Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sacking Coruscant

It seemed that the defenders would have many allies in this fight. However, they were not the only ones to have reinforcements. Like flies drawn to a carcass, other scavengers had arrived to feed off of the undefended and weak of this world. The droid was surprised that there had been no remaining military to defend the various worlds from this fate. Surely the Alliance had seen this coming, had been able to prepare for such an outcome. Nothing lasted forever; history had proven that fact for millennia, so why were organics so surprised when what they had built collapsed?

The droid watched keenly as the various fleets and ships began to take positions around the planet, like wrestlers they seemed to sit in anticipatory silence, waiting, sizing up their opponent in the hope of finding their weakness to exploit. It would not be long, Ultimatum guessed, before opening shots were traded, and then the space above this world would explode into lights and death. How many people would die this day? How many bright-eyed soldiers, fighting for their homes or their people, believing they are in the right, would fall with nary a hope of seeing tomorrow? How will the monsters released this day be contained? How many of the innocents would perish for the greed of those who lacked compassion or vision?

Ultimatum forced himself to remember that these were organics, they were naturally disposed to failures of emotion. Changing his mind's path to prepare for the inevitable conflict, the robot began a near-instantaneous verification of the readings he received off each ship. There was an unusually large ship Ultimatum noted, his eyes drawn to its insignia and reading. It struck him as familiar. It created a sense of knowing the unknown; an organic might have said they had a thought on the tip of their tongue. Ultimatum had neither a tongue or ideas. His electrical pathways blazed in the language of droid minds at near light speed, allowing the possibility for several thousand of his 'thoughts' to pass in his mind, in the time it would take for an organic to have one. As it was, Ultimatum had to pilot a vessel and therefore was maintaining a far lower numeric advantage. He noted several transports heading for the surface, and in that moment Upari spoke to the droid, "Those are dread ships. They carry death."

He knew what he had to do now, if he was to help he had to reach the planet. Perhaps he would come face to face with whoever was giving Ultimatum such a hard time recalling. With that deicison made, Ultimatum sent a message to the allies he knew, along the frequencies he regonized as theirs, "Going to make a run for the surface. Will alert at next opportunity." He proceeded to push the ship into a dive, pointing down and away from the planet before going through a slow curve, that would, when he hit the atmopshere send him in the direction he believed the landing craft were heading, or near there to. He hoped.

[member="Errreembuhr"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Kat Decoria"][member="Lev Orlova"] [member="Haon Hafey"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Cradossk"] [member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] @Carter [member="Dagon"]
Location: Somewhere near downtown.
Objective: Defense of Coruscant.
Gear (As it goes): Black Fligh suit, Osseus Class ExoSkeleton, Legacy System Beskar’gam (equipped with: Jetpack with two individual thrusters, one wrist rocket launchers, two cortosis gauntlets, two crushgaunts, one wrist mounted retractable vibroblades, and two wrist flamethrowers, one Mandalorian Power Shield, and one KE-1 Shoulder Mounted Slugthrower), AIMX-01 "Buckler" Energy Shield Cybernetic Arm, armorweare black cape with Vizla symbol in the back in red ink, pair of R82 jump boots, Utility Belt (equipped with: Two thermal detonators, one grappling spike launcher, ammo, one comlink, one EX-324 Serum Subjects, two hand granades).
Armory: One custom made Masamune, four Shiva Knifes, one T-7 ion disruptor rifle, two MT 14 Heavy Blaster Pistol.
Allies: Eight mandalorian women affiliated with House Vizla, four Harbinger War Droid. And the good guys defending the place.

“Roger that, AA. I expect payment in advance.”, she lifted her T7 in the air. Looking at her allies, and nodding towards them. After that, Ursula rushed through the corner of the first street. “Vizla to Centurion Class-Destroyer. Destroyer, this is Vizla. Gun down as many Scum ships as you can. I don’t care if they are pirates, mandalorians or even my mother, shoot them down. Protect the skies until backup arrives.”, after saying that, she did not waited for the answer. Her hands were immediately drawn for the disruptor, raising her baby high in the air, taking aim and shooting a looter right in the head. His body transformed into nothing, one of the magical things about her Ion Disruptor, and that was enough to gain the attention of other robbers and looters.

“You listen to me, chakaars!”, she shouted with the full strength of her lungs. “Find somewhere else to be, or i will gun you all down like pigs. Nobody is going to klarg this planet anymore!”, that said, it did not took long for one of them to raise a blaster towards her. A action that proved folly, as her shoulder turret in lock on target fired against the robber, and with her eye, she activated the high sensitivity mode in the weapon, to have her shoot on everything with a gun that was not in her side. Whistling out loud, so that the droids and mandalorians woman's came through the corner, shooting their guns in speeders, vehicles and mostly people with guns. The whole place was a mess.

“Shoot them all down!”, she shouted to her allies. Firing her gun in one direction, while the turret covered the other, two of her droids with sniper rifles were watching Ursula’s back. That was not a battle, that was a carnage, like kicking a injured dog. And even so, Vizla did not believed in ideals and principles of her clients, but she actually was feeling better with herself, that for once, she was in the right side. Proud of wearing the black pitch armor of her people, the color that meant justice. And she would rain down justice in those looters like a rain straight from the depths of hell. If there were such a place.
Location: Coruscant surface
Gear: Armor | Lightsaber | Repeater
Allies: [member="Ursula Vizla"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Carter "][member="Zeradias Mant"]
Enemies: [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Cradossk"] [member="Mythos"]

Once again, this cityscape would become a maze of a battlefield. It didn't matter to her where and who she would fight, she had to keep her eyes and Force-senses peeled, with the more dangerous of the targets still being some distance away but out of firing range, so for the time being, she could always pull some block of rubble out whenever she can spot a survivor among the debris. But she had to be quick in getting survivors she could find to safety: she suspected slavers to be among the potential opponents she may be facing. And yet, with the backup being somewhere between the refugee camps and the Senate building, which today is used primarily for city council meetings, it was even more important for her to evacuate what refugees there are, especially with the orbital attack commencing. When she finally found a whole cache of survivors upon clearing debris, she didn't waste time in getting those survivors to the medvac shuttle that brought her down to the surface in the first place. But she has to make sure proper medical attention is given before they can either return or go somewhere else at the patients' discretion.

"Load the patients onto the shuttle; they need medical attention"
Losing is tempoary, giving up is permanent.
Sukai had just come here to help where she could, heal the sick and injured, try and scavenge what relic where left at the new ruined temple and more. Such devastation being nothing that the planet had ever seen, not even in the days of the old republic, and the Sith empire back then was far stronger then the one here today. It was really quite shocking, but it got even worse then that because now it seemed that crime lords left and right where coming here to finish the job, despite the huge reconstruction effort and defense fleets around.

Strapping her weapons and equipment to belt the Jedi knight came up behind [member="Kat Decoria"], "Maybe, but I would not be surprised if it was just raider and pirates". "The core worlds are not without any protection and are rich beyond measure, a place full of people to exploit and much much more", a tactic that the Sith used once the Dominion fell. She could not count the times defenseless worlds were raided by pirates after dissolving to the Sith, with the Empire then coming in as the saving grace to bring 'peace'. "Either way they are the enemy and they are here, thus there is work to be done".

(With? [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Lev Orlova"] @Charlie)

(Others [member="Errreembuhr"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Mythos"] @Ultimatum)

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
The people of Coruscant just couldn't catch a break. Only a few years ago the Alliance assault to expel the Sith, and just recently they faced a Sith assault to expel the Alliance. In both scenarios, it was up to the Coruscantis to pick up the pieces. Only this time, some sought to wreck havoc rather than let a people regain a foothold and stability in their home. Pirate forces had made their way to Coruscant, no doubt to take advantage of the temporary breakdown of the city. What wasn't broken down though was the law and order kept by the Galactic City Authority and the Coruscant Security Force.

"Sir, the State Council is assembled and waiting.", the aide said. Zeradias continued to peer out the window, deep in thought. "Sir?"

Suddenly turning, Zeradias walked forward with long, powerful strides. He was fuming. The contempt people had for Coruscant was astounding. The willingness of other larger entities to violate Coruscant's well published wishes only confirmed his suspicions that Coruscant's standing was nonexistent as an independent, sovereign power. It wasn't compatible with the status quo in the galaxy, with new major powers rising and falling almost constantly, accumulating and losing territory to add to their domain. That is all they saw Coruscant as - another planet to add to their portfolio. They didn't see the people, they saw the prestige. Any effort to assert independence fell on deaf ears. Fortunately, Mant would continue to do so as long as he remained the chief executive of the planetary government.

The doors opened as he arrived, and Zeradias took a seat without speaking. His advisors knew that was the signal.

"We have countless foreign parties looking to defend Coruscant. Why should we put Coruscanti lives at risk to repel the threat?"

"They've disregarded our policy, our law, and our government. Give an inch here, and they'll take a mile."

Among the voices, his closest advisor, Gerault Rush, began to speak. All other voices in the room quieted to listen.

"It is true, all these foreign parties are asserting themselves and ignoring us as they do it. However, Secretaries Long and Stuart are both correct. We've been ignored before, and we will continue to be ignored. Whether we consent or not, these parties will continue on the current course. The very fact they are seeking permission lends legitimacy to our cause and recognition of our government, regardless as to if they respect it or not."

He paused to rub his beard, thinking.

"We should permit it. Less Coruscanti lives at risk. Denying the requests would only be another thing for them to ignore. Let us be the ones who extended the olive branch, as we have continually done throughout this administration's tenure. Mishaps will be handled and those who perpetrated them will be held responsible. Otherwise, this is an opportunity for us to return to the intergalactic stage, and I suggest we take it."

Zeradias looked at Rush intently. Rush was an incredibly smart man, and had a knack for law and politics. He was the one who championed his release fro the Galactic Alliance, and helped Chairman Law lead in his stead.

"Do it.", Zeradias said before rising and exiting the room. The rest of his cabinet rose as he did, but he didn't stay to see it. The noise of chairs sliding and garments shifting was enough to indicate it.

"We'll convey authorization to engage non-state hostile targets, sir. The FSB is already collecting information about the assailants, the director has said he'll have the info on your desk within the hour."

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Sentus Olan"]
[member="Ursula Vizla"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Errreembuhr"] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Nej Tane"] | [member="Dagon"] | [member="Carter "]| [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Charlie"] | [member="Ultimatum"] | [member="Cradossk"] | [member="Haon Hafey"] | [member="Lev Orlova"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member="Mythos"]

Location: Coruscant Orbit
Allies: Coruscant Allies
Enemies: Marauders

Captain Gregory was forced to watch the Marauders and who knows what attack the planet. He was furious. Again, he felt powerless as the enemy wrought death and destruction on those that mattered to him. He started getting reports of a great walker on the surface doing its best to repel enemies but it looked surrounded. Shuttles appeared to be leaving orbit and trying to escape, some being shot down in the process. Many may say the grisly looking man had no compassion, but he was pissed. Ferron Troste, the President of Kuat Drive Yards, did everything he could with what remained of Coruscant to act his best with only the best intentions. He agreed to security checks, he agreed to Traffic Control, he agreed to follow any and all protocols the Galactic City Authority requested or insisted upon, but it seemed he was still bundled into the rest, and was seen as no different. Today would surely, be remembered.

As soon as Captain Gregory started to get communications from the surface, with Zeradias' seal of approval, a gargantuan ship entered the system and started targeting everything the Trandoshan ships saw as enemies. Gregory squinted his eyes as he stared at the ship from his bridge, his crew trying to respond to everything and alert the Captain, but he was deaf to them. "Dear holy Nethers. So, this is it," he whispered, staring at the ship nearly three-times the size of his Star Destroyer, "tell the city they need to evacuate," he continued, calmly, "tell them there may not be enough defenders." It was almost said in a whisper, but the Comm Officer heard it and relayed it to the Galactic City Authority as much as he possibly could. Gregory turned around and started giving orders to every crewmen on the bridge. "Launch all fighters, every single one of them. I want two missions; defend the escaping shuttles and take down enemy vessels committing strafing runs and targeting other friendly forces. Command the Mantis Patrol Ships to take positions against the more frigate sized vessels. Keep them on stand-by, I may want them for a special mission against the enemy dreadnought. Order the Frigates to take up shielding positions of the star destroyer, we need a combined force to block the weapons fire from all sides, I want them to act as flak support for our fighters and against smaller ships, but the Mauriacus needs to directly target the Dreadnought. All available batteries, fire. Battlestations, now. Comms, send a message to the Commenor Systems Alliance, tell them it is an emergency and we request their assistance if they can lend any. If all else fails, if we can't save enough of those shuttles or the planet is about to get glassed, we die today so they won't. We will take their ship head on. Order all vessels to load their shuttles and launch, I want Clones on the ground immediately." Gregory turned around to look out of the viewport as his ship and fleet began to move into position. "But Captain, what orders do we give the clones," the Second in Command Officer asked. "Protect the Coruscant people at all costs," Gregory responded. The Mauriacus moved into range with the Magnus and focus-fired all weapons on it. "May we finally find peace."


After things started to ramp up, and the void started to fill with laser fire and whatever else, Gregory spoke up as he watched. "Get me a priority one message to the President," his voice sounded chilling. It didn't sound positive.

Admiral - Captain Gregory
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer KSF Mauriacus
4x Imperial II β-class Frigate
2x D5 β-Mantis Patrol Ship
x180 Predator-class Fighters
x80 A β-6 Interceptor
Numerous Shuttles full of Clone Soldiers heading to the surface

[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] | [member="Sennion Crestmar"] | [member="Rahn Haaku"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@Ultimatum @Haon Hafey @Carter @Dagon @Nej Tane [member="Cathul Thuku"] @Errreembuhr @Kuat Drive Yards [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Charlie"] @Mythos @Lev Orlova [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] [member="Ursula Vizla"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]

A transmission bounced its way out of the jumbled catastrophe, the mile-deep wounds the Sith had left behind.

"For three hundred sssenturiesss, the legasssy of Corussscant hasss dominated the galaxy. Human culture, human thoughtsss, human privilege. No longer. Twissse in a decade, thissss planet has been rebuilt, refressshed, made new and whole when ssso many othersss are ignored or exsssploited. No longer.

"I have no doubt that humansss will remake thisss world of theirsss and cover up the ssscarsss we leave today. Sssuch isss their way. My duty, then, isss to make thossse ssscarsss deep. Corussscant will bleed today."

Cradossk's forces had no air presence, no space fleet. They'd come to Coruscant as individuals, found weapons here, procured supplies. Their goal was not to face the assembled might of the orbital heroes. Their job was to keep looting and wrecking and enslaving until the heroes realized their fleets and squadrons and massive war machines were next to useless in this situation.
Nej wasn't aware of the space battle happening overhead (how could he?), but was insanely aware of the number of slavers on the ground. And how much he hated them. And how much they hated him. It was a two-way hate street. They hated him because he was killing them, they hated him because he was killing them and not being a snack. Trandoshans ate humans, didn't they?

Nej wasn't sure what was hearsay and what was rumors, at any rate.

That just made pulling the trigger a bit easier. Nej was running through the streets, frantically shooting at a pack of Trandoshans behind him, cracking whips, cracking stun bolts, cracking insults, cracking really anything and everything at the Galaxy's least favorite has-never-been scoundrel. Nej was always one step away from getting his acorn or his roadrunner, always. Always.

The bag of loot was about fifty feet behind him, and for all he knew, eaten.

Pew. Dead Trandoshan.

Pow (that was the disruptor). Dead Trandoshan.

Pew pew. Pow pow.

Two more.

Still more, trying to eat his handsome face.

Not today, lizard man.

[member="Cradossk"] l [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] l Oh my lord all the tags
Word was coming? That was good. Starchaser nodded to the Solar Wind’s command crew and grabbed his scatter gun. Stepping down from the bridge, he made his way for the turbolift that would take him down to the hangar level. The man was wishing he had the time to fly the fighters, the last shipment of CF-10s had arrived and he was craving the stars. But he knew that he was a bit more useful on the ground. And with this mission? The fighters launching from the battlegroup were going to keep themselves away from civilians unless the Trandos moved first. The calls were going out over the comms to the fleet and linking in to assist Therapy Command, that was the main goal of the Vanguards.

Coruscant had a difficult relationship recently with the Alliance, and Coren wasn’t intending to make it an incident. The teams had their goals. And even more had tasks to assist any remnant cells of the Alliance buried in Coruscant’s city and assist them, by relieving some, and providing assistance to others. Coren was of the mind that these cells were the future for saving the galaxy.

But he had his own focus. Stepping into the U-Wing, he grabbed onto the crash webbing behind the pilot’s seat and nodded. “Take us in.” The ship lifted off from the deck amidst the fighters and other shuttles. Coren was heading to where the fighting was going to be the thickest. Trandoshans weren’t exactly known for their subtlety. And he was looking for the Force users.

A laser cannon smacked into the side of the speeder truck, impacting the shields and rattling the passengers. It was enough of a jolt to get Blue's datapad to fly out of his hands, skittering across the floor. The slicer grunted in annoyance, bending over himself to try and pick it up, only for it to slide further away from him when the pilots suddenly swerved for another evasive maneuver. It went across the aisle, where Green bent over and snatched it up. He flipped the device right-side up and gave the contents a look over. Less than conspicuously, Red leaned in to take a look himself.

Blue shifted urgently in his seat, arm poised to swat the datapad, "Hey, don't..."

Another laser blast hit the truck, this time in the back, jolting the occupants again. Green lost his grip on the datapad, which now smacked into the wall towards the front of the truck, far out of anyone's reach. The speeder was angling downwards, but not in the usual 'engine failure' spiral. They were making their final approach. On cue, the wall hatch to the cockpit opened, revealing a Kordan's wild, bloodshot eyes. Probably the gunner, might have hyped up on some focus-enhancing drugs. Nobody had met him before and, given the nature of their careers, they probably wouldn't see him again.

"Landing in three minutes, get ready!" The hatch stayed open just long enough for the Kordan to bark the warning, then slid shut violently.

Blue sat in silent torment for the next few seconds, wondering how much Red and Green had seen. And then the latter spoke.

"Dating holosite, huh?"


Thom Naudir

"Full deployment all ships. Have fight wings one through six establish a defensive position around the fleet. Order wings seven and eight to protect the bombers and begin assaults on the enemy fleet. Have the ninth wing form a picket line to the far sides of the fleet, I don't want anything coming our uninvited. Have the Pride of Roche begin to advance along the starboard flank, and have the Vendetta follow suit on the port. Have them encircle the enemy fleet and then begin a push for the center. The Nightingale will lead the forward assault down the middle. Shoot to destroy, not disable." The moment sensors had picked up movement within the enemy fleet, Sentus had launched into issuing orders to his patrol group. He felt extremely limited in his options given the number of capital ships that he had. However, his ships were stronger blow for blow then the enemies, and he had superior fighter coverage. Not to mention the arrival of more Order fleet assets. It was going to be a short battle.

Looking out the viewport, Sentus watched as the two Star Destroyers broke formation, their shields flashing as long range enemy fire hit the invisible barrier. They began to push in either direction, their broadsides opening up on the enemy fleet as they came in range. The Nightingale itself continued forward, its heavy weaponry roaring to life as they drew in range of the enemy fleet. He didn't know where, but he knew Order ground forces would be arriving soon in force to help support the world below. He needed to make sure the skies were clear for them.

"Target the lead cruiser with all port cannons. All starboard weapons are ordered to begin independent tracking, focus fire on the smaller vessels." Leaning against the railing along the front of the bridge, Sentus watched as the turbolaser shots erupted from the barrels of their guns all along the ship, vanishing into the distance to hit targets he couldn't fully see yet with his own eyes. He put faith in his crew. He knew they would get the job done.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] [member="Errreembuhr"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Dagon"] [member="Carter "][member="Causstik Rahn"]

[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Alderaan Embassy [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A good death.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]The light of a thousand embers drifted down through the broken roof. Many of the embassy staff was already evacuated. Many of the soldiers who remand behind had already fallen. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Gar’ith JR Darkhold Organa was not the same Jedi he was before the calling. In the brief second of combat he had looked out to the burning sky. It was a moment of silent reflection. His years in the Neitherworld had fundamentally changed his heart. He no longer had the confidence he once had. It did not matter his many years of experience. He was tired and his soul suffered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The man had no idea what happened to his lost wife Kalia, [/SIZE][member="Kamon Vondiranach"][SIZE=9pt]’s sister. He could only assume she was one of the many who was lost in the great calling. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]It had only taken a moment distraction. The cold steel of a blade slipped through flesh. The blade sank deep through his chest piercing his back. The Trandoshan with one last final stroke savagely shoved the blade deeper. The hilt pounded upon Gar’ith’s chest as his last final breath was beginning to escape his.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]His last final though as the Trandosahan mocked him. Flashes of images of his lost wife, images of the past. A small child he never got to meet. Then somehow the child was alone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Kalia had a child”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] was Gar’ith last words as he died. The embassy still had a security feed. His last moments and his last words were just recorded. Would his sister [/SIZE][member="Faith Organa"][SIZE=9pt] or one of his other family members hear his last words?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Somewhere out there in the galaxy was child raised without both parents. Would ever happened to the small child that was most likely a young adult now? [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Down Town[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Some Local Coffee Shop [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]For the day it was relatively just a short time. For a battle a short time a lot can happen. “Two more burn wounds”, one of the Sakura Medical techs called out shifting through the wounded as they came through the front door. Shifting through them was important, very important. The more critical the wound was the higher priority was it for the person to see a doctor or medic stat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Kira was one of two doctors on site. She was currently suturing a severed artery. It was the Ulnar artery in the left hand of a near human. Someone had enough sense to quickly wrap up the arm and place pressure upon it. It was not to terribly surmising as how often Coruscant was attacked. By now it must be common for a common person on the street to know the basic first aid.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]It was a tremble through the Force. It was not about knowledge or experience. Her training was limited and she ran off instinct when it came to the Force. While she was stabilizing the wound she felt a death. Yes there was death around her but there was one that had felt different. It felt more heart breaking in a way she did not understand. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Still it was going to be a long day of stabilizing victims and sending them out to a real hospital or medical camp that is fitted to properly handle the wounded. That is if the coffee shop did not come under attack. The heavy traffic could attract the wrong attention. [/SIZE]

[member="Nej Tane"] [member="Cradossk"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Ursula Vizla"] #anyone else on the ground
Senate Building...

My demands fell on deaf ears and this infuriated me to no end. I would CRUSH them, SMASH their fleets to pieces and when all was said and done I would make Zerdias watch while I filete his would be allies alive. Drouk and Rancor warbeast continue to hammer on the walls of the senate building, finally it begins to crumble and the great lumbering creatures peek within with bloodshot eyes and a lame curiosity that wondered little more than “How crunchy is the food”?

Ironscale and I moved into the building breaching hall after hall. Slaying countless guards. I bent low to collect an ancient ceremonial cape pauldron off a captain. He was a relatively tough kill. I tossed the pauldron aside. No. A simple trinket would not do for a trophy from this man. I remove his helmet and bring the ryyk blade to the base of his scalp. A simple incision and a quick yank leaves the man with a nice new shave. I attach the scalp to a chain of other dried out trophies and continue onwards. We must reach the senate hall and we must reach it quickly…

I pause in one of the maze like buildings many halls and begin to hail my fleet. “Open a channel to the Silvers,” A moment later I am patched through to my attackers.

“Renegade forces you are ordere-” He begins, but I cut him off with a ferocious roar

“LISTEN AND LISTEN WELL!” I pause as I attempt to regain my posture “If your fleet does not stand down my Meridian warships will bomb what remains of the capitol to dust! Millions will die and it will be on your hands!”

Refugee camps…

The Dreadtooth stalk the metallic jungle methodically and yet with haste. They know their objective and will fight to the last man to achieve it. Crossk, an infallible leader and Causstik’s second in command leads the assault. What had started as a random landing of looters soon formed into a ruthless wave of attackers under his command. The Dreadtooth army formed a pincer like maneuver and sought to surround the refugees and therapy command.

The Trandoshans circle the Refugees by hiding in the ruins surrounding the encampments and idly watched the apprehensive guards with beady eyes. Then a great rumbling like thunder began to sound through the city streets. It was the Trandoshan drums of war. Great hulking warbeast meandered through city streets and at the whip of there master’s formed another circle around the camps.

Crossk nodded an affirmative to the warbeast commander. An elderly Trandoshan with one eye who had been taming the creatures since he was but a hatchling. The Warbeast commander raised a hand then swung downwards and the warbeast began firing with their shoulder mounted artillery pieces on the guard emplacements. Crossk surveyed the destruction with much glee. Men exploded into giblets, turret emplacements blew up in fiery explosions, and the screams of the dying filled the air.

After a sizeable chunk of the original defenders appeared dead Crossk gave the order “CHARGE! FOR THE SCOREKEEPER! FOR CAUSSTIK!” The artillery barrage halted and hundreds of Trandoshans began closing the gap towards the refugee camps.

Men and women of all species let out cries of terror at the sight of the reptilian tide.

Droid Camps…

The lead beastmaster Soss stared at the droid camps from atop a skyscraper longingly. He had a knack for collecting shiny things and below was an entire population of shiny things. Unfortunately it was guarded by the big bad shiny. It infuriated Soss to no end that the shinies fought back. He had little understanding of droids, math, and well just about everything. But, one thing that Soss understood was that size matters. It’s part of the reason the codpiece on his armor was so huge.

So, as he stared at the mother of shinies he knew he had to have it. “Order the beehive to bring my beast!” He hissed menacingly to the others.

It was met with a simple nod and one of the other beastmasters raised the ship on his comms. It slowly floated through the Coruscanti atmosphere and stopped right in front of the giant walker. It neither fired weapons nor did it activate shields. Instead a large drop door opened from the bottom and a large 200 foot rock fell from it. One of the simple minded beastmasters made a joke about dropping a deuce, but Soss simply ignored it.

The rock was actually a very large mutated Drouk and it soon became apparent as it grew arms and legs. It stood four hundred feet tall, had armored plates thicker than most ships it’s size and atop its shoulders were mounted two M.A.C.s. It marched slowly towards its intended target and with both fist began pounding on the walker’s shields while it’s giant rail guns began firing upon the metal monstrosity. Soss cried out in glee as he watched the two giants fight.


Koless surveys the holo table before him in the dim light. He maneuvers the holograms with one hand while the other sits idly behind his back. The lancer’s, Veridian, and Beehive maintain wedge formation firing with long range weapons. The Magnus take’s position above the Wedge formation and prepares to fire it’s Capital ship killer on the Kuati fleet. The Irrlicht attempts to maneuver around the silver fleets with all stealth suites activated. He truly knows no equal when it comes to space tactics and he will punish the slightest mistake with ruthless savagery...

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Errreembuhr"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Haon Hafey"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Kuat Drive Yards"] @Zerdias Mant
"The Sith were done with the planet after they ran out the Alliance in revenge for their invasion of the One Sith in its heyday," she explained to Charlie. "From initial reports, we look to be dealing with are pirates and slavers - opportunists. Even today, Coruscant still loaded, so if I was an enterprising pirate, then I might risk hitting Coruscant while the whole region is still reeling from the Sith's campaigns."

Kat, a Ranger turned Padawan, was also with them. She couldn't be any more different from Charlie, quite cheeky and outgoing. She joined them asking for a plan.

"We have the equivalent of several legions deploying to Coruscant - it's a big place - to assist the local security forces in pacifying the raiders. Spacy units are already on the scene, so assault teams should have an easy time getting planetside with minimal interference. Half our forces will go strike out directly for hot spots, while the other half will secure medical facilities, refugee camps, friendly garrisons/precincts, and critical points of infrastructure. Once they establish a foothold, then they'll be able to fan out and help locked down each sector district by district until we neutralize the pirates."

"In addition to those general directives, we have a personal mission in apprehending some of the raiders and their craft so we can figure out where they're based at, and then pay them a visit."

This was her priority. Repulsing raiders was fine and necessary, but they had to hit them where they lived to really see results, or they would just keep attacking as they pleased.

All kitted up, she waved for Charlie, Kat, and the rest of the team to follow her to the shuttle transport that would take them to the Nightshade. Once they had docked with the stealth warship, Nightshade and the rest of the flotilla of Pantera frigates jumped to hyperspace.

During the short trip, the Echani updated herself on the situation. It wasn't only the Silver Spacy that had shown up, but also several private entities representing other Core powers, and even the Alliance-in-Exile under Admiral Thuku and Coren. It sounded like it was a full party over and under Coruscant.

The Coruscanti had accepted their offers of assistance, but she imagined only rather reluctantly. It made no matter to her, she was going there for the people, not the government.

The small pack of warships reverted over Coruscant on the far hemisphere away from where the main space battle was taking place, stealth systems engaged to avoid enemy detection.

"Charlie, Kat, I want you to take an assault team (Lev, Valkren) and help the Coruscanti to capture or eliminate the raiders there, then hold. I'm going to stay up here and coordinate with Admiral Olan and our other friends. I'm assigning Captain [member="Sigrid Forsberg"] and detachment of Beserkers to your team. Good luck."

She left them to deploy while she started to make contact with her counterparts to ensure they had a comprehensive plan of attack. The large fleet presence was nice, but all battles were won on foot in the streets and mud.

[member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Errreembuhr"] [member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Dagon"] [member="Carter"] [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Charlie"] [member="Sentus Olan"]
[member="Mythos"] [member="Helix Syndicate"] [member="Kat Decoria"] [member="Valkren Calderon"] [member="Lev Orlova"] [member="Cradossk"]
[SIZE=9pt]Down Town[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Some Local Coffee Shop [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hearing a little bit of commotion by the door Kira did not look up. She was near to complete in suturing a severed artery and she did not feel in any immediate danger. “Just two children. In shock but they will be fine”, in was the voice of Samantha. Samantha was another Doctor who had the last round of going out to search important locations. Just coming back with two children was not a good sign. She was sent to a located elementary school that was filled with hundreds of children. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]That what was all the commotion was about. It was a huge blow. Kira was holding it back while trying to seal up the wound of her patient. She was close to crying, she really was. “It’s alright”, the soldier said who she was working on. “Go ahead if you need to. You have nothing to be ashamed of. It is the difference between them and us.[/SIZE] We give a chit”, his words struck that final blow and Kira could not help but let tears fall.

[SIZE=9pt]“Thank you”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] she made the last swipe of the dermal-carterizer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The soldier made a small huffing noise, “No, thank you. I got full movement in my hand again.” The man sat up from the bed then slid off the grab his rife. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Kira, you’re up Alderaan Embassy”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the lead Doctor called out mentioning it was Kira’s turn to go out to make rounds. She knew there would be five Sasori Security Guards at the door for her. She was not going to go alone and also felt a little relived she was heading out. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I got your back to”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the clone picked up his helmet and fastened it on. Kira could not help but smile. It was good to make friends. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Moments Later, Just Out Side the Alderaan Embassy[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=9pt]“Halt”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] blasters were pointed her way and her team as she rounded a corner. The clone and her security detail had weapons drawn too. Kira was the only one without a weapon drawn. She did recognize the patch on the people’s uniform that had weapons trained on them. There were human and so was Kira’s team.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“No, lower your weapons”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the clone barked back not going to give an inch or trust anyone he did not somewhat know.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hold on”[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] holding up her hand showing she had no weapons she motioned for everyone to lower their blasters. “I’m a Doctor and you four are CorSec, am I correct”, she was wearing a uniform and it matched the same company her security detail had. It was simple detective work and she could see it in those officers’s eyes they started to get that.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Yes we are. It looks like we both were heading to the same place to give Alderaan assistance”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] the lead CorSec officer lowered his weapon and everyone else did the same. It looks like we are to give you support into the building. So not only can we secure it we can give anyone inside medical treatment.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Sounds like a grand plan”,[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Kira smiled warmly and motion for everyone to lead the way. The soldiers start to make their way tactically up to the building. Kira, she was just walking. [/SIZE]

[member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Cradossk"] [member="Ursula Vizla"] #anyone else on the ground
[member="Ursula Vizla"] | [member="Sky'ito Yumi"] | [member=Errreembuhr] | [member="Cathul Thuku"] | [member="Nej Tane"] | [member=Dagon] | [member="Carter "]| [member="Causstik Rahn"] | [member=Charlie] | [member=Ultimatum] | [member=Cradossk] | [member="Haon Hafey"] | [member="Lev Orlova"] | [member="Kat Decoria"] | [member=Mythos] | [member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Sentus Olan"] | [member="Garith Organa"] | [member="Kira"]

Gregory would be open to a communication from the Silver ships, unlike others, Gregory didn't care to hold an opinion of other galactic entities. The only time he held an opinion, is when they made themselves a threat to him, or what he cared about. That was it, no preconceptions. But he was too busy to open a channel with them, and assumed they were too busy to open a channel with him, so he coordinated what he could, with what he had, and the reports that were coming in. Suddenly, one of his communications officers spoke up, talking about a transmission from the surface being sent to the Silvers. "Open it," Gregory ordered, and so the Officer did. They piggybacked on the transmission thanks to their descrambler and listened in, but couldn't speak into it. Gregory expected this kind of hostage excuse, but the marauders were trying to hold the entire planet hostage. No, that was impossible. "Shut that communication off. We never heard it," of course, that was a lie. Everyone on the bridge heard it, but Gregory knew as soon as he heard the communication then the marauders would have the upper hand. As much as he didn't hear it, or their demands, he would be able to continue on, firing on the dreadnought, taking down more and more marauder ships. Some scaly freak wasn't going to have an edge on Gregory unless it was a blade to his neck.

By now, the Clones he sent would be landing. They had no specific landing coordinates, so as soon as they saw populace under attack, they would land, and offer support. Their weapons were galactic standard, and so were their armor, so they were able to trade blows with the enemies. They prepared hot zones, areas designated for Mortar fire and protected areas, places for civilians to take shelter. Pilots would stay in the shuttles to shuttle civilians to safer areas, especially places already fortified or those becoming fortified by Clones. They did not run. They did not fear. It didn't matter if the pirates and slavers overwhelmed them, the Clones did not back down.

"Captain," the Comms officer spoke up again, "it's President Troste." "Good," Gregory said, "let's hear it right here." The Officer put Ferrons image up, thankfully holonet satellites weren't destroyed. If any were, they were still close enough to Kuat that signal strength was good. "Captain Gregory, I've heard Coruscant is under attack, what can you tell me," the President asked, waiting for an answer, knowing Gregory had little time as he was in combat. "The enemies are a massive raiding party. They are looking to enslave the populace and kill and steal whatever they can. They have support; a great dreadnought and numerous ground forces. We suspect local criminals are also taking advantage of the situation. I know the orders you've given me, and I hope you won't back on them, sir. If there's nothing more we can do, we will make it so that dreadnought won't give their friends anymore support. It's not all bad news; there are friendlies, here. Many Silver Jedi fleets, and multiple others. I have reports LOOM may also be in the area, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that."

"We've been receiving as many of the reports as you have been able to send, Gregory, I'm very thankful. Is it true that you've been given permission to engage the enemy?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. We're sending you reinforcements. Resources are stretched a little thin, unfortunately we can't get you any of those Imperial Threes yet, but I hope this Assault Fleet will do you some good. I am also sending another ship, an Incarcerator-class. Word has it we may not be able to win this one. I don't believe we'll take heavy losses, but just as a precaution, I want to offer the Mayor ( [member="Zeradias Mant"] ) a way out until everything calms down. Whether he accepts it or not is up to him. This is not my planet and I don't want to be responsible for the death of either its leader or its destruction, not anymore. They have a Dreadnought, we have the entire Kuat Drive Yards. Let's show them we're back."

"You know I've heard of the Bulwark-classes, those could have done us justice in the situation, I guess the Comm-" Gregory was interrupted as a weapons fire glanced against the bridge of the Mauriacus, distorting communications for a moment. "No more dawdling, we're in a heavy fight here, sir. Thank you for the reinforcements, I have to go. Gregory out."


The view screen cut out and Gregory went back to his orders, thankfully the Mayor already gave permission even though Ferron hadn't gotten confirmation until now, as he already sent the assault fleet. Very shortly, a large number of ships would be picked up on enemy and friendly sensors, coming from Kuat. "You heard the President, let them know we're here. Order the Frigates to push the Pirates. I know, I know, they'll be surrounded. Let's let them know Kuat Drive Yards is back, let's let everyone know." The Mauriacus then unfortunately shut down, but engineers were ready for this. They were already working to get power back on. Gregory knew a shut down was imminent, especially with all the power usage. He saw it as the only mercy he'd give them. Ferron attempted to have a message sent to [member="Jyoti Nooran"] 's Silver ships to alert them of the reinforcements, hopefully the Silver Fleet would continue to be friendly, whoever the CO was for them at the moment. Ferron relied on this event, he needed the Mayors trust, and he didn't want the responsibility of the death of the Mayor and the planet on his hands. The Incarcerator would be offering an option to escape the planet just in case until things calmed down, whether or not the Mayor took it would be up to him, but the clones on board would be ordered to follow his orders. Ferron had no thought to back down now, he had an obligation to keep his promise.

Ferron tried to get a communication to the Mayor, letting him or the Galactic City Authority know he was sending a ship to escort him and anyone important out until everything calmed down, if he needed it. He would not force the Mayor to leave his post, nor to force him to trust the President.

Admiral - Captain Gregory
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer KSF Mauriacus
4x Imperial II β-class Frigate
2x D5 β-Mantis Patrol Ship
x180 Predator-class Fighters
x80 A β-6 Interceptor

Numerous Clones on the ground, protecting civilians

With the Shadowclaw at its center, the EODD fleet began to take shape, with the three assault frigates in a spear-shape forward and the carriers lining above it. The scout ships hung back just a bit, their powerful scanners hard at work picking out weaknesses in the enemy fleet, especially the battlecruiser. They were not the only electronic warfare systems that Errreembuhr had up his sleeve, however.

"Activate the LOKI," the Wookiee said to an officer as he stood facing the viewport, eyes watching as the enemy fleet seemed to be focused heavily on the Kuati fleet, leaving his own more or less unmolested. "Jam their communications and sensors. I don't want them to be able to coordinate or accurately fire their weapons on us or our allies. Unless they have dedicated systems we should have free reign."

"Yes sir," the droid replied, activating the system.

"Sir, this is TS-1121 of the scout cruiser Radiance," a robotic voice chirped over the comms. "We've discovered that the cruisers carrying the proton beam weapons lack much in the way of armor and shields. The largest ship has few ways to defend from a rear attack. The others are better protected."

The Wookiee scratched at his chin, eyes watching the flashing of lights before him. He would focus his efforts on the enemy fleet, leaving the battlecruiser to his better armed allies in KDY and the Silver Jedi. There wasn't much he could do to a ship that large even with his resources. The Lancers and Meridians, however, he could do something about.

With a channel open now to his fleet, he began giving orders to the carriers. "Purple Sun, deploy your dropships to my hull, we will load up our prepared battle droids into each squadron and return them to your hangar bay."

As soon as he'd said it, he could see the signals transmitted to the bridge informing him that the three squadrons of dropships were en route, and he could see them magnetizing to his hull. The best part of operating a droid army was that they could work in the vacuum of space, and he watched as the trail of ant-like machines made their way out onto the hull and into the lowered ramps of the dropships. Four squadrons all loaded then moved back into the Purple Sun, along with a single squadron of drone fighters.

It was at that moment Errreembuhr began playing with the location screen, marking the position of the enemy ships exactly as they stood in realspace, relative to the planet's gravitational pull. It would take a bit of luck, but with the EB-S droid brain on his ship making the calculations exactly, luck wasn't much of a concern. Plans were transmitted to the Purple Sun, and within seconds, both it and another of his carriers shot off into hyperspace. All that was left was to survive until they were in position, a prospect he saw no issue with, as the main focus of these ships were the Kuat fleet, not his own.

What little incoming turbolaser fire was directed his way harmlessly dissipated over the shield, charging instead his own systems, inadvertently providing extra power to the electronic warfare system directed at them. He had the droid in charge of comms switch him to a channel with allied ships.

"[member="Jyoti Nooran"] and [member="Coren Starchaser"] it's good to be in combat with your ships. If you can give that battlecruiser something to fight against, I have a plan to deal with some of the smaller Trandoshan vessels. I've already deployed two carriers to reposition and hit them from behind with drones and a boarding force of battle droids. There isn't much I can do against that beast of a ship, however."

They wouldn't be able to see the fire in his one remaining organic eye. The fury bred by hatred of the creatures that made him what he is today. A cyborg, half machine, relying on synthetic parts to even survive. But he would have his vengeance, and he was more than willing to play on a team to get it.

Deployed two EF40 Carrier Frigates to reposition via hyperspace
-Four squadrons of Kinrath-class Dropships carrying 1,280 Wyyyschokk-series Battle Droids
-Six squadrons of EF-A Drone Fighters
Began targeting the enemy fleet with the LOKI EWAR system
-Communications Jamming
-Sensor Jamming

[member="Kat Decoria"]
[member="Lev Orlova"]
[member="Haon Hafey"]
[member="Causstik Rahn"]
[member="Nej Tane"]
[member="Sentus Olan"]
[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
[member="Kuat Drive Yards"]
[member="Cathul Thuku"]
Location: Coruscant surface
Gear: Armor | Lightsaber | Repeater
Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Sigrid Forsberg"] [member="Ultimatum"] [member="Nej Tane"] [member="Zeradias Mant"]
Enemies: [member="Causstik Rahn"] [member="Cradossk"] [member="Mythos"]

After the patients were loaded into the medvac shuttles, they didn't make it for orbit at first, but instead rerouted to drop the patients off to the nearest medical centers still able to take up patients. Of which there weren't many: the local medical infrastructure was busy for weeks now, round-the-clock, so they ended up having to be treated in orbit, onboard the Pharmacokinetics, while a battle raged above. The enemy commander in orbit was lucky and unlucky at the same time: while it was lucky that Therapy Command could not intervene beyond medvac (Therapy Command caused several First Order admirals to have nightmares of firepower kills), there were several fleets actively engaging them. But with the remaining security forces on the planet taking up position, she could hear a loud scream: Charge! For the Scorekeeper! For Causstik! which would be taken for her and any other security personnel on the area as a signal to take cover. There were just so many Trandoshan warriors that she set the repeater to fire nine shots in a three-second burst, while, next to her, refugees that could wield weapons took whatever they could from the dead troopers bodies, GA or Sith.

"Fire at will!" she shouted while aiming her repeater, firing a nine-shot burst of electromagnetic plasma at the Trandoshans' leg joints once the aim was made.
Location: Thick of the Fight
Enemies: G.A. and peeps who get in the way of my goodie grabbing
Gear: Armor Axe Rudis Lightabers, Thermal Dets and Sammy

Leading a pack of raiders and slavers was not difficult, beating back a horde of Mandalorians and defenders however, was. Mythos rushed hard and fast into the thick of the battle with one hand brandishing his Axe and the other with the Rudis of the Dark Lord created by Reverance here in this very city. Ducking and weaving, using the skills and experience gathered through decades of combat against the Original Galactic Rebellion, The Republic, The Alliance and Even the Empire to stab, thrust, cut and tear his way though the joints of the Mandalorian armor.

Deflecting a blaster bolt with the Rudis into the face of a defender Mythos was able to get close and hook the axe around his neck while vaulting through the main line of bulk force. As he jumped through the air so did his victim and by the time he landed and the axe swung again the corpse Mythos dragged with him had no head and landed with a sick and wet thud beside his boots. His eyes caught the flash of [member="Ursula Vizla"] and her blaster fire but his mind was not on closing in with that specific Mandalorian... for now...

The movement of his body was a flurry of skill enhanced by the power of the darkside of the force and the desire to end all things that opposed him. It was here, when Mythos was behind enemy lines, surrounded by Mandalorian Beskar, blasters and thermal detonators that he could unleash what he had been holding back for years. His full power.​

The Axe had a powerful ability for moments like this; Bladestorm, and Mythos had been preparing it since he decapitated his first victim. Upon landing at the speed of the wind itself Mythos swung his axe at the very air in front of him, ebony blade crimson with the energy of the darkside. It unleashed the plasma like energy in a massive arc that he had created while flying that was intended to crash into the lines of the enemy which at this point was all around him.

Mythos was not done with just that, He had the momentum and He was going to use it. Upon setting heel on the ground and unleashing the power of bladestorm He launched himself into the closest enemy crossfire using the technique of Jar'Kai to deflect blaster bolts and the style of Juyo to close with and destroy the enemy in close combat. With every swing of his blade, crimson blood adorned his armor. Much like [member="Nej Tane"] Mythos also had no clue about the battle overhead, that was not his job, his job was down here. Several Hell hound Infantry Fighting Vehicles commanded by Trandoshan VC's reported in about a mile behind him through his earcom and H.U.D. sensors but Mythos could not command them or give them orders at this time. He did however, now know there were near.

His H.U.D. Also reported in something that would make him stop if he had a nanosecond to acknowledge it: L.O.O.M. Ships and tech, The ones created, operated and designed by in Mythos' opinion the most important droid outside the Core Worlds; @Ultimatum

[member="Cathul Thuku"] @Errreembuhr @Kuat Drive Yards @Kira @Jyoti Nooran [member="Sentus Olan"] [member="Causstik Rahn"]

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