Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Royal Ganathan Trade Company

Zofia Marek

Master and Commander

Company Name: Royal Ganathan Trade Company

Type: Legal Company

Affiliation: Ganath

Alignment: Neutral

Operations: Trade and commerce, both armed and unarmed


The RGTC is lead from the top down in a clear, streamlined form. The primary decision making group of the company is the Board of Directors who determine the overall course of the company based on reports and information passed up through the company's chain of command. Heading the Board is the Chairman, the position currently held by Zofia Marek, who decides on any major issues with advice from the Board based on information and reports available.

Below the Board is a series of management staff overseeing various levels of the company and generally maintaining the company's well being. These individuals are tasked with ensuring shipments arrive on time and in proper order as well as regulating the company's workforce to maintain a content employee base. In general, however, officials within the RGTC are expected to push the company's primary goals: profit. Those that do not are often replaced relatively quickly.

In addition, though not entirely considered 'management', the RGTC does maintain a body of corporate troops and military ships, per agreement with the Ganathan government. Officers, both in the field and on board ship, are expected and trained to defend the company's interests abroad and at home, both existing ones and those that have the potential to form.


The Royal Ganathan Trade Company is a mercantile corporation that has been backed financially via investment by the Royal Crown of Ganath. The primary goal of the RGTC is to maximize profit and increase the income of its investors and, by extension, the company itself.

Chiefly concerned with trade, the company makes most of its profits shipping goods across the sector and selling profitable goods to the people of Ganath. As the company is backed by the Ganathan Crown, the RGTC is exempt from all taxes and tariffs within Ganathan territory, making the task of pushing out competition in those areas merely child's play. This, coupled with movements towards monopolizing the various chains of supply for certain products, make the RGTC a quickly growing force in the economic field.


Founded recently, the RGTC has established itself in the rough area around Ganath. The initial concept of the company was set forth by the privateer Captain Zofia Marek who sought the Ganathan government, specifically the Ganath Crown, to back the business venture.

The King Karl XXII of Ganath was, eventually, persuaded to invest in the company, giving it the name Royal Ganathan Trade Company. Currently, the RGTC is set up in the area around and inside Ganathan space where it ships goods to and fro, even shifting into resource harvesting in some areas to help expand the profit margins of the company.



It should be noted that most, if not all, locations are guarded by RGTC troops and/or ships. For those looking to raid, steal, loot, etc. RGTC locations, be aware that these are not your usual thugs with guns. These guys and gals are soldiers, first and foremost, and should be considered a legitimate threat. Engage them with caution.

That all being said, they're NPCs, so that's a thing

  • Zofia Marek

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