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Salvatore Valentino

Sal Valentino

Real power can't be given. It must be taken.
Salvatore 'Sal' Valentino
Name: Salvatore Valentino
Faction: None
Rank: Crimelord
Species: Human
Age: 59 Years old
Sex: Male
Height: 1.84 metres (6’0”)
Weight: 74.2 kilograms (165lbs)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, beginning to grey at the sides
Skin: Caucasian
Force Sensitive: No


Intellect – Salvatore has a naturally exceptional intellect and is considered a genius compared to the wider populations. He particularly excels in number intelligence, which allowed him to maintain a successful career as an accountant.
Eidetic memory – This condition allows Sal to remember vast quantities of information in vivid detail. This has aided him in business deals and has enabled him to record potentially vital information about those he meets.
Calm and Collected – Even in the in the most stressful of situations, Salvatore is able to keep a level-head. This is one of the traits that made him one of the most reliable and trusted accountant in Coruscant.

Psychopathy – Sal Valentino is often seen as a cold man, lacking remorse and empathy. This may help him in his mission to become a crimelord but has also caused him to issues in forming any real relationships.

Age – The best of Sal’s years have passed him by and his physical abilities have decayed in recent years.
Cancer – Recently, Salvatore was diagnosed with a progressive form of terminal cancer and was given a short time to live. It could be speculated that it was this diagnosis that caused him to start down his darker path of becoming a crimelord.


Salvatore was born to the wealthy Valentino family, who lived in the upper quarters of Coruscant. His father had always been part of the Senate, which caused him to have little contact with his family. This lead to Sal developing a hatred for the Senate and his father’s work. With his mother staying home and caring for him, Salvatore’s relationship with her would remain strong throughout his childhood.

Although he was always provided with the best education that Coruscant could provide, it was obvious from an early age that Salvatore was unlike the other pupils. He was noted of having an exceptional intellectual ability and was regarded as a genius in his early teen years. Many of his educators had visioned Sal becoming a great scientist or philosopher in his future, but his enjoyment of solving mathematical equations pathed the way of him becoming a mathematician. It was also understood that he possessed an Eidetic memory, which was another reason he was able to succeed in completing mathematical equations previously unsolved.

The child prodigy that was Salvatore Valentino dropped off the radar after he completed his higher education at the grandest of universities on Coruscant. It was at this point in his life that Sal realised he could use his impressive intellectual abilities in order to build his own wealth and prestige. Therefore he founded Coruscant Financial, an accounting firm where he would attract some of the most powerful and rich people on the planet. His strong numerical abilities provided his clients with high, with his level-headed attitude towards business giving him the reputation of being the most reliable people to invest with. Coruscant Financial did not discriminate on which clients they took, therefore it was common for Salvatore to work closely with crimelords and corrupt politicians, this provided him with deep connections within the criminal underworld of Coruscant. Even though his firm took up much of his time, Sal would still complete unsolved mathematical problems when he was able to and would often publish his answers anonymously.

At the age of 59 years old, Salvatore would collapse in the main office of his firm, Coruscant Financial. After being discovered by one of his employees, he was transported to hospital and was diagnosed with a progressive form of cancer. The terminal illness would give Sal a significantly reduced lifespan. Once the diagnosis was made, the accountant would often dwell on his life and what he had accomplished. Despite being the founder of one of the largest financial firms in Coruscant, Sal was not satisfied with what he had built up and believed he would not be leaving a legacy when he died. These thoughts would plague him for weeks and would eventually start him on his new path, his darker path.

With his vast knowledge of the criminal underworld, and his connections made via his years of working with them, Salvatore decided to cement himself in Coruscant’s history by becoming a crimelord and striving to becoming the most powerful one at that. The capital for this future enterprise was raised through Salvatore selling off the Coruscant Financial firm to a competitor for a vast sum of credits. He would now start this next chapter of his life, playing by the rules he would make.

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