Darth Hauntruss
Wraith of the Sith

ImageSource: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130619034202/starwars/images/4/41/ImperialDungeonShip1.jpg
Affiliation: One-Sith Empire
Manufacturer: Titan Industries (Reverance)
Model: Sad’Ist Class Dungeon Cruiser
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Durasteel, Terenthium/Desh
Classification: Cruiser (in size, purpose has been modified for the Adasean Black Crusades)
Length: 950 m
Width: 420 m
Height: 280 m
20 Quad Turbolasers
10 Ion Cannons
2 Tractor beams
- 1 Fighter Squadron
- 10 KI-GS-Mk I Hog Gunships
- 4 Mass Transport Ships
Special Features:
Sad’Ist Prison Decks and Chambers
- Max Prisoner Capacity 6,400
- 3 Mass Prison Chambers (Each Holding 2,000 Max)
- 4 Special Prison Chambers (Each Holding 100 Max)
- Sense Deprivation Prison Cells (One Deck Size, 100 Separate Cells)
- Special Force-Sensitive Holding Cells (20 Separate Cells)
- Bacta Tank Chamber (2 Tanks)
- Interrogation Chambers (Two-Decks, First is for Standard/Advanced Interrogation, Second is for holding torture droids and devices)
- Execution Deck
- Carbon Freezing Deck
Naval Features:
- I-a2b solar ionization reactor
- Navigation Computer
- Hyper Drive
- Deflector Shields
- Escape Pods
- Living Chambers for Staff and Crew
- Stormtrooper Legion Barracks (Can hold 1 Stormtrooper Legion)
Maneuverability Rating: 13
Speed Rating: 13
Hyperdrive Class: 1.5 Rating
- Strong Deflector Shields
- Small Fighter Squadron
- Lightly Armed
- Not Designed for Heavy Naval Conflict
During the First Gathering of what would become the Adasean Black Crusades, the orchestrator of this mass inquisition of the Sith, Darth Hauntruss, considered the issue of the methods by which the inquisition and purging would be conducted. In order to properly achieve her goals of expunging the Core Worlds of Jedi Enclave and Haven operations, she would need a systematic and organized method of processing the potential prisoners and victims.
To discover a solution she poured over the holo-records of the One-Sith archives (now based in Coruscant). Where upon nights of research she discovered an entry which held within it a description of a dungeon ship used by the Reborn Emperor Palpatine during his resurgence of the Dark Empire. This ship was recorded as a customized Lictor-Class Dungeon Ship. The records indicated the Emperor had gotten the design from much older Mandolorian Dungeon Ships. Hauntruss immediately knew that she had found her base design, but the innards of the ship would be modified to her own ends.
Named after an obscure Sith Demon, the Sad’Ist Dungeon Cruiser, is for all intents and purposes a cruiser sized maximum prison and torture chamber designed specifically to systematically house, process and interrogate any Republic personnel who are deemed too dangerous to be “reformed” by the Imperial Mission. But, also serves the darker purpose of housing, interrogating, experimenting and processing Jedi.
This purpose becomes the ship’s guiding principle in the various interrogation, torture and housing decks and chambers which are installed into the ship. In order to prevent any revolt or major rebellion there are several counter-insurgency measures have been developed and precise equipment requisitioned.
Anti-Prisoner Equipment
Most Prisoners are loaded into the ship’s transports with a security collar which is then connected to two stun cuffs (one for the hands and the feet) which connect further down to the hands and feet. This completely limits any movement besides that of a slow shuffle or walk. The guards of the ship (being Stormtroopers and Intelligence Officers) are given the order to stun and electrocute any who attempt any resistance. If a series of Jedi are captured, depending on their strength, a Sith Lord or Huantruss herself will attend to their boarding and capture.
Security aboard the Sad’Ist is done through a combination of droid security and surveillance. Every level of the ship (except those of the Commanding Staff) is monitored by camera. Ever deck is patrolled by black R5-Series Astromech Droids with special surveillance connections to the main observation deck. They are equipped with load claxon alert speakers and encrypted links to the cameras for further surveillance connectivity. Besides the droids Stormtroopers and especially those of Hauntruss’ personal legion are placed under frequent and tight patrol walks. Certain sections of the ship can be placed under immediate lock-down if a break out is triggered.
Interrogation and Torture Chambers
Interrogation and Torture Chambers are separated into special and standard types.
Special Types are for prisoners deemed “dangerous” and are often processed for more brutal interrogation. Most of its facilities are for the processing of Jedi or Republic Personnel (especially those of high administrative positions). Within the Special Chambers is the most feared room- The Temple of Pain- which is Darth Hauntruss’ special interrogation and experimentation quarters where she conducts the interrogation of special prisoners in person.
The equipment for the Interrogation and Torture Chambers are as follows:
- Force-sensitive holding cell
- IT-O Interrogator Droid
- T0-D Interrogation Droid
- Agonizer-6 Nerve Disruptor
- Imperial Torture Chair
- MD-series medical specialist droid (modified or lethal or toxic injections)
Development Thread: If necessary.
Intent: To provide the upcoming Adasean Black Crusades a dedicated interrogation and prison ship to be used during the inquisition operations conducted on target worlds. And to give the Black Crusader Fleet a central command and administrative ship worthy of the Fleet’s purpose.
Who Can Use This: Leaders of the Adasean Black Crusade (Primarily Darth Hauntruss), with permission from Darth Hauntruss can be used for other One Sith Special Operations.