Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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S.S.D.D. +The Mandalorian Zabrak Chronicle+

Current location : Onboard the Blackheart , Somewhere near the outerrim shipping lanes.

~ ScrapHeap , As Kaster referred to the still shiny new TE4 Ultra Battle Droid, Sat in the pilot seat of the beat up, but heavily modified, YT2000 Freighter. The ship itself securely grappled onto the crater wall of an asteroid overlooking a moderately used shipping lane. Hours had passed as the Captain slept but the droid kept a steady watch over the scanners and comms frequencies, And then it was there, The ship they'd been waiting in this wretched crater for nearly two days now. ~ "Finally! The piece of schutta shows up!" ~ Exclaimed the droid in a feminine tone before activating the ship's Internal comms and shouted~ " Sane! Get your ass up and make something of yourself you drunken knob " ~And then just to get back at him for the name ScrapHeap, the TE4 began blaring the shipwidealarms~
+With a slur of swears and groans the Zabrak rose from the floor beside his bed, Having thrown himself from his bed when. The alarms had began blaring+ " I'm gonna blast that wretched droid to pieces! " +Having passed out wearing his armor, Kaster simply grabbed his helmet and tucked it under his arm as he made his way the cockpit with half a mind to vent a droid out an airlock+

" I SHOULD DROP YOUR ASS OF IN SOME BACKWATER SHYTEHOLE! " +Roared the Mando as he entered the cockpit and checked the scanners....There she was, The freighter they had been waiting for..+ "Let's go get paid Scrappy! " +with that said he flopped Into the main pilots chair and fired up the Blackheart's main systems.

+With all systems running green, Sane wouldwould flip a switch to release the grapples and pull them back into the various ports around the ship's hull, Before taking hold the controls and lifting the ship out of the crater, But not so far out as the not still be hidden in the shadow of the asteroid+
Thraxis was wandering around the ship, a flask of empty booze was clenched in his left hand while his right remained empty, "Now how did I get here...." Thraxis mumbled as we walked confused in the foreign ship, he had assumed he just took to the wrong ship and was hoping he hadn't been abducted by the Republic. He figured he was safe in that department, if he had been abducted he wouldn't have such free travel on the ship, nor would he still be wearing his armor underneath his trench coat.

As he fumbled about he bumped into a Zabrak, he seemed familiar, but that may just be due tot he lack Of Zabrak he had ever met prior to this chance encounter. Thraxis looked him up and down, his eyes darting about the armor as he watched to make sure he wasn't dealing with any unpleasant foes, "So.... bit embarrassing to ask this. Do you know where I am? Think I hoped aboard maybe, possibly, slight chance, of the wrong ship." he fumbled to get out, he had no idea who he was talking to or even if he was friend or foe. As he finished he straightened himself up and pulled the bottle of empty booze to his lips hoping for any drops of the sweet alcohol to drip onto his tongue, though was met with dismay when there was not even a drop of spare booze left in the bottle. "Next question, got any spare booze?" he said flatly, this had become a serious situation now.
[member="Kaster Sane"]

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Sit your ass down Schutta! " +The Zabrak blared, Not at the drunk, At the droid as it began to stand and draw on the intruder. The droid immediately sat back down into the secondary pilots chair as Sane himself stood and faced the stowaway with a calmer yet still ice cold tone+ "You're onboard My Ship.....and your wasted, Normally I'd just add a new airhole in your face.....Lucky for you I recognize you from where I know you "

+Just what he needed, a drunken crime boss on his ship, and just when he had found his target...+ "As for more booze....I'll give you more, But for now, Sit your ass down and buckle up this is gonna get reàl fun, Real fast " +His tone cold as ever though a cocky smirk had twisted his lips. He wasn't being rude to the man, He had more honor than to be rude, But he was being completely serious.

+ With no more words needed, and pretty sure the man didn't want to die today Sane flopped back into his chair and strapped in before grabbing the ship's controls and slamming the ship forwards toward the freighter, The force of which throwing him deeper into his chair and possibly fling the drunk off his feet, If he hadn't listened and strapped in like Sane said. He was off schedule now....He hated being off his plan, But he would improvise. " ScrapHeap! Check weapons and have them ready and aimed at those engines! "
Thraxis done what he was told, he had no intention of starting a fight in someone else ship, though he was hopeful that with the words fun and fast that a fight was brewing somewhere, and was eager to get involved. He clicked his fingers as he pointed to him and with a cocky grin he replied, "You got it. Bossman." he stated as he mozied over to a spare seat and buckled in.

As he sat down he looked around the room, he was not all that tech wise and all he saw were buttons and flashing lights, though his eyes soon drifted into the devoid of space, the twinkling lights the only source of organic flashes in this metallic bucket. Though Thraxis eyes wandered once more, this time looking around for any source of booze, the first he looked to was the Droid, a thought crossed his mind, Huh, wonder if Oil is alcoholic, or if it can even get me drunk. Thraxis thought as he looked up and down then quickly looked down to his flask, he was desperate for booze and now was simply content with the faint aroma of alcohol that drifted inside the bottle.
[member="Kaster Sane"]
Even before she blink her eyes awake she couldn't help to feel the movement. Telling her one of many question that she had running through her mind at this point and time. Even so she couldn't help but stair blankly at the ceiling. There was something off about this situation. Just how did she end up here one could only tell by her own thinking or many lack of it. Yep that was it lack of it.

Oh boy did she really have that much to drink, with who was she drinking with as if to much thinking would hurt her brain. One like her as always she just shrug it off. Even then she couldn't help but full herself up from her sleeping hiding hole or was it something else. In turn she knew know more then anything she had something to really think about just what.

Yep she just left her sister on that planet like that well it wasn't like they wasn't good people no she just didn't like being tied down to one play to long, call it what you like. For her it was being one to want to see what the galaxy was doing and where or what people was up to among other things. Following what she thought was voice they could be in her head one like her never knew. Seeing that there was two of the opposite sex talking she might as will get her baring straight.

"It seem I might have taken a wrong turn, maybe a few to many"

[member="Kaster Sane"] [member="Thraxis"]
Thraxis quickly turned his head, another in a familiar situation as he was in, "I know right? Take a few to many Drinks and you hope aboard the wrong ship flying who knows where. Oh well. That's half the fun of booze, just gotta strap yourself in and let the solar winds whisk you away." Thraxis said with a cheerful grin, he supposed that some booze must have still be in his system for him to be in a chipper mood.

He turned his head back into the devoid of space, the twitching of the stars illuminating an otherwise empty vaccum was interesting to say the least, especially since there was nothing in the current room that Thraxis could poke at or press. Wonder how long till I get back home... Maybe there will be Booze waiting for me... Or not. Just take some from the palace anyway I suppose. Thraxis thought to himself as his eyes grew as vacant as the space he gazed into
[member="Kaster Sane"]
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]
@Thraxis@Shiva Horizonis

+As the Blackheart made a beeline for the old freighter Kas nodded to the droid beside him and chuckled as the ship's weapons lit up the ass end of that freighter and almost instantly destroyed the engines.+ " Good shooting Scrappy! Now get us ready to take that schutta over!" +His attention then being jerked behind him as he heard yet another strange voice on his ship and turned in his chair to face the woman+

" Another one!?!?! Was there an orgy party on my ship that I didn't know about?" +Tone seemingly annoyed as he stood from his chair and turned to his droid....+ " Heap...pop the communication array so they can't call for help" +....That said he turned back to the two who had invaded his ship, his head shaking in disbelief. Was his security protocols really shitty enough to allow two drunken stowaways to board his ship? It hardly mattered now, They were here and he planned to use them+. " Are either of you trained in combat?
It was in her body laugage at once I know right one moment I was dancing having a good old fun time, oh boy do I like to have fun wish we could have fun times all the time, other take live way to serious, for there own good.

Spacing out hard to try to remember where she was this time running away from her sister firm hand. Didn't matter either way all that matter is that she was here now. This dude was asking a question to both of them.

Combat training is that like fighting, oh no that my twin sister but I seem to have miss placed her for the time being.

@Thraxis @Kaster Sane
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]

" Well then you may want to stay on this ship when I board the other one woman " +...His tone cold yet honest as always as he spoke to the woman, Then as he turned to look over the male he knew he didn't have to ask, The blaster on the man's hip, Armor hidden under his coat, And the fact he was a member of the Cartel told Sane all he needed to know+
Thraxis looked to the who he assumed be the captain of the foreign ship, "Sir. you don't become the Third in command of the Jackals by talking pretty. You get there by completely and utterly destroying those who dared to oppose you." He said with a grin, he put his hand on one of his two Heavy Blaster Pistols, a slight grin growing over his face as looked to the two. This was how he was going to sum up the group, whether the reaction be negative or positive would help him know if he was hanging with the right crowd for the time being. Though he had to keep himself from getting into a fight with the Zeltron. Especially since he knew that she seemingly had no training.

His eyes quickly returned to his bottle, a somber expression crossing his face as he peered into his bottle and returned to the realization that he had no booze left and was told he was going to get to kill people. He couldn't remember the last time he got into a fight without booze in his system, but imagined it might be for the better.
[member="Kaster Sane"]
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]

" Never heard of these "Jackels" friend" +The Zabrak stated bluntly as he pulled his own flask from his pocket and tossed it to the man as he felt his ship lightly nudge against the stranded freighter+. " Now Ready up! This next part is where all the fun happens" +Was that excitement heard in the Mandalorians voice as he spoke? It was indeed, the only thing Kaster enjoyed more than the company of some random woman...or two, Was a good fight, And a good fight was about to happen+
Thraxis was taken back a bit. He thought there name had been spread by now, after all they had done. But he supposed that they had been doing more work for the Cartel recently more so then he had been for the Jackals alone.
As the bottle of booze was thrown to him he caught it with his free hand. "Awesome. Some booze and a fight. Sounds like a good time." he laughed as he stood out of his seat and started to chug the booze down quickly and followed Kaster.

As he followed he checked the gear he had on him. It seemed to be everything he normally had on himself, a Sonic Pistol, both his Heavy Blaster Pistols, his armor strapped behind his trechcoat and a bottle of booze. "Now then. Who exactly are we gonna go slaughter?" he said, his facial expression had dropped, it had started to show his sadistic streak as he quickly finished his bottle of booze and started to march on, ready to create a bloodbath.
[member="Kaster Sane"]
[member="Shiva Horizonis"]

+as he made his way to the airlock, which was Now securely fastened to the stranded freighter he pulled the old Blaster rifle from his back and loaded a fresh energy cell into it before turning to the man with a smirk....+. " I'm not sure to be honest, the ship is classified as an ithorian trade vessel......But my main goal is a weapons shipment that's supposed to be onboard " +having said that Kas would turn back to the door and over his comms give Scrappy the word to blow a hole in the stranded ships wall just beyond the airlock+
Thraxis merely shrugged. If it was only a transport ship there should be some resistance but nothing he couldn't handle. "Ok then. Long as it ain't the Cartel of Jackals I think it should be fine." he said, his voice showed his undertones of sadism that had started to rise again at the prospect of slaughtering a ship full of merchants and the sort.

He stood a bit behind the Mandolorian, assuming that the blast wouldn't reach any further then the Zabrak and started to grip his Blaster pistol more tightly to make sure the force wouldn't make him drop it and cost him precious moments of pure unadulterated murder.
[member="Kaster Sane"]





The ship rocked and shuddered a bit before the airlock door opened to allow them access to the freighter, And with that Sane was moving into the tunnel between ships.

Once I side the ship he scanned down each side of the corridor they had wound up in, His blaster carbine tucked tight to his shoulder, his keen gaze trained down the sites, All was clear for now....too clear. Surely someone on this ship knew by now that they had been boarded, But where the Krak were they?
As the explosion rocked the ship Thraxis centered himself to prevent himself from falling over, though quickly activated his rocket boots to propel himself through and into the ship pulling out both his blasters and preparing to blow some brains out of their respective lids. Though when he arrived he was disappointed to see there was nothing there.

"Well. This is a damn shame. Maybe they are all hiding? Or dead. Or ghosts. Or Hiding Dead Ghosts." he shrugged, saying in a cold saddened voice, though kept his guns raised high on the chance that he wasn't on a ship of ghosts.
[member="Kaster Sane"]

He had to admit he was a bit confused as to where the crew was and why they were not investigating the large hole in there ship. Though it was just [member="Thraxis"] and himself in the corridor, Kas kept his rifle tucked right to his shoulder as he began his advance into the ship. Where the kark is everyone man? He asked The man who was by his side, His eyes however stayed focused down his sites as he scanned for any signs of movement. None of the escape pods were launched, Yet this ship seems empty

+ Screams sound from somewhere deeper in the ship +

Hearing the screams Kaster stops dead in his tracks and quickly turned to [member="Thraxis"] , His head cocking quizzically to the side. What the Kark was that man? He asked, Secretly hoping that he was just hearing things that were not actually happening.
Thraxis eyes almost jumped out as he started to rush to the noise, an almost bounce in his step as he ran full speed ahead to see what it was that made the curious noise, "Don't care! Whatever it is it sounds like we can kill it!" he yelled back as he frantically maneuvered through the ship, taking every path he could to get to the curious noise.
[member="Kaster Sane"]

Uggggh you crazy drunk bastard!!! Sane yelled after the man, but he was already gone, As Kaster took off after the drunken wacko in a half running sprint. His rifle still at the ready as he swept the barrel aroind still scanning for signs of where the scream came from. If not for the single scream Sane would think they had boarded a ghost ship, this was no ghost ship however, It was much worse.

+ More screams can be heard followed by a guy wrenching roar

Kark Me!! He swore as he quickly searched around for [member="Thraxis"] , Sane new that sound, Knew it well, It was a Rancor and Kaster had fed enough people to one to know that roar anywhere. Where the hell is that guy... He asked aloud to himself as he twisted around a new corridor

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