Cryax Bane
Red-eyed Snake
Cryax Bane, Chiss President of the Red Ravens Criminal Syndicate, had been returned to Antecedent the same way he was abducted from it, with an opaque black hood obscuring his vision and no idea who his kidnappers were. He only knew who pulled their strings: Darth Vornskr, the One Sith Voice of the Dark Lord, the serpentine Emperor of Panatha. The Chiss himself seemed to be one of the many rungs that Vornskr’s would climb in order to carry out his grandiose plans to rule the galaxy, and Kaine made sure the President of the Red Ravens was held tightly in his talons as a servile thrall.
Bound on a slab in a dungeon deep down in Vornskr’s lair, Cryax had been carved from his neck down. Ancient and profane symbols were painstakingly sliced into his flesh with a ceremonial knife, as his blood was drained and then replenished. Then, the deep grooves in his skin had been blackened and burned into permanency with Sith magick wielded by Vornskr. The only places on his body that weren't covered in scarification were his legs which were cybernetic and his neck and face, which had been left alone for the sake of inconspicuousness. The Sith Lord had also removed the Yorik-Kul, from Cryax’s brain in a surgery that involved killing the Chiss, tethering his soul to the earth and then bringing him back to life. Once Cryax had been awakened from his death, his mind was also infected with the same foul darksided Force magick that controlled his body. His personality hadn't changed. Only his will which was rewired with a new found fervent desire to please Darth Vornskr. It was always there, knocking on the back of his mind, an itch that he couldn’t scratch.
Dressed in his rumpled suit, the Chiss crime boss stumbled down the Antecedent street, disoriented and sore, shielding his eyes from the flashing neon lights. Like a homing pigeon, Cryax found his way to the Dragon Palace Casino, promptly waving away the security guards who voiced some concerns about his physical state. Dragging his feet, he took the elevator upstairs to his penthouse apartment and entered as quietly as he could, hoping he could sneak into bed and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep that might cleanse him of the memories of the past few days. Even though he felt like Vornskr had given him a gift, it was a painful one, and one that was confusing and haunting to him, regardless of how he felt about carrying out the Sith lord’s dark bidding.
[member="Jalek Sathora"]
Bound on a slab in a dungeon deep down in Vornskr’s lair, Cryax had been carved from his neck down. Ancient and profane symbols were painstakingly sliced into his flesh with a ceremonial knife, as his blood was drained and then replenished. Then, the deep grooves in his skin had been blackened and burned into permanency with Sith magick wielded by Vornskr. The only places on his body that weren't covered in scarification were his legs which were cybernetic and his neck and face, which had been left alone for the sake of inconspicuousness. The Sith Lord had also removed the Yorik-Kul, from Cryax’s brain in a surgery that involved killing the Chiss, tethering his soul to the earth and then bringing him back to life. Once Cryax had been awakened from his death, his mind was also infected with the same foul darksided Force magick that controlled his body. His personality hadn't changed. Only his will which was rewired with a new found fervent desire to please Darth Vornskr. It was always there, knocking on the back of his mind, an itch that he couldn’t scratch.
Dressed in his rumpled suit, the Chiss crime boss stumbled down the Antecedent street, disoriented and sore, shielding his eyes from the flashing neon lights. Like a homing pigeon, Cryax found his way to the Dragon Palace Casino, promptly waving away the security guards who voiced some concerns about his physical state. Dragging his feet, he took the elevator upstairs to his penthouse apartment and entered as quietly as he could, hoping he could sneak into bed and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep that might cleanse him of the memories of the past few days. Even though he felt like Vornskr had given him a gift, it was a painful one, and one that was confusing and haunting to him, regardless of how he felt about carrying out the Sith lord’s dark bidding.
[member="Jalek Sathora"]