Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ryori Holloway

NAME: Ryori Holloway-Za'tire
FACTION: The Galactic Republic
RANK: Dark Jedi Warrior Master
AGE: Mid to late 40's.
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: Roughly 160lbs
EYES: Pale blue. They appear to almost be without any pigmentation, which makes them eerie.. especially when she's glaring, which she does a lot.
HAIR: Black, naturally curly
SKIN: Ivory


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Strengths: Having been a Master for a couple decades, Ryori has had more than enough time to hone her abilities to exceptional levels. Her major strengths are as follows:
■ MARTIAL ARTS & CAGE FIGHTING - Hand to hand combat has been the central focus of Ryori's highly disciplined training since the first day she was a padawan. Her master taught her to be extremely underhanded in her techniques, with the mentality that if you're fighting it is to win. Period. They were lessons that she took very seriously. For over two decades, Ryori has spent nearly every single day of her life as a Jedi practicing and honing her skills. By real world terms, when it comes to ranking within the martial art systems she would be considered a Grandmaster. She prefers hand to hand combat over nearly every other kind, often times going unarmed against armed opponents. If Ryori draws a weapon at all, it should be taken as a sign of respect that she recognizes her opponent as a real threat that she needs every advantage against.
■ MECHANICS & PILOTING - During the first twenty-three years of her life, Ryori spent much of her time doing mechanics while living as a slave. It was a trade she took to in an almost prodigious manner. Through her natural talent (and an awful lot of trial and error style practice) Ryori self-taught herself how to pilot. After she obtained her first ship (see below) she spent much of her free time learning stunt piloting, in order to hone her flying reflexes and be a badass.
■ THE FORCE - Ryori comes from a line of powerful, dark sided Force users (her father being none other than Sith Master Mason England). There are many things with the Force that she excels at, and many where she fails almost completely. Her two strongest Force abilities include telekenisis and augmentation. Even highly trained Force users are limited in their telekinetic abilities by needing to use somatics (direction by hand gesturing, etc). Ryori can manipulate objects via the Force without the use of somatics. The highest focus of her training, however, has been augmentation. Rather than using the Force as a weapon, Ryori prefers to use it to heighten her own natural talents, abilities, and senses, (such as quickening her speed, sensing danger, adding a more powerful pimp to her slap, etc).
■ LIGHTSABERS & SABER TONFA - Ryori's master during her padawan years was a weapons master, who taught her many of his skills with weaponry. However, Ryori did not follow his path to master every weapon imaginable (though she does know the basics of how to use a fair majority of weaponry). She did, however, practice daily with her regular sabers and with saber tonfa, which she has mastered. As aforementioned, Ryori rarely uses her customized lightsabers, but she does typically carry them with her.
■ DATHOMIRI SORCERY - Though not a witch by birth, Ryori was adopted into the Dathomiri culture and is legally considered a Dathomiri witch. Because of this, she was taught many things about their culture, including religion and sorcery. In an effort to do her adoptive family proud, she immersed herself in the culture. Since the family that adopted her were followers of Allya, Ryori is not a Nightsister, but she does have ties to many Nightsisters.
■ THE WIND - Since her padawan days, Ryori has had the power to conjure a mysterious wind that can sometimes reach hurricane level speeds. For the most part, it only appears when she is feeling exceedingly emotional -- particularly when she is angry. However, over the years she had managed to learn to control it. It is still unknown how she got this ability, but the leading theory is that she may have Shaper blood in her lineage somewhere.

  • Weaknesses: Despite being a Master, Ryori does still have many weaknesses that plague her. The major ones are as follows:
■ FORCE HEALING - Ryori's biggest weakness, and the one which shames her the most, is her near inability to heal using the Force. At most, she can sustain an individual by slowing blood flow and burning off some very small infections. If the wound is not serious, then she can do a little bit to help. However, if the wound is great or fatal, she is practically useless. Despite attempts to hone this skill, she has been unable to make very little progress, and it frustrates her greatly.
■ PTSD - Ryori suffers from extreme PTSD. Her life has by no means ever been a walk in a park, and as seen through her biography it is arguable that she may hold the Star Wars equivalent of the Guinness Book of World Records for the worst life ever. (90% of which has happened through legitimate role playing, rather than assumed, pre-determined history). However, the period of her life which did her in the worst and sparked her PTSD was the year and a half of her life when she was possessed by a Dathomiri demon. She often has flashbacks to that time, and how he abused her, and occasionally those flashbacks can cripple her mind and her reasoning/logic. See her full biography for more details on this incident.
■ FAMILY & LOVED ONES - While this may not necessarily be considered a "weakness" persay, it is certainly something that is potentially exploitable. Ryori cares about very few things at the end of the day, but what takes precidence for her are those she loves. The quickest way to get on her bad side is to do something to someone she cares for.
■ CONFLICTING ETHICS - Since leaving the Jedi Order, Ryori's sense of ethics has altered somewhat. She has become extremely jaded to the Jedi Order, most of whose members were hypocritical and flat out Sithly during her time with them. Most of her life with the Order was spent fighting her own companions, and desperately trying time and again to reshape their morality to something more befitting of the Code. In many individual cases she was successful, but generally she was not. Eventually, she gave up. Now, having all but forsaken the Jedi Order, she now fights for herself and her loved ones first. She does still try to live by her perception of the Code and to be a good Jedi, but now that she doesn't answer to the Order any longer that morality has loosened a bit. The result is that her heart often conflicts with her mind, more so than it ever has in her lifetime.

Since her time as a padawan, Ryori has accumulated her own small fleet, all of which has been determined via roleplay and OOC permissions. They are listed here in the order which she received ownership of them.
[Unnamed Vessels]
Ryori owns two Imperial T.I.E./D Defender class star fighters. She stole them both from the Empire when she was a padawan, with the help of her former master. Over the years, Ryori has modified and upgraded almost everything on them, keeping them in pristine condition and making sure they pack slightly more umph than the cookie-cutter factory models of TIE/D that they originally were when she stole them. At least one of the two Defenders has a very small, very cramped, sorry excuse of a passenger seat installed behind the main pilot's seat. It is mainly for emergencies, since the space in the cockpit is limited.​
Any Imperial tracking hardward will have long since been uninstalled and tossed out. She has, in the past, been able to use the Defenders to sneak through enemy territories unnoticed, but typically that is only done by avoiding radio contact and major check points. Sometimes she can manage to bluff her way through these, but a thorough check by a half-way intelligent Imperial agent would trigger suspicion.​
Krayt's Pearl
Since the Order got tired of Ryori showing up to official Jedi business in Imperial TIE Defenders all the time (Cause, y'know, that makes a GREAT impression), they eventually issued her a personal corvette. When this happened, Ryori practically creamed herself. (True story). She spent so many years with it, and so much money and effort into keeping it maintained, as well as time and effort with the Order, that when she left (on peacable terms) she was allowed to keep it. Though she now has a more permanent residence with her husband and children, this ship served as her home for many years.​
Shadow Phoenix
The Firespray was given to her by her best friend, another Jedi Master, who was forced to go into hiding after becoming the Empire's most wanted Jedi. Her friend was forced to leave behind almost all ties that could lead back to her, and so she entrusted the ship to Ryori's care. Though her friend expressedly transferred ownership of the craft to Ryori, Ryori still considered herself to only be caring for it during the dark chapter of her friend's life. However, her friend died as a victim of the Gulag Virus.​


  • Pre-role playing history:
Ryori was born on Carratos, a planet from the Inner Rim Territories. For twenty three years she had no knowledge of her birth family other than vague, fleeting memories that had become distorted throughout the course of her lifetime. At the age of three, Ryori was kidnapped by a local group of slave traders and sold into an existance that made up the next twenty years of her life. Passed back and forth between countless owners, Ryori at one point resided on a couple different planets located in the Inner Rim Territories: Carratos (3 years), Ambria (9 years), Telerath (2 years), Iseno (7 months), Reecee (6 years), and lastly Pengalan IV (1 year). Being a stubborn and rebellious individual, Ryori had been sold several times because her masters began to tire of her attitudes. She had never done enough to merit being executed, but caused enough problems that only the most patient and dedicated masters could control her for very long.

Her owners were numerous. Often times, Ryori was sold to several new masters before the next one took her to a different planet entirely. Her short time as a slave on Pengalan IV was the worst by far. At the age of 21, she spent six months under the ownership of Myron Gantern, who was a highly political figure to the local communities. While Myron himself did not involve himself in Ryori's life more than to give her instructions and punishments, his son Jacob--or Jake--spent much of his time harrassing her. A week before Ryori was freed, Jake attempted to force himself on her. Ryori managed to keep him at bay, but the night had still ended with her severely beaten and a brand burned into her flesh on her chest above her right breast.

A week after her horrific encounter with Jake, Ryori was sold by Myron to a man named Jaemuk Teegrin. Jaemuk bought Ryori with the intention of setting her free. She stayed with him for a few months as he provided for her, but eventually she left in a futile search for her family on Carratos. When she found no answers there, Ryori traveled to the Jedi Order and began her life at the Temple.

  • History created through role plays:
(Coming soon!)

  • Noxu Za'tire (Husband)
  • Callum Za'tire (Son)
  • Kaia Za'tire (Daughter)
  • Ket Van Derveld (Twin brother)
  • Mason England (Father)
  • Bianca Holloway-England (Mother)
  • Alain Haven (Adopted Son)
  • Narevni Garrett (Friend)
  • Abel'isso (Mentor)
  • Disciple (Frienemy)
  • A'dele (Friend)

  • Mason England (See above)
  • Kassey Daklin

None yet.

None yet.


Coming soon.
Yeah, her mentality with the Republic is basically.... "I agree with what your organizations stand for, just not with how it's being run, so fuck all of you."

She considers herself a loose ally to the Republic.

Flint Pherson

It's why we love her. Great stuff Ms Holloway. Give em' hell dear and God speed. *salutes* :D

I look forward to the biography. Just... Go easy on me. Novels aren't my thing. Haha. No matter how proud or envious I am of you for complying one from straight Rp's. Way to go girl.
Sorry, toots. It's going to be a novel. In the two and a half years I've been RP'ing Ryori, she's been nothing but die hard character development. And I mean real deep shit. Once I get her full bio up, most of you will probably cringe at everything this woman has been through.

Just saying.

Jorn Mair

I dont know about that Girl. i read books that make dictionaries look tiny. so imm all up for the book Bio.

Jorn Mair

DO IT THEN!! lol you dont have to if you dont want to. I just want to see if you actualy will.
Jorn, it's going to happen... it will just seriously take me probably a good 2 hours to write out her whole history.

And that would be the condensed version, btw.

Rofl @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""] Kaia.

Jorn Mair

And i have one Question are you married in RL or just as a character? and yea might be the best mistake you've made yet.

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