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Ruusan Aftermath

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
After the Silver Sanctum Coalition's Invasion of Ruusan, the Sith Knight hadn't been lax, even with his broken arm and various other wounds while combating the Zeltron Jedi and the others that had come to her rescue. He had shot her with the Gun of Command and had ordered her to submit to the Dark Side. For the most part she did, but an unforeseen circumstance had had her attacking him instead of her Jedi allies.

Grumbling some nonsense about ridiculous technology and semantics, he headed towards the Citadel's Cells.

After the battle with the Silver Jedi the Triumvirate had captured numerous Jedi and even more of the soldiers that fought for them.

Some were tortured.

He didn't do that for long, he wasn't entirely interested in the Silver Sanctum at all. To even call them Jedi was stretched in the first place.

Others executed.

Mostly executed. He had learned that when there were those that looked up to you for guidance and leadership, there were even fewer things to do for entertainment. A few of the things that he found exciting in the aftermath of the battle was otherwise gruesome. But without the ever watching gaze of Darth Orcus, his Herglic Sith Master to watch over him, the Sith could now do as he pleased.

"I'm in charge now." He pushed his black hood down off from the top of his head.

Once he stepped into the corridor that belonged to the detention level, he pulled his cloak over his assortment of weapons. Clearing his throat, he pressed the intercom on the outside of the door that would cast his voice to the occupant on the other side, he said, "Do be decent. If you're not, you should find an assortment of clothes underneath your bed."

Of course, he was telling the truth.

He wasn't a liar. Far from it.

He may have tortured and executed the average soldier and worthless 'Jedi' that didn't tell him anything interesting, but he did leave explicit orders to take care of the Force users. If they were wounded in battle, they received treatment in their cell. He couldn't have the more... Wild failed invaders running about the Citadel, now could he? But he was able to deliver them quality food, clothes, and medical treatment if they wanted it.

If there was one thing he had learned from his late Master Orcus, it was to be cordial. Even to your enemies. They all wanted to dub the Sith as monsters, and that is what the Triumvirate set out to change.

At least... Partially.

He gave the occupant a minute before he waved the door open and stepped inside.

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
Upon awakening in a holding cell of some sort, blood curtailing screams echoed down the corridors of where ever Samara was. This repeated itself over and over again until it just stopped, and it wasn't just one person's agony, but many. The Jedi Padawan assumed she was being held by the Sith on Ruusan. Though after crash landing her Jedi starfighter during the battle between the Silver Sanctum Coalition and the Sith Triumvirate, things were very blurry. In fact the young redhead could only remember her ship taking a blast from one of the AA guns while giving air cover to the advancing Coalition troops, then going down hard in a thicket of trees; coming down through the canopy like a rocket. It was amazing she lived, though her Force shield must have held long enough to keep life threatening harm from befalling her at the time… But what about now?

The aches and pains she felt across her battered body where consistent with crashing, but not with being tortured… Samara wondered about that, worried even, though the padawan had to keep herself calm, and focused on healing herself despite feeling that any moment terror would walk through the door.

Then, the intercom went off…

Samara was already dressed in a tunic pullover top and a pair of scrub type pants that were way too big for her slender yet shapely form even tied with the drawstring. Definitely not her style, but prisoners of war didn't have that luxury. Long ruby red tresses were a mess atop her head, though combed through with fingers tips to help keep nasty tangles from forming. Samara was as decent as she was going to get. Would this be it? Her turn now? She steeled herself for it, yet in a weird way welcomed it?

The young redhead pushed up gingerly from the thin mattressed-bunk in which she had been resting on and placed her bare feet on the duracrete floor, hands resting on the edge of the bed either side of her long legs. Samara's iced blue gaze went to the dark looming figure that walked through the now opened door. She felt a moment of fear, then it changed over to a rebellious, stubborn nature that so often cursed the Vorzyd-born. A snarky thought came to mind, but Samara bit her lip to keep it in. This was not the time nor place. It would behoove herself to be mindful this one time.

"My lord," she said simply.

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
The golden eyes that burned in the Sith's skull regarded the red headed woman carefully. She was in good shape.



Perhaps even stubborn if his encounter with past Silver Sanctum Jedi had been anything to go off of. He paused for a moment as he let the Force wash over his person. He stepped into the centre of the room and then regarded the girl with those calculating eyes. She was his enemy. A woman that should otherwise be cut down without a second thought. His eyes dropped to her waist, she had no weapon of course... It was just natural.

Her simple words washed over him. Simple to her, but to him they held great meaning. In the recent past he had been referred to as a 'Lord' but not quite in this fashion. They were in terms of respect, befit of the soldiers of the Triumvirate. Befit of those that followed his orders. But from an enemy? No... Was it respect? He could not say, but fear? He knew it was certainly fear. Fear of what was to come he figured. Many had an idea of what the Sith were like, but he wasn't like them. Not like those Sith that were bred to kill and for war. He was a warrior himself yes, bred for the purpose as well, but he had been trained otherwise.

"You're in a much better condition than when you had been brought in."

How could he know? He didn't, it was an icebreaker.

"What is your name?"

He wanted to get to know all of those he fought against.

"I've found I'm a busy man now. I'd like for the both of us to be curt." His eyes burned with a warning. His time was not to be wasted. He could be slain at any time. Even by his own prisoner if he was caught off guard.

"Do you consider yourself a Jedi, like the Jedi of old? Or would you consider yourself to be a free spirit?"

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
The tall Sith was certainly sure of himself. Course they usually came across that way, but there was also a sense of refined cockiness about this one; not your average dark sider perhaps. His attire and mannerisms catered to that notion as well as the man's aura in the Force. It burned hot and intensely dark, unyielding yet… there was something else that she couldn't quite put her finger on, but was none the less intriguing to consider. Though, one like her shouldn't even think about.

"Samara Raine is my name, and I'm neither old fashioned nor a free spirit. I am just me, my lord, Like it or not," the young redhead replied.

"And whom do I have the pleasure as my captor?"

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
The self-proclaimed Dark Lord of the Sith looked upon the redheaded woman. A would be enemy. She could've attacked him like an animal, but instead, she answered him. A wise decision he noted with a slight nod of his head as she spoke. He couldn't help but smirk however at her response. I am just me. The faint smirk was extinguished from his features almost as soon as it had broken them. "I do like it," he answered curiously, his tone taking on a thoughtful one. "I like when people are themselves, rather than pretending to be something that they're not. You get so little of that as a Sith."

Seeing as she answered his question, he decided to maintain that cordial facade.

"Darth Athyssius," he responded, his golden gaze glowing.

"Tell me, Samara Raine. Why did you fight with the Silvers? Because you were told, or had some big Sith Lord taken your family from you some time ago and you sought revenge, thinking us all to be the same?" While he spoke, he looked about the room, even going as far as to turn his back to her as he stepped from the middle point, as if wishing to entice her with his large back as a target. "Tell me your reasoning, and then tell me.

Was it worth it?"

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
"Yes well it makes for more clean relationships, don't you think… I don't know why people have to make it so complicated sometimes," the Jedi Padawan replied, tucking a chuck of ruby red long bangs behind her ear on one side.

"Athyssius, hmm… Interesting name," the redhead commented softly more to herself than him. She wasn't sure what it meant, but was intriguing to hear none the less.

As Samara listened thoughtfully to the Sith Lord's further questions of her, she watched with keen iced blue eyes as the man moved around in the detention cell. The Sith was testing her, wasn't he? But alas it wouldn't be a smart move to try and over power him either with the Force or using one of the many weapons on his nicely honed body that seemingly was hidden under his Sith attire from the way they hung on him.

Anyways even if the young padawan did escape from the cell, Samara was still well within where ever she was being held and it wouldn't end well, probably worse off to be honest. There might be a better chance at a later time to bid her adieu, so a wait and see approach perhaps would be a better play here for now. The chances though either way the Vorzyd born would die at the hands of this Sith was high, but there was always hope.

"No a big Sith Lord did not take my family from me. My family actually gave me away to a big Jedi Master. You see there were too many mouths to feed so when the recruiter tested me positive for the Force, it was an easy solution to the problem and a relief to my family," she answered matter of fact.

"I have served the Light because that is what I have been taught to do, and have lived by the tenants everyday since my fifth birthday. The Silver Jedi Order is my home, and they my family. I fought along side them against the Sith as it was my duty…. and no it wasn't worth it. Too many died and suffered for no real gain."

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Athyssius made a sound that sounded oddly like amusement while she spoke. "Yes... Why do people tend to make things difficult?" He made his inquiry sound vague, but he was speaking directly to her, referencing the attack on Ruusan. It likely made things complicated for some, but in the Sith's mind there was little to anything complicated about the situation. They were attacked by the Silver Coalition, and the only way to make things right was to attack them back.

And soon.

The longer time went without a response, the less chance there was for revenge.

He listened thoughtfully to the story of her life. Parents ought to protect their children, however giving a child over to the Jedi was considered honourable and families should be happy they could contribute to such a cause. A silly mentality. "Many did die needlessly. Many of your would be friends," he says as if he were recounting a memory. He looked almost wistful as he spoke, though his back remained to her. Slowly turning, he says, "I can teach you to not have to serve the 'Light' or the 'Dark.' But to truly serve the Galaxy," he faced her before continuing.

"The Triumvirate seeks to turn this chaotic Galaxy into one with true justice and peace." His head tilted as he looked to her. "You and your own attacked us, the Triumvirate, without provocation. Why? Because we are Sith? There is peace within our borders. We are going through the process of wiping out criminal activities, primarily pirates as we speak. Your people started a war for no reason."

He straightens his clothes out.

"Do you wish to suffer for no reason as well?"

At the end of his question, his golden orbs glowed brightly.

[member="Samara Raine"]
When it raines, it pours.
Whose being difficult, and difficult about what?! were her thoughts in her snarky way.

Samara listened to Darth Athyssius speak of serving a higher purpose. That piqued the Jedi padawan's interest to a degree. The Light and the Dark of today seemed to only serve themselves. Maybe Samara's view was skewered a bit from the discontent she felt personally with her own circumstance. Having lost her master to his own needs, Samara felt yet again abandoned; put aside to make others happy over her. It made the young redhead mad more than she wanted to admit. Just once she wanted to feel special.

"Because you are a Sith faction, yes. The Coalition felt it best to check you first before the Triumvirate checked them. I did not make the decision to invade, though I did make the choice to follow as duty called to me. In hindsight, it was a waste, and yes I lost friends. I believe you probably did as well. It's regrettable, but it is what it is," she answered honestly, then pushed up to a standing position before the Sith Lord; pulling herself up to her full height with shoulders squared as her iced blue eyes gazed into the man's glowing yellow. Her time for judgement was coming, and Sam knew it.

"No. I do not wish to suffer for no reason at all. That would be a waste too."

[member="Haytham Kaze"]

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
Darth Athyssius stared into the eyes of the Padawan before him. Deep within, he could sense that she was turning. Twisting to his side, even as she answered his poorly veiled threat. He didn't actually intend to harm her physically. What he wanted was her to join him, to join the Triumvirate against those that had struck out against him and his people.

He smirked however when she said that he had likely lost friends. No. None were friends, only a Master. He knew relatively few personally in the Triumvirate Ranks at the time of the battle, but with his Master gone, he aimed to turn that around. He was ascending through the ranks, and he would have power over others. He could feel it in the Force, it was whispering it to him and he was making sure to listen intently.

"A shame they decided to 'check' us. They should've been careful," he shrugs his shoulders. "Regardless," he says as he gathered his thoughts.

"If you do not wish to suffer for no reason. Join us, the Triumvirate. I understand the Coalition employs many Dark Side users. If that is the case, why learn from poor examples of the power of the Dark Side, when you can learn from true Sith? Sith that carry the true legacy of the Dark Side on their backs?"

[member="Samara Raine"]

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