Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.

NAME: Rykev Shel'tah
RANK: Dark Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Twi'lek
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5' 9"
WEIGHT: 187lbs
EYES: Reddish
HAIR: None
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Ambidextrous - Can use either hand with equal dexterity.
Athletic - He is strongly focused on physical conditioning
Determined - Very little can deter him when he has a goal
Jealousy - He is prone to fits of jealously. Particularly, when he feels inadequate.
Nagging Conscience - He has fallen to the darkside but his conscience beats him for his dark acts and emotions.
Stubborn - Along with being determined he tends to not listen to reason when he chooses a course.
Plot Weakness - Has deep affection for his Sister [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]. He would never hurt her but will fight her to disarm and teach her the wrongness of the Jedi path.
Rykev is well muscled with broad shoulders and a solid frame. He has red skin and eyes. He is heavily tattooed in the lethan twi'lek fashion. He typically wears a black or grey flight suit with pieces of bounty hunter armor on his shoulders forearms and shins with a utility belt that holds his two light sabers. His Lightsabers are simple hilts of imperial knight design with one being green like his sister's eyes and one being red like his own eyes.
Rykev was born on Cambria with his sister Seraphina. Their parents were good hard working people and did their best for their children. When Seraphina was found to be force sensitive she was taken to the Jedi for training and Rykev was left both without his dear sister and stuck in the shadow of her seeming greatness. In a jealous fit he ran away from home thinking he would never be able to be loved by his parents due to being inferior. He couldn't cope with not being "as good as Sera" and decided he would make his own way in the galaxy. He still loved her as a sister, and missed her company, but resented her force sensitive nature.
He fled and sought passage on a merchant vessel that traveled the Corellian trade route. The ship was attacked by pirates and their force sensitive leader who took Rykev captive. The captain, a former Jedi Master, found Rykev to be strongly force sensitive but a "late bloomer", so to speak and began training Rykev as his Heir.
Rykev eventually took over when the old Rodian captain died of natural causes. Rykev now leads the pirate fleet seeking wealth and fame to one day prove he is just as good as Seraphina.
Rykev's Glory - Nebulon-B9 Frigate
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