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Seekers of the Rift: Our Meeting Place


Well-Known Member
Asher stared cautiously at the events unfolding. The well, it seemed to emanate the Force with its own murmur. It was almost hypnotic, yet he could not bring himself to move at first. Why did he not trust the Host Lords words? Because he was a cautious being that rarely brought himself into the light! For all he knew this was a farce, that the liquid was a poisoned batch...

Yet through force of will, he stepped forth and cupped both hands. Lowering the appendages into the murky substance, he stared at it as it washed over the edges of his limbs and into the awaiting palms. Trusting in the Force, he brought the cool substance to his mouth and partook in its cooling sensations.

Ebon watched the Host Lord carefully, her every step brushing the grass like a refined dancer, hypnotizing Ebon before his attention moved swiftly to the earthen, black fountain before them. In this moment, he was the closest to excited as he had ever been. He could hear the call chants of the Primeval in his head, each word resounding with a glorifying echo in the limitless edges of his imagination. Externally, his body remain still, his face, the same cold statue it was before.

… and darkness will prevail, in men and gods. The worlds will but for a glimpse of time bow before the dead throne.

With a reserved excitement, he watched and waited with anticipation. [member="Damien Daemon"] began his elaborate display of drinking the viscous liquid, black and eldritch in nature, and cold in aura. Ebon could feel the very essence of the liquid before him, even if his sensitivity to the force had been dulled through the ages. A soft growl emanated from his throat, the overtly lavish display of disrespect bothering him to his religious core.

The offspring, ancient blood, will hence rise – mother traitorous to her own spawn – father insurgent against his own bloodline;

Ebon watched Damien hold back his accomplices from the liquid, and his soft growling quieted itself. In his mind, he came to the conclusion of dis-enlightenment. He knew not what he did, but soon he would.

Soon. Once more, he watched as the ghost named [member="Asher"] began his approach of the liquid, noticing his hesitation to accepting the gift presented to him. An annoyance grew in him as he watched this, tired of the fear and uncertainty amongst his would be religious allies. Zealotry was power, and they lacked it, but soon they would see the light.

– the forgotten child will bring the secret of Sargon's obliteration.

Finally, it was Ebon's turn. The calm facade he gave out laid only betrayed by his internal workings. The excitement he felt laid reserved and quiet, and the chanting in his head cresendo'ed into a roaring cheer. Every prayer simultaneously called out in his head as his hands reached out to cup the thick liquid. It's blackness eternal, it's power endless.

He was ready. Ebon drank from the black fountain, gently taking in the soft resonance it held, and letting it calm the internal turmoil he felt. In his mind, only one prayer finished, and the voices who spoke it were calm and chilling.

Upon his moment of victory the hidden will be revealed, The Primevil will unveil itself, and all shall be undone…

The Black Prophet remained eerily silent. A particular reverence fell over his face, as the sorcerous priest observed the ritual begin. Intentful eyes pierced through the compatriots as they demonstrated their individuality in drinking the force itself, from the hand of their Host Lord in the form of this well. The midnight serpent deliberately approached the well, not with hesitance, but with the sort of respect of one who understood more than any man or woman should know.

Spindly flexible fingers ungripped from his deathly serpentine staff, and waved the rotting skull upon it above the fixture, whispering something incomprehensible, before his head bowed. The liquid passed by his lips, and coalesced with his long revolting tongue. The dark oil dripped down his throat, before he rose, and turned away. Without further fanfare, his ritual was complete.
Enoch stepped forward after Damien, moving to the waters. With a glance at Anja, he bent down, cupping his hands. Slowly, he drank from the water, his eyes closed as he did so. Immediately, he felt the power flow through his body, strengthening his muscles and healing his wounds. With a look of ecstasy on his face, he rose. As he walked back to his spot, an image flashed in his mind. All he could see was an outline. To be honest, Enoch wasn't sure what he saw, or even that it was real. For all he know, this was a placebo effect, or the Force from the water was tricking his mind into showing him what he wanted. The image was of a planet. Coruscant. He could tell. The buildings were razed, and atop them he stood. At the same time, he saw himself and saw through his own eyes. At his feet lay the bodies of everyone he had ever met, the cauterized wounds of a lightsaber marking their bodies.

My saber. This...this has to be a trick. My power will never reach this far...

His mind told him that what he saw was just an illusion, but his body craved the scene. Greta, Kaine, even Anja, he could see all their bodies at his feat. Power. He craved the power, and knew that even if this wasn't the final outcome, his would one day grow incredible.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
As they each drank from the well, all saw a vision of their own. For some it was the future, for others it was undeniable desire. Whether or not they believed what they saw mattered little; they saw it all nonetheless. Anja walked behind the fountain and towards one of the trees, she pressed her hand along its bark. Thorns cut through her flesh as she slid her palm along the tree, red blood stained it.

"There is power in this place, it is why I've brought you here," she removed her wounded hand from the tree and brought it to the fountain, allowing her blood to flow into the black liquid. To eyes it seemed as if nothing happened, blood washed away. When she removed her hands the wounds began to shut leaving behind no traces of cuts; not even in the form of scars. "We each share a destiny. What roles we play, what outcomes happen to be inevitable... I do not know, but what is certain is that we mustn't walk apart any longer. The galaxy will destroy us if we do not stand under one banner."

Anja approached Enoch, and then the Hutt, before passing the others too. Each time she gazed into their eyes as if she saw what they had seen. "What is it you want most in this life? Because I can promise you, there is nothing we cannot accomplish."

[member="Enoch Zambrano"] | [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] | [member="Ebon"] | [member="Asher"] | [member="Damien Daemon"]

Darth Grimoire

[OOC: Apologies for the lateness. IRL Business Projects and Obligations to OS with Hauntruss have kept me busy]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]|[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]|@Asher|@Ebon |[member="Damien Daemon"]|[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
​Just as the fountain of dark liquid oozed from its lightening stricken birth, a dark shadow revealed itself from the crevices of the dark looming structures beneath which the Seekers had gathered. Grim, fair and bewitching, the serpentine off-spring of the Sith Lord Hauntruss and apprentice to the Warlord Hutt and the Primeval Host herself, Grimoire, made herself clear to the gathered. Tall, with braided stark black hair and bright red eyes beset in black ink rimmed lids she made no fanfare to her arrival. Strolling towards her masters her cloak caressed the stone from which her black boots clapped against. Her cloak obscured her figure and rendered her a singular dark form, infinite and bleak.

"You called for me..." Grimoire said as she bent a knee and lowered herself between the Hutt and Host, "My Masters." A darkness that emanated from this young woman was foul enough to rival her dark mother. Darth Hauntruss was a well-known figure in the One Sith and beyond its borders the Jedi especially knew of her twisted talents. But, Grimoire was an enigma. Daughter to a Sith Lady but held her own properties unknown to the galaxy. She had been sent by her mother to be trained in a wider depth of arts and since then has spent the hours honing her dark craft. In many respects, Grimoire, was just as dark and if not more dangerous than her dark mother Hauntruss.

Grimoire raised her head and gazed into the grim globes that were Anja's eyes. "What is thy bidding. My masters." Grimoire replied in an emotionless drown.
Ebon's vision faded to a black abyss of darkness, it's very existence threatened by just how dark it had so quickly become. Sharply inhaling, Ebon drew back in near fear, taking a meager two steps back before calming himself and gazing into the depths that the Host Lord and Sargon himself wished him to see. The darkness began swirl and twist, and vivid images began to form in shifting wake.

War was thrust into his eyes, blood and corpses piled high. The planet around him burned, trees to ash, constructions to nothing but charred husks, and his own army rushing across the open plain bathed in the inferno of their conquest. He himself, stood on a hill, adorned in all black, a unknown and magnificent lightsaber in his hand, ignited, and giving off a faint black wake that consumed the energy near it. Ebon watched himself grin wildly, watching the blood bathe he created, and with it he could feel the new found power in the would be Zabrakian.

Deep in Ebon was a magnificent power, but not directly. He had become a wound in the force, the very being of a consumption formed by pure death he caused. Etched on his forehead was the faint symbol of Balagoth, scarred forever just above his brow, and Ebon himself spoke in two voices intermixed in a dark tone. He claimed himself the avatar of Balagoth himself, Balagoth returned.

He was power.

The vision began to shift once more, and years of hunger and destruction flooded past him. It showed what could be, what could have been, and Ebon's mind could not tell which were truths, and which were simply dreams.

Finally, it came back to a simple display of Sirak Kolar, the once pure form of Ebon, sitting in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant with Hasjo Hallu's blade in hand. He seemed to be meditating, no scars nor tattoos adorning the aged master. He simply sat in peace.

Ebon shook his head violently, stepping back from the fountain with nothing more than a faint growl. He was confused by what Sargon was telling him... what would he become? How would know what his path was to be?

His gaze wandered over to the dark presence that had found its way to the group in the form of [member="Grimoire "]. Her presence disturbed him, but curiously. Quietly, he found his place back amongst the group, and remained silent unless he was spoken too, occasionally glancing between the few there, especially the Host Lord herself.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] │ [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] │ [member="Asher"] │ [member="Damien Daemon"] │ [member="Enoch Zambrano"]


Well-Known Member
Damien couldn't truly speak of his visions, nor would he wish to. In them, he watched as numerous planets fell under his control. Being the most powerful Warlord, he felt it his right of passage to take on the Host Lord. The last of the visions had shown him standing over her fractured body, then the rest of the Primeval bowing to him as their newest Host Lord.

Slowly he cast his eyes to Anja. She was an ally, one he considered a potential friend. But his emotions and connection to the Darkside fluctuated frequently. Could this be a sign of another impending fall to darkness?? Would what he saw come to pass?

Only the future could tell...

[member="Ebon"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

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