Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Same Side, Different Coin


Same Side, Different Coin
Nar Shadda, Redlight Sector
Tags: Malka Kaivalya Malka Kaivalya


Nar Shaddaa was a place that filled Xeno with a deep hatred, one that could not easily be stamped out. It was thick with the foul stench of Hutt corruption, fueled by the rot of slavery. The half-Nagai had spent enough time in chains to know the disgusting habits of those who used them to bind and break. They were the exact types to collect force artifacts with little thought on the danger they truly were. He had just dealt with one such individual, a Hutt who fancied himself a 'collector.' Strange droids, exotic alien slaves, and highest amongst his vaults force artifacts. The Sith holocron in his possession was a nasty one, instructions on the creation of the Sith Warbeasts of old. It took very little effort for him to phase in, snag a few artifacts, potentially start a slave riot, and slip back out. Xeno held the holocron in the palm of his hands as he made his way down a back alley after the fact.

"Aren't you a piece of work," he muttered.

It was potent with hatred, fueled by the rage and pettiness of the ancient Sith who forged it. For abominations like warbeasts, Xeno could expect nothing less. He let the databank fall to the ground, crushing it to pieces beneath his boot. As it shattered, faint screams of anguish escaped from within until the knowledge it held was no more.

"Alright," Xeno sighed behind his mask. "Feth this place."

The swordsman paused. He wasn't alone. There was a dark presence nearby, one drawing closer. Was he being stalked, or did chance happen to be against his favor yet again. Xeno placed a hand on his rapier, remaining statuesque in his composure.

"Who's there?'


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