Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Giving a small nod as she devoured the food, she was an observant person and noticed the surprise. What it was from though she had no idea.

"Thank you."

The last two times she had spoken, she hadn't stuttered or even felt a ton of stress. This was due to James' calming ability and the fact Seo couldn't deny that he hadn't done anything to hurt her. He had done everything in his power to keep her safe. His actions played a part in this and she was comforted enough to have that peaceful sleep.

What happened between him and his droid were missed and she slept through it all. It was probably just what Seo needed and she woke up feeling rested. After she spoke, it didn't take long for James to make himself known. She listened to what he had to say and accepted the hand he held out.

"I won't allow myself to have that reaction again."

Control, a Lorrdian had to have full control and not show what they thought or felt. Being a slave had taught her well and Seo steeled her resolve to not do that again.

Once he had opened the door and turned the light on, she clearly did not look in the direction of the bed and instead focused on the door of the refresher. Closing that behind her, she stripped and folded up the clothes she had been wearing. They were certainly worse for the wear, but still had some life to them. That storm had wreaked havoc on them and she hoped she could repair them sometime.

Taking her time in the shower, the water was a luxury she had witnessed very little of. Once Seo felt fully clean, she climbed out and dried off. Wrapping the towel around her torso, she stuck her head out of the bathroom to see if James had returned.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James immediately turned away when she was in the bedroom. She didn't lose her chit, that was good. His body relaxed when they door was closed and the hand off had gone uneventfully. He stayed at the door a few moments longer to make sure Seo didn't lose her mind in there anyway or have a sudden break down. When he heard the familiar sound of the Marie's rusty pipes pumping water, he knew that everything would be alright. Moving through the pitch black he was engulfed in, James made it to the washing room, which was little more than a washer and dryer in a closet with a pile of clothes in a room barely large enough to stand in as it was.

He clicked the light on and checked the clothes in the dryer. They were clean, but wrinkled from laying in there for so long. It would have to do for both of them, he thought as he stuffed the was of clothes under his arms.

Reed came up behind him with a quick trio of beeps.

"Ye dun't say?" he asked. The spacer tossed some of the clothes from the pile into the washer, they'd all need to wash what they had worn by the time this was all over. "I'll let her know."

James heard the shower shut off. He made his way to the door. Seo stuck her head out, he smiled, "Better?" The spacer offered her a shirt and a pair of pants. They were his, but they were all he had, "We made contact with ye mum. Are there any messages ye want us to send over?"

He would be glad for a shower soon too, each step was starting to feel like sandpaper vice gripping his man bits.
Not knowing how long she had been in the shower, she paid no attention to the time and just enjoyed the feel of real water on her sand and blood caked body. At least, that is how her body felt. She washed her hair, hands, arms and everything else more than once until the water ran clear and she no longer felt any grit of sand under her touch.

"Much better."

A small part of her wanted to get out of this room, her feet remained in place. She accepted the clothes he held out and started dressing herself. Putting the shirt on first, it was a little long on her and the pants were even longer. Bending over to turn the cuffs up at the bottom, she held the towel out to him with a nod.

When he said they had made contact with her mom, that towel dropped with her surprise.

"Tell her what happened, that I am safe and will return when things have calmed down there. Somehow, I will know when that is. You don't need to include that last part."

This was the most he had heard Seo say at the same time. Their previous conversations might have indicated she was slow in the brain, but that wasn't the case at all. Her shock had been a part of it and while mentally she would be dealing with it all for a while, at the moment, she was calm and stable.

"Thank you."

The light of the room glinted off her eyes as she looked at him and would show their golden hue. She looked nothing like a person from Lorrd, most of them were darker skinned and with dark hair. Seo on the other side of the spectrum was blond and had pale skin. Which was currently slightly pink from the hot shower and hard scrubbing she had given it.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James smiled at Seo's reply. There was no telling how great a hot shower could feel after a sandstorm--but he was ready to find out. When she changed and dropped the towel, he stooped to pick it up and was somewhat surprised at the verbal waterfall that came from her mouth. Yes, he hadn't heard her say more than 4 words at once since he rescued her. But that would work. He pointed down the dark hall where he knew Reed would be, "Ye can make sure ye tell her yeself. Let Reed, the yellow astromech know and he'll pass the word along."

He hoped that would send her bounding off after the droid to give the message. He was glad to see her upbeat and happy, it made him feel--well, he didn't quite know, but he liked that feeling. He smirked at her, leaning against the door frame with one foot in and one foot out of the room. She said thank you, and he could tell she meant it. He reached up to give her nose a playful tap. "Don't mention it, Spinner. Go tell ye mum, go on."

The moment she was outside of the room, James closed it as graciously as he could. He didn't want to be an unkind host, but he was definately in need of some shower time to get those manbits cleaned. He discarded his sand covered clothes on top of Seo's. They'd get washed together--eventually. The clear-ish water that came from the refresher was great on James' skin. There was just enough hot water for James to finish his business and get scrubbed. Clothed in flight pants and a loose-fitting white shirt he stepped out back into the low-lit corridor. He reached out for a moment, sensing where Seo was on his ship. He didn't realize it, but the gut feeling he felt was where she was. He felt the ship underfoot change in vibration--they had come out of hyperspace at last. Barefoot, James made his way to the blonde. His hair was a total spikey mess, but he couldn't have cared less.

"Hey, ye ready to get ye first look at a new world?" he asked her in his cavalier tone. Without sand rubbing his stones, he felt a lot more gusto and vibrato than he had before.
As expected his words got Seo moving and she dashed out of the room in a hurry. Barely even a wave to James as she took off. Her eyes were lit up and for the moment there was almost no trace of what she was feeling.

Making her way through the hall he had pointed down, she wasn't nearly out of breath when she found the droid. She would do her best to learn his language, but right now, Seo did not speak or understand whatever it was the droid spoke.

"James said you could get a message to my mother. Here's what I want said."

She repeated word for word what she had said to James a few minutes before and then she sat down. Her breath was rather shallow, but she wasn't winded. Maybe she was waiting to hear back, even she didn't know.

Looking up and then standing when James found her, she looked out of the viewport as space returned around them. She had taken no notice of anything outside of herself for the past day and the sight she saw was amazing. Turning her head to look at him, she nodded her head just slightly.

"What world is this?"

Her voice held only a small inflection of uncertainty to it, but her body language spoke far louder. She was scared and didn't know exactly what to do or expect.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

Reed was more than glad to take the message. He was used to organics treating him like garbage. To be honest, in over 100 years of existence, Eric and James had been the only two organics that treated him even remotely like an equal instead of a slave. He gave an affirmative beep at Seo's message and relayed it over at a nearby terminal. It was sent through, all he got was what would be read across the terminal's display, 'received.' What would happen from there, it was anyone's guess.

She looked out at the glassy, life-filled world bellow and felt, well fear. The galaxy was a big place after all, and she was taking her first steps out into it. James remembered the first time he had been alone. With Eric gone James only had Reed to help get through it. There was nothing quite like that sense of fear and terror of realizing no matter what happened to you--you had to figure it out by yourself.

He gave her a reassuring smile, the classic devil-may-care smirk that all Justices were known for. He'd picked it up from his dad, of course.

"Spinner, this is Abregado-rae," he said with the grandiose gesture of a tour guide or a salesman offering real estate on the surface. "One of the most civilized and greatest planets a smuggler could hope for." he stepped in front of the view-port, gesturing towards the magnificent view that grew closer as Reed brought them in. "A hand full o credits, a smattering of luck, and a mite of hope, ye never know what sort of opportunity and adventure awaits bellow."

His pheremones accidentally shifted to excitement, only because, well the planet was one that held great memories for James. He couldn't think of a better world to take Seo to for her to understand what the Galaxy had to offer in terms of opportunity and glamour.

The Drunken Marie came in over the city in a low sweep at James' words that followed. "From casinos to shadowports, to the cheap goods and booze, Abregado-rae offers more in one city than most planets offer across their entire surface. So strap in, prepare ye self, because I'm about to take ye on a wonderland like nothing in this galaxy."

With a flourish James punched the loading ramp safety override. It came down with a blast of cool, refreshing air filled with the wonderful scents of food and perfume bellow. Reed gave a disproving blast of beeps but the Marie was already almost settled down anyway. Taking Seo's hand, he jumped off the loading ramp into the streets.


With that, he lead her down the street. The bright flashing lights of the different shops sprang out like gleeful ads.

"Tell me if ye find something that catches ye eye," he said whispering down to her. She needed a win, James figured he would try to give her one.
James was not yet present after Reed passed the message along and Seo took a chance to give the droid a hug. By the time he did join them, she had returned to her more passive manner. His attitude was contagious and helped her a little. Never had in her life had Seo expected her dreams of getting off Lorrd to come true. Now that had happened and she was scared. Feeling a bit foolish and silly, she didn't understand what was going on within her young mind and body.

"What do I want to be? What can I be?"

She spoke softly, more wondering to herself than James. He took a hold of her almost limp hand and tugged her off his ship. The bright lights, smells and sounds of this world filled her senses and she stopped, but did not resist as he took her down the street.

Not speaking at anything she saw, she made note of it and walked silently with James. Intelligence showed in her eyes and a hint of curiosity.

"What is a shadowport?"

Nothing stood out to her that she had to investigate, but that would come. Right now, she was getting the lay of the land and hoping for the best.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James chuckled softly at Seo's question. He smiled softly, not one of mocking but one of kindness. She had spent her whole life trapped, always told who she had to be, what to do, when to do it, and where. He was the polar opposite. James had become so acustomed to doing as he pleased and thumbing his nose at anyone who said nay he literally made it his job as a smuggler.

"Ye are free now, it'll take time for that to sink in and all it means," he said with a reassuring tone. A large speeder past by, carrying a payload of passengers, leaving at trail of dusty smog behind it. James had the good sense to hold his breath until the green gas dissipated.

"The good thing is ye don't have to know yet, but with hard work and luck, ye can get anywhere ye want to be in this big galaxy," he waved his hand at the many buildings around them, totally oblivious to the soul-crushing 9-5 jobs each person inside had as the system ground their souls into powder and their children sucked the life out of them. He didn't realize what it meant to know that your life would end without making a difference. He was too idealistic to realize that sometimes hard work and luck weren't enough in themselves.

She asked what a shadow port was and James' face lit up with happiness. "A shadowport is a place off the maps, away from the law. Here where ye stay is kept off the records, instead of recorded. Normally ye gotta pay bribes or fake certificates or somethin' to make yourself hidden from the authorities. Here no one asks, and no one tells. Ye can buy whatever ye want, anything at all for a price."

They passed a stall with the smell of exotic foods wafting from it. The dozens of languages of its patrons assaulted their ears in an angry barrage. James took a great big wiff of the seafood and spices that came from the steamy, billowing white smoke within. It was nearly enough to make it worth the diarrhea that would follow. A truck passed by, loaded with strange silver boxes. James pointed at it, "Like that truck? It's selling organs on the black market," he jerked his thumb at the shop they just passed, "They sell Glitterstim, a dangerously addictive spice," he pointed at another shop, a small boutique of nick knacks and brick-a-brack, "And they--well, I don't know what they sell, them's new folk."
She was only thirteen and should have great dreams of what she wanted to be when she grew up but the life she had lead, hadn't allowed her to do that. Not having any idea, Seo was lost.

Raising a hand to find herself not wearing a scarf, she coughed when the speeder went back and spewed it's gas in their faces.

"I need a scarf, but have no way to pay for it."

As it was she felt she already owed James her life and did not want to ask for anything else.

She looked around at the buildings and wondered what happened behind their walls. Growing up as she had, she did have a very good idea of what these working people went through. Seo had never thought much beyond her next meal and sunrise and actually took a deep breath of the air on this planet.

"What is the law? I know what law is as it was highly enforced on Lorrd, but I don't think this is quite the same law."

Hers had been the law of their master and owner. She had seen what happened to those that disobeyed him and she had escaped his wrath for the most part.

As they passed the food stall, her stomach growled again and her pale skin turned pink. The languages caught her attention as well and she absentmindedly started walking in that direction. Tilting her head to the side to try and listen, she whispered the words perfectly under her breath.

When James spoke, she stopped and looked at where he pointing. Seeing the truck speed by, she wrinkled her nose at the thought of the organs inside. Her eyes followed it for a moment and then looked at the new shop in question.

"We could look in there if you want? How do you know they are new?"

Right now the best description of Seo would be a lamb. She was demur and submissive, quiet but attentive and intelligent. Even though it was hidden, she was still in shock from what happened the day before. Waking up a slave, murdering her master and being rescued by James. From a life of darkness to the light he offered her.

Her personality had still yet to be defined, but Seo knew once things calmed down on Lorrd, she would return to her mother.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

She needed a scarf, James nodded, offering her a chipper smile. This would be her first chance to see what being generous meant. Well, her second if you counted him risking his life to save her the first. Or giving her a free ride. Or--ya know what, he was just gonna buy her one and not keep track of how generous he was to her. There was no point in being kind if you kept track of it like tally marks.

Seo Linn said:
"What is the law? I know what law is as it was highly enforced on Lorrd, but I don't think this is quite the same law."
"The law is the group of people who believe they can tell the rest of us what to do and what to have," he said drawing on his father's views of law and order, the only views he had his whole life, "They think cause they have more money or power than ye, they can tell ye to go somewhere or don't. Or they think they can stop ye from doing what ye want to. But the truth is they can't. Good smugglers like me make sure ye can do and have whatever ye need."

It was a ridiculously oversimplified view of the law, scum, and villainy, but it was rather complex for a 17 year old smuggler. He saw her disgust at the truck of organs and was thankful they could quickly get distracted by the shop. He guided her gently towards it, careful to check both ways of the street before crossing.

"How do I know? Well I was here last month," he said casually, "I picked up a crate of rifles and moved them to a resistance movement out to Bast Castle's remains on Vjun."

He opened the shop door for Seo and the two went in. There was a variety of clothing, most of which was colorful and exotic, with trinkets from across the galaxy. The shop had something of a strong eclectic feel with the various toys, tools, clothing, and colors mixed in a great display of the galaxy's diversity. James gave an impressed nod, "How about that?" he gave Seo a playful nudge, "Find something interesting and see if I know what it is."
His law and her law was actually far more similar than she expected and the subdued girl just nodded. Some of the buried personality was coming out the longer she was away from Lorrd. Once she realized she was free and that finally sunk in as they walked in the direction of that new shop, she raised her left arm.

Pulling the sleeve up to her elbow, she had to let go of James hand and she used to lightly run her fingers over the tattoo she had there. It marked her as property and a slave. Even at her young age, Seo decided to keep it as a reminder.

The truck was passed and he guided her by the waist into the new shop. She totally stopped just inside the door and stared open mouthed at everything. There was more stuff in here than she had seen in her whole life. Looking around and listening to the various conversations, she wandered around and didn't even notice if James came along with her.

Her hands lightly touched the clothing and her eyes were lit up. If James noticed what attracted her, he would see they all earth tone and would fit in well in a desert setting. Another thing to note, every single piece had some gold embroidery on it. Finally she decided on a scarf, it was brighter than anything she would normally wear, but she needed some light in her life.

Unfolding it, she wrapped it around her neck and allowed a portion of it and hang just under her chin. This would do as a cover for her mouth and nose if they came across any other vehicles that spewed gas like the one had. Looking into a mirror, she took the scarf off and held it out to James.

"I would like this but I haven't yet found something I don't know what it is."

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James smirked, he shoved his hands in his leather jacket and trailed after the blonde teen, watching her happiness. It made him happy to see her world lit up like that. It was exactly what he wanted to see as she lost herself in the bigness of the shop, just a hint of the depth that the Galaxy had to offer her in terms of opportunity and change. He did notice her rubbing her slave tattoo earlier. He would have offered to take it off, but James figured if she wanted it removed, the Spinner would ask.

James did notice her preference to things that were more desert-like, he guessed it was because it reminded her of home. That was good. James sort of wished he had a home to be reminded of. But then, he had the Marie, Reed, and galaxy was his oyster. James had gotten very used to telling himself he didn't need a home. He told himself he had everything else, but the restlessness inside him that was never sated said something else entirely.

"It looks good on ye, Spinner," he said as she tried the scarf on. He took it when offered and whistled to the cashier behind the counter an isle or two down, "How much for the scarf?"

The man glanced at it, at James and at the pretty young blonde. He saw an easy scam, a pair of teens that could easily get manipulated. "200."

James rolled his eyes "Come on, lad, this goes for 75 on Bardotta. I'll give ye 100."

The old man's eyes narrowed, "Your bluffing, you've never been to Bardotta."

James smiled. He had the old man right where he wanted. He would be fair and pay the man the real price--100, but not a credit more, "How else would I know the Halsoun Dagoyan Monastery is only accessible at low tide?" he pulled a 100 credit chip from his pocket and flipped it towards the shopkeeper. The man caught it, baffled at the local teens he assumed were just on a date were clearly more than he had estimated. "Have a great day, mate."

He curled the scarf around Seo's neck, tucking the silken cloth around her delicately. He was careful to not wrap it too tight as he coiled the cloth around her He brushed a few of her golden locks out from between the cloth, his thumb gently brushed her cheek. He winked at Seo when he was done, "Comfortable? Ye look great."

Seo Linn said:
I haven't yet found something I don't know what it is."

"Take ye time," he said, waving the his hand, "We got time."
Now that Seo was distracted from her problems, more of her personality had the chance to appear. Even she didn't notice her change. Having the chance to get out from under her master and owner was doing wonders for her. She was still subdued, but she was coming out of her shell around James.

He said the scarf looked good on her and she gave him a small, but real smile. The gold in her eyes was lit up and she was distracted by other items in the store. As she walked around, he haggled with the man behind the counter and then he rejoined her.

Replacing the scarf around her neck, he seemed to remember how she had done it before and it hung like he was born in the desert like she had been. His light touch was entirely different than anything that happened to her before sne Seo found she liked the caress.

Reaching up, she took a hold of his hand and slightly applied some pressure to it to keep it on her cheek. Look up at him for a moment, she quickly looked away not yet being entirely confident in how to act. Licking her lips, she thought about what to say and looked back to him when she decided.

"Do that again and thank you. I think you truly mean what you say."

His challenge for her to find something was lost in the moment and it didn't matter to her.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James didn't expect Seo to respond so well to his caress on her cheek. As she held his hand there, he let his fingers wrap around her warm face, just like her fingers held him there. He had noticed her shift from closed and almost impossible to open to actively pursuing his touch. He had worked with a number of freed slaves before, but this was different. He swallowed.

The spacer took a step closer, briding the short distance between them. The toes of his shoes touched hers on the hard floor. He ran his fingers along her cheek, their tips he entwined in her shimmering hair. Outwardly he oozed confidence, but inside he still had that flickering, boyish excitement he felt around the girls he thought were--well, were cute. His thumb grazed along her cheek bone, barely touching her supple skin with his lightly calloused digit.

He was close enough to smell her and close enough for most to consider his pheromones and empathy even more powerful. The touch amplified his innate half-Zeltron empathy, which he too couldn't control fully. His sense of youthful excitement buzzed through James' skin. His pheromones emitted captivation, which was exactly what he felt right now. He was young, he couldn't full control what he put out or took in. He likely was feeding off her own intense young hormones and hot blooded feelings. James' other arm reached around behind her, easing around the small of Seo's back. She was much smaller than he, his arm invited to pull her in to a gentle, secure embrace against him. Whether she could have felt his heart pounding through the shirt and his leather coat, was anyone's guess.

"I said," he repeated, his voice lower and a combination of almost guttural and soft as he looked down at Seo's eager face. He didn't or realize how much a kind word could mean to a girl who had spent her whole life being hurt, abused, and treated like a toy or tool. His dark brown eyes looked up at her golden ones, giving a shimmer of intense sincerity that the Justices were known for. "Ye look better than all the stars across the Hapes Cluster in all its shimmering glory, twinkling in the dark of night."

His words were as honest as he was close to her. The spacer leaned down, his lips aimed to press a soft kiss on her forehead.
James was the first person besides her mother to seem to care for her. Those she had grown up with had cared because they had to. In order to stay alive, they had to band together and take care of each other. Only her mother had shown Seo something genuine. Not knowing everything about how others worked, she felt that he cared about her too. In a different way than her mother, but it still felt real to the girl.

He closed what distance there had been between them and stood toe to toe with her. The hand remained at her request and she closed her eyes. His arm wrapped around her and this was something familiar to Seo. However, those memories, while gotten under negative circumstances, helped her.

Not pulling away from him, she picked up on what he putting out and got into position within his embrace. Her other arm went around him and it all felt so natural. Nothing was being faked by either of them. She felt comforted and wanted. Maybe even needed. Yet not in the way as she had previously. This was gentle and caring, not something from a master to a slave.

She clearly heard what he said and her eyes remained focused on his. That hand holding onto his let go and travelled up his arm and stopped to just as lightly caress his cheek in a similar manner that he had hers.

"I can only imagine what that looks like. Maybe someday...I can see that."

Then she remembered her mother and Lorrd. While the message was sent, there was no way to know how her mother was faring through everything. She would return home and help her mother, but that couldn't happen until things had started to settle down.

That kiss connected and she leaned further into him. Resting her head on his chest, all she did was breathe. This feeling was something she could get used to.

"I think we should leave this place before something happens in public we might regret."

Her breathing had become light as what their young bodies were feeling collided and meshed. What exactly she felt wasn't the lust she had known from other previously. At least not in quite the same way. This was something young and wholly open and natural. Seo went along with all of it and enjoyed everything.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James chuckled at her comment. He didn't know if she knew what the innuendo she had brought in meant or not. However, she was probably more right than not. He paused for a moment as the thought of sleeping with her crossed his conscious mind for a moment. He felt somewhat torn. On one hand, he usually didn't believe in sleeping with those he worked with, or those he helped rescue. It was dangerous or wrong. But at the same time--he looked down at her golden, hopeful eyes.... how could it be wrong if they were both consenting?

"I'll take ye to see the Hapes cluster some day," he said, making a promise he fully intended, but likely would not keep. "It's beautiful."

Still holding her by the waist, the spacer led the smaller girl out of the shop. They had left with what they came for--a good time and something for her. James was tempted to take Seo out to eat somewhere nice and to maybe a few more shops, but for now, it seemed she had other things on her mind. The pair walked down the side of the street, interwoven. The bright neon lights danced around them like fireflies in the night. To anyone who saw the pair walking down the street, they were just a pair of teens on a care free date instead of a budding young man of the world and a rescued former slave. The duo combined had likely seen more than enough to make them scarred and soiled for life, but for now, they were just a pair of happy youths enjoying the city.

James leaned his head down, resting its side on Seo's head. He might be able to get used to more things like this, he decided.

The spaceport where the Drunken Marie had docked and landed came into view at the end of the street. James' mind started to drift to what was waiting for them back on board, he could only imagine what Seo had in mind, if--

A rain drop landed on his nose, throwing him off. The spacer blinked taking his head off Seo's crown. A second hit him on the to of his head. Almost without warning, it began to pour out in a torrent.

"Oh gods! The rain!" James laughed, taking her hand so they could run faster, "Come on, let's hoof it."

He began sprinting as fast as he could with Seo beside him to the Marie. By the time they had made it up the loading ramp, he was soaked. The shower would have almost been for nothing, if it hadn't cured the grit he had earlier in tender places. He took his leather jacket off, hanging it on a hook by the door. James ran his hand through his wild, wet hair, brushing it from his eyes. He looked to Seo, his eyes had a playful, wild gleam in them. Suddenly he flicked the excess water from his hand at her face with a gleeful laugh.
Allowing James to take the lead and guide them back to his ship, Seo observed as much as she could around her. The different shops, people and sights. When she could, she would like to come back and be a little less distracted by hormones next time. She would also like to see the Hapes Cluster at some point, but that might or might not happen with James. Truth or not, she did not expect him to keep that promise. Nobody had done that as of yet.

That was one of the many scars the girl had and it would take time for all of them to heal over. James was a step in that direction and Seo knew this. He had opened a door for her and she was going to walk through it, even if she left him behind. She also vowed she would return to her mother and help her people. That was her most sincere hope for now.

Smelling the air, she looked up at the sky and got a raindrop in the eye for her trouble. Wiping it away, James started running and she was able to keep up with him. Laughing at his words, by the time they reached his ship, they were both soaked and dripping wet.

Shaking the worst of the rain off, she blinked in surprise when he flicked more water into her face. Giggling for one of the first times in her life, she ran a hand through her own hair and flicked some back at him.

"We going to have a water fight now?"

[member="James Justice"]
James wasn't expecting Seo to retaliate, especially like that. She caught him offguard, and her counter splattered across his face and already drenched shirt. He let out a gleeful laugh at her attack, he hadn't been expecting that. He heard her laugh for the first time and he liked it. He really liked it. James didn't think about how much something like that could mean to someone born and bred in captivity away from any hope, joy, or happiness.

"No," James said with an impish smile. "A fight would mean it'd be a fair battle."

The spacer pulled his wet shirt off exposing his upper half. He was budding into a man with lean muscles. He was lanky, thin but with clearly defined muscles from a life of actual labor and work. A thin trail of hair ran from just bellow his belly button to down, bellow his low-hanging waist-band. His skin was almost flawless, devoid of any major scars or marks besides a single silver line on his right shoulder.

James squeezed some water from his damp shirt into his cupped hand. His palm filled with the polluted water. If he were wiser, then James would have known that having a water fight with this was hardly a good idea. But he was young, and in the heat of the moment, none of that mattered. They were having a fun time, that's what ultimately really mattered. He coiled his wet shirt on his forearm. Time to go.

James sprang forward, grabbing at Seo with his left hand. He tried to trickle the water onto the top of her head, she could have probably easily dodged or side stepped it if he wasn't able to get hold of her. Even if he did, she could have easily broken free, he was playing, he didn't want to hurt her. James gave an impish laugh, he was counting on her struggling or fighting back--that was the fun of it all, of course.

[member="Seo Linn"]
The fun and games lasted only a few more heartbeats before something James did triggered Seo. With his attempt to grab her, she either panicked or reacted in a very natural manner. Even she didn't know which it was, but it was almost new to her. The only other time she had done any action like this was the day before on Lorrd.

When the chaos of the storm came and the slaves like her had gained their freedom, when her master had reached out to her, she killed him. Not taking it that far this time, when James reached out to grab her arm, she attempted to catch it and throw him to the floor of the ship.

The water he held would be released no matter what happened and if she found herself staring down at him, Seo would let go and try to run away. Where she would go on his ship to hide, she didn't know, but she was scared again.

[member="James Justice"]
[member="Seo Linn"]

James didn't even know what happened by the time he hit the durasteel flooring. He lay there stunned for a moment, moreso at the turn of events than the actual blow. One moment he was playing with her, the next Seo's past had been triggered in a full-on fight or flight mode. James pushed up onto his feet, he heard Seo go into the bedroom, the door slammed behind her.

Reed came around the corner with a reproachful beep at the wet mess the two had made. James dismissed the rusty yellow droid with a wave, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. It can wait." The droid gave an indignant set of beeps, starting after James as he walked after Seo. He halted, spinning on his heel. He snapped, "It can wait!"

Reed halted in his tracks, quiet as James stormed off. His organic companion rarely ever irritable to him, especially over female troubles. The droid knew that James had more than his fair share of woman issues, after all, that was why he was a playboy afterall. Why would he need to hop from woman to woman if he could have held onto his own? It was illogical. The droid decided there wasn't enough data to draw a conclusion from these odd behaviors, instead it rolled away into the cockpit.

James leaned in on the doorframe, knocking softly on the door. "Seo? Ye alright?" he paused before knocking again, "Come on, Seo."

The teen bit his lips, racking his brain for what went wrong. He was only playing, after all. How could he have been wrong? She had to have been a sore loser, she must have gotten mad that he had the upper hand, using his height and weight to grab her and--

James sighed, rubbing his face. He had forgotten in the moment who she was and what that must have done to her.

"Lil Spinner, I'm sorry," he said genuinely. If she could smell or feel him through the door, she would have probably felt that. "I didn't mean to scare ye, I swear. I were only playin', I didn't think about how that'd affect ye. I'm sorry."

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