Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seeking both answers and the truth.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

It had been some time now that Kixi had been seeing and feeling visions of what appeared to be faded memories. They had began before she had arrived on Voss and had began her training as a Jedi. So vivid they were, memories of a distant past, yet the events she was certain had occurred in the future. She recalled several things, some now appeared clear and some still vague. Most involved the Sith, and it seemed that just the slightest mention of the Sith would trigger such demon like nightmares.

The flashback memories involved events such as fighting the Sith alongside her companion Mako Zaneca, being captured and tortured by them, which then always lead back to a scene that was definitely real and definitely in the past. The Stand off at Kustetiera not too far from her world of birth. Further she would recall this event with two rather different outcomes. She was sure only one could be the real memory, yet the alternate seemed as real as so called real one.

Lastly there was her most recent mission on Glee, a Sith controlled world where she had come into close contact with the actual Sith themselves. There another revelation had occurred. Kixi and what appeared to be a Trandoshan thug breaking into a Jedi Temple stealing some sort of orb. Later Kixi would come to discover that this orb was in fact an ancient Sith artifact known as the Orb of Passage, a device capable of twisting time. Kixi had tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together. It all seemed insane at first, but then she thought to herself, if it could really be? Perhaps she did really steal the Orb of Passage, get captured by the Sith, go back in time and change something at Kustetiera. It would explain why she could recall two different outcomes at Kustetiera, and then all those faded memories regarding the Sith that never happened but in her mind actually had happen.

Kixi had spoken to her Master George regarding this who had suggested to speak to a higher more experienced Jedi. So she mentioned it to Master Coci who in turn referred Kixi to an even more higher and more experience Jedi, Master Corvus Raaf.

Kixi, recently promoted to the rank of Knight quietly, but quickly strolled down the temple's corridors in search for the Jedi Master. She could see the her not too far away and called out to her.

"Master Corvus, do you have a moment? I would like to discus something with you that you may know about, or help me shred some light into."

Kixi stopped in front of the Jedi Master short of breath, as she looked at Kixi not knowing who exactly she was.

"Oh sorry Master Jedi, I should've probably introduced myself first, I am Jedi Knight Kixi Rajki and I believe you are Corvus Raaf?"
Corvus was contacted by her good friend Coci. A young Jedi had some questions and she believed Corvus may have the answers. So Corvus readily agreed and released the coordinates of the Jedi Order temple for the Knight to follow.

The site was a secret and fortunately the temple was only accessible to Light-siders, so there was always a limited risk of unwanted visitors.

She’d been told of the young woman’s arrival, so she headed towards the entrance and quite literally bumped into her.

She smiled and bowed, as was her custom. “Yes, I’m Corvus. Welcome Kixi. Welcome to Lothal.” Corvus dressed in traditional Jedi robes and her violet eyes were warm and friendly. A saber and a shoto hung from her belt, as well as a white scabbard that housed a katana. And even in its current state, it gave off a strong Light-sided aura.

“So…how can I help you?”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi was as well dressed in her traditional Jedi clothes with only her lightsabre. She saw no point in dressing up fully armed to the teeth. She was surrounded by many highly trained and experienced Jedi, and the likelihood of even needing her lightsabre was slim. Besides she didn't want to give Master Corvus a bad impression on her first visit.

Kixi breathed the air in slowly, this was supposedly her first time on Lothal, yet the moment she had stepped foot there, she felt a sense of familiarity. Like she in fact had been on Lothal before. One of those bizarre feelings no doubt, and probably related to the very reason she had sought out to speak to Master Corvus.

"Master Corvus, I have heard much highly things about you, it is an honour to be with you here now."

Kixi would quickly bow to her before continuing.

"I have come here to learn about an ancient relic or Sith artefact known as the Orb of Passage. I ask to know not because I wish to use it now, but because I have, within reason to believe that I may have already have done so before to alter something in my past. and thus altering all events that happened to me moving forward."

Kixi stood there eyeing Master Corvus momentarily once she finished speaking and would now wait for her to reply.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled. “I appreciate the words, but please. I am Corvus. I am a Jedi. We are all the same in truth. The difference between me and you is that someone has taught me something they’ve yet to show you. Only timing separates us. I see the Jedi as a true meritocracy. We are all equal in the eyes of the Force.” Aware she might be preaching, she smiled again.

“The Orb of Passage?” Corvus eyes lit up. “Now you’re talking in the realms of myths and legends. Not that I’m saying it doesn’t exist.”

“You see I spent my first ten years as a Youngling and Padawan studying in the Archives. It was expected I would become a Librarian. TheOrb of Passage is an ancient artefact contained in the Temple of Tet-Ami on a planet called Benja-Rihn.”

“Records say it was guarded by a statue of a great hero named…Tet-Ami,” she paused as she searched for the name in her memories. “He was rumoured to be a Time Guardian, who saved the armies of Carthas from a plague of insect-like beasts in an epic battle. The records and stories — not that there are many mind you — say this device could control the flow of time.”

“The records go on to say that some time after its construction, the orb was secretly taken by the Jedi Order, and knowledge of the temple was lost.”

She looked sad. “Which is where the trail goes cold I’m afraid. We have no records of its location — although you’re free to use the Library here. Cross-referencing may produce some results that my cursory knowledge might not be aware of. If you wish to invest the time, we could look for it?"

"If you cross-reference any stories with your known whereabouts, you may come up lucky?"

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
"The library, that sounds like a great place to start. If I were to somehow locate such material in terms of information regarding the orb, I don't intend to go looking for it. It's too dangerous for one thing."

Kixi paused before continuing this time sounding a bit more sure of herself.

"I only intend to confirm its existence, or that it once really did exist. With my memories and visions, I do not recall the planet of Benja-Rihn nor the Temple of Tet-Ani. However I recall a library here on this world and being here once before. This could all be nothing but a dream and be untrue in reality, however, if there really is information archived here in relation to the orb, and what I've been seeing is not a dream, but rather faded altered memories, then I believe I can find it."

Then once again Kixi would pause skeptical again.

"Yet assuming I've only ever been here before, and never to Benja-Rihn how would I have ever have gotten my hands on the orb? Although you said it had been taken by the Jedi Order and knowledge lost, thus perhaps it's not there after all. Perhaps some undiscovered information in the library may point elsewhere? Or perhaps in the library itself exists an archive of a holocron on how the orb was constructed perhaps? All I can really do Master is research the archives in the library I guess."

Kixi shrugged as she finished off. It all seemed like a wild goose chase to her, this could be a total waste of time in the end. Yet she felt a strange urge. Something was telling her to continue the quest, despite this seeming to be one big fantasy. In time she would learn that nothing could be further from the truth.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded as she listened. The young Jedi was talking a lot of sense. “Dangerous yes. And by that very fact, not something we should allow to fall into the hands of the Sith, or the Knights of Ren.”

“What you speak of could be dreams, or shared memories, or your memories. Or could be some form of Farseeing? All are definitely possible. Which is where diligent work in the library comes in. And we have access to many of the key Holcrons from here. Tionne's Holocron, the Great Holocron, the Codex of Tython, the Holocron of Luke Skywalker. If the information you seek is within these, and the gatekeeper will allow us access, we could find what you’re looking for.”

“And we have countless datacrons and records, scanned from flimsies. As a scholar, all I ask is that you accept this may not be a quick process. It once took me five days to find a person, even though I knew their name. The older the records, the less compete the cataloguing.”

And with that she led Kixi to the archives.

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
It had been a couple of days already, Kixi had spent hours in the library searching through the archives and could find nothing in terms of the orb that she sought. Yet the library felt familiar, too familiar to it have been a memory of a past or recent dream.

Then as she was reading through some material regarding the Codex of Tython, she saw a flash of vision. It was quick but she recognised the spot in the library. She quickly made her way there. It wasn't far from where she already was, a rather secluded area in the library where there lay many shelves all stacked up highly. Suddenly she went all cold, her breathing became heavy, she then stumbled backwards into one of the shelves behind her, but managed to take hold of it preventing her from falling to the ground. There in that corner, she momentarily saw herself on the ground, passed out, blood coming out of her mouth and nose, and a Trandoshan dressed in royal clothes and another alien trying to revive her. What in name of the Force was that! She felt cold suddenly, her body began to shiver. She slowly dropped to the floor and sat on her bottom. Still cold, still shaking. What she saw spooked her greatly. And it felt real. Very real. Yet she was still nowhere close in finding where the orb was, if it even could be found or existed. She placed her hand on her heart and felt that it was racing at a hundred miles per hour. Slowly however she calmed down, the coldness left her and she got up. She decided she would tell Master Corvus about what just happened now immediately. She had no idea what she would think, but Kixi felt she had to tell someone and clearly the Jedi Master was the best person to tell.

Soon after she would catchup with Master [member="Corvus Raaf"]. Still shaking a bit, she slowly explained the whole ordeal to her. Kixi's face was still pale as she spoke and recounted the whole story as it happened and where.
Corvus left Kixi alone. She had her own duties and the Knight seemed more than competent in doing the necessary research. She popped by from time to time but didn’t disturb her.

A couple of days in, Corvus received a visit from Kixi. The young Knight had clearly undergone an ordeal. So Corvus listened patiently and allowed the Jedi to finish before speaking.

“This is troubling indeed. It still isn’t clear if this is a recollection of your past, a glimpse of your possible future or merely a vision – planted by someone or something or some sort of waking dream.”

“What you have seen may have happened already, or may never happen. I wish I could be more specific. I suspect the answer is to do more investigation. Search for the Trandoshan you saw – and the other figure too. Maybe that might help? This Temple has not been used for many, many years but there are local records, we found them when we arrived. I’m surmising the Order here did not have too many Trandoshan Jedi – especially of royal blood.”

She smiled. “Have something to eat, a shower and a nap. Then start again. If you need me, you know where to find me, yes?”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi shook her head regarding the Trandoshan.

"No, no, no. He was of no loyal blood. I'm quite sure he was a criminal of some sort. I've had other visions with him. He tried to kill me when we met as we got into an argument. I defeated him and spared his life if he vowed to served me which in the end he did. That I have seen countless times, but I don't remember as the whole experience seems to have been erased. Then I remember other scenes with him. Including being with him in this library and passing out because I was in some kind of fight before hand with......"

Kixi held her breath for a second almost too frightened to say it.

"A struggle with a Twi'lek Jedi here in the temple. I have no idea how I then got to the library but I was with that Trandoshan thug which the name I do not recall and accompanied with another alien. I think he was a Gran, a slicer or something. Worse of all when I have these feelings and visions of faded memories, I could feel that I had had access to the dark side. Lastly in my visions of being captured by the Sith, that same Trandoshan I saw carrying out my execution and that of Mako my companion. Mako was different too. She was half a cyborg in those visions, but the real her isn't. Then as the Trandoshan was about to kill me, I find myself at a place called Kustetiera near my home world. That memory or event is real. yet it feels funny. Very funny. Like there are two outcomes. The one that happened, and the one where I order the unleashing of a biological weapon that I myself had invented killing millions, and then moments after that, Mako getting half of her body blown up by someone I thought I could trust. Thus becoming a half cyborg from the previous visions in the future to this one."

Kixi's rapid breathing then slowly calmed down.

"I don't know why this is happening Master. Really, this is all confusing, but it feels like its something that did happened and then somehow it was erased. I pinpoint the pivotal moment where these lost or faded memories occurred to be at Kustetiera. Simply because that did happen factually, yet I seem to have different memories of it. One that is what has happened as far as we know, I eventually go to Voss and eventually become a Jedi Knight, and in the right now puts me here in this point of time speaking to you now. The other, the weird faded memory of the alternate outcome at Kustetiera that leads to all those other scary part memories and visions I've been having."

Kixi had been speaking with her head down at Master Corvus. She slowly lifted her head up and continued to speak but now slowly and a lot calmer, her breathing returning to normal.

"I've seen the Orb of Passage in a flash vision too when I was near the Sith on Glee. It's the only thing I think of that could be causing this. This would mean that I actually lived the other alternate events and then somehow went back to Kustetiera and changed them to the clearly much better now?"

Kixi again was questioning this or suggesting this. She had no evidence of this yet, if in fact it was even the case. However she did see the Orb of Passage in her visions once before. And all the others felt real and scary, and the pivotal point that the so called timeline would split between reality and alternate was during the Stand off at Kustetiera. These were all pretty much a certainty in her mind.

"Okay you are right Master, I should eat and rest my mind. This is all way too much for me. All I seek is the truth. Nothing more, nothing less. If that orb was involved, all I want to know if that was so and put all this to rest. I believe if I can solve this mystery, that all the nightmare visions will then cease once and for all."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded at this new evidence.

“Interesting. This Temple. It can only be accessed by those that are Light-sided. It is how it was designed. Or built or…well you get the idea.”

“If this was a criminal as you say, there is every possibility it is a vision that is more of a metaphor and less of a memory. Or he may once have been a Jedi. Or will be of course. This could still be the future.”

Corvus listened to more of the story. The revelation that a friend of hers was different than in real-life made it clear it was no simple memory.

“There is a theory that with every decision we take, a parallel future starts. Creating billions of course. You could be viewing what might have been, as opposed to what actually happened.”

Corvus sighed, clearly frustrated that they were opening up new possibilities as opposed to closing any down. “In truth, we are no further forward other than to rule out a simple memory. But then, who is to say you did not somehow go back in time and change a decision that led to the current present as opposed to the one in your visions?”

“Perhaps this Orb is somehow connected to you? Showing you permutations and possibilities?”

“But as you say, rest and recuperation. Then back to the archives and see what else you can uncover. Yes?”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi too felt annoyed at the fact that she wasn't any closer now to solving this mystery than when she had arrived. However Master Corvus was correct, Kixi needed to rest and eat now.

"Thank you Master for your insight. Your words will help me think further on where else I can look. Of course after I eat an rest. I will therefore resume my reaserch tomorrow. Thank you greatly Master."

Kixi then smiled and bowed to her before leaving. She would rest, in fact she rested for 2 days as her previous ordeal had taken a lot out of her. Then she would resume her research in the archives. Several days later that was.

Now another 2 days had passed, still not any closer than before, and a week since she had last spoken to Master Corvus. Kixi seemed convinced now that the orb couldn't have been here in this library or temple. Yet there had to be something else.

She eventually stumbled upon something else. In an archive. Over a thousand years ago, the Jedi Temple on Ossus had been robbed. Several artefacts stolen. One of them was in fact the Orb of Passage. A Sith lord took it for his own use. The name of this Sith was Darth..... The name was missing. Years later the orb along with several other stolen items were recovered by the Jedi. The Jedi locked the orb away, however it's present day location is unknown. Kixi's focus now shifted away from the actual orb to who that Sith lord was. Surely if I can find out who he was, that maybe he had a holocron or something with his own account or knowledge of the orb. Kixi thought to herself.That Sith lord could be key to this investigation..

She looked everywhere for the name of the Sith lord involved. Another day passed and nothing. Then in an old section of the archives she found it. Darth Kaarth. Now she began looking for anything related to him. A holocron, files, references. However she wasn't able to find much. Perhaps because by this stage she had mental exhausted herself. Nonetheless she would seek Master Corvus on her latest findings, as it had also been over a week since she had last spoken to her now.

"Master Corvus."

Kixi would finally locate her in the main hallways of the temple. Kixi definitely looked exhausted. Master Corvus could see it all over Kixi's body and face.

"Master do you know much about a Darth Kaarth?"

Kixi would then proceed to explain to her all of what she had discovered so far. It wasn't much, but perhaps the link to Darth Kaarth could be a start to unraveling her puzzle once and for all.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus noticed Kixi rested for a full two days. She made a mental note to mention a couple of meditation techniques that compensated for lack of sleep and also tiredness.

But once she returned, she saw she was working hard — and once more, Corvus gave her room to operate.

Finally the young Jedi sought Corvus out once more. Corvus laid a hand on her shoulder — channeling the Force into the young woman. It would soothe and comfort her, lifting some of the effects of tiredness.

Corvus listened. “Darth Kaarth? It is not a name I have heard of if I am honest, and I know a lot. Before the Rule of Two so many held the title, so I couldn’t remember them all.”

Corvus listened once more and was impressed by the tenacity and focus of the Jedi. “You have done well. And made excellent progress towards a solution. And I believe you are correct. If you solve the puzzle that is Darth Kaarth, then you will be much closer to what you seek.”

“Now, how can I or any of the Jedi here be of help to you?”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi smiled at the Jedi Master as she spoke her words of wisdom.

"You have already provided me with much help and support Master. I don't know how much more I can find in this library from this point on, but I'll spend a few more days researching Darth Kaarth and then my work here will be done."

Kixi bowed to Master Corvus and then left. A couple of days later, as she was deep in the ancient archives she did manage to finally stumble on something relating to the dark lord of the Sith in question. An old record from a flimsy. She took a look. It was quite a detailed record as Kixi slowly read through it. Towards the centre of the record, there it was mentioned, the Orb of Passage. Further details contained on the matter in the Holocron of Kaarth. Umm, now where can I find that she thought to herself. She had no idea if such holocron existed or were even stored in this library or temple, but before proceeding she would most certainly ask Master Corvus.

Later that day she would do just that.

"Master Corvus, I believe there is some information regarding the orb in the holocron of Kaarth. My question is, do we have any holocrons from the Sith stored in this temple at all? Not that I want to access it, I merely want to know if any such artefacts are storred here Master?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus continued to be impressed by Kixi’s patience and dedication. She was a credit to the Silver Jedi.

Many would have given up quickly – or even found some information and stopped. In a sense the young Jedi reminded her of herself.

Finally Kixi came to see her again. She shook her head at the request, already hinting the answer was not going to be positive.

”We held a good many Sith artefacts. Primarily to protect them from the One Sith. Such knowledge can only strengthen their power. But, sadly, a combination of events meant we lost them. All of them. They were stored outside of this galaxy for safe-keeping but something happened…” Corvus shrugged to indicate information on what occurred was incomplete. ”They may still be scattered across the universe, protected from detection. They may already be in Sith hands. Or they could be waiting to be found. If the latter, better a Jedi finds them than a Sith.”

Corvus smiled, weakly. ”What are your plans knowing this news? Do you intend to seek the holocron?”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
[member="Corvus Raaf"].

Kixi lowered her head down at the mention of the artefacts being taken away from the Galaxy and scattered across the universe.


Kixi finally answered, to the astonishment of Master Corvus.

"The Orb of Passage or at least Darth Kaarth's holocron are most definitely in this Galaxy at the present time. This I am most certain of."

Kixi was hesitant at what she was about to show the Jedi Master, but felt it was necessary as it was indirectly related. She pulled out a small disc like object which came to life as she turned it on. A holo image of the Galaxy appeared. Then it became smaller and moved across to the right floating there on its own. Then another Galaxy appeared near it, and then several others in the middle. Finally three smaller galaxies apeared on the left side of the holo projection.


Kixi pointed to one of the three smaller galaxies floating on the right of the projection.

"The Androj'Meden Galaxy. I haven't told this to nobody, not Master George, not Master Coci. That is where I came from."

She then pointed to another of the small galaxies next it.

"That there is the Lat'Saena Galaxy. The Kustetiera System is somewhere there. The point of where the supposedly altered timeline occurs. I travelled here to this Galaxy because something happened there. My beloved companion Mako Zaneca was critically wounded. I was forced to unleash a biological weapon killing millions, yet I was lied to anyway and Mako barely survived the ordeal. Later the truth was discovered that the one I served, Lord Xiz'Jhan was behind the treachery. So my crew and I fled. We learnt of a device or object or something that could alter time. Someone else, decades before me known as Qi-Xian Sunrider, a descent of the Jedi Nomi Sunrider had made the trek from Androj'Meden to here, thus why we knew we could get here. We also knew this Sith artefact, that it existed in this Galaxy somewhere. Thus the long eventual perilous trek to here."

Kixi paused a moment as Master Corvus listened attentively, placed the disc on the floor so that the floating holo
Images could remain there, and then continued speaking as she slowly paced up and down.

"Therefore either the orb or the holocron in question are most definitely in this Galaxy. From my weeks of research here in this library Master, I've concluding that I never found the orb, but instead Darth Kaarth's holocron which contained the vital information about the orb for me to later somehow replicate. Where I'm from we have technology that can be used to replicate the most complex of things. As long as I had access to the Dark lord of the Sith's holocron, then it would have been doable or possible."

Kixi then stopped pacing and faced Master Corvus directly.

"In the alternate timeline, again assuming this is the case, I was captured by the Sith, but was able to activate the time twisting device to go back to Kustetiera and save myself and Mako who too was getting executed. In doing this it then changed both our fates and that of millions of others by not unleashing the biological weapon and anticipating the personal attack on Mako. Yet I had no orb in my hand. As the Sith took everything off me after my capture. If I indeed had replicated the technology from the orb, with our own technology which is well known to me, I would have injected it into my bloodstream. Inevitably it would have killed me eventually had the Sith not, but by going back in time it erased the whole event. After the events at Kustetiera had been altered I stil had a reason to come here. To escape the treachery of Lord Xiz'Jhan, and something else. Hard to explain but it's like I had a calling through the Force or something. However back to the main topic, the big question is, where is Darth Kaarth's holocron now and how did I locate it and get my hands on it in the first place? I know it here in this Galaxy, but that alone is a huge place on its own."

And that's where Kixi stopped speaking. She just starred at the Jedi Master before her. No doubt what she had just told her and shown her would be most overwhelming even for a Jedi Master of her calibre.
Awesome post...truly :)

It was a lot to take in. An awful lot. Corvus had many questions and a lot of what she heard she had to simply accept as fact – even without an understanding of the details.

She knew a huge amount about Jedi Lore – and Sith history too. Sunrider was a familiar name of course – but information about other galaxies? She was no more knowledgeable than the next person.

But she was a scholar and found all learning exciting, so soaked up everything that the woman explained to her. It was fascinating and the various permutations a challenge to keep up with – although she believed she had.

Finally she allowed the information to settle and permeate her brain before she responded. Compared to what she’d heard it would seem an anti-climax, but then, it was a tough act to follow.

“So tell me Kixi…do you have a plan to locate it? If you lack any leads, my only advice is to consider the Invisible Market. Such a rare item – if it’s back in this galaxy, might have changed hands. If it did, the Invisible Market is the place to search.”

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
Kixi bent down and turned off the holo images from her disc which she then picked up. She smiled not really knowing what to think. Showing all of what she just did to Master Corvus and telling her what she just did was a lot for her to take in too.

"I hope you don't think I'm some sort of extra galactic outcast or freak Master. I'm just as human as you."

Kixi assured the Jedi Master before resuming.

"As for finding the holocron of Kaarth, I only seek it to finally put to rest the reasons for these visions. If I can find it, I will not know as mere speculation that what I've just told you is true, but that in fact it really did happen with pure certainty. I hold no reason to actually use it. Oh hell no I wanna use it. I almost died using it last time, of course assuming it's true. The life I have now, that of a Jedi Knight of the light is my path, my destiny. Now that I'm on it, I want to continue to grow in the Force Master."

Kixi suddenly broke out into tears and needed a few moments to control her herself once more.

"I'm so sorry for that outburst Master. I think of my family so far away. Of course here I have Mako, my crew, Master George and the other Jedi such as Master Coci and yourself. However family is family and I really miss them being so far away. Yet I always keep them close to my heart."

After Kixi wiped the final tears from her face she returned to the topic at hand.

"The Invisible Market, I'm clueless to where and what that is. Please enlighten me on the subject

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus continued to listen. She was entirely comfortable in this role and given her unbounded patience, was actually very good at it.

Finally Kixi finished speaking and Corvus could only empathise with her. Putting the visions to rest and ensuring the safety and well-being of loved ones. This were entirely reasonable needs and Corvus would do whatever she needed to help her in her endeavours.

"You are strong with the Force, so I have no doubt your growth is assured. As long as you work hard, your efforts will undoubtedly be rewarded."

"And you need not worry, I am sure in the same situation, my concerns and fears would be exactly the same."

"But to practical help. We have an open market, where things are commonly bought and sold. Shops. The holonet. Then there is the black market. Where things are traded that are strictly speaking illegal. Often stolen, sometimes just forbidden. Like slaves. The Invisible Market goes beyond the Black Market. It's a place where things so valuable - so illegal - are traded that the fewer people that know about them the better. But, like any information, it's always possible to find out what's being bought and sold. Jedi and Sith artefacts are bought by private collectors. They always end up on the Invisible Market."

[member="Kixi Rajki"]
"Then to the Invisible Market I shall go."

Kixi would pause a moment before asking the Jedi Master the next question.

"Where do I go? On what world is it located at? I assume you won't be coming with me although you are most welcomed to come along Master? I have room for one person aboard my starfighter the Cǎlder mit Arkhan."

As she waited for the Jedi Master to respond, she still couldn't help but wonder, she remembered coming to the library in the alternate timeline, but after that, she had no recollection of the Invisible Market. Infact she only remembered the Trandoshan thug turning against her at some point, then her trying to catch him, only to eventually get captured by the Sith. Clearly there had to be a piece of the puzzle in between. The Invisible Market had to be it, and the source of where Darth Kaath's holocron came from.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
"In truth it's not a physical location. It exists on the ether. Which is why a slicer is useful. Or...someone known to dabble in stolen goods that could help you. I know of one. He's a good fellow but keeps his eyes and ears open and close enough to illegal trade that he is a useful informant."

"He would be able to access the market and tell us if the item - or one matching its description - was sold recently. Then you would have a trail to follow."

She smiled. "I'm more than happy to accompany you, but would understand if you'd prefer to go alone. It's entirely your choice and I won't take offence if you'd like to fly solo, so to speak."

[member="Kixi Rajki"]

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