RC 212

Image Source: http://www.ouyactu.com/applis-jeux/203-marble-droid-ouya
Intent: To create a personal pair of recon droids
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Vassara Raxis
Model: Droid
Affiliation: Vassara Raxis
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel
Classification: 1st Degree
Weight: 25Grams
Height: 0.3M
Movement: Repulsorshift
Armaments: None
Misc. Equipment: Sensors, Scanners, Relay antennae
The Scanner droid was born from Vassaras tinkerings. Using standard probe droid tech she stripped out all the extra parts and miniaturized it into small sphere shaped droids. When deployed the droids float along the path of least resistance with their repulsorshifts and scan the room with optic, infra-red and other sensors. They then relay the overall map they have constructed back to Vassaras datapad on shortwave comm frequencies.
the weakness of the droids is that they are vulnerable to shots in the eye. They also cannot cut or unlock doors, making them prone to obstacles. While not very smart, they manage to give her an idea of her operational area.