Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Running Riot

Location: Kessel, Spice Mine of Kessel



Darth Angonous sat patiently inside of his cold and dirty cell block. His body covered in cuts from the long day doing hard labor inside of Kessel's infamous Spice Mines. The Spice Mines were under the control of an Imperial garrison who took it upon themselves to maintain order. Due to the Empire fracturing however, the Imperial occupants became more self-interested and corrupt. Led by Moff Adonis, the garrison became nothing more than common thugs who would abuse and torture prisoners and force them to work up to 22 hours in the Mines. Adonis transformed the prison into a place where governments and gangsters dump their worst criminals for a fee as well as sell the spice that they mined. In Angonous' he was backstabbed by Gula the Hutt after he and his apprentice: Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate made a deal with him. Gula would give them technology, while they gave them some Force artifacts. Though Angonous and Sicarius were selective in which artifacts to give him.

The Sith Lord was already kicking himself for becoming too trusting with the Hutt. Gula became greedy and suspected that Angonous was holding up on him with the artifacts. He wasn't wrong, but Angonous reassured Gula that he was keeping his end of the bargain. Gula didn't buy it and ordered his troops to ambush Sicarius and Angonous, though while Sicarius escaped, this time Angonous was captured and placed on the Spice Mines where he was forced to work. Though during his time, he managed to get in contact with Sicarius and they both began to plot his eventual escape. Now, tonight was the night of where their plan will begin to unfold. Angonous just need to wait for his apprentice.
Sicarius had been waiting for this day for a long time. For almost as long as she'd had a Master. The day she would finally get to kill the oozing slug that was Gula. Sicarius had been pestering her Master everyday since she had been captured and humiliated by the slemo sleeze ball. It wasn't so much the physicality of it, Sicarius was used to and even enjoyed pain under the right circumstances. It was the humiliation that she a Sith had been captured by a low rent thug- a Hutt of all things. Still despite her humiliation her Master had insisted that she wait. The reasoning ranging from patience to strike at the right moment to Gula was necessary as an ally and resource.

Sicarius felt that her Master depended on Gula far too much to the point he had been lured into a false confidence whenever dealing with it. Sicarius knew that no one should trust a Hutt they would turn around and bite the hand that feed them even if it was against their own interest say like their survival.

Thus Sicarius had been prepared for the sudden but inevitable betrayal, not caught off guard like her Master Angonous had been. She felt more than a little smug and vindicated that not only was she right, but that Angonous was the one who had been captured this time.

Still Gula was a fool. Almost as soon as he had been captured Sicarius and Angonous had been in near constant contact. More than enough to plan their revenge. Sicarius entertained herself with daydreams of just what she was going to do to the Hutt sleeze. She was tossing up between electrocuting it to death or pouring acid all over the Hutt. Currently Sicarius was in orbit over the Spice Mines of Kessel waiting for her Masters signal.
Angonous could sense Sicarius' presence she was in Kessel's orbit with the Smuggler she hired to get Angonous out of here. Angonous meanwhile, was busy rallying the prisoners to rise against the oppressive Imperials. It wasn't hard to do so, Moff Adonis had been using the Kessel prison as his personal slaving ring. Adonis bought the worst of his Stormtroopers having them beat prisoners for talking back at them, possessing contraband, or because the Stormtrooper simply felt like it. Angonous took his fair share of beatings which made convincing the rebels even easier. The prisoners many of them political cheered Angonous on looking him as his savior and prepared for the prison riot. Creating improvised weapons, using the spice mines to tunnel towards the armory, and using scouting out the prison for overall weak points.

Though Angonous had to admit that he formed a bond with his brothers and sisters in chain, he didn't plan on taking the prisoners with him to freedom. Such attachments were only made to fuel his anger towards Gula and Moff Adonis. He had hidden his Force abilities, using the verbal and physical abuse as a way to channel his rage. By the time Angonous will unleash the Dark Side of the Force, he'll be a juggernaut. The prisoners were a means to an end, they were sacrifices for the greater good and his long-term goal: Revenge on Gula. "Speaking of Gula....." Angnous spotted a Mouse Droid rolling towards him. Angnonous saw the symbols of Gula's Slave Empire painted on it as it rolled to a stop. The Sith Lord sat up, stared down on the Droid waiting for the Holoimage to pop up.

"My main Sith man!" Gula's image flickered on screen with one of his slaves Darlynn Arard-Milbon busy dancing on the side. His rock hard abs shining bright while he was busy doing a bicep curl with 12 ton weight. "And my business associate! I hope you're enjoying the high quality accommodations that I've provided for you!"

"Amusing," Angonous said dully. "But as you can visiting hours are over, if you're here to interrogate me about the stolen artifacts, than you can forget it."

"Oh, I will get what I want," Gula said. "It'll be a matter of time before your girlfriend is found and, in my clutches, again. I'll have Nightsisters probe her mind on the location and maybe make docile so she can be a fine addition to my trophies." He pointed at Darlynn who was still dancing for Gula.

"If you think using my apprentice is going to make me give up the location," Angnous stated. "Then you're a bigger fool than I thought, Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate is a resourceful young woman I have trained her to survive and endure."

"Come on Ang," Gula chuckled. "I've been very generous to you, when I handed you over to Adonis, I didn't inform him that you were a Sith Lord. It was a good thing to considering that I would have to pay 10 times the amount that I did to throw you in. But I did you a favor Ang because Sith Lords aren't treated well in Kessel."

"Look around Hutt," Gula said. "Everyone on Kessel is treated like garbage, there's nothing more they've done to me that they'll already do once they find out I'm Sith Lord."

"Well then," Gula flexed his large muscles while causally dropping the weight. "Then I suggest that you kick back and relax my friend until I find a suitable Bounty Hunter to take you down."

"You do that," Angonous said. "That doesn't mean you won't the artifact. You don't double cross the Sith and expect to get away with it."

Gula laughed before image flickered out. Angonous then rifled through his pockets and took out a holoprojector that he bribed a Stormtrooper to give to him. "Sicarius," Angonous said. "I sensed your arrival, as soon as you as touch port meet me at my cell. I'm sending you my coordinates."

Angonous had been here far too long, it was time for revenge.

Sorr Kortu

Socially Awkward Smuggler
Sorr had been to Kessel a few times for a Smuggling run. Yet it was only to transport Coaxium for the Rimward Trade League who was recently preparing to fight the Sith and to smuggle falsely accused prisoners. He was aware of how the current Warden was running Kessel, it was equivalent to a slave camp. The young man nervously glanced at Brinna Dara Brinna Dara his copilot as his ship: The Tiaza's Purr began to be scanned by the former Empire's ships. Everything about this job stank, Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate was their client and she claimed that she was trying smuggle in some spice for her business. Though Sorr didn't deal in spice, Sicarius charged a lot of credits for the job something that he took because he was struggling to find work lately.

After being cleared, Sorr landed the Tiaza's Purr onto the spacepad and frowned at Sicarius. "Please hurry," Sorr said. "I'm not going to wait for the Imperial Remnants to arrive. Get the Spice and let's get out of here."

He then stared at Brinna again. "Why in the world did I even take this job Brinna?" He mumbled to her.
Sicarius waited with impatience while meditating to get in touch with her Master. She felt his irritation at his circumstances. Sicarius couldn't help but feel a little smug at the change in circumstances. Master Angonous had been dismissive of Sicarius constant desire for vengeance, as if she were a child complaining about a hyperspace trip with the constant question. "Are we there yet?!". Sicarius was almost glad he was suffering the same humiliation. At the very least she'd finally get her revenge.

Sicarius felt his irritation, the irritation at the act he had to put on for the wretched creatures who made up the Spice Mines of Kessell. Still Sicarius supposed that when it came to potential slave rebellions Sith had more experience than most, making them ironically ideal for formenting their own rebellion when necessary. Compassion. Admittedly it was an abstract concept for a Sith but a surprisingly useful one in present circumstances.

Compassion. Jedi were pathetic with their compassion. Compassion was a weakness to be exploited. Take Darth Angonous her Master, he was using the compassion to sympathise with fellow prisoners ferment rebellion, then once their purposes had been fulfilled they would either be kill, reenslaved or abandoned. Depending on what was most prudent. Personally Sicarius thought enslaving rebellious slave was pointless. Still she hoped she'd get atleast a few useful specimens. She could use a Wookiee subject to experiment on.

Sicarius settled in and listened with contempt at Gula's bragging. Stupid fool of a Hutt thought he was the lord and master of the universe. She supposed she heard someone somewhere make the statement that the uninitated considered Crime and Criminals to be the true power of the Galaxy. Anyone who could touch the Force knew better of course. Even Jedi with their pathetic compassion.

Sicarius let out a dirising snort at Gula's claim that he would hunt her down. Maybe boiling him alive would change his confidence. Sicarius bowed and acknowledge her masters presence in the Force.

"Yes Master. I'm on my way"

Sicarius ignored the smuggler she had hired for the job, another compassionate fool with a touch of greed easily manipulated. She could feel his nervousness and apprehension. Sicarius would never understand the greed and desire for money. Oh she understood the concept. Enough money and you never had to struggle again, but that just sounded... boring. Money was a tool a useful tool, to wield other tools like this smuggler, but it was just one method of power to be wielded over the weak. A weakness to be exploited from the lowest Smuggler to a Hutt.

Sicarius raised a superior eyebrow.

"It will take as long as it takes." Sicarius said already dismissing the smuggler out of mind.

Sicarius cloaked herself with Force Concealment as she made her way to her Master's cell. It was tempting to just kill all the guards in her path, but that would be ostentatious besides a proper uprising needed the right trigger for the powder keg to blow. Even after the kindling had been put into place. A premature strike, would create a premature rebellion.

As she made her way through the tunnels, she made a mental map through the paths and underground hives. A common person could become lost and never find their way out of here it could be important to find the most direct route as possible.

Sicarius approached the cell and bowed to both knee's her head in contrition.

"What is thy bidding my Master?"
Darth Angonous can already sense Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate presence even though she concealed herself using the Force. He knew his apprentice well, she was born with immense talent, but she was easily angered and tended to be sloppy with her applications with her abilities. But considering that she was infiltrating a prison facility comprised of Non-Force users, it was good enough. Still, she does have a habit of wearing very little clothing. Sicarius was wearing her usual outfit: Black pants plus a black strap that wrapped around her chest. She doesn't wear much from the waist up and she was rather shameless around Angonous about that fact. Angnous had to admit though, Sicarius was an alluring figure: Monstrous and beautiful, ready and willing sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve her goals. She like Angonous, had a love for power and control and they relied on each other in their pursuit for it.

"Perfect timing as always my apprentice," Angnous said motioning her to get up. "My Lightsaber if you please."

He gave his Lightsaber to Sicarius when he was captured by Gula, he didn't want Gula selling a sacred weapon to some fool who lives in a back water planet. Besides, he needed to play the role of a captured criminal which Gula was all too happy to exploit. "We must move quickly," Angonous said. "We'll be heading to the courtyard to start the riot. Everything is in place, the prisoners should be digging near the armory soon and we will be out of here and plan our revenge."

He turned to Sicarius. "I know you've been plotting on how you will kill Gula," Angnonous said. "That is good, use that rage and turn into a weapon. For we have thousands of Stormtroopers between us and freedom."
Sicarius lips quirk as she felt her Masters gaze on her body. It had taken years for her to slowly seduce him. Sicarius Master was no fool and he was as disciplined in his passions as he was in his pursuits. Most Sith indulged in their passions and their power. It was even written in the code of the Sith a code mirroring the Jedi. Patience however had it's uses. It was a game at this point of who was more patient her Masters desire or her seduction. A game that seemed to be finally bearing fruit. After all a lover could kill much more easily than most strangers people left their guard up for. Even when they should and did know better.

Sicarius obediential as always, had her Masters lightsaber with her and handed it over dutifully. It could be a hindrace trying to find or build a new one, and frankly it was an embarrassment compounded upon being captured. Particularly if it wound up on the black market or a hutt's trophy room.

Sicarius nodded briskly at her Masters instructions.

"What of the prisoners themselves?" Sicarius asked out of mild curiosity. "Do they join us?"

Personally she couldn't care less if the pests were killed off like the rats they were, but her Master may have use for them.

"Loyal followers may be useful for a time. Until they've fulfilled their usefulness." Sicarius paused "Speaking of useful followers. The smuggler you hired is in position. I wouldn't depend on him in trying circumstances but he seems capable of doing the task assigned to him."

Sicarius pointed it out as if it were an academic exercise. She the student, taking part in an intellectual discussion. That was the whole role of an apprentice after all, to learn from their Master.

"I will focus my rage and my passions Master do not worry about that." Sicarius said with mirth a hunger in her eye. "This will be a rare opportunity to cut loose. I will enjoy cutting my way through those thousands of Stormtroopers."
"No," Angonous replied in low tone while he walked with Sicarius. "The transportation is only for the two of us, the prisoners will be helpful meat shields for security. They can find their own way out of here."

Even though Angonous became a ringleader of sorts during his imprisonment, talking about the abuse that the Empire had inflicted on the prisoners, he had no attachment towards them. They were merely pawns in his plan to escape this dreary hellhole. It wasn't hard to convince the prisoners to rebel, ever since the Empire broke down, the Warden and his soldiers had became even more aggressive towards the Prisoners. Beatings, weeks in solitary confinement, torture, and hard labor in the Spice Mines wore down the prisoner's already thin tolerance for the Empire. All Angonous needed to do was to fill their minds with hope for an escape and a plan as well.

"Promise our young smuggler that I'll triple his already generous pay,"Angonous replied as they headed towards the tunnels where the prisoners were already beginning to riot beating up the Stormtroopers and taking their weapons.

Many prisoners were already armed with shivs, vibroblades, and rusted pipes. They looked at Angonous and Sicarius and roared in jubilation. "Come men!" Angonous yelled activating his Lightsaber raising it up high. "And we can rule as a Consortium that will be rule the underworld!"

It was a faction that Angonous and Sicarius formed before his imprisonment. A small band of criminals who specialized in racketeering and black marketing particularly in selling body parts from Sicarius' experiments. The men formed up against a large door and began to push.


"Get ready," Angonous said to Sicarius as he heard the alarms. "I sense a large amount of Stormtroopers on the other side.

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius grunted in confirmation at her Masters orders regarding the prisoners. It was no less than she expected of course. They wouldn't make good slaves if they were prone to rebellion after all. Still a thought occurred to her.

"They could have been useful tools I suppose. Freeing them from slavery would have created a binding loyalty." Sicarius mused "Then again such a ruse would require patience and benevolence neither of which are my strong suit."

Sicarius found the very thought frustrating and tedious. She demanded servitude of her servants. It was their whole point. Sitting on a group of rebellious slaves would be arduous at best. Sicarius and her Master had already offered them a chance at escape they should not ask for more than that. Truthfully Sicarius believed slave rebellions should be squashed mercilessly in order to discourage other attempts, but she supposed they had there uses of formenting chaos like they did here today.

Sicarius frowned at her Masters instructions regarding the smuggler.

"Does the smuggler live long enough to receive such a payment?" Sicarius asked curiously.

Sicarius followed her Master and watched him rally the rabble that he had felt might be useful enough for their future plans. Personally Sicarius thought it would be a good trial by fire almost literally too weed out the weak ones to those who could be valuable. Still she hoped the organ and slave traffickers survived. She needed more specimens for her work.

Sicarius nodded and activated her lightsaber in reverse Shien grip. She found Shien more useful against blaster wielders. She ready to cut a swathe through the Stormtroopers on the otherside. The door opened on her signal. Sicarius didn't wait to be ordered but jump into the fray.

Sicarius focused on redirecting the blaster bolts back against the Stormtrooers who fired at her. It always amused her that the fools were supplying the vary ammo and shots that killed them. Not that they'd have had a chance in hand to hand either but there was a certain amount of irony to it that she laughed full of mad mirth.

This is just fun!

Darth Angonous Darth Angonous
Angonous sensed Sicarius' displeasure of letting the prisoners die. "They are useful tools my apprentice," Angonous stated as the prisoners began to push open the large metal doors. "To aid in my escape, if we are to take them as slaves now, we're going to have to arm the prisoners, feed them, make sure that they don't rebel. Our power and influence have severely diminished ever since Gula has thrown me in prison. We're going to have to rebuild and reestablish contact with those who remain loyal to us. And as for the boy...... he'll be an..... affordable mode of transportation."

He wanted to say patience, but Sicarius has grown to disdain that word. The woman was as loose as a charging Waampa, only focusing on wanting things now rather than plan for the long term. Patience was what separates a mere Sith Acolyte from a Sith Lord and Sicarius has barely progressed on that. As the door opened, the prisoners were showered with multiple blaster bolts. Large chunks of their flesh have been ripped apart leaving them a smoldering, burning mess. Angonous held his Lightsaber close, this wasn't regular arms fire, the Empire were doling out the autocannons as well Stormtroopers.

"Be careful my brothers and sisters!" Angonous shouted as the prisoners ran across the courtyard being fired upon by all angles. "We KNEW that they were not going to make this easy! But we will fight nonetheless! First step is take over the control tower!"

The prisoners yelled in defiance clashing against the stormtroopers with fists, shanks, and vibroblades. Many howled like reckless beasts flailing around and getting shot to ribbons. But they pressed forth gaining ground while Angonous rushed to the middle of the field and cut down the nearest Stormtrooper with a savage strike before transitioning to a horizontal slash decapitating an officer. Rage filled his mind as Agnonous allowed it to fuel his actions deflecting blaster bolts but making lightning fast leaps so he can sink his blade into the flesh of these troopers.

"Oh how I waited long for this." A smile crept on the Sith Lord's face but he let it pass as he continued to bulldoze through the gaggle of troopers leaving more prisoners to rush from the bottom of the mines in order to fill the gap. "We need to take over the tower Sicarius!" Angonous shouted. "It's the only way we take control of these autocannons! If we don't, then this escape will be a lot harder!"

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius nodded with impatience while her Master listed the logistical problems of keeping, feeding, housing, arming, training and governing the prisoners. Her Master was right of course, they didn't currently have the power nor the resources to take over an operation like the one here on Kessel. Kessel was a lucrative resource that every major power in the galaxy would want to take from them, and hold against all others. Even if they could take it over with these motely slaves they would never be able to hold it. Master Angonous was right they needed to rebuild and reestablish their power and influence. Still Patience had never been her strong suit.

While she fought, Sicarius ignored all of that and her masters tedious lecturing, he had avoided using the term but she could still hear his ironic and in her mind hypocritical impatient call for patience. Sicarius was focused on the combat. Using her irritation to be fueled into her fire for the fight. Patience was just boring. Combat was just fun. Still Sicarius hadn't expected the autocannons. Sicarius was almost overwhelmed, before she scowled in frustration. If she retreated now her Master would never let her forget it.

Fortunately the reinforcements reached her. Sicarius snorted with contempt while Master Angonous called for their 'brothers and sisters' to join the fray. Even if they did have the time and resources to rescue these fools, they were all too gullible to be useful servants. There was dutiful and then there was just stupid.

Sicarius leapt into combat beside her master, severing limbs, bodies and heads from the Stormtroopers in front of them. Just as foolish as the fools who followed them. Taking on Sith Lords of such calbire as them was suicide. Still she supposed every war had it's share's of fools on both sides.

Sicarius nodded at her Masters command and made a drive towards the towers central control systems.

"Come brothers and sisters. There is only One Way Out!. Let it be a our battle cry!"

Sicarius noted with contempt that she would have to crush the spirits of her own slaves so that they never had a moment of defiance that could turn into a rebellion.

The chant took hold, as their forces such as they were rallied around them becoming a wave of priosners that the outnumbered guards had no hope of crushing the rebellious spirit. Sicarius was pretty sure she saw a squad take cover in what looked to be a maintenance closet.

"One Way Out!"

"One Way Out!"

"One Way Out!"

Darth Angonous Darth Angonous
A small smile slowly formed on Angnous large lips. Sicarius understood the ruse, these prisoners were mere pawns not playthings that she can experiment on. It wasn’t time for test subjects, that will come later. The prisoners continue to shout in unison, their screams drowning out the blaster fire that filled the air as the prisoners fought past the hail of blaster fire. The ground was being littered by their corpses. Darth Angnous always found freedom to be a curious thing. The Dark Side teaches one to be free from their chains and embrace a world without limit or restraint. Seeing these prisoners fight tooth and nail based on the thought of being free made Angnous realize how the very word of freedom can replace nourishment and inspire the masses to fight.

“Forward!” Angnous batted the blaster bolts that came his way before calling on the force to collapse the platform that the blaster turrets were firing upon. The platform fell on top of the stormtroopers who screamed and ran for cover yet half of them were crushed beneath it. “To the central control station!” Angnous said leaping over the debris. “Onwards! Freedom!”

Uttering the word can perform miracles, it was amazing how the concept of freedom can cause a person to fight to the very end. Even if the freedom they desire is an illusion. “We’ll need to clear the perimeter,” Angnous said as they headed for the entrance. “Take care of the stragglers Sicarius, I’ll need to rally the prisoners!”

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius laughed with vicious glee as the fools they had corralled charged ahead. Blaster fodder for their escape. These were just chattel little more than beasts of burden. This wasn't organising a battle of soldiers This was more like directing a stampede of the herd of Bantha's. Still no one stood in front of a stampede and expected to survive. These pathetic creatures wanted freedom so badly they were willing to die to try and achieve it.

Sicarius joined her Master in his rallying cry.

"One Way Out! To Freedom!"

Sicarius watched the platform collapse with satisfaction. The immediate objective had been attained. One step closer to true freedom. Whether the fools following them survived or not. Sicarius nodded at her Masters orders. He would take care of what passed for their forces while she mopped up the stragglers.

Sicarius harnessed her force lightning in her head as she approached the central control station. She decided to take it as a run before unleashing it on the main security door blowing it open. As she entered the room Sicarius fought with her eyes closed trusting her senses to tell her where her opponents were. There were only half a dozen of them most of them tech's. Only 2 security droids. Sicarius dispatched them first with to swings of her lightsabre.

Sicarius was about to dispatch the rest of them when the thought occurred to her that a prisoner who knew the central control systems might be valuable. The rest she could throw to the prisoners they had just moments before ruled over.

"Which one of you knows how to run the system?" Sicarius asked with impatience.

All but one of the tech's turned their eyes to one man in the room. A typical soft looking Weasley middle manager.

Sicarius grunted in affirmation "Master this one may prove useful. The others can go to the prisoners."

Darth Angonous Darth Angonous
“Very well,” Angnous said while befelled a Stormtrooper with a vicious slash across his torso. “Come on brother! We must rally the prisoners!”

No doubt the warden will be sending everything he’s got at Angnous. In truth, the Sith Lord expected it. Being isolated on a planet like Kessel can drive anyone mad and power when controlled by a lesser mind can easily corrupt. Angnous and the engineer reached the top of the control tower. He looked over the controls before shifting his eyes towards the chaos unfolding in front of him. Burning buildings and skirmishes scattered throughout the Kessel prison. The riot has gone well so far. Now it was the time that they remain united.

“Get it working,” Angnous told the engineer while he picked up a microphone. “Prisoners!” Angnous shouted. “This is the day we’ve been fighting for! The taste of freedom is close! We must continue to push! We must resist!”

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius followed her Master as they reached the top of the control tower. Th engineer was quickly put to work while the Warden acted with predictability. Pathetic. The Wardens attempt at real power was as pathetic as the prisoners drive for real freedom. Neither had any inkling of the truth of either. True Power was mastering the secrets of the universe. True Freedom was following your passions wherever they lead. The feeble attempts at lesser beings trying to strive for virtues they barely understood was contemptable. Albeit a little amusing.

"This so called secure location was easier to disrupt than Mynock nest" Sicarius bragged with an amused grunt. "And it's about as chaotic as one as well. It's as much one could hope for."

Sicarius giggled while Master Angnous roused the rabble as cover for their escape. As he did so Sicarius was reminded of her own tools she needed to get ready via communications.

"Master I should signal the smuggler"
Sicarius informed him

"Get short range secure communications up. Just outside of orbit should do" Sicarius ordered the terrified engineer.

"Sorr come in?"

Darth Angonous Darth Angonous Sorr Kortu Sorr Kortu

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