Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld

  • Image Source: DeviantArt
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Workshop Name: Ruudimentary
  • Location: Ragnas Slums within Gyn, The City in the Sea; Kesh [Permission given by Solan Charr]
  • Speciality: Salvage and refitting/restoration.
  • Tier: Tier I


Curupira Hawk started out without anything, setting herself off an adventure and in result, lacking credits and a place to stay, took to scavenging crashed and unclaimed ships for parts which she primarily only cleaned and sold in whichever shape they were in, for scarce amounts of credits and food packets. However, she’d been doing it for over two years now and has been using her creativity to repurpose her items and selling them to different shops.

For example, if she finds a circular metal part inside the engine room and can successfully salvage, she’ll make it the top of a lamp and sell it as such once she’d gained additional items (stands can be made from additional salvaged materials while she does have to purchase wires and light bulbs) but if she finds wooden boards, she’ll find additional wood or metal to make coffee tables or carve different objects such as little rancor wooden animals.

At the moment, she’s renting a tiny little shop where she brings the majority of the work that requires additional work, especially her crafts though she does travel some in order to bring some of the work to her regular customers or visit some fairs where she’ll display her work. It’s abandoned bar, vacant for a while, allowing her to pay somewhat smaller rent. The center area is both where her crafts are displayed and where she works on new ones when she’s around, with the smaller back area refitted into tiny living quarters.


The small workshop was created by Curupira, having been doing the work without having a company name to attach to it. Original idea was literally to get food to eat or clothing material to keep warm in different climates but in time, she’s gotten better at it and started applying some of her creativity into it and making interesting new things that could achieve higher value than a few credits or food packets. It’s still a job that keeps her up float, her first job in reality but now she had a name to sign on her crafts and sell them as part of her workshop, gaining a few regular buyers who sell more unique or antique artifacts throughout the core.

Parent Corporation: N/A

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