Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scar Tissue

Cryax Bane, Chiss President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate, had been returned to Antecedent the same way he was abducted from it, with an opaque black hood obscuring his vision and no idea who his kidnappers were. He only knew who pulled their strings: Darth Vornskr, the One Sith Voice of the Dark Lord, the serpentine Emperor of Panatha. The Chiss himself seemed to be one of the many rungs that Vornskr’s would climb in order to carry out his grandiose plans to rule the galaxy, and Kaine made sure the President of the Red Ravens was held tightly in his talons as a servile thrall.

Bound on a slab in a dungeon deep down in Vornskr’s lair, Cryax had been carved from his neck down. Ancient and profane symbols were painstakingly sliced into his flesh with a ceremonial knife, as his blood was drained and then replenished. Then, the deep grooves in his skin had been blackened and burned into permanency with Sith magick wielded by Vornskr. The only places on his body that weren't covered in scarification were his legs which were cybernetic and his neck and face, which had been left alone for the sake of inconspicuousness. The Sith Lord had also removed the Yorik-Kul, from Cryax’s brain in a surgery that involved killing the Chiss, tethering his soul to the earth and then bringing him back to life. Once Cryax had been awakened from his death, his mind was also infected with the same foul darksided Force magick that controlled his body. His personality hadn't changed. Only his will which was rewired with a new found fervent desire to please Darth Vornskr. It was always there, knocking on the back of his mind, an itch that he couldn’t scratch.

Dressed in his rumpled suit, the Chiss crime boss stumbled down the Antecedent street, disoriented and sore, shielding his eyes from the flashing neon lights. Like a homing pigeon, Cryax found his way to the Dragon Palace Casino, promptly waving away the security guards who voiced some concerns about his physical state. Dragging his feet, he took the elevator upstairs to his penthouse apartment and entered as quietly as he could, hoping he could sneak into bed and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep that might cleanse him of the memories of the past few days. Even though he felt like Vornskr had given him a gift, it was a painful one, and one that was confusing and haunting to him, regardless of how he felt about carrying out the Sith lord’s dark bidding.

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
Getting past a Force sensitive undetected was a feat that most were unable to accomplish by themselves. Managing to do so when said individual was familiar with your presence upped the ante just a bit. Accomplishing it when the one you were attempting to subvert also happened to be your boyfriend was impossible. So it was that Jalek was not only instantly aware of a certain Chiss' arrival at the penthouse apartment the two of them shared, it was also painstakingly obvious to him that something was wrong. Again. Things just couldn't ever go smoothly for the couple, it seemed. It felt like both of their lives had revolved around this or that tumultuous and life-threatening event lately, something the Morellian was, for once, stubbornly not okay with.

His first instinct once Cryax entered the room was to wrap him up in a hug and plant a kiss on his lips, all the while quietly reassuring him that everything would be okay, somehow. This time he remained seated on the edge of the bed they shared each night, his jade gaze for once slightly subdued. Still he managed a smile, indicating a spot directly next to him where the other man could sit. "You need to stop disappearing on me like that, Blue. If you're trying to make me worry, then it's working." While he was normally not one to bother himself with the relative safety of others unless it pertained to him, this particular Chiss had managed to draw both his attention and relative concern on all matters that dealt even remotely with the man.

For once he wasn't acting too forwardly, merely instigating conversation as if it were just another regular day for them. It was almost beginning to be, something that didn't sit well with him. "Before you say anything about what might have happened, and I know I'm starting to sound like a broken holo, you know I couldn't care less about what happened. You're here, back in one piece, and that's all that matters. The revenge schemes and whatever else it might be can come later. That's not what I'm worried about, and I'm not going to let you be worried about it either." And if there was one thing he was good at, it was being stubborn almost to the point of irritation with most. Something he knew wasn't lost on his boyfriend.

It felt like forever since the two of them had ever been able to really spend time together, alone like this at least, and it was something he didn't take for granted in the least. He wasn't one to be the sentimental type at all, but this was an exception like no other. "I love you no matter what karked up thing happened, and nothing you can say or do will change my opinion."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
The sight of his boyfriend sitting on the bed almost broke the Chiss crime boss, and he couldn't wait to wrap his arms around the Morellian slicer. However, when he saw Jalek's face, Cryax blinked, his eyes shifting nervously around the room. His boyfriend certainly wasn't angry, but he wasn't overjoyed. Jalek's gaze was simply unreadable. He stood in front of the man with a sheepish expression, letting him say his peace and then he took a seat next to him on the bed. "I'm so sorry that you were worried, Jalek. You know that I have business to attend to sometimes." He didn't face Jalek yet and instead let his red alien orbs linger on the floor for a little while. "It's not like this is a nine to five job, Red."

When Jalek told him he loved him, Cryax put both hands on Jalek's face and tilted his head in for a kiss. "I love you, too, ch'eo ch'acah. With everything I have." Cryax said, intertwining his fingers with the slicer's. Even though he looked the opposite of fine, with thin, sunken cheeks and blood matted in his hair, the Chiss smiled and tried to reassure Jalek with a shake of his head. "There's nothing to worry about anyway. I'm perfectly fine." Then his demeanor turned strange. Jalek, something amazing happened. The Yorik-Kul. It's gone." He sounded almost enraptured as he made the announcement, then he smiled widely. "No more fething Dredge."

Cryax couldn't wait to tell Jalek about his new position as Kaine's minion, Vornskr's special chosen one. Jalek would be proud of him, of course. How could he not? It was a great honor. The terrifying ordeal the bearded Emperor put him through was a reward for only the most gifted vassals. Cryax would show his gratitude by eviscerating the all of the Sith Lord's enemies one by one. He would soon bathe in blood for the One Sith. It was his destiny.

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
Apparently their definitions of fine were much different. Because, at least to Jalek, there were a number of things that were wrong not only with Cryax's appearance, but his demeanor as well. That spoke of things being the opposite of okay, but unfortunately it didn't give him a clue as to who was responsible for any of it. There were a number of guesses he had, of course, but without confirmation they would be all but useless. Perhaps that one would require a bit of digging later. Being a slicer, that wouldn't be too difficult of a thing to accomplish. Especially given his connection to Cryax in particular.

Not speaking right away he listened silently to all that was being said about what had transpired. Everything was marginally typical, up until the information about the Yorik-Kul. Along with being entirely unexpected, the almost ecstatic way his boyfriend referred to it spoke of something more happening that the Chiss either couldn't remember or was simply choosing not to mention. Neither were favorable, though if he had to choose he would pick the latter. That, at least, left the chance of it perhaps not being something so severe. Still he was silent, leaning in to return Cryax's kiss with one of his own, letting it linger for as long as the other man would allow.

A smile found his lips despite the uneasy feeling that had wormed its way into the pit of his stomach. That's great to hear, ch'eo ch'acah. Who's the one that removed it?" His tone was a bit skeptical, but that was to be expected, after the input he'd been getting both through his own interpretations and those that came to him through the Force, not so much of his own accord, but appreciated nonetheless.

It was true that he was happy, overjoyed in fact, to see Cryax back in one piece and seemingly mostly healthy, but instinct prevented him from welcoming him back outright. And his gut feeling hadn't failed him yet, so he went along with what his senses were telling him rather than what routine dictated him to do. The way he was acting was alarming enough, but there were the typical outings that often caused the Chiss to leave for a day or two on end, none of them quite like this. Simple uneasiness, that was the best way to put it. An uneasiness that persisted no matter what rational thoughts he tried to dissuade it with.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
There was a lingering scent of dark side energy around him, a faint trace that hadn't been there before. Unfortunately it wasn't an energy that Jalek himself would be able to discern until he’d trained up his Force powers, for it was masked with an even stronger neutral energy, courtesy of Vornskr. Even without immediately sensing the magic Cryax was infected with, his boyfriend’s expression betrayed his concern about his Chiss lover. He was sure that once he explained everything, Jalek would soon get with the program.

“Who's the one that removed it?" Jalek had asked, referring to the Yorik-Kul that had been mired in his brain for months. In an instant, Cryax titled his head at Jalek wearing an expression somewhat like an aggressive, daring glare. “Why the Dark Lord of the Sith, love.” Then the Chiss smiled and shrugged as if to say, “duh, who else?” Jalek was aware of the Red Ravens treaty with the One Sith of course, but given that Cryax rarely consorted with the Sith, it would raise more alarm bells. Cryax figured he might as well rip off the batca patch and show him Vornskr’s handiwork. After all, the carvings covered his entire body. It was unlikely he would ever be able to hide the ruination.

He loosened his tie, then slowly unbuttoned his shirt, pulling it open to revealed the blackened grooves in his blue skin, covering every inch, like hieroglyphics. Another silver lining, the Yuuzhan Vong child’s “WRETCH” carving was barely noticeable, but Jalek would have to be intimately familiar with Sith magick to even recognize the symbols. He could see Jalek’s eyes widen, and the Chiss raised a blue-skinned finger to his boyfriend's lips. “Shhh. I know what you’re going to say, but let me reassure you. It’s a gift.”

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
As far as Jalek had remembered, neither of them had been on quite so friendly terms with the Sith. Sure, the Ravens were allied with them in a treaty that seemingly benefited both parties, but he'd never been one to concern himself with the political side of things. That was business better left to those fit for diplomacy, and he was definitely on the bottom of the list. So this action surprised him, to say the least. Not to mention that it was, at least in his eyes, something of a violation of the papers that had been signed. Not that he'd expected much different from a dark side sect infamous for their unhesitant betrayal of those they once called friend and ally. It wasn't anything terribly shocking, but it was still something he could have gone without.

To complete that, it seemed that Cryax didn't share his same sentiments. That lead him to believe the man had been mentally manipulated in some way, likely via the Force, given who was responsible. Those were effects that were, at least with his limited abilities wielding the energy field, irreversible. He was certain that one better trained than he would be able to manage something, but as it were he wasn't quite ready to seek out a Jedi just yet. That would come later, after he'd fully assessed things himself, if it did at all. A degree of understanding on his own part was necessary before he decided to move forward.

"I think we need to have a little talk about what the word 'gift' means. I'm glad that they removed the Yorik-Kul, but they have something else to answer for." That 'something' was whatever had been done to alter the Chiss both mentally and physically. If there was one thing he didn't take well to, it was someone injuring Cryax. Though he might not have been a skilled fighter, he would do all in his power to assure that those responsible would know just who it was they'd upset.

Reaching up with a hand he gently cupped Cryax's cheek, fingers brushing lightly against his skin. "You might be okay with it, but I'm not. I think the Ravens are going to have to have a discussion with these Sith about how a treaty works." That was to say the least. It was likely the others would take about as well to this as he was, which was to say not at all. There would be plenty of inquiry after whose fault this was, not to mention digging done by the Morellian himself. One way or another, they would figure it out.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. He inspected the carvings on his own torso and arms, and craned his neck so that he could view their mirror images on his back. Aside from the ordeal he had to endure in order for the Sith Lord to bestow them which was hell on earth, the symbols were at once grotesque and at the same time beautiful in a way. Aesthetically sublime. Cryax smiled that same sickly sweet smile and shook his head at Jalek. "How can you say this work of art isn't a gift?" he asked incredulously. "It's given me brand new eyes to see. A new body to use. This," he gestured to the scars across his torso. "Is bringing me so much closer to the One Sith."

When his boyfriend suggested the Ravens have a discussion with the One Sith, he shook his head vehemently. A dangerous flash of malice crossed his alien eyes and a tic danced across his jawline. If Jalek looked closely enough he could see the small puncture wounds that lined his lips where his mouth had been sewn shut, punishment for mouthing off at his tormentor. "Oh no. No one knows about this, but you, me, and Darth Vornskr. This is not something the Red Ravens have anything to do with. For all intents and purposes, it's business as usual at the casino." He squeezed Jalek's hand and then disrobed down to boxer shorts and crawled onto the bed, laying down on his back next to his boyfriend. Cryax was tired. So tired. He felt like he could sleep for an eternity. He only hoped his sleep was dreamless, as nightmares had plagued the sleep-deprived Chiss since Teth. Jalek would see the dark runes covering every part of his Chiss lover's body except for his cybernetic legs.

He folded his arms behind his head and gave the Morellian a wan smile. The weight of his tribulation with Darth Vornskr was beginning to show in his heavy-lidded eyes. "You'll see what ultimate loyalty to the Dark Lord gets us. All the power in the galaxy will be ours."

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
Vornskr. Well, at least now he had a name to start with in his less than legal research. Connect that with the all too infamous moniker of the One Sith, and Jalek would inevitably come up with a plethora of results. Of course, narrowing those down to information that would ultimately prove useful was another matter, but he was more than confident enough in his slicing abilities to do so. Remaining undetected while doing so would present another challenge, but it was a risk he was willing to take if it meant further ensuring Cryax's safety. Even that could prove difficult, considering how the Chiss seemed to hold no ill will towards the Sith for what had happened.

Lying down next to Cryax he studied him for another moment, for once at a loss with what to do when it came to resolving at the very least the immediate issue. That was an oddity for him, but it was a far more sophisticated adversary he was facing this time, instead of just another crime lord. Even dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong had seemed fractionally simpler than parleying with the Sith. Getting thrown curveballs seemed to be a pattern in both of their lives, and not one he liked, especially if they kept being those of this caliber.

"Alright, we won't tell them, Blue." There was a slim chance he would keep that promise, though he had a feeling that it wouldn't take him saying anything for any of the others to discern that something was very wrong. The very appearance of the Chiss was off, even with the runes that covered his body in an intricately grotesque pattern hidden from sight. There was a strange upbeatness to the way the man acted, one that hadn't been present before his disappearance. It was only a matter of time before this was a hot topic among the other Ravens.

With a faint smile he leaned over to brush his lips across Cryax's cheek, doing his best to keep up the idea that nothing was wrong, that this was just another typical topic of conversation for the couple. It was becoming awfully familiar, welcoming his boyfriend back after he'd been captured, but that was something he wouldn't dwell on for now. I think it's about time you got some sleep, ch'eo ch'acah. I promise that I'll be right here when you wake up."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Call it a hunch, but something felt dishonest about the Morellian slicer's words. Well, there was also the fact the other man was a criminal who, much like Cryax himself, only told the truth when it suited him. So the chances were slim to none that Jalek was telling the truth. Either way, Cryax's red eyes narrowed in suspicion when Jalek promised not to tell the Ravens about his new body decorations, especially since the apprehensive edge in his lover's expression said the opposite.

Fingers reaching out to play with a few strands of the other man's red hair, the Chiss smiled as his boyfriend kissed him sweetly. When Jalek drew away and implored Cryax to sleep, the Chiss smiled in a way that was alarmingly treacherous. Then, Cryax suddenly rose up out of bed like a ghoul and quickly crawled over the man, pinning his arms at his sides with his strong, cybernetic thighs. The Chiss wrapped his hands around the Morellian's throat and with almost preternatural strength, started to squeeze his windpipe.

"You bet your pretty ass you aren't going to tell the Ravens," he hissed with bared teeth, choking the other man more tightly, his hands vice-like around his lover's tattooed neck. "I'm really going to need you to get on board with this, Red. If I get word that you've told a single soul about this, you might as well go into hiding. Have I made myself clear?" Cryax would keep viciously choking the other man until he coughed out an answer.

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
"Fine." That single word was the only thing Jalek managed to choke out past the ever-increasing pressure of Cryax's hands around his neck. The crushing grip was released in the next second, and he instantly reached up to massage his throat, letting that hand fall and giving his Chiss boyfriend a measured look, his jade gaze untelling of just what thoughts were flying through his mind at the moment. Only at that moment did he realize just how dangerous a game he was playing now that the Sith had been thrown into the mix. This would require more subtlety, something that was often lost on one such as him. But he didn't fancy the idea of another encounter such as this anytime soon, so it would have to work.

Another moment passed before words finally fell past his lips. "If you'll remember, you already learned the hard way awhile ago what it means to kark with someone like me in the wrong way. I don't care how close we are now, if you try something like that again I won't hesitate to clean you up, There's a reason I survived so long on Taris. Now, have I made myself clear, Blue?" Part of that not so idle threat was spoken in Cant, sure, but he was confident enough in Cryax's intelligence to believe that he would at least get the basic idea of things. Sure, he didn't exactly want it to have to come to violence between the two of them, but if the need arose he wouldn't hesitate to defend himself.

Maybe he wouldn't be so bold as to tell everything to the Ravens, but that didn't mean he couldn't at least hint at something here and there. Besides, word would eventually get out that something was up, and he had a feeling the blame would be placed squarely on him for that little altercation. It wouldn't be the first time he'd gotten in trouble for something he wasn't necessarily responsible for, but perhaps this time the consequences would be a bit more severe.

"I might be your boyfriend, but there's this thing called tough love."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Once he'd gotten an affirmative answer, Cryax dropped his hands to his sides, and frowned. Gazing down at his lover, he suddenly had no idea what came over him in those frenzied moments right before, when he had his hands wrapped around Jalek's neck. Something wasn't right. Jalek stared up at him with the same cool demeanor he always wore, the impenetrable expression that always drove Cryax crazy when they got into an argument. His lover was much more adept at hiding his emotions than the Chiss, who let it all hang out. Cryax waited as Jalek said his peace, but he was only half-listening. His mind was brimming with too much alarm to let the words sink in. What the frell just happened? He loved this man, and he'd never do anything to hurt him.

When Jalek was done talking, Cryax nodded emphatically, a doleful expression paining his face. He climbed down off of his lover's pale body and gripped him tightly in his adorned arms, leaning his chin on Jalek's shoulder. The ridges and grooves in Cryax's skin could be felt as he pressed his chest against the other man's. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me." Cryax drew away and traced a line across the Morellian's throat, right where purple bruises began to bloom. The Chiss shook his head incredulously and searched the other man's eyes, his face turning apologetically innocent. "Please forgive me? I didn't mean to do that, babe. I swear. It will never happen again. Please? Tell me you forgive me." His blue-skinned hands gripped the other man's arms so tightly, they felt like pincers.

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
A long, tense silence hung between them, the very air seeming heavy with it. Slowly and almost hesitantly Jalek reached out a hand to cup Cryax's cheek, his tattooed fingers tracing a gentle pattern on his skin. Leaning forward he pressed their lips together, the kiss starting slowly, but quickly turning rough as he let out his frustration regarding what had happened in that one embrace. After a moment of this he pulled back, locking eyes with the other man, a smile forming on his lips. It might not have been the best, that he was so forgiving after what had happened, but the better part of him was aware that the side of Cryax that came to light just moments before had already retreated back into his subconscious. That was something to watch out for later.

The look in Cryax's eyes was enough to cause a crooked grin to break out on his face, and just like that all of the suffocating pressure dissipated as if it had never existed in the first place. "Well, if you were into that, all you had to do was ask." Letting his fingers trail down the patterns that adorned Cryax's arm he intertwined their fingers, squeezing the Chiss' hand reassuredly. "It's not you that does that." A slight frown. "So I'd say it's not entirely your fault. But like I said, if it happens again I'm not going to hesitate to defend myself. You know I love you, ch'eo ch'acah, but there are lines that even I have to draw, believe it or not."

As he swallowed a faint grimace, barely perceptible, flashed across his face. Unsurprisingly, his throat would be sore for at the very least a few days. Not that he ever let something like that stop him, however impractical it might have been. Besides, he knew that Cryax already felt bad enough about what had happened as it was, and no matter how much he wanted to know more about why it had occurred in the first place, he didn't want to press the issue more than was necessary. There were few people he cared enough to do so, but his Chiss boyfriend was definitely on that list.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Returning his boyfriend's kiss ferociously, Cryax let out an almost inaudible growl as the nature of it turned rough. Then he let it last until he could no longer breathe. When their lips parted, the crime boss drew back and seached his lover's eyes. Despite Jalek's cool gaze, forgiveness was obviously there. Which was good. He'd hate to have to kill his lover after all. The Chiss shook his head, trying to dismantle these confusing thoughts. Then the Morellian smiled, something that always melted the Chiss regardless. His eyes followed every trace of Jalek's face as the man told him he wouldn't hesitate to defend himself, and once he was finished, Cryax nodded gravely. The Chiss lay on his side, raised on his elbow, letting his other hand lazily wander over his boyfriend's body on the bed beside him, and then he spoke.

"I know I'm in bed with the One Sith," he admitted with a sigh. "Despite this," he gestured to the carvings. "I sold my soul to them the minute we signed the treaty that day on Coruscant." His red eyes gleamed with enthrallment once again. "I just want to make sure we're on the winning side in this galactic war, babe. Don't you want to bury our enemies? The ones that would disrupt our business? The criminal underworld needs order," Here Cryax punched one fist into his hand to punctuate this thought. "If the Red Ravens get dismantled, Wildspace will plunge into complete anarchy. The One Sith will help us maintain that order, but they won't do it for free." Rationalizing things away was one of Cryax's many talents, and this was no different. What he didn't mention was how strongly the will to serve Darth Vornskr throbbed in his head. It eclipsed every other motivation that he had like a red bloody sun, snuffing out any light in the sky.

[member="Jalek Sathora"]
Though he had to admit that Cryax did have a valid point here and there about maintaining control and the assistance of the Sith in helping them do so, there was a point where the ends no longer justified the means. It was rare for Jalek to ever really acknowledge that, but it came when the man lying in bed with him was harmed in any way, whether or not he viewed it as a detriment or an improvement. It was all one in the same with him, though he realized that this time he wouldn't be able to speak out against the one responsible. Creativity was the thing. And after having spent the majority of his childhood among a gang that thrived in both violent takedowns and other, quieter means of subterfuge, he was confident enough that something would, at the very least, get noticed, if not set on the track to getting resolved one way or another.

Lighter conversation was something he felt was necessary at that point. More than just he would be needed to really get a handle on all that had happened, something he wouldn't readily admit but realized nonetheless. "The criminal underworld might need order, but before that happens I need you to stay here with me. Like it or not that's a requirement, and I don't give a kark what anyone else has to say about it. You're mine, I'm yours, and that's the end of it." That was his own way of rationalizing a different argument, his putting Cryax's safety above any other achievement or goal. And once he set his mind on something, it was notoriously hard for anyone to change it.

"Maybe you need a bit of a break. There's always going out for a day just to get away from things. If you're overly curious we can go to Taris so you can see where I grew up, otherwise it's wherever you want." He flashed a mischievous smile. "Of course, I have other ideas of my own, but it wouldn't be nice of me to make you go along with what I think all the time. Even if you do need to get out of your comfort zone once in awhile." The last comment was meant purely in jest, though all in all he knew it couldn't hurt.

Once more he leaned forward, letting their lips brush together for a brief moment. A quiet mewing sounded in the room, and their two kittens, Blue and Red respectfully, leapt up onto the bed. At the sight, he smiled faintly. "I think they missed you too."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax returned his lover's gentle kiss. Jalek's words were comforting in a sense, but Cryax still didn't trust the man as far as he could throw him, which admittedly wasn't very far. He decided he would have the slicer trailed by a spy for a while. To see what the Morellian was up to in his absence. He should have done it a long time ago, he mused, back when the man proved himself to be unfaithful. As the two kittens jumped onto the bed, Cryax absently ran his fingers through their fur. Sadly, he didn't feel like he could be trusted around the animals and so he shooed them away. He was self-aware enough to know that there was a monster hatching inside of him. He just didn't know how to stop its accelerated growth.

At Jalek's mention of "getting away," Cryax frowned. He didn't have time for vacations or day trips to bloody Taris. He had enemies to crush. The Vornskr will not only made him feel servile towards the Dark Lord of the Sith, but it also made him feel slightly more powerful, more untouchable, and if it was even possible, more ambitious. He needed to strike while the iron was hot. To put all those sleepless nights to good use and do some serious plotting.

"Sure babe, I'll go away with you somewhere," said the Chiss, but he couldn't have sounded more phony. "No offense babe, but I hate Taris. It's only saving grace was that you were born there. Otherwise someone should make another Death Star and blow it off the map. Pew!" Here he shot a finger gun in the air and chuckled inappropriately at his genocidal statement. He looked up at his lover with a dark grin. "What else did you have in mind?"

[member="Jalek Sathora"]

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