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Approved Tech Seanna Vel Armor

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Image Source: Here and Google Image
Intent: Personal Armor for Seanna Vel
Development Thread:

Manufacturer: ArmaTech Combat Systems
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Seanna Vel
Modularity: Weapons can be swapped, Aesthetic Alterations
Production: Unique
Material: Phrik-Terenthium Plates, Phrik-Agrinium Armorweave, Syndite, Fused Quartz Crystalline Mesh, Reflec, Armor components, etc

Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 12 Kilograms
Quality: 9
Special Features:

  • Lightsaber Resistant: It can resist repeated lightsaber strikes and the gauntlets can be used to catch lightsaber blades (For a very limited time)
  • Excellent Blaster Protection
  • Decent Slugthrower Protection
  • Acid, Fire, Electric Resistant
  • EMP and Ion Resistant
Weapon Systems
Support Systems
  • Conflicting Functions: The sensor negation functions or the shield and jump pack function, while the sensor negation is passive, if the others are in use, it is useless
  • Limited Ammunition: The weapons on the armor are not the easiest to reload and some of them are one and done weapons (Missiles, Dart Launcher), while the others are simply difficult to reload, and impossible to do without a respite
For his adopted sister, the CEO of ArmaTech assisted in the acquiring, through less than legal means, and the forging of a suit of armor for Seanna. She needed something to protect her when nothing else was available. The suit is custom made for her and includes several weapons and secondary systems to help in defending her.

The plates are segmented, scalloped, pieces fitted to a Seanna's physique upon being accepted into the Clan's ranks, and include a Cuirass, Pauldrons, Cod Piece, Thigh Plates, Greaves, and Sabatons covering the majority of the body with Beskar that had been combined with a very small amount of ciridium to allow it a little flexibility without reducing its protectiveness. These plates were coated with Syndite to provide them with additional energy and heat dispersive abilities, as well as making the suit highly resistant to acidic weaponry. On the inside, the plates are reinforced with a cross weave of Carbon-Nanotubes, known for being light weight and very resilient. They are padded and comfortable to wear, allowing them to absorb a small amount of kinetic shock. The areas where they overlap is coated in a durable rubber to keep the pieces from clanking together making noise. The plates are painted with Reflec in a camouflage pattern that is very mildly photoreactive, having the ability to shift from forest to desert or other environment after a few minutes. This makes them very difficult to detect, however it is not impossible. When using the jump packs or shields the sensor negation effects of Reflec are useless, and it is not impossible to detect them visually.

The armor glove is made from a phrik-agrinium armorweave fibers weaved in, increasing its resistance to damage. A power armor-liner provides increased resistance to kinetic and energy weapons, reducing the chance of knock down and providing resistance to heat, fire, cold, corrosives, and poisons. This armor glove features an internal layer of thermal gel and resealing foam, providing additional blaster and slugthrower protection, while also allowing it to automatically reseal itself if it is punctured. An inner liner consists of fused crystalline quartz mesh, providing resistance to electricity, EMP, and Ion weaponry due to its electrical resistance. The layer that touches skin is comfortable fabric.

The armor features a large number of support systems, enhancing it to extensive levels. As such the armor is capable of serving a warrior in any number of environments. It features a Sky-Strike Miniature Jump Pack for battlefield mobility, an Paragon-class Personal Energy Shield for added protection, a Hyperion Combat Power Pack for a power supply to its systems and weapons. It is hermetically sealed, and features an Arbiter Combat helmet which has a rebreather, independent air filter, and air supply allowing him to remain operational in almost any environment. It features a climate control system allowing him to function at peak capacity in almost any environment, keeping cool in the desert and warm in the arctic. Electromagnetic soles allow soldiers to maneuver more effectively in zero or light gravity. It features a digital life support system readout allowing medics to quickly assess an injured individual. Finally it features a combat de-ionizer as standard. The Left Gauntlet features and integrated holographic control panel that also can perform the functions of a datapad, a HoloNet uplink, and HoloComm. The gauntlets and vambraces feature modular weapon slots that can be easily swapped out between battles.
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