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Approved Tech Saruh's Lightsaber/ Blaster Hybrid

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I was told I don't need a development thread for this. Just tell me if I misheard and I'll slap one together. This is based upon Ezra's lightsaber from Rebels.


- Image Source:
Blaster version:
Lightsaber blade version: Wookieepedia's_lightsaber

- Intent: To give Saruh a lightsaber that fits with both her Jedi and Bounty Hunter sides, and lighten the need for a standard blaster in combat.

- Development Thread: N/A

- Manufacturer: Saruh Sault.

- Model: Lightsaber/ blaster hybrid.

- Affiliation: Saruh Sault.

- Modularity: Yes, crystals can be switched in and out.

- Production: Unique.

- Material: Black Durasteel and lightsaber components.

- Classification: Lightsaber/ Blaster.

- Size: One-handed.

- Length: 30 cm. hilt.

- Weight: 2 kg.

- Ammunition Type: Energy from lightsaber crystal.

- Effective Range: 20m.

- Rate of Fire: Single action.

- Special Features: This lightsaber has a blaster component so it can be used as one. The ammunition is energy from lightsaber crystal.

- Description: Meant to give Saruh an old school, simple blaster she can rely on from the bounty hunting days, but at the same time respect and practice the usage of a lightsaber, Saruh constructed a blaster/ lightsaber hybrid. The lightsaber itself is standard with a simple, blue blade. However, the way the powercell and ignition settings are made, she can switch from lightsaber blade to blue blaster shots the strength and speed of a common blaster pistol (20m) The black metal alloys easily disguises the lightsaber party of this weapon, allowing it as a still possible and reliable weapon if working undercover. While the blaster part is all too well, the lightsaber combination holds Durasteel difficulty with maneuverability and it could more easily be exploited and chopped into pieces by other lightsaber duelists. It actually does a better job at playing blaster than lightsaber in this sense!

Star Wars Canon
    A fight ensures and Ezra manages to pull out his blaster. But since his blaster is also a lightsaber, Kanan tells him to put it away but Ezra tells him not to worry. Ezra manages to stun some of the guards but Azmorigan manages to take Zeb hostage. Azmorgian offered to let them go in exchange for Calrissian.

Starwars Chaos
  • Pending initial review

  • Please add this to your template for melee weapons:

    Classification: (Dagger, Sword, Whip, etc.)
    Size: (One-handed, Two-handed, etc.)
    Length: (Via Metric System)
    Weight: (Via Metric System. Note that most swords are 2-4kg.)
    Special Features: (Is it resistant to certain weapons? Is it telescopic? Even if you've discussed your features at length in the Description line of the Base Template, this is a good place to list them.)

For the blaster component of it please add the following for range:

Ammunition Type: (Power cell, gas canister, bullets, etc. Example: Blasters require both a power cell and a gas canister.)
Ammunition Capacity: (More powerful projectile weapons tend to have a lower capacity. Example: A heavy blaster pistol with a power pack capacity of 50 shots and a gas canister capacity of 350 shots. If in doubt, find a real-world equivalent or search Wookieepedia.)
Effective Range: (Personal, Battlefield, Starfighter, Capital Ship. Feel no need to use numbers. 'Equivalent to a laser cannon' or 'equivalent to a standard blaster rifle' is acceptable. The more detail, the better. Also, remember this is effective range. A mass driver in space may have an infinite range, but it can only effectively hit targets at normal ship combat ranges.)
Rate of Fire: (Single action, pump action, semi-automatic, fully automatic, etc.)
Special Features: (Even if you've discussed your features at length in the Description line of the Base Template, this is a good place to list them.)

  • Pending Initial review
  • Pending Inital review
[member="Danger Arceneau"] I edited the rest of the template in. I had no idea what to use as this is both a melee and missile weapon, so I originally went for the basic template, lol. Thanks for clearing that all up!

EDIT: Please give me better guidance on the blaster part? I'm clueless here xD
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