Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Run'Katkta Ohvita Pel'gam - Soulless Exile Iron Skin

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  • Intent: To create a set Identity Effacement (Contempt) Armor for Zephyr Carrick
  • Image Source: Xesh/Tau Force Hound
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions:
    Acquire the Lacquer

[*]Primary Source: N/A



  • Classification: Stealth, Multipurpose.
  • Weight: 14 kgs
  • Resistances
- Blasters: High
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Low
- Anti-Force Sense: Average
- Sonic: Low
- Ion/EMP: Average


  • Lightsaber resistant vambraces
  • Blaster Resistant Armor plates
  • Increases stealth based skills (Not force abilities)
  • Contempt Armor effect
  • Black is Stealth: Using Shadowsilks, A dark scarf, and a sound dampening belt, it allows Zephyr to walk and move without making sounds. Slow movements are undetectable, and even rapid or fast movements are muffled. Allowing Zephyr to sneak around very easily in plate armor.
  • Scattered Force: The application of the Taozin Lacquer makes Zephyr's Force signature indistinguishable. Making anyone who does not directly have a force connection to Zephyr be difficult to determine if it is him, or someone else. Providing this ability without hampering the Force potential of Zeph.
  • Utilities: Various additions have been put into the armor for Zephyr's use. Having a helmet that allows him to speak in peace with whomever he is on a communications link with, a voice distorter to change his voice, and a re-breather ventilation unit. as well as friction grip and Kiin'dray Leather to provide better griping and climbing utilities.
  • Beskar Strong: Utilizing both Mandalorian Steel, and Iron, The vambraces are lightsaber resistant, while the rest of the armor plating is forged from the Mando steel. Providing stronger resistances against lightsabers, blasters, and other energy based weaponry.
  • Dampeners: With both a Dampener belt, and the absorption visor, the armor has small resistances to Ion, Emp, and Sonic devices. Preventing the take down of any electrical systems he may have, as well as prevention of his body tearing apart due to sound.
  • Scrambled eggs, Not Eaten: The contempt armor set provides Zephyr to be harder to determine within the force. However, this does not hide his force signature all together. As well, after long battles, or long periods of time, the lacquer must be reapplied to keep the effects from being reduced. Nor does it reduce the force upon Zeph.
  • You can't see me?: The armor provides aid to stealth skills and dampens the wearers sounds. As well as the dampening of the thermal signature. However, the armor does not prevent scanning systems, Or prevent the potential to find him in the force.
  • Robbed Mando: Most of the cloth, bodygloves, and various layers of clothing under the armor are not as durable as plate armor. And with so much of the armor consisting of clothing instead of plate armor, the armor has huge areas where Zeph can be struck, as well as areas where there is very little resistance other than maybe a few blaster bolts.
  • Dampeners are not Immune: While the dampeners prevent damage of Ion/EMP and even sonic weapons, it only lessens the effect upon Zeph. A higher powered weapon, or a planet wide EMP can still affect him, same with a Force Scream, or Bellow.
  • No True Beskar'gam: The armor is not completely made in the fashion of the Mandalorians, nor is is crafted with a full set of beskar. Thus compared to other sets of armor, this is actually rather weak compared. The only place that is truly resistant to lightsabers are the vambraces. The rest of the armor is open to strikes and is nowhere near considered a true Beskar'gam.

Armor is always necessary to Zeph. Ever since his first battle with a much older set of neo-crusader armor, to a personal armor set specifically for the use of his employment of the first Mandalorian Empire, under the teachings of Isley Verd, and later on on his ventures across the galaxy, Zeph needs a new set of armor to protect him as much as his old one did, but also allow him much more movement options than previously.

Utilizing a lack of sword combat now days, and using the force more often, as well as being in exile to the Mandalorian clans, as well as his own family, Zeph needed lighter materials should escape be an option, as well as stealth. Hence the various stealth capabilities. Acquiring a special element from the black market, Zef first tested it out with a smaller set of armor to confirm that the Licquer was in fact what it was stated to be.

Upon finding it out, and figuring out the applications of it, and researching any past known applications of it, including an older Dark Jedi who had once worked with the Sith Empire during the time when the galaxy was only just reforming itself after the gulag plague.

This armor will replace his old one, and allow Zeph to be not so reliant on other technology to get done what needs to be done. Using various other items to meet his needs, and nothing more.
Hello there, [member="Zephyr Carrick"]! I will be reviewing your sub.

Have you already reached out to the player/company that created the Taozin Lacquer and have permission to use their submission in your sub? If so, can you provide some kind of confirmation?

Outside of that, there is only one thing I need a bit of clarity on:

Zephyr Carrick said:
- Lightsabers: Low
  • Beskar Strong: Utilizing both Mandalorian Steel, and Iron, The vambraces are lightsaber resistant, while the rest of the armor plating is forged from the Mando steel. Providing stronger resistances against lightsabers, blasters, and other energy based weaponry.
Two of those kinda contradict a bit. You have a strength saying the rest of the armor, being Mando steel, provides a stronger resistant to lightsabers then other material but you have a low lightsaber defense rating.

From the Mando Steel sub, it says it is roughly comparable to Turadium which isn't easy to cut through with a lightsaber. So, just need a bit of clarity on that.

Got a question for you. How would one acquire your Taozin Lacquer?

Jorus/Kells (Jon)-12/19/2017


Just say you bought some from an ex Ke'dem member

Ke'dem largely fell apart after Ashin's last death


Black Market, if anyone asks, I got your approval.

Jorus/Kells (Jon)-12/19/2017

For sure


Try this black market:



Jorus/Kells (Jon)-12/19/2017

Star Wars RP: Chaos
Nighthunter Port, Svolten - Approved Locations
Nighthunter Port, Svolten - posted in Approved Locations: Name: Nighthunter Port Image Source: Screencap from Skyrim: Dragonborn Classification: Urban Center Location: Svolten, Svolten system Affiliation: Nominally self-governed. In practice, Nighthunter Port has usually answered to one Sith or another. Just a practical reality in the backwaters of the Stygian Caldera. Recently, the city council has answered to Velok in secret, though this may change if...


Ohhhhh. Perfect.

Thank's jon

Jorus/Kells (Jon)-12/19/2017

No problem

Have a good one, dude


To you as well.

This here is the approval to use the Laqure as by the creator of the armor upon the Chaos Lore.

Iona Immarya said:
Two of those kinda contradict a bit. You have a strength saying the rest of the armor, being Mando steel, provides a stronger resistant to lightsabers then other material but you have a low lightsaber defense rating. From the Mando Steel sub, it says it is roughly comparable to Turadium which isn't easy to cut through with a lightsaber. So, just need a bit of clarity on that
I listed it as low because beskar is only used upon the forearms/bracers. No where else is the beskar used. Mandalorian Steel is strong as Turadium, but only in really thick amounts. The metal Turadium was used in blast doors that were used with the specific purpose of closing off halls. How thick the metal was is why it took some time for a lightsaber to cut through it. This is armor. Much thinner plates of metal that a good hearty blow from a lightsaber could still cut through.

I also listed it as low because there are massive areas open upon the armor. Mainly the thighs, large portion of the elbow, and such. This weakness is listed under,

Zephyr Carrick said:
Robbed Mando: Most of the cloth, bodygloves, and various layers of clothing under the armor are not as durable as plate armor. And with so much of the armor consisting of clothing instead of plate armor, the armor has huge areas where Zeph can be struck, as well as areas where there is very little resistance other than maybe a few blaster bolts.

If you feel that I need to upgrade Lightsaber resistance to Average, I can. I have no problem doing so.

[member="Iona Immarya"],
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