopped out and would make their way to the restaurant. Kixi would also fully stretch her body, something she generally did after a flight in a small ship of the Arkhan's type.

"So Corvus, I'm quite hungry. I assume we'll be dining first before we get to business? Oh and yeah I hope the flight wasn't too rough at times. I assume it didn't bother you as after all you're an experienced pilot yourself and have flown and been in similar ships."

Kixi would finish off her sentence with a half cheesy cocky grin on her face. Like Corellians, Sajnens took much pride in their ships and piloting abilities.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

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