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Approved Tech Ryūjin Buresu

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  • Intent: Create Morna's Sword
  • Image Source: Artstation
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Classification: Katana
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Dantooine Heritage: Dantari crystals are known for their ability to restore spent force energies in, or outside of combat. Affording the wielder to stave off fatigue. However, there is a unique ability among the crystals. Namely related to the Meetra Surik Crystal. Where when attuned to the owner of the crystal correctly, it can only be used by the person who attuned it. As such, this sword can only be wielded by Morna Imura.
  • Influential: The sword has a subtle aura. At first it may not be imposing. Something feels off. Then slowly but surely, you feel a headache, rapidly leading to feeling weak, and tingling in the extremities. Its only now you realize that the blade has an aura that drains energy from all those within its influence. Slowly eating and gnawing at them. Even bringing on fatigue or draining all energy from people who stay far too long within close proximity to the blade. This can only be brought on by the usage of the Katak crystal housed within the grip.
  • Imbued Edge: A sword forged with the usage of Lignan ore specifically in mind, its edge while supernaturally sharp and having an unnatural ability to retain said edge, is also afforded the ability to increase the output of energy when focused upon by the wielder. An example would be providing a simple force push. As the wielder draws from the sword itself, the force push is expanded upon and greatly increases in power.
  • You've Activated My Trap Card: While it may seem to be able to be used by any person who can effectively wield a sword, even a Katana in design, it instead has one little trap. Namely being able to be wielded by only one individual, any other who attempts to pick it up, will find themselves quickly being consumed into the force by the very flesh of the sword. It is supposed that the introduction of a Levathan's Blister pod, as the Tsuka is wrapped in such, would permit this effect of the sword.
  • Null & Void: As with any force related artifact, its effects can be dampened or even temporarily removed. Void Stone, Ysalmari, Force Suppression, anything related to those is able to afford in weakening the abilities afforded.
  • Blackened Steel: Morna is not shy of the fact that the Dark side of the force is a powerful tool. Namely because Shaping arts are surrounded in the force in some capacity and is darker in nature to begin with. As with that, Light Sided effects can also dampen and even damage the sword more than other conventional weaponry.
  • Heft: Even for a Katana, the materials used in the construction of the sword are rather dense, and therefore cause the sword to be heavier than your average Katana-like sword. Its harder to redirect multiple blaster bolts akin to what the lightsaber could perform to. As such, using the blade for longer periods of time can tire the user should they be relying upon their own strength to perform such feats. The sword is not built for directly blocking blows. Countering, or redirection is much preferred.

Morna grew up in a welcoming home. A family that while hard, was behind him every step of his life. Having been trained by not only his father, but also the clans's leader in the art of Water Shaping. However, Not only did Morna wish to train in Shaping of one element, but he wanted to understand them all. Learning to not just harness, but use all of the elements so better himself not in power, but in knowledge. Studying many aspects of the Shaping arts would only afford him greater control with his main element. As such, before becoming a "man" in his own right, he sought the knowledge of all the arts.

However, being presented his final task, was to create a blade of his families heritage so that it would signify that Morna, had completed his training, and would be allowed to teach his own students, or even children should that ever become part of his life. This formation of the blade would require his own forethought, his own desires, and to manifest them into not just a weapon to kill, but a weapon to wield against those who threatened his life, or those he cared for.

Seeking various materials Morna sought to create not just a blade that would epitomize the idea of a flowing river that could never be stopped, but also to bring to life, the value and ideal, that the blade of any swordsman, must be apart of himself. Having a blade that was cut off from his own life, his own values, would not only be a poor match, but work directly against him.

A warrior needed to be shapeless, formless. To "be like water." To that end, The sword was created for the specific purpose of preventing others from taking that ability from Morna. Thus, the blade cannot be used against him, nor be wielded by anyone other than his own hand. Secondly, A river always flows, much like the force, and thus, the sword allows him to channel the force through it to increase his potency with such shaping prowess, but also afford him the ability to recuperate those spent energies in a couple of ways. One is passively aiding him. Energy slowly trickling back to him when in the heat of battle, while the other, actively drains the energy from those within close proximity to Morna.

Much like a River, it can drain a swimmer should they attempt to fight it. Making their situation quickly worse the more they struggle within the current. The more someone fights Morna in bladed combat, the more energy that will be drained of them.

Finally, the blade was aptly named after the Kro Varian god of the Rivers, and Seas. Ryujin.
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