Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Safe Haven

A good place as any to start up shop would be a little way away from everyone else. A place where we can reasonably be on our own, and not have to worry about people attacking us could be the planet of Safe Haven.

The name fits, and has a lot of potential to build a base or even just reside here in secret. I was offering this planet up as a possible place were we could set up camp. If any of you guys have other suggestions of planets, or agree with me, let me know.

We can go ahead and do this thread to set up the Vanguard a little before we even go live. It will help build out structure a little. It can also start a relationship between the current people here.


Civil war has sprung between the kingdoms of Damanta, and Summur. With both of their troops and forced dwindling, they have come to a cease fire to discuss terms of treaty. They are meeting at a neutral city of Nirvana. A city that tries to bring peace and tranquility across the land. It is here that we will have delegates of the Vanguard participate in bringing the largest cities together.

You will join with Thalia in keeping these talks going.

There is also a rumor of a threat to keep these cities from coming together. Hiding in the darkness, threats from a terrorist group have threatened to destroy both cities if they even come to make peace, let alone even accomplish the objective. They have threatened to attack the city of Nirvana. It is your job to defend the city from the armies that threaten it.

You will join Atheus in the defense of the city, and stand together as one.

OOC INFORMATION: I will be your GM/DM and play the opposition. Should you guys need me to play as any NPC opposition, tag my Alt Despair. Thanks.

[member="Aya Clarke"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Diana Veneris"], [member="Théodred Heavenshield"],​
[member="Théodred Heavenshield"], it was never put on the map.

I am not sure if I ever requested it, or if it was just not put up. Either way, I went ahead and marked the location on the map.


It currently sits right next to the Iron Empire, Where some of our structure has come from. It is just one of the planets that we can use as a base. I just decided to hit here first for various reasons.

  • 1) we are clearly allying with the Iron Empire, as many of our members are from the Iron Empire.
  • 2) Its a planet that I haven't submitted on the map to keep it hidden after I realized it was a place of interest. It keeps people off of our back for a bit until we come out.
  • 3) there are a lot of good resources of metals, creatures, people, and a wide open area that has not been discovered IC that we can use as a basis for our creations. This allows a ton of freedom in what we can do.
  • 4) The kingdoms that are active here can be easily used as a cover for our operations, and volunteers can come from those who want to explore the Galaxy.
And should we grow larger, I don't see a problem with having planets within the influence of other factions, as they could cover for us, or even aid us in return should the planet be attacked. Mutual aid to those we trust.

Thanks for bringing that up.
Either tonight, or tomorrow, I will be starting a thread for this planet. Aiming to claim it for the Vanguard as a "base" It may not be our home base, or Head quarters, but it will be the first planet of many.

Civil war has sprung between the kingdoms of Damanta, and Summur. With both of their troops and forced dwindling, they have come to a cease fire to discuss terms of treaty. They are meeting at a neutral city of Nirvana. A city that tries to bring peace and tranquility across the land. It is here that we will have delegates of the Vanguard participate in bringing the largest cities together.

You will join with Thalia in keeping these talks going.

There is also a rumor of a threat to keep these cities from coming together. Hiding in the darkness, threats from a terrorist group have threatened to destroy both cities if they even come to make peace, let alone even accomplish the objective. They have threatened to attack the city of Nirvana. It is your job to defend the city from the armies that threaten it.

You will join Atheus in the defense of the city, and stand together as one.

OOC INFORMATION: I will be your GM/DM and play the opposition. Should you guys need me to play as any NPC opposition, tag my Alt Despair. Thanks.

[member="Aya Clarke"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Diana Veneris"], [member="Théodred Heavenshield"],​

Count me in for either option!

It's been a while since I got my hands dirty though Option One I too have experience in!

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