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Approved Tech Scorpio's Disruptor Pistol

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Intent: A personal weapon for Scorpio
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Scorpio
Model: S-1 Disruptor pistol
Affiliation: Scorpio
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, other disruptor pistol components
Classification: Revolving disruptor pistol
Size: Handheld
Length: 33 cm
Weight: 1.6 kilograms
Ammunition Type: Energy cells (6)
Ammunition Capacity: 6 shots
Effective Range: 20 m
Rate of Fire: Semi auto
Special Features: Under-barrel mounted flashlight, red dot sight, magnetized grip
Description: A pistol with tremendous power, disruptor pistols fire a constant beam of energy that stops when it hits something. This beam of energy tears matter apart at the molecular level and bypasses most energy shields. There are downsides to this weapon. Downsides to this weapon are its low ammunition count, its slow rate of fire (minimized by the revolving nature of the gun, changing energy cells) and its short effective range. It is also a large pistol and is difficult to dual wield with sufficient accuracy.
Primary Source: N/A
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