Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Running Amok on Alsakan (The Warehouse)

Alsakan may have been conquered for several years by now, but Terra still remembered when the Sith armada entered the system as if it just happened. Even now it felt unreal to her how her people were overwhelmed by the forces of the One Sith so quickly. Serving in the Alsakan Navy like many of her ancestors before her, Terra recalled the panic that had set in amongst those in orbit when the reports came in. The Planetary Shield Generator had been hit first, deactivated by Sith Assassins who had cleared out its defense bunker. . . . .who had also seen fit to slaughter the majority of the command staff. The Admiral and Generals all dead right at the start of the battle, leaving every captain and crew in orbit in a state of fear and confusion as they lost coordination and the discovery of the Planetary Shield caused many to lose focus and imagine the devastation below when the Sith's Army deployed to secure control.

Especially since word that all of the planetary garrisons had been levelled by detonations in one coordinated swoop, leaving the entire world defenseless against an invasion force's incursion, was hardly far behind the rest of the terrible news. Terra had hardly been surprised when many of the Alsakan Navy's cruisers broke formation, some barreling toward the enemy and others attempting to flee the system, it hardly mattered what they actually did after that. Those who fought were destroyed. . .those who ran were destroyed. Most survivors were simply taken into Sith custody though and the remaining Alsakan Cruisers were quickly impounded at the edge of the system within the Sith's system station where they kept their patrols for the section of the Perlemian Trade Routes that ran through Alsakan.

It was probably for that reason they had hit their world so hard she supposed. It was uncharacteristic of them to act so cleanly, but with so much infrastructure on Alsakan and its importance as an access point in the core to one of the most important trades in the galaxy they couldn't afford to simply go in with brute force as their norm. All the same, it led to the end result regardless. The Sith owned Alsakan securely now and it was doubtful the Alsakan people would ever have the power to free themselves. However, it seemed despite that Terra wasn't the only one to feel that they shouldn't just sit around either. After all, what pride could the people of the planet that nearly sat at the center of the galaxy in place of Coruscant have if they were to just wait patiently to be rescued by anyone. Certainly not the Republic who abandoned the core.

So now Terra kept the emotions and images of the day her world fell in her mind as she peeked over the edge of the roof she was situated on to look at the SIth Troopers guarding the front of the warehouse across the street. Only once she was satisfied of their position did she slide back to the point where she could stand without being seen so she could address the others with her. Most were fellow Alsakan resistance fighters like herself, a majority of whom were ex-soldiers or crewmen who escaped capture during the planet's conquest, however, there were a few outsiders to be considered as well. So it was mostly for their sake Terra spoke quietly in basic, rather than Alsakan's own favored High Galactic. "As most of you assembled here already know General Tethis has ordered for our cell to start hitting old military warehouse the Sith have been securing since they conquered our homeworld. However, for those who were pulled into the operation at the last minute, [member="Natalya Thane"] is the slicer from Coruscant our superiors hired to break into the database inside. Once we take out the guards at the front her wellbeing is of the utmost importance since she's necessary to get into the database the General believes is connected to the Sith network now. Everyone's hoping the codes to our old locked down transports and clues to where they're keeping the people they've arrested since their invasion. . . . .so pick up your blaster rifles and get into position."

Although before moving off herself, Terra moved to approach the offworlders directly. She didn't know much about them other than she had been told to expect them and what their role in the mission was. "I apologize we rushed you right into things. I had the bad feeling that delaying after your arrival would mean a failure for the mission. Still, I hope General Tethis gave you some indication of what we're here for. As the former head of special operations it was probably fortunate that out of the command staff he was the one to survive. However, he has a history of moving too fast for people to keep up. Aside from whatever is in the database we're hoping you can slice into Natalya, the warehouse is full of old blaster rifles and more promising Viper Grenade Launchers for them. Can't have a resistance without the tools to fight right? Still, it'd be nice if you are able to break into their computers and give us an idea of where they're holding captured soldiers and the innocently accused. Oh, and if anyone here doesn't know High Galactic I'd brush up on it. Outside of us Alsakani I don't think many planets use it beyond nobility and clergy so the Sith don't always know what we're saying. Its useful and I'll be honest even with basic I slur a bit so it's easier to chat in Galactic around here. Anyways that's it, if you get to the rooftop over there with Rvis we'll get started. Wait for us to hit the front and come down when its clear. We'll keep watch and move the weapons onto the hoversleds while you do your thing. We should be in and out quickly enough the Sith won't have reinforcements on us. Make sure to grab an Armorweave Cloak though, until we open up an old garrison we don't have much in the way of body armor."

Waving as she moved away, Terra sighed and clicked her tongue as she relaxed from the long time switched into basic. It was hard to rush someone into conflict so soon after meeting them, although it was probably her inner soldier not liking the idea of offworlders no one knew well yet were watching her back and the key to the operation. Especially when the slicer herself was a Coruscanti. Still, Terra was going to make sure she got to know them later, for the sake of being a good Captain even without a ship. So while she lifted up her rifle to check its power gauge, Terra slid down next to the pair of Alsakan rebels with her for the attack on the front entrance. They only need wait for the slicer and others to be ready in position before they moved, and Terra was eager to see if Sith Trooper armor could resist a vibroblade.

[member="Abbey Ainsley"] [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]
"Don't worry, I'll be able to slice it." Natalya had sliced through Imperial systems and in comparison this would be a walk in the park, although she was hardly going to say that out loud. She didn't necessarily have a problem with the Empire - more with the exorbitant amount of security they had in check, and how it killed all sense of freedom. Any amount of danger would be worth it - in fact, she loved danger, so there had been really no reason to decline the offer.

She moved into position just behind a group of rebels. Soon enough, she'd get to know them, but for now this was about attack. Natalya knew she was rather important today - she also loved that, vanity being one of her many weaknesses - but at the moment, there was no time to waste enjoying the spotlight. There were things more important than that.

[member="Abbey Ainsley"] [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] [member="Terra Harkin"]
[member="Natalya Thane"] | [member="Terra Harkin"]

The standard hydraulic hiss that announced the shuttle's opening was drowned out by a flood of noise. The planet of Alsakan was alive with movement, and in every direction noise was produced. There was a general hum of energy about the world akin to that which one might find hidden within a bee hive, or another insect lair. Floating and flying machines zoomed through the sky, switching lanes and zigzagging to their destinations, each one to their place. Sight and sound were not the only senses that the Arue'tii employed however, and upon sucking in his first breath of the atmosphere, he felt the familiar sensation of blood, amplified dozens of times over. Life and metal dominated every direction, and the iron scent of their blood was powerful to the point that it awoke the faint hunger gnawing at the explorer's stomach, the desire for a predator's meal.

The blue-skinned figure exited from the craft, and struck an intimidating pose to any that would view him. He was large, and attached at his side was fettered a lightsaber. Upon his right side lay a long vibroblade, engraved within it were archaic and ancient markings, each marked in a symbolic manner upon the edge of the blade. The Arue'tii knew it to be the Sith code, and he faintly remembered it to be High Sith in origin, but beyond that his knowledge on the subject grew dim. The weapons both held history, but it was unimportant for the task at hand, and so they simply waited upon his side, awaiting instructions in the activity of maiming and death.

He had been summoned to Alsakan with the mission to eliminate a rebel cell. There had been rumors that it had planned strikes against the One Sith infrastructure, but it was difficult to know what exactly that entailed. Information on the subject had been wary, and difficult to discern, but the Arue'tii was under the impression that the rebel group had been infiltrated by an informant who had been feeding information to the rightful government. Still, the most that he had been given was a general area and time in which an activity of vague import was to occur. It was not the greatest of strategic advantage, but at the very least the Arue'tii had the advantage of knowing that foes would definitely arrive, whereas the rebels were only given knowledge that there might be retaliation for their actions.

The supposed target area was only a couple of blocks away, and Abelain began to walk solemnly towards his goal, red cape swaying behind him and kicking up into the air whenever a speeder passed too close to the railings. Strange and frightened looks were cast upon him, and he returned his gaze upon them each, inflicting passerby with renewed fear. He was an unknown, a species that almost no one in the galaxy had ever lain eyes upon, and he was simply walking down the street.

It would be a good day.
[member="Natalya Thane"] [member="Abbey Ainsley"] [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]

Peering over the edge of the roof, Terra did a quick count of the guards the Sith had in front of the former Alsakan Military warehouse. There were only four, but there were undoubtedly a few others inside, perhaps taking stock of everything. The resistance had been quiet in Rucapar so there wasn't much need for extensive security around here. A lot more was going on in the capital where multiple cells were operating under other former officers' command. With that in mind, targeting a warehouse known to hold a number of the garrison's stashed weapons and equipment would go a long way in aiding Alsakan resistance with low risk. The only issue would be if the Sith had cleared anything out, but as far as intelligence reported the Sith had only just discovered the cache hidden in the warehouse so they were only inspecting it right now.

Which lent the resistance the perfect time to strike. The Sith would be taken by surprise that the resistance did have a presence in the city when it had been peaceful for so long. By now they had to believe the rebels were situated in the mountains and the capital, and as a result the city of broken mosaics would have an edge in striking at the understaffed Sith garrison. Starting with the unfortunate Sith Squad deployed to inspect their warehouse. Who became the targets of the resistance's blasters as Terra waved the signal to the other teams across the rooftops. The Alsakan woman rising to a knee beside the pair of resistance fighters who had lain in wait with her, rifles leveled at the group of sith milling about the entrance before firing.

With their flurry of blasterfire joined by the other three man teams scattered across the rest of the surrounding rooftops the Sith were buried beneath the hail of energy death with little ceremony. "Drop and move in, secure their weapons and set a charge on the door. We can't afford for the troops inside to raise the alarm. Keep the slicer safe until she reaches the databanks!" Sliding her legs over the edge, Terra dropped on a lower ledge so she could reach the ground, keeping her blaster pointed toward the bodies on the ground, prepared to put a blaster bolt into any that moved or groaned despite being hit from several rounds in short order.
[member="Terra Harkin"]

A sudden chorus of blasters struck at the edge of Abelain's hearing, enlightening him to the most likely location of the rebel group. He stalked through the empty alleys and streets, passing through litter and garbage with steadfast resolve to eliminate the threat to One Sith rule. It had been a fairly quiet assault, and it was truly a wonder that he had managed to hear of it whatsoever, but he would likely have discovered the group eventually, even if they had not opened fire, especially since he was already in the area thanks to the informant. As he neared the location of the momentary firefight, the iron stench of boiled blood reached his olfactory senses, directing his senses towards the rebels and their most recent victims.

Admittedly, the knowledge that the insurgents would be present in the area was not as thoroughly spread throughout the local garrison as it was aboard the Paladin. They were still out searching through the mountains and villages around the cities, ignoring the possibility that the rebels were hidden in plain sight. The shortsighted would have wondered at why the Arue'tii had not alerted them, but the answer to that was simple; they would have alerted the enemy before the appropriate time. The scent of the Rebel blood reached his senses, there were many of them congregated into a short area. Abelain peeked beyond a corner, carefully watching as they rushed into the warehouse. Their leader was shouting something, but he was incapable of hearing what her words were beyond the occasional flicker of understanding.

"Paladin. Be advised that there are hostile forces committing an attack near my coordinates. Prepare a squad of the Hammer." He hissed quietly into his comm-link. The response was a resounding, "Yes sir." from what appeared to be the Captain of the vessel. His orders given, the Arue'tii stepped free from cover as the remainder of the rebels seemed to rush into the structure. There were a few outside, including their leader who stood preparing to open fire upon the dead. If they simply looked to their left they would notice him, standing there in all of his magnificent terror, the 'smile' crept upon his face. His red cape fluttered gracefully at his side, hiding his hand as he grasped at a cylindrical object located there. "What do you think you're doing here?" He questioned, calling towards the female leading the rebels.
[member="Abelain Narv'uk"]

As the Alsakan Resistance fighters moved into the warehouse with the slicer, Terra lifted her blaster satisfied that the Sith guards were eliminated seeing as they were dedicated to staying on the ground without a sound. However, even if the enemy's presence at the entrance had been taken care of there was no telling if there were any hostile forces stationed inside the location as well. Not that the Alsakan woman had much to worry about that she supposed. Not when one of the other soldiers with her called out, warning her in their native high galactic about the new arrival on scene before the . . . .being. . itself spoke up. No such species existed on Alsakan as a native, and it didn't take someone with a connection to the force to feel uneasy at its approach.

The quick detonation indicating the inner doors of the warehouse had been breached made up the ex-officer's mind as she raised her blaster at the approaching figure, calling to her fellow resistance members once more in high galactic. "Fire!" Terra refused to take any chances on this operation. They needed the information on arms stored within and to deny said information from the Sith. An unfamiliar face in her home city right as her teams were raiding a Sith controlled warehouse was simply too big a risk to weigh. So the trio of resistance fighters edged to the walls of the street as they opened fire on the lone caped being.
[member="Terra Harkin"]
It didn't take the Force to feel the sudden spike of awareness that spilled into the hearts of the rebels. They had taken notice of him, as had been the plan, and Abelain watched as they informed their commanding officer of his presence. That action allowed him to single out the leader of the operation with swiftness that only the enemy could possibly provide. Resistance cells popped up within the territory of the One Sith on a fairly regular basis, but they were almost always taken care of quickly, and quietly. It was common practice to eliminate the leader of a cell for the sake of removing the snake's head, and thereby removing it's ability to bite, or to eat. Without a leader, the cell would starve itself of activity, and eventually rot away into obscurity. The only thing that the Arue'tii really needed to accomplish to kill the cell would be to kill the woman standing before him.

The flicker of precognitive danger sense that flashed through his system was the only translation he needed for the strange language spoken by the Alsakans. He was unfamiliar with it, and had never truly heard it spoken before, but it was unnecessary to learn something as drastic for the sake of soon to be dead lifeforms. His hand; already clutching the cylindrical object, suddenly shot forward, igniting the crimson lightsaber and casting a bloody tint upon the ground as it screamed to life. The trio opened fire with their weapons, the bolts sizzling through the air and colliding with the hungering lightsaber as it reflected them towards the ground, and the nearby walls. Several of the bolts sneaked past his defenses, striking against his chitinous hide and dissipating instantly at it's superior strength. "Foolish maneuver." He hissed, amplifying his speed with the Force and shooting off towards the nearest soldier.

The crimson blade pierced his chest, sliding out through one side; nearly bisecting him in a neat and efficient fashion. His screams were silent as blood stuffed his lungs, and his mortal coil snapped only seconds afterwards. It was grisly, but nonetheless it was quick, and not with extreme amounts of suffering involved. "I am Abelain Narv'uk: Descendant of Sarith, Explorer of the Order of Hazarin, and Sith. Who do you think you are?" He growled, launching the lightsaber forward to jab into the abdomen of the other guard before withdrawing it to his hand with telekinetic power.
[member="Abelain Narv'uk"]

Terra could only scowl as it seemed their unfortunate luck was taking form as a Sith, a fething force user that was all too annoying to deal with under equipped as they were. As the blaster bolts she and her comrades sent lancing toward the dark clad figured were deflected away, into the dusty ground and walls of nearby buildings, the Alsakan woman pivoted as the unnatural creature sped forward, cleaving the Alsakan soldier on her left, leaving his body in two as he wheezed and fell apart to the ground. It seemed the monster didn't intend to stop there either, as it threw its lightsaber, impaling one of her fellow resistance fighters on its weapon. The energy blade burning through the man as he coughed and collapsed to the ground once the killing tool was drawn back from his chest cavity.

"Not a coward, or one to surrender to the damn likes of you!" Lifting her blaster rifle, the former captain winced as she instead was forced to raise her arms over her head as a section of the wall to the warehouse exploded outward, filling the street with dust as debris was thrown out by the explosion along with a gout of flame separating her and the sith. A pair of figures speaking high galactic as they emerging from the new hole in the building hefting much nicer blaster rifles than they were before made Terra sigh in relief. "Maam, we found the grenade launchers, viper class like we expected. Objective almost finished, we can finish the rest at base once we cover tracks here."

The slicer was done then downloading the files they wanted for intel, and all they were doing now was deleting the Sith's copy to prevent them from pursuing them afterward. That was good, that only meant they needed to make it back and escape from the bastard in front of them then. "Fire launchers of the structures ahead of us on either side, blow up the Sith or bury it in rubble I care not which!" Letting a few bolts loose as the two other Alsakan rebels twisted to fire their grenades on the buildings next to where the Sith had been, Terra signaled them to fall back after the explosives detonated. It was time for them to try and run now.
[member="Terra Harkin"]

The stench of singed flesh, and cloth filled the air as the crimson blade twirled weightlessly within the hand of it's wielder. It was commonly referred to as a 'civilized' weapon, but that in itself was contradictory; weapons were savage, not civil. It took only a single interaction with a lightsaber to understand that the notion of it's civility was questioned even in it's operation. The weapon hacked through opponents and their worthless armor with painless efficiency, but the same could not be said of the individuals in question. They felt an intensely heated plasma passing momentarily through their bodies as it segmented them into chunks, and melded together their various organic material into assorted plasters of viscera. It was not a pleasant experience, though admittedly the death of the afflicted was rapid, and it was unlikely they suffered their fiery fate for longer than a few jiffies.

The pitiful blaster bolts lapped against the hungering maw of the blade; absorbed or reflected entirely into the surrounding infrastructure with relative ease. Abelain's predatory eyes locked onto the leader of the band of insurgents, and he mentally prepared to assail her. Her words shattered any semblance of hope for interrogation; radicals rarely spoke anything of worth beyond their freakishly distorted philosophy, and he simply hadn't the time to pursue that course. There were other matters of the One Sith that needed to be concluded, and his schedule needn't be filled with casting a few unworthy souls into expedient oblivion, and their subsequent rebirth.

"You presume that I intend to leave you alive, or care for your morality." He growled, launching himself forth towards his foe, but pausing almost immediately as a large section of the neighboring structure gave way in a blast of vicious destruction. Dust clouded the street in low-hanging clouds, and debris cracked underfoot with every step. A pair of insurgent figures stepped forth, announcing themselves wordlessly as the cause of the detonation, and pridefully hoisting a set of large weapons with the appearance of freshly constructed blaster rifles. Logic dictated that they weren't actual blaster rifles as those did not have the capability of completely annihilating the structural integrity of a building, but it was difficult to discern exactly what manner of device they were without proper testing. In short, the only fact that could be observed from their use was that they were highly explosive in nature.

Danger sense flared with ugly intensity within the Arue'tii, and he felt himself preparing to launch forward away from the impending attack. A pair of canisters sailed eagerly through the air, arcing slightly in their flight. He had a momentary chance to subvert their path away from himself, but that opportunity was wasted as he simply attempted to escape the zone wherein the devices would land. A deafening howl erupted within the area, followed by a monstrous roar created by the collapse of nearby buildings. The occasional scream could be sounded from within them as civilians nearby struggled to escape their newly created prisons. It seemed the rebels hadn't care much for the presence of innocent lives, but that harmful ideology was common in their ilk. A blue hand erupted out from the rubble, snapping away chunks of duracrete and metallic bars with relative ease as it unburdened itself. Abelain was relatively unharmed by the detonation thanks to his powerful chitinous covering, but there was no resisting the painful surges that flooded through his nervous system in response to practically being crushed by a pair of small buildings.

They would try to retreat in his absence, but he could still scent their blood through the air. "Not yet." He hissed angrily, his voice spilling over with venomous anguish as he retracted himself fully from the debris, and began to give chase after the rebels.

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