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S&M Venture Group


Corporation Name: S&M Venture Group

Headquarters: Denon

Locations: Denon City, Denon; office located in the Stark Tower

Operations: Angel investing with entrepreneurs.

Rationale: After Sasha Voss sliced the GoFundMe Virus into the banking system of the Galactic Monetary Fund, the credit-skimming scheme produced around 200 million credits a week without compound interest. In all, the total amount came to about 15 billion a year, which was in turn split up in thousands of accounts across the galaxy, and invested in hundreds of companies. S&M Venture Group is a means for that.

Tier: 1

Description: S&M Venture Group is a Denon-based angel investment group providing seed funding and advise to start and early-stage companies principally in the health, beauty and entertainment industries. In exchange for the investment, S&M will take part of the equity in the firm. They will not, however, have a say in the day to day operations of the firm rather only a mentoring relationship with the owner. S&M capital fills the gap in seed funding between "friends and family" and more robust start-up financing through formal venture capital. Although it is usually difficult to raise more than a few hundred thousand credits from friends and family, most traditional venture capital funds are usually not able to make, or evaluate, small investments under $1–2 million. Thus, angel investment is a common second round of financing for high-growth start-ups, and accounts in total for almost as many credits invested annually as all venture capital funds combined.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Sasha Voss said:
Description: S & M Venture Group is a Denon-based angel investment group providing seed funding and advise to start and early-stage companies principally in the health, beauty and entertainment industries. In exchange for the investment, S & M will take part of the equity in the firm. They will not, however, have a say in the day to day operations of the firm rather only a mentoring relationship with the owner.
Please elaborate on this.

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