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Private Scattered


Poor lost little shadeling...
The orange, sandy dunes of this tangible realm were strange. He'd seen the Eversands before, witnessed their ever rolling majesty in the realm beyond life, but they flowed with a certain... difference. They seemed to hold more weight here, fascinating in truth if not for the fact that they served as something of a prison. He didn't fully understand what had brought him to this place, only that he'd been following a much older Shadow's tracks.
Masque one minute, here the next. He felt weak and impressionable, fleeting. Rin did not hold a form, could not force himself to hold a form even, and the latter was frankly horrifying.
Imagine his surprise when he found a nice meatsuit to wear, through which he could interact with it all. Some wandering archaeologist who had been studying local ruins. It was far from an ideal sleeve, of course, certainly nothing at all alike how he would typically hold himself, but the discovery of such an interaction had granted him the ability to practice possession if nothing else.
Frankly over the past few days he'd gotten particularly good at it! That was until the body keeled over one morning, and refused to move. Glassy eyes had stared at his shadowy form unblinking, until Rin lost interest and drifted away. He much preferred his natural state anyway, there were plenty of creatures in this realm who sought to gnaw on the fleshy man, but they couldn't much get a grip on him now could they?
Mhm, that was perfect for him. To allow him time to figure it all out. And there was so much to see, so much to observe. Small creatures which skittered through the sand, large behemoths which prowled before tomb entrances, runes and artworks etched into stone. His excitable self zipped this way and that, soaking in as much as he could to bring back with him to the Nether. If indeed he'd ever make his way back there.
Ever the optimist, Rin was hopeful he would.
... Somehow.
He was coming to dislike this planet, a holy planet of the Sith and yet everything that was once holy about it seemed gone. It was just a name now in the galaxy a rallying place for those who would bind chains and fledgling empires doomed to failure. They grew like sudden jungles and just as quickly snuffed themselves out between fighting for resources and simply self interest. Each would try to spin a thousand chains upon their fellow and one day the weight simply broke the whole into a thousand pieces again.

It was all so flawed, and perhaps it always had been.

Nearly fifty people stood in a silent group as the buyers inspected the merchandise with cruel hands. Various species gathered from the far distant rim where no one would ever reach the ears of 'justice' in the galaxy. Of course there was no justice in the galaxy, even legally speaking the entire galaxy was broken into so many pieces that laws were different in every sector. Add to it each species and planets laws, well right and wrong was much more fluid then many liked to admit. Arthos found no issue with it, in fact it felt far more right then some over reaching galactic government enforcing it's will on the very galaxy.

In fact this had brought him to his the closest idea to good government he'd ever been able to pin down. Every planet or system a nation state onto itself with a loose galactic government that respected the will of each planet only leading a time of war. It still wasn't perfect but he felt it was a true Sith system. No chains and no devouring each other and then the entire system in turn leading to failure. It was a dream though, but now that life was an unlimited prospect it was a dream worth working for slowly but surely.

This slaving business wasn't his core, though once he'd thought he'd build an empire of slaves he'd learned. Why build on the flesh of the dying and corrupt when you could build on the strength of everlasting droids. Durasteel would not crumble and fail where flesh did. The small group of combat droids behind him spoke to that new belief. The goods were not unnecessarily beaten or abused, nor had they fought nearly as much. They understood the programming of the droid and that they could not overpower them. It was all much simplier.

Flicking his eyes towards the nearby location of space which felt almost queasy in the force he felt the gate to the Nether. No one settled or came out here, and the darkness in the area made even his buyers rush through their process. There was an innate desire to leave this place, and the Iridonian used it to his advantage.



Not since the archaeologist had taken his rest within the sands had Rin sensed other sentients in his proximity. Plenty of creatures, even some with semi-sentience, but the real deal? Nope, none of that. These were barren lands, and for that reason it seemed to make little sense for any to wish to be here. That was what he'd come to the conclusion of. Might be he'd never find another meatsuit ever again.​
How many rotations the planet made he did not know, he didn't bother to track the comings and goings of the sun any more than he cared to note the changes in weather. It mattered little to the Shadeling.​
Imagine his surprise however when he began to approach a whole cornucopia of lifeforms all huddled in close proximity to one another. It might not have seemed odd had he been spat out on some other world, the Denons and the Naboos of the Galaxy, but little Rin had never seen so much as a hint of those, for all he knew the realm of tangibility was all fleeting sand dunes, and limited lifeforms.​
No buildings to enclose them in, just the great expanse of nothingness stretched form horizon to horizon and occasionally split by towering red rocks. Yet still they were crammed in like sardines.​
Whatever he'd previously been tracking was well and truly pushed to the back of his mind, and he changed courses to meet with them. It took him longer to notice the metal men, they were strange and lifeless yet still they had mobility. As his intangible form approached one he tapped with weightless fingers on the back of their noggin's and then peered inside at the inner workings of their droidbrains.​
Pulling back his face, he hovered behind the durasteel guards and then flowed around them and toward those who held an actual presence within the Force. So many, so varying, it was a feast for his inexperienced eyes and those glowing orbs seemed to grow and pulse with intrigue as he observed them. Some were smooth faced, like the Archaeologist, others bore scales, or fur, or even some sort of mineral deposit in lieu of real skin.​
He ducked and weaved among them, barely a shimmer in the air as he kept himself more toward translucency, and soaked in all that his eyes could readily observe.​
One among them caught his attention far more than the rest, and he found himself approaching her. Small, with fur as black as midnight on a night-dark world, the creature didn't even resist when he tried her on for size. Residual skittishness and fear washed over him as he pushed her mind to the back of her being and took the reins.​
"Ha" he muttered, something of a squeak through her lips; his voice shifted to match hers. "How silly you all look from down here. You, sir, have something in your nostril!" Seemingly having lost her marbles, the 'Bimm' would gesture insofar as she were able toward the tattooed face of the Kiffar at her side.​
No doubt she drew the attention of a patron or two; no doubt the one who held this auction could readily sense the signature of the inexperienced Shadeling even before he stole her form, as he zipped back and forth with unbridled curiosity.​
Either way, Rin had no idea of the dangers he was putting himself in at that moment.​
With near utter fascination he forgot about the sale as the barely perceivable shadow moved through his droid guards and then onto the slaves. He knew what it was instantly, and this close to the entrance he supposed he shouldn't be surprised and yet he was. Watching it tap into the droid for a moment he near envied it before shaking such foolishness off. Knowledge wasn't a thing to be envied but learned and shared. If anything he was a teacher for what greater way to break chains?

With mild amusement he watched it break into the mind of a slave poking about as innocent as a babe, and really what was the difference. Raising a hand to the buyers as one reached a hand to a stun baton to give it some pause. "How interesting. Hold your hand this isn't some foolish attempt to fight back or even a broken mind. Rather it's something quite spectacular, let's keep it simple and say a ghost of Korriban shall we? Give me one moment."

Walking over he ignored the looks of fear and concern among the buyers, Korriban might only be a shadow of what it once was in legends, but even that frightened the unenlightened. If they were wise they would have been cautious of the darkness that rested int he very ground beneath their feet since they arrived. Placing a hand upon the little creature he spun it to him looking beyond her eyes into the shadows.

"And what business does a shadow have among the living? I have heard rumors of your kind coming to visit, but this is the first I've seen it."



This being he'd taken the form of was something else entirely.
Her floppy ears liked to twitch in response to audio stimuli, lifting and spiking in response to words uttered beyond Rin's realm of caring, and her hands held three long fingers and a thumb, missing the fourth that some of the other more humanoid looking in the huddle seemed to have. He flexed her hand, allowing those fingers to splay and then close back in on themselves to produce a fist, then grinned.
Soon enough he found himself in the shadow of another, far larger being. Gaze traveled upward along the body of the other, before finally coming to rest upon their face. "Aha!" the little creature said, with familiarity wrought upon their expression. "You made it out! Oh, goodie!" Had the host been capable of clapping their hands, he'd have made her do so. As is, she seemed a little caught up in some sort of bind which lay at her wrists.
Head dropped to stare at it, and a disconcerted frown fell over her expression.
"Silly little thing got itself caught in a trap" Rin remarked, shaking at the bindings before peering back up at the Iridonian he'd once met in the Nether, "You wouldn't know how to cut it free, would you?"
The question that was posed had him puffing out the Bimm's chest. "Shadeling" he corrected, with a firm nod of his head. No real difference save age and experience, but still - he liked what he was, even if it meant he wasn't quite so privy about the universe as his older counterparts, "I was looking for a way out for you, actually," he stated, "but instead, well, I found myself quite stuck. How did you get out?"
Realizing that the man likely had no clue who he was, given the meat suit and all, he drifted up and out of her body. The girl slumped, for a moment her body seemed vacant, before finally she blinked back into existence. She seemed... confused. Disoriented.
"Had I tangible hands to help you, my furry friend, I'd see the trap cut." A firm, shadowy nod; he appeared less transparent now, a veritable shadow which hung before Arthos with intense and glowing eyes.
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The fear was palpable, and useful to end this overly long process. Looking towards the buyers he smiled slightly in amusement. "You may want to hurry along before this... shadeling decides to take one of you. Quickly now, deposit my credits take your wares and go." Moving his eyes back to the more familiar form of a friendly nether being he held up a finger. "One moment let these fools leave then we can speak."

There was no more checking of wares or haggling the buyers nearly ran dragging the slaves with them as they left behind a rather heavy crate of credits. The leader seemed trapped to the shadow his eyes in wide fear as he stared into it. Had the creature been dangerous they would already have been dead no doubt, or at least confined to it's bidding. After several minutes the seal of their ship closed with a final hiss before he moved his eyes back to the shadow before him. Rin this one was if he was correct, young among his kind.

"I could have cut it free, but it had the chance to cut itself free and didn't take it. That it sits among chains is it's own choice no matter how grotesque I find it. Besides it's quite profitable and I have little base which to stand on for the moment. Still they've better fates coming towards them then the spice mines of Kessel I promise you that if it helps."

Flicking his eyes towards the nearby opening he wondered if the creature had simply just past through on accident, or truly had been pushing when suddenly he found a crack in it all. "Someone came in to return someone to life and I merely took the chance to jump aboard. Luck perhaps or chance, but unlikely considering one of the persons involved. Either way I had a chance so I took it. Now I rebuild in life so that I never return to that realm again. You though, you seem quite curious here. Are you headed back or are you bound on a grand adventure?"



Rin watched with fascination as the other, untrapped individuals in his vicinity began to fret and panic with fear in their eyes. He wondered why that was... Nothing had changed since he'd arrived among them, were they expecting a sandstorm to kick up? There'd been quite a few since he'd been spat out here, though glancing around he didn't see any such thing on the horizon.
How strange.
Then Arthos' words made a little more sense of the situation. Him... They were, somehow, afraid of him? Oh that was too good and he chuckled cheekily. In an instance he disappeared, then he popped back up in front of one of the patrons. The one who was meddling with the Bimm girl to be precise. "Boo!" he exclaimed, before vanishing just as quickly. He rematerialized behind the girl, then looked at her fluffy ears... Then peered between them back toward the Iridonian.
"What are they doing with it?" he asked, head tilting this way and that. As she began to get pulled away something in him spiked. Indignation, perhaps, he wasn't entirely sure how to identify it. "Wait... Hey!" He shook his shadowy head and immediately swooped in to claim the slaver's body as his own, if only to briefly stop him in his tracks.
The line of slaves halted, and he turned back to Arthos.
"This one is mine" he stated firmly, gesturing one sharp hand out toward the Bimm. "It is small enough for me to fit comfortably."
Inside the slaver's head he could feel its fear and surprise and disgust at being worn this way, but Rin didn't much care. Some of the other thoughts which drifted through his mind almost made him want to figure out how he'd made the Archaeologist keel over... Almost.
Instead he just stood and waited, hand still pointed at the Bimm.
Impetuous little thing that he was Arthos wondered even how much it had heard. Now though it was interfering with business even as the first of the two buyers ships were ready to leave. Taking a step forward though he decided to watch, this wasn't his fight. He'd already been paid after all. The buyers did in fact look at him questioningly but the Zabrak simply shrugged.

"The choice is yours, you can try to deny a spirit it's demand or not. It is no longer my business though I admit I do find this unfortunate so soon after our arrangement is complete, rather bad for business. Personally though I don't think it's wise to fight with an enemy who isn't even truly alive."

He was slightly annoyed at the creature, but only slightly. If it hadn't been interfering with business he'd have in fact enjoyed the exchange, but he doubted the shadeling even began to understand what was going on. "If you really don't care to part with the goods though perhaps your business associate then as without the force or a very strong will one cannot shake away a spirit."



Rin simply did not understand what was going on among the fleshy mortals. He had no clue why they were being led away in such a fashion, all he knew for certain was that the Bimm did not want to be part of it. He'd read as much from her mind once stationed inside, she was fearful of the one who just been handling her, the one whose body he now resided within.
Ordinarily he might not have tried to interfere even with that in mind, but there was a childish innocence to the creature's mind that he instinctively felt the need to protect. It wasn't an abnormality among Shadows, who were fiercely protective of not just their own young - their Shadelings - but all displaced younglings within the realms. Rin may not have understood why he had such a reluctance to seeing her go, but he did see fit to act upon it.
The word business and goods was thrown about, and Rin seemed to pipe up to that. The body he wore took on a look of surprise and satisfaction. "Oh yes, we know plenty about bartering," he stated, head nodding at a frankly dizzying rate, "What was the price? A memory, perhaps, or some of this reddish hair he sports?" Before Arthos could give a response, Rin drifted out of the slaver's body and lowered himself until he was stood before the petrified being.
"Tell you what, I'll trade you my old meatsuit for this one." It seemed a fair compromise to Rin, after all the Archaeologist had been much taller, much larger, than the Bimm was. Older too, his head had been full of smart ideas. "He's over yonder, big fellow, hard to miss" he made some vague gesture off toward the east.
The Zabrak watched it all with a smirk as he nodded towards the droids, "Start loading up we'll be leaving shortly." This wasn't his affair, and while he was curious enough to stay around for the moment to see the result he wasn't going to interfere one way or the other. He found the possession technique interesting though, in fact he wondered in truth if it would help him advance his own search. As much as that prospect excited him he let it go. The Shadeling would be gone soon anyway, in fact he wasn't even sure why he was bargaining for a meatsuit with the doorway right here.

"I'll leave you to it then, no doubt you can handle a bargain from a spirit. Though I wouldn't upset it, again this is Korriban and the spirits here tend to turn wrathful quickly."

Watching the droids walk off with the heavy chest, a mere inconvenience to their strength Arthos knew it was time to go. One didn't stay around the area of a trade for many reasons, and even on Korriban there were odd surges of self righteous behaviors he found. Still he'd give this one more moment before setting off. Not like he would get a chance like this again for quite some time.



The slaver just looked stupefied for a moment longer, before relinquishing the chains of the Bimm with one deft move and turning to march the rest of them away. He didn't even say anything, nor did he ask for anything in turn. There was a real haste to his step, he couldn't get out of there sooner.
"Hey, wait, the man's over that way! You're going the wro---" With a tut he turned his attention away from the slaver and his wares to the small creature. Reached out with a hand and sort of patted her head though it didn't actually do anything. She couldn't feel anything more than perhaps a faint tickle.
"Well, come on then," he said with a tip of his head, "So long as you don't break down like the last one, we'll have lots of fun adventures I'm sure!"
The girl made a break for it, and for a moment Rin simply watched her go. Then he rematerialized in front of her and stretched out his arms. "What game is this? I don't know this one..." She turned tail again, and this time when he popped up he slipped into her form and took control. Not full control though, he didn't put her mind to rest. This way he could communicate, she could have some say. More of a mutual arrangement than he'd had with the archaeologist at least.
"Woah, hey, no... It's okay, I'm---" the rest of the conversation was switched inward, telepathically communicating with the Bimm as he walked her body right back over to where Arthos and his metal men were packing up.
"So, this is 'Korriban'?" he inquired, peering upward at the Iridonian from his lower state, "You're leaving? In that thing?" he pointed at the ship which was currently being loaded. A thoughtful frown played over his expression. "Are all the places here so barren? It's like the Eversands... I feel as though I've seen all there is to see..."
Deflated, that was one way to describe the tone of voice he projected through the Bimm. "How does that work?" he asked, still gesturing at the ship, "Where are you going, Mister Arthos?"
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It was a child, even among shadows it was a child. He'd realized the shadelings must have been younger, but this was raw enthused child like curiosity. A few beeps behind him him made him wonder for about a thousand times who had taken the voice modulators out of this group. He could roughly translate it out now but it wasn't something he'd ever looked into before. Now though he dove into it with more then a bit of zeal.

"No, the galaxy is even more varied then the lands you come from in truth. Some are water filled and teaming with life, others are volcanic and hot, and there are more types of lifeform then I can claim to pretend to know. As to my destination, well most likely I'll be heading back home before going on another run. Do you plan on staying here though, Rin or perhaps returning home? "


More varied?
Oh the Bimm's ears perked up at that, and he tilted her head to the left in wonderment. How many more places were there to visit? How many creatures to see, and things to learn, and games to play? Leaving the form of the girl once more, he drifted up until he was about level with Arthos' own eyes. Surprisingly, the girl didn't flee this time. She just stood there waiting.
"Where is home?" he inquired, when Arthos mentioned it was his destination. Then he circled around the Iridonian and pondered his question for himself. "We'd like to see more of this," he stated when he'd made a full circle and came back to hover before him, "How do we get one of those, so we can see these other places you speak of?" he asked, jabbing his hand toward the ship once more.
Oh, he'd worry about going home later. He had no clue how exactly he was going to do that, but he'd figure it out... Right? In the meantime, he was having far too much fun to give it more than a passing thought.
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Raising an eyebrow the Iridonian eyed the ship and looked back with a bit of a laugh. "Why would you need one of these merely hitch a ride and the galaxy is yours to take in. You may come with me if you wish to get off of this forsaken rock and see other parts of the galaxy, but if not there are other options." Pointing towards the nearest city quite a bit away, but distance was nothing to a shadow. "Follow that way and you will find a spaceport simply take another body aboard and enjoy the trip. Some basic education might be wise though I suppose."

Beckoning it onwards Arthos walked towards his ship ignoring the little body he had just inhabited. If it wanted to bring the meatsuit along it would, if not well it wouldn't survive out here long anyway no real danger to him either way. "So what do you know about this side of the universe, Rin ?"


His head tilted the other way now, appearing almost like a confused pup in the process. Hitch a ride? Why, yes, he supposed that was very much an option wasn't it? Drift aboard and simply go wherever it took him. But he didn't see any other ships anymore, just the one before them.
Arthos at least gave him options, gesturing some way off in the distance. He followed the gesture, then looked back to the Iridonian; as he made his way toward the ramp, Rin drifted back down into the body and urged her along too. She seemed a little quieter now, less turbulent inside. If nothing it made for a more comfortable ride.
"We know only what we've seen," he remarked, glancing around their vicinity as he did so. "It is much different here than it is back in the Nether is it not?" He didn't understand why Arthos had been in such a rush to leave, the Nether was a realm of brilliance, it was malleable and intricate and perpetually seemed to change.
What he'd seen of realspace thus far was fascinating but it was all a little too... Stuck.
"I think I should like to see what you do," he finally responded to the man's earlier offer, "Have you room for this one among all of your metal men?" Still inside the Bimm, he patted his own head to indicate he meant the sleeve and not himself. He could fit anywhere he needed to!
It was almost with a snort he replied to the shadeling's comment about the Nether, but he let it be. He supposed for it's denizens the Nether was a haven, but for the dead it was anything but. The dead were cursed there, to fade, forget and rejoin the force one way or the other. There were those that fought, those like Arthos, but there were hungry dark powers in the Nether which always sought to feast and grow. How he hated that place.

Walking aboard with the small slave, he nodded towards the captain. "See that it's fed and safe as the property of one Rin. When the shadelings not about confine it to a cell, but see no injury befalls it. I imagine that it's mental facilities will start to diminish in time so it may need a direct feedline." With a sharp salute the droid filed the commands and carried on with it's day to day duties and recharging.

Turning to the shadeling he lifted a hand towards one of the droids, "You should think about a droid instead, they are not confined to the limits of flesh. Though perhaps it isn't possible, out of curiosity how does this whole possession thing work for your kind? Can it be fought off, and are they aware?"



Hm... While the small one would be permitted aboard, it seemed they'd be limited in their freedoms. Rin wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that, but for now he let the matter lie. It was better than leaving her out in the desert, was it not? At least she'd be fed, and safe. And if she was his, then that meant when he left she could too. Yes, this would work...
Relaying such thoughts to the girl squished into the back of her own mind, he followed the man through the ship.
"Oh, we can take non-biological sleeves," he stated, he'd seen some who were partial to such before. "But it's much more fun to travel with a companion." Even if the keeled over in the desert. Why was that? He'd suppressed the thoughts of the archaeologist, maybe permitting the Bimm to keep her consciousness in tact would help to mitigate such going forward.
"They can be aware, yes, or not. It depends... Some co-exist, others take over the body for as long as we need to." He pondered on that other question, fought off? "I'm not sure... This one isn't trying to," another pat of his head, "I think maybe they could... If they could figure out how." A slight frown of thought overcame him, though he perked up pretty quickly again after the fact. "We haven't much experience. This is only our second sleeve..."
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