Intent: Advanced Salvage and Smuggler Droid
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Droida-Kornelia
Model: Salvage-M11TY7
Affiliation: Expeditionary Fleet
Modularity: The Droid is especially easy to modify since it is a salvage/smuggler droid with very few key and needed components
Production: Unique/limited
. DuraSteel
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 108.8 kg
Height: 1.5 meters
. Bipedal
. Buzz Saw
. Jack Hammer
. Advanced blowtorch
Misc. Equipment:
. Droid impact armor Mark II
. Infrared receptor
. Radiation sensor
. magclamps/locks on the feet
Description: The Salvage-M11TY7 is mostly used to salvage ships or perform highly dangerous radiation tasks or even smuggling at times. The Droid has enhanced eyes allowing a increased amount of sensors in it's eyes along with infrared and night vision. The Salvage-M11TY7 has enhanced arms and strength allowing it to carry loads others couldn't hold. The hand are made out of thick but flexible durasteel and they are shaped into claws to be able to hold hard to hold objects regular hands are incapable of. The strengths of this particular droid include, overall strength of armor, radiation immune, improved eyesight and the capability to have four arms. The weaknesses of this particular droid include, weak armor, limited body movement, slow speed and limited eyesight on sides of head. The back plates can unfold to reveal two more arms that either have a jackhammer or a buzzsaw used to cut through wreckage and blockage in abandoned ships. The way one would overuse this droid would be by increasing it's capability to take damage and to add weaponry to it. Although, this droid is few in number because of a complex building model and complex equipment. The history of this droid is unknown all that is known is that it specializes at, salvaging ships and stations along with dangerous repair jobs and on very few times smuggling.
Primary Source: http://starwarsrp.net/topic/50405-droida-kornelia/