Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sayl Bane

"Now I'm reliving my whole damn life, and it's a shame that I can't remember. And now I'm living the same damn lie, it's a shame, but nothing's forever."
THEME (Explicit lyrics)

Name: Sayl Bane

Nickname(s): Sixer, Little Blue

Sex: Female

Orientation: Pansexual

Age: 24

Species: Human/Chiss

Force sensitive: Yes

Occupation: Thief, street kid

Faction: Ashes of the Rogue

Rank: Hand of the Council

Height: 1.75 meters

Appearance: Despite her Chiss genetics, Sayl doesn’t have the typical appearance of any member of the species, her appearance Human for all intents and purposes. With her short dark hair, brown eyes and pale skin, she doesn’t stand out much from any crowd. The only hint to her hybrid blood is the tendency for her eyes to flash red when upset or overcome with emotion.

+ An expert when it comes to surviving on the streets.

+ Knows how to take care of herself.

+ Force sensitive but untrained, she can manage some of the basics, but no more.

+ Survivor.

- Not trusting of others, she’ll question their motives time after time before doing so, if at all.

- Looks out for herself before anyone else.

- Skewed sense of morality, if it's there at all.

* Knows rudimentary Huttese.

* Has a tattoo of a puzzle piece on the left side of her chest, over her heart, and a lip ring on the left side of her bottom lip.

* Family: Half-brother Cryax Bane, twin brother Sage Bane, father Nightslice Bane, mother unknown.


Twin sister to Sage Bane, Sayl was raised in an orphanage on Nal Hutta right alongside her brother. Though she proved to be just as much trouble as he could be, eventually she mellowed out, this proving to just be an act, once the orphan masters sold off a handful of the children under their care. Instead of reaching out to her father or bothering with any outside help she simply snuck out one night, despite being only ten years old. Any life was better than the life of a simple slave, and she would take the possibility of dying alone on the streets to living one more day under the rule of another. Her time spent in the orphanage was enough of an experience for her for a lifetime.

Life on the streets of Nal Hutta wasn’t an easy trial by any means, and most days it was pure luck if she managed to escape with the clothes on her back. But she wasn’t the only kid living out life under the feet of other folk, and eventually, hesitantly, they banded together to form a group of nothing more than petty thieves. It was with these group of other children that she learned of her Chiss heritage, earning her the nickname Little Blue despite there being no outward signs of her being anything but Human.

And so she lived that way for a while, for about eight years to be exact. Once she turned eighteen, or estimated her age to be as such, she abandoned the ragtag group, striking out on her own, though she wasn’t sure why or what for. Being an adult on the streets earned her another kind of unwanted attention, and she learned quickly how to avoid any unwanted advances, having to resolve the situation her own way, which invariably ended in violence. That eventually earned her the moniker Sixer, though she was never sure why.

Eventually, Sayl once more heard the name of her twin brother around the streets of Nal Hutta, but it was in a different light altogether. Unlike her, being content with simple survival, he’d worked his way up the hierarchy of the criminal underworld until he became a drug lord. That was all well and good, but what interested her was the opportunity to expand her horizons with his aid. However, this has yet to come to pass.

Lightsaber (Yellow blade):

[member="The Onyx"] - Formerly/current(?)
[member="Judah Lesan"] - Former
[member="Sage Bane"] - Former
[member="Rexus Drath"] - Current


Informal students:

Abilities (Novice, adept, proficient, master):

Lightsaber forms -

Niman: Proficient

Force powers -

Sense powers

Force Sense: Proficient

Telepathy: Proficient

Force sight: Novice

Force empathy: Adept

Truth sense: Proficient

Control powers

Telekinesis: Proficient
  • Force push: Proficient
  • Force pull: Proficient

Roleplays (Roughly chronological ICly):

The Best of Me
Sooner or Later
I Must Confess, I Feel Like a Monster
Ode to Freedom
It's Five O' Clock in the Morning
Inferno's Lair
Hey You, Yeah You. Come Here
Ossus Academy Padawans
Different Points of View
Give and Take
Not Quite Two of a Kind
Not So Average Encounter
Episode V: Akala Strikes Back
Dirt and Silence: Behelian Canyon
All in the Game
It's Complicated
Learned Behavior
When She Was Young
Find Me
A Victim to the Fury
All Good Things Must Come to an End
Swamp Things
Old Times or a New Start?
Oh well that sounds fun lol. I've been good, just recently got my stupid computer fixed. I'm wondering how you went from a republic senator to a ghost working for the Sith xD [member="Yusan Fenn"]

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