Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Safina
Species: Human
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Force Sensitive: Yes
Face Claim: Segovia Amil

Strengths and Weaknesses:
+ Fighter - Safina learnt at a young age to stand up for what she believed in, fight for what she wanted. Whether she warped that lesson into getting what she wanted, was a completely different matter altogether.

+ Light on her Feet - Particularly quick, Safina has always been able to move swiftly and quietly, often times without people knowing she had ever been there in the first place.

+/- Social - Safina was good with words; charming even. She knew when to dial it up, and when to play it down but this wasn’t always a good thing. Safina could often times talk herself between a rock and a hard place, unsure of how to get out.

- Impulsive - Safina was known to have moments of impulsiveness. Not putting much thought into her actions and the consequences until after, leaving her with nothing but the aftermath.

- Short tempered - Like a match, it takes very little to ignite the fire within Safina. Once lit, it becomes difficult to dampen and would more often than not lead to the destruction of anything or anyone around her.

Born on Corellia to two, as Safina would describe them, morally righteous parents - she had known about the ‘gift’ that had been given to her; the Force. It was meant to be used for good. Whether her parents ever had an inkling of the darkness that would eventually brew within their daughter or not, they were always making sure she knew she had to do good, be good. As she grew older, she began to resent them more, but never complained, or fought against them. Safina followed their rules, played the part of the perfect daughter no matter where life took them.

It wasn’t until she was on her own, a padawan travelling the galaxy with her master and learning to truly harness the power within her - that she felt the darkness within her stir once more.

It started as a tickling sensation in the back of her mind, just noticeable enough to capture her attention - make her aware of it. As days turned to weeks, and weeks to months it slowly webbed it’s way through her brain. A darkness encasing the very parts of her that made her, beckoning her to it, like a boat to shore.

No matter how Safina tried to push it back, pretend it wasn’t there and move past it, all it would take was a push before it consumed her.

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