Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Runeterra

Been having a blast with it so far. After months of Oko dominance followed by Simic headaches in MTGA, it feels pretty great to be able to play a virgin card game with no established meta.

There are a few game mechanics that take some getting used to. First strike is a defensive mechanic, but quick attack is only useful on the offense. Taking actions in turns like L5R is a wonderful breath of fresh air. The lack of hard removal is pretty great, since it forces trades, but I'm sure power creep will see to that within a few months.

Feel free to brag about your awesome outplays or fantastic blunders here. I crave. I must consume.
I'm currently dipping my toes in the water. My first impressions are decently positive, though I'm rarely able to keep up interest in a digital card game for more than a few weeks. MTGA has always felt like a inferior version of the tabletop game for me and Hearthstone was on and off until eventually I just quit altogether. For now I'm having fun, though.

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