Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sasha Starkos




- Pictured in Tactical Response Team (TRT) uniform -


NAME: Sasha Starkos
AFFILIATION: Corellian Security Force, Galactic Alliance
RANK/POSITION: Major/CorSec Agent - Special Operations Unit

HOMEWORLD: Corellia; Coronet City
DEMONYM: Corellian or Corellisi
AGE: Mid-upper 30's
GENDER: Female


HEIGHT: 5'9”
WEIGHT: 132 lb

BUILD: Athletic
EYES: Green; Dark Jade

HAIR: Red; Copper Red
SKIN: Caucasian; Fair

PLAYBY: Amanda Righetti

HEX COLOR: #008080


-On duty in plain clothes flashing her endearing smirk at a perp under arrest-

Like her late aunt, the younger Starkos likes to go mach ten with her hair on fire. That can either be a good thing or bad depending on the situation. Sasha sometimes likes to push the envelop, okay most of the time. It usually gets her what she wants or needs, but there have been times where the opposite is true and things have ended badly. Being a combo of a redhead, Corellian, and a Starkos is the trifecta. You either love the "Fire Lily" or hate her.

Tall and athletically inclined, Sasha fills out a sleek armored body suit well or what ever outfit the Corellisi wears. Long dark copper red hair cascades over her broad shoulders. Dark jade green eyes are a contrast to her fair and creamy complexion. Like any redhead though, her skin tends to sunburn easily if out in it for too long and freckles appear, which Sasha adamantly hates.


- Casual civilian look -

Sasha Starkos was born and raised in Coronet City, Corellia. She was named after her grandmother, Sasha Marie Starkos, who died well before she was born. Her mother's late sister was Katara Starkos, who was married to Jedi Master Judah Lesan prior to her death. They had a son together, Judah "JJ" Lesan Jr. Jayden Lesan and Jaron Lesan are both distantly related too, but she hasn't interacted with the Lesan side of her family since Corellia "broke".

The patriarch of the family on her mother's side was Jack Starkos. When Sasha's mother died from a particularly bad strain of influenza, "Pops" raised his granddaughter in Brita's steed as there was no 'known' father in the picture. Jack had been a CorSec agent in his day as well as her aunt. Sasha followed in her family's footsteps and attended the CorSec Academy with dreams of a having a nice, long career as an agent fighting the good fight with the Corellian Security Force.

"Fire Lily" was just out of the academy when Corellia's darkest hour happened. The young CorSec agent was with the Tactical Response Team (TRT) assigned to a security matter on Tralus that fateful day when her homeworld was destroyed; broken literally in two. She joined the Corellian Underground immediately afterwards to aid those in the Corellian sector that were subjugated by the One Sith during their rule, and was front and center when her homeworld gained its independence from the darksiders during the Rebellion.

Presently, Sasha is a CorSec Agent with the rank of Major in charge of their Special Operations Unit. She also works collaborately with SIA when requested on joint taskforces as Corellia is a member world of the Galactic Alliance currently.


- Spacer look -

  • DL-44 Heavy blaster pistol or slug thrower pistol
  • Blaster rifle w/ sniper scope
  • Hold-out blaster
  • Vibroknife
  • Encrypted datapad with slicing tech
  • Tactical bag w/various tools of the trade
  • Protective law enforcement vest and/or tactical uniform
  • Stun cuffs
  • Mini-maglite
  • Comlink
  • Other gear TBA as the SITREP dictates

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