Lord of Girth

Name: Satele Alexandria Carrick
Loyalties: Xander Carrick, The Silver Jedi Order, Mandalorians,
Role: Xander's Forgotten "Older" Sister
Development Threads:
Age: 24 GSY biologically,
Species: Human/Arkanian-Sephi Offshoot.
Force-Sensitive: Yes. Apprentice Rank
Standing at five feet six inches tall, Satele is mostly known and seen for her pointy ears. Getting them from her mother, Satele usually hides it with her long hair. Darker than Xanders, She gets a mix of looks from her Father and mother just as Xander does. Looking older than she really is, Carrick dresses mostly in a robes, or in more of a professional set of clothing. Rarely is she seen with just a shirt and pants. Carried always with her is a double bladed lightsaber, as well as a single bladed one as well for a backup. She has a few scars. Mostly small, the one worth mentioning is one on the back of her neck where a tube was placed to feed her for a time when in cryostasis much like Xander was.
Most of Satele's personality comes from her father. She is reserved and is mostly quite when it comes to things that are trivial. However, because of her higher code of living, and standards, Satele will act when someone goes against what she believes is right. She is very much leaning towards the Jedi way, and with a little teaching from Xander, she joined up with the Silver Jedi. With the two siblings standing side by side, they look, and act in total opposites. While Xander will use the physical force of weapons and tactics to get into or out of a situation, Satele will use the force, or persuasion to get in or out. She does not like the idea of killing others, but believes that it is a necessity of life and the cycle. She can kill, but would prefer to not to.
Weapon of Choice: Double bladed Lightsaber, Secondary Single lightsaber, The force.
Wealth: She has no income at the moment and relies on Xanders upkeep.
[+] Force Combat: Satele is more prone to use the force rather than her saber skills. She primarily uses skills such as Force persuasion, Illusion, Telekinesis, Healing, and Battle Meditation.
[+] Fast learner: Very fast at learning force abilities or other things, Carrick is one to learn quick through any means be it visual or verbal, or written.
[-] Saber combat: Carrick is not so great with a lightsaber or for that matter, any melee combat. She focuses more on the force aspect of combat. As well as using abilities such as Force Valor or Revitalize to keep her self fighting when she may be slowing down. However, this does not make up much for those who are seasoned fighters.
[-] Social skills: Satele's social skills are so low they are not on the charts. She can communicate, but when she does, she does not think of the actions of her words on a personal level to others. If someone is feeling sad, she will not console them because she doesn't see the need. She believes that all trials and tests are a way to strengthen the body and the mind. If you break down, then you don't deserve to be there.
Combat Function:
Satele works mostly with the force in the form of aiding others. So she is the type that will stay in a group with other Jedi and aid them in their battles while others fight for her. However, if someone comes up too close, she can fight them off until someone else can come to her own aid.
Lightsaber combat:
- Shi-Cho - Novice
- Soresu - Novice
- Telekinesis - Adept
- Force persuasion - Adept
- Battle Meditation - Adept
- Heal Self/Others - Adept
- Revitalize - Novice
- Force Valor - Initiate
Other Notes: She will be "found/discovered" through RP means and will be intended to be a NPC Apprentice of Xander as well as relatable family.