Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Routine Inspection

"That's what I'm sayin'," Amani chuckled, though her humor trailed off as she read the uncertain expression on Iris' face. Something she couldn't quite interpret to its fullest, but left her more curious about her friend and the time she'd spent with this Red Mask. The question that followed pulled the mirialan from her distraction.

"…Oh. I just mean like- The dating scene isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Just make sure to respect and value yourself. Maybe it sounds a little cheesy that way, I dunno. But it's true. Don't settle for somebody who isn't good for you and don't discredit who you are even when things don't work out how you wish."



"Oh. .. So it's normal for things to be bad?" Considering what happened with Kai, her paranoia was still there. She was younger then. So much younger. She frowned just a little as she rubbed at the side of her head.

"What if I don't know my own value?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani grimaced a bit, and backtracked, "I dunno that I'd put it like that, but-" A shrug, "People aren't always at their best. Like with any social situation, really. And since dating is supposed to be a little more intimate than that, sometimes it might end up hurting a bit more when things don't go right. Does that make sense?"

"What if I don't know my own value?"

At that the mirialan paused, and took a moment of thought, "Well, you might not be able to assign an actual number to it, but, at the end of the day you just need to make sure you're happy. If your relationship, and the person your with, make you genuinely happy, then that's the biggest and best sign. If they don't make you feel good, or appreciated, or like they're not putting the same amount of commitment into the relationship as you- then you need to be able to communicate about that openly and change things. If they can't or won't communicate and change, then they aren't showing you respect or value."



"Complicated. .. But I think I get it. Talking though, I kinda suck at talking." There was way more to that. Talking was fine. Getting personal, explaining her own feelings, not so much. She was good at knowing how other people felt.

Never so much herself.

"I'll figure something out. .. Or just bother you, I guess."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani offered a resigned shrug, "The best things usually are complicated." Despite whatever struggles came with, the end result had the potential to be one of the greatest things a person could experience. It was certainly how she felt with Alicio.

The mirialan chuckled, and nodded, "I'll do what I can. Good luck, in any case. I hope it works out… And I'll be watching," She winked. Now that it was out of the bag, Amani would be keeping a close eye on Iris' romantic interests. To tease, but also to make sure they were good for her.



She winked. Why did she wink?

Iris canted her head to the side, clearly trying to figure out why she did. There was something there she wasn't aware of, wasn't there? Maybe.. Oh. Like the tattoos? Oh. Oohh. For a moment, she actually blushed. Faint red on her cheeks as she looked away, cleared her throat. Nodded. "R.. Right. Alright."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani's grin widened as she watched the conflux of emotions playing out across Iris' face. She finally just chuckled, and punched her shoulder, "Don't hurt yourself overthinking it."

The mirialan turned back towards the hospital, "I'm gonna finish signing off on this inspection. You're welcome to join me as soon as your head is out of the clouds." She smiled, and left back for the lobby.



"I am not over thinking."

She was, but she didn't want to admit it. Iris cleared her throat as she practically forced herself to stop thinking about anything else and nodded. They still had a job to do here.

"Let's- Yeah. Let's finish this." And she hurried along after, closing her eyes to try and relax her mind for a moment. It wasn't working, but she was trying anyway. "Should see how they handled the crisis."

Amani Serys Amani Serys

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