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Work In Progress Satriale’s Opera House


  • Structure Name: Satriale’s Opera House
  • Classification: Opera House
  • Location: Dantooine
  • Affiliation: Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti - The Family
  • Accessibility: The Satriale's Opera House is located near the center of Dantooine Capital, so everyone can see and enter the Opera House. Anyone can enter and pay to watch the Opera Show which opens everyday. Only the Staff area are off limits, as it also leads to the 3rd floor which is where the Boleoti Office located at.​
  • Description: Satriale's Opera House is a multi-venue performing arts centre in the Capital Of Dantooine, it mains shows are Opera and Orchestra. The building comprises multiple performance venues, which together host well over 1,500 performances annually, attended by more than 1.2 million people, as performances are presented by numerous performing artists.​



  • Theatre - Where the Satriale's Opera House show is conducted
  • Office - It is The Boleoti Office room, where Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Father conducted meeting with politician, mob family, and even businessman. In front of the office is office lobby acting as a waiting room and where the guards are mostly located. The area is mainly colored orange, signifying the Boleoti color. Equipment's such weapons and armor are placed in the office, should enemies reach the 3rd floor.
  • Restaurant - Top of the line food are served the Satriale's Opera House restaurant for the guest
  • Staff Area - Where Satriale's Opera House staff conduct their work (Cooking, Storage, Staff office, and ect)
  • Lobby - Where guest can enjoy the view of the Satriale's Opera House front area and buy tickets for the show. Fancy and expensive decoration are placed around the main area, such as paintings, statue, and waterfall. The lobby also leads towards the lounge, gift shop, restaurant on the second floor, which is accessible by the stairs on each side of the building.
  • Security Area - Where guards control and see everything that's happening in the Satriale's Opera House, as they can close and open any door, except for the Boleoti Office doors.
  • Gift Shop - Guest can buy souvenirs of the Satriale's Opera House


Satriale's Opera House, has around 75 guards patrolling the building. 20 Guards are place at the 1st floor, 25 guards are place second floor with the security area is located there, whilst 30 guards are placed at the 3rd floor where the Boleoti Office is located. To gain access to to the Staff Area, you need Keycards and identification which are handed to every staff that works at the Satriale's Opera House, and needed to go through different rooms at the staff area. The elevator at the back of the staff area can only been used by certain people who has the Orange Keycard & Identification, or ones that are let on by the security from the security area.

Armed Guards - Every guards are armed with blaster, cuffs, and shock-baton. With an armory are placed in the security area, filled with equipment in case a siege were to happen.
Metal Detectors and Security check - Installed the the lobby entrance, at the staff area, and in front of the elevator, as check up are done in every elevator.
Security Cameras & Listening Device - Place through out the building
Biometric Scanners & Blast Doors are installed at Office and Staff Area
Keycards & Identification (Green, Blue, and Orange) - Every staff and anyone who is affiliated with the Boleoti are given Keycard & Identification. Green are for normal staffs members of the Opera House. Blue are given to the guards or visitor, whilst Orange are given to VIP or anyone of importance to the Boleoti.

Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Mother was a huge fan of Opera Show, so his Father as a sign of love to his wife, made an Opera House just for her. It quickly became not only Dantooine most popular Opera House but it's name spread across the galaxy, bringing in outworlder to visit and watch the Opera Show. Tony Boleoti Tony Boleoti Father also used this place to invite his guest such as politician, high ranking mob family, and ect, where they then conduct their business in his Office at the top floor.​
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