Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Safiriel Bane


Safiriel Bane
FACTION: Sith Assassins
RANK: None
AGE: 26
SEX: female
WEIGHT: 185 lbs
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale White
Post Sith Weapons: Double Bladed Lightsaber the grip of which is made of Cortosis Weave, The crystal array had as it's primary crytal a black/red crystal , with a Kaliburr and a Upari crystal to augment it.

Misc Gear: A gasmask, and two days worth of rations. A basic survival pack, and a thermal insulated greatcoat. An emergency medpac, a basic toolkit and various special charge packs for her blaster. A long range commlink, a set of Binder Cuffs.

She has also had advanced hand to hand combat training. Her ambidextriety allows her to use either hand equally well. Her reflexes are also top notch, bordering on the superneatural. Her heighened reaction speed has lead to her being quite the profficient pilot aswell

Safiriel isn't especially scientifically minded. First aid isn't her speciality, and empathy is somewhat lacking. A lot of her has been damaged, especially her mind, following her experiments at sith hands. Her mind has been irreversibly damaged, leading to quite crippling headaches, aswell as occasionally distorted vision, loss of memory and other side effects




A simple woman by birth, Safiriel's early life is without much interest or excitement. She may recall a few summer jobs, evenings out with friends spent on the sunny shore of some beach world millions of parsecs away. But most of this is lost in the gaping hole left in her memory after her defeat and transformation at the hands of [member="Darth Ferus"] . She has lost much of what she once was, and what remains is little more than pale, cold, and passionless desire to kill, masked behind a pretty face.

Reeling from what she had become become, Safiriel wandered the for months, coming to grips with whom she was. During this time she fell in love with a girl, [member="Echo Kora"] and spent many months at her side, before returning to her duties in the Sith Empire. During a relaxing day with her lover and friends, she was approached by her lord, and promote to both the Rank of Knight, and given the task of safeguarding the royal family and the first apprentice. After several successful assassination, Safiriel traveled out into the voids of space, to Yavin 4 Where she began her search for the legendary armor of Exar Kun. With new knowledges in hand, she once again wandered, before stumbling across the home of the powerful sage [member="Alexandra Feanor"] . Leaving with a far better grip on her life, Safiriel returned to the seat of the Sith Empire, for fine tuning and practice with her bladework.


Built by Seinar Fleet Systems Safiriel's Ship is one of a kind. It was based on a variety of designs from other starships. It shares some similitary with old republic style Eta 5 Interceptors aswell as Newer Imperial TIEs. The Nemesis, as he named it, boasted an Advanced hyperdrive, cutting edge sensory arrays , a fully functioning medical bay , crew quarters for up to 4 other people and a workshop. It also has one of the fastest sublight engines the Imperial Navy has ever seen. In addition to these already high tech features the Nemesis has an experimental cloaking divice that allows it to hide from even the most powerful scanners for a few minutes. It's cloaking technology is powered by a rare Stygium crystal , a form of lightsaber crystal, from the Dreighton Nebula , that could warp perceptions around it.

Sith Lord Tyrone

BOUNTIES COLLECTED: (No Player Characters)

(Assassination for the Sith Empire)

Major Developement:

(The Search for the armor of Exar Kun)

( Learning of Balance, and Inner Peace) (Being Coverted into a Cyborg)

(Visited an Old Sith Temple, Sparred with a Master)

(Some Whining about why Safiriel will be alone in the End)
(Becoming the Bodyguard to the Royal Family, Spending quality time with friends)

Assassination: down by Sith Assassin, Recruited, sort of)
(Stalking and Killing Mantic Dorn)
(Tracking Someone Through Taris, Learning to Control the voices)

Personal :

(Cutesy Romantic Stuff)

(Opening a Galactic Fighting League with a certain Darth)

(Meeting her Girlfriend)

(Visiting the Order of the Grey)

(Meeting a certain Acrobat, joining her on a raid. Also fought with a big vong snake)
(Met a Certain Ex-Jedi Master, Relaxed with her and got guidance)
(Met a Merc, had fun flirting and stuff)


(Killing a Wannabe Sith lord)
We are like echoes in a cave, or waves upon the water: performing our part every time we are called. We who have glimpsed into the flow of time see that it is exactly such vast confluence, paths crossed and re-crossed. All are swept along. And we Sith, masters of hindsight, insight, and foresight are bound that much more tightly to our duty than the ignorant, the belligerent, the blind Jedi.
When one truly understands fate as it is, myriad branching paths, then one can truly see that duty is cleaving to a particular fate, and glory is the accomplishment of duty’s ends. When we are true to the nature of the Sith, we cannot fail.
Force Powers

(Wound) Basic (Used in 0 Threads)
(Fear) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Shock) Advanced (Used in 3 Threads
(Burst of Speed) Advanced (Used in 6 Threadads)
(Energy Resistance) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Afffect Mind) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Force Push) Advanced (Used in 3 Threads)
(Throw Lightsaber) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Force Jump) Advanced (Used in 5 Threads)
(Art of Movement) Advanced (Used in 7 Threads)
(Force Telepathy) Basic (Used in 1 Thread)
(Crucitorn) Basic (Used in 1 Thread)
(Force Deflection) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Pyrokinesis) Basic (Used in 0 Threads)
(Telikenesis) Advanced (Used in 3 Threads)
(Torture by Chagrin) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Odojinya) Advanced (Used in 4 Threads)
(Bolt of Hatred) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Electronic Manipulation) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Aura of Unease) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Waves of Darkness) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Force Wind) Advanced (Used in 3 Threads)
(Drain Life) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Memory Wipe) Advanced (Used in 4 Threads)
(Force Grip) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Force Blind) Basic (Used in 1 Threads)
(Overcome Awareness) Basic (Used in 2 Threads)
(Heighten Senses) Advanced (Used in 7 Threads)
(Battle Meditation) Basic (Used in 1 Thread)
Lightsaber Forms

Ataru Form (Advanced) Used in 10 Threads
Juyo Form (Advanced) Used in 3 Threads
Shii Cho (Basic) Used in 1 Thread
And lets create a section for quotes:

"Hope is the first step on the road to Disappointment"

"An Open Mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded"
"There is no such thing as innocence. Only varying degress of guilt"
" Some may question your right to destroy ten billion people. Those who understand realise that you have no right to let them live! "
"Don't fool yourselves. War is all we are! Killing is all we are good for! The rest is delusion."
“You may cleave to your courage but that will fail you, look to your weapons but you will find them not enough. Run, fight, hide, pray, cry out or cover - it does not matter, for we are come."
"Let those degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!"
"Guard your tongue, whelp, lest I cut it out. I care not for your cowardly ramblings, nor for the tales of your grandmother"
"Already, you exalt me for my triumph, What I ask is only that you remember me for my trechearies. Victory is nothing more than survival. It carries no weight of honour beyond what we describe to it. If you wish to grow wise, learn why brothers betray brothers "
"It is not enough that I achieve victory - my enemy must suffer total defeat. It is not enough that I kill - all my foes must die. It is not enough that I succeed - all others must fail!"

"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."

"Competence on the battlefield is a myth. The side which screws up next to last wins, it's as simple as that."

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