Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Routine Inspection

Amani studied Iris' reaction in silence for a few long moments. The air frozen between them until finally, "Guess that's all we can hope for, huh?" That things would be fine, until they weren't. In the life of a Jedi, trouble was less a matter of if and more a matter of when. What could anyone do other than make the best of their time while they could?

"Let's get some fresh air. Enough inspection for today," With that, she gestured towards the main doors, and began walking.



"More or less, yeah."

Amani got it. or at least seemed to get it. Iris turned her gaze to the doors, nodding after a moment of thought. They weren't going to be needed here anymore, not for a little while. And, well, they'd been doing fine without a couple of Jedi to wander in and tell them how to do things. Hell, they still probably had some things to learn from the doctors here themselves.

She stepped outside, took a breath. Sighed.

"How's it going with Alicio?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Outside, Amani took a deep inhale of fresh air. As fresh as air can get on a city-world, anyway. She watched Iris step up beside her, and nodded before looking out at the skyline, "Good…" The mirialan chuckled, finding her own description unfitting, "Great. Really great. We're living together, traveling together- We took a trip to Mirial not long ago- It's… it's great," Amani couldn't stop herself from gushing over their relationship. She rolled up her sleeve to show off a small, triangular tattoo on the inside of her wrist, "We each got one of these there. It's a mirialan declaration of love."

Amani pulled the sleeve back down, and sighed contentedly, a bit of color still darkening her cheeks at the thought. She would tell just about anyone and everyone about it that she could. Then she turned to Iris again after a beat, "What uh, what about you? Find anyone who… interests you? Anyone special?"



Mirialan declaration of love?

A coy grin took over Iris's features as she glanced between the triangle and Amani's face. Oh yes, she was going to tease Amani about this. Not immediately, but some day, at some time, Iris was going to act on this knowledge. Then, well. She shrugged.

"There's a couple people I find interesting, but.. No. Not really a love life yet. Could be, if one of them stopped being up his own ass all the time."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
That little grin was not lost on Amani. She pursed her lips, but was unable to hide a smile of her own that was now forcing its way across her face. Whatever Iris' intentions were uncertain, but the reasoning behind it was easy enough to decipher, "Shaddup," She snickered, even though Iris had said nothing.

Turning the idea back onto her got a more interesting response than Amani had suspected, "Oh really…" She hummed, as Iris mentioned a few interesting characters. Then, she gave a more specific option, "Ohh reaallyyyy…" Amani leaned in closer, "Who might that be? And what's so interesting about him if he's, as you say, up his own ass?"



"Red Rdava. Or.. Red Mask now. At least that's the only name I'm going to give." She wasn't a fan of where Corin Trenor Corin Trenor had gone with his path, but he trusted her not to tell people, and she wasn't going to just break it now.

"He taught me a lot. And he likes to put on the whole 'I'm an ass leave me alone' act. I like how he looks under that though. Or how he used to, at least."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani blinked, "Like… Like the vigilante? You know who he is?" Suddenly there was a whole new flood of questions entering her mind.

"So does he just pretend to be an ass but he's actually cool?"

"Doesn't he literally beat the crap out of people for fun?"

"What is he like?"

"How did you meet him?"

"Why are you hanging out with vigilantes?"

"What do you mean how he used to look?"

Each one coming right after the other, rapid fire.



Iris blinked. And laughed. Nervously.

"Yeah, I know who it is.

Um.. Kinda? He started being more of an actual ass as of late, but.. I dunno. Denon's in a rough place.

He beats people up. I don't think it's for fun.

He's cold and sarcastic. Until you look closer. Then he's just.. Funny. When he's not being mean. Or even when he is?

I was doing my own thing on Denon and he uh, happened by me.

.. Uuhh. Well, I was one. For a bit. Before I realized y'know, not actually a very Jedi thing. He taught me a lot on how to be one, though.

His colors, I mean. .. Like I said, Denon's in a rough place. So he's been in a rough place."
She actually kept up with the questions, more to her own surprise.

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani's questions were answered nearly as quickly as they were laid out. Clearly Iris knew what she was talking about. The mirialan craned her head back, and raised a hand over her mouth in thought, "Hmmm…" She stared at Iris studiously, as if looking for some hint of further secrets behind her response.

"Hang on," She finally realized, "You were a vigilante? On Denon?" The mirialan shook her head amusedly, shrugging it off. Apparently, it was behind Iris at this point.

"So you gonna ask him out?"



"Even have a bounty still. Not that people know it's me or anything. Hazzah for masks."

That was a whole conflicted part for her, actually. Hiding who she was to keep people safe was one thing, but hiding herself to keep herself safe felt wrong. Cowardly. A whole different thing to talk about at another time. Instead, she shrugged.

"I'd like to, but I dunno if he's even in a good place to."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani scoffed, "Denon is really something. I stirred up one of the gang's there not long ago, and there were immediately some rumors about a new green vigilante making a scene. Think it lasted maybe a week before they realized it wasn't turning into more than that." Her amusement turned into a frown, "They need more help than anyone seems interested in giving them," If a handful of costumed superhumans were their only saving grace, then the Alliance had truly failed them.

"Ahh," She said knowingly, as Iris voiced her struggles, "Think maybe he's not ready for something like that, hm? Well it doesn't have to start serious right out of the gate. Maybe convince him to just come along for one date, y'know? Just spend some time together for an evening, give him the space to feel it out."

There was a pause, then she shrugged, "Or you could just wait. Patience is a virtue, and all that. I'm probably not the kind of person to take advice from on these matters anyway. But you can't spend forever waiting for someone who can't or won't reciprocate."



"Yeah, well. We'll figure something out to help there. Senate approval or not."

We being her and Alicio, and whoever else ended up getting brought in. Hopefully. She nodded though, frowning after a second. A date, huh? "Mm.. Patience isn't really my thing, not for too long anyway. What'd you do on a date? Most experience I have is what they show on Holo."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani agreed with Iris' sentiment, but there was something about the way she specified 'Senate approval or not' that made the mirialan look at her a little more studiously. She didn't even disagree with the notion, but all the same, there was an air of suspicion that she ultimately didn't act on. Date talk proved an ample distraction anyway.

"Well… there's a lot of things you can do, really, as long as you're doing them together. Alicio and I technically had two first dates, I guess? Depends on what you consider the first. Our first date as an official couple was us just going to dinner. If you're talking about the date that made us into a couple, that was when he took me to this festival they were hosting on Alderaan. Carnival games, food, the works." A shrug, "Offer to take him out somewhere you both might like. See what happens. That's as pretty good a start as any, I think."



"That.. Does sound pretty simple. I can give it a shot, I guess." Not that she sounded the most enthused. Then again, she still wasn't sure what it was like to have a normal relationship. Hard to get excited over something that seemed so normal. "How do you know when you're.. Y'know. A couple? What even makes you a couple? Seems like a very different thing, but like, I've hung out with lots of people."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
"You guess?" Amani repeated teasingly, nudging Iris' shoulder over the apparent lack of enthusiasm. Her follow-up question, however, furrowed the mirialan's brow, "Hm… I mean… The big difference would be that a couple would generally imply a romantic connection. As for when that happens, it varies from person to person, I guess. Alicio and I slapped a label on it the same night as that festival. Which is also when we had our first kiss. But… I'm pretty sure not everyone jumps into it that quickly."

She shrugged, obviously reaching the aspects of dating that she wasn't widely experienced in, "It might take a couple dates to figure out if the two of you can make it work. But you should both at least be interested in the possibility going into the date."



".. That sounds absolutely random. There's no structure to it? No set number of dates or something to do to clear it up? How do people in approach it? From what I've seen people don't tend to just come out and say they like someone." Which she would absolutely do, if not for the fact she'd been told time and time again to think before just saying something. The amount of issues she created by just stating how someone felt or what their intentions were were.. Countless.

And one bad experience was more than enough to keep her hesitant.

"I'll give it a shot, though. .. Whatever you think might be a good idea, anyway."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
"Nope. Not really," Amani shook her head, "Or… not one that I'm aware of, at least," She added a bit sheepishly.

"If you're going on a date, then I think generally the implication is that you have a mutual interest. It's more of a question of whether or not it actually develops into something more after the fact. So if you're asking him out, then the tooka is out of the bag, as they say,"
She shrugged, "If he's also into the possibility, he'll accept, and you guys can give it a shot by going somewhere and doing… something." The more they talked, the more it was obvious that Amani wasn't exactly an expert on the subject. She and Alicio had a very successful relationship, but outside of that one, Amani's dating experiences were all fleeting and unremarkable.

"What do you think he would like?"



"Finding a drug dealer's hide out and beating everyone in it up."

Sad part was she was serious. She hummed, glancing around all over again. Crossing her arms. Just.. Unsure, mostly, on what he did actually like. It's a lot of violence in her time with him. Mostly violence. Maybe it was-

"Maybe I should uh, ask him. I guess."

Amani Serys Amani Serys
Amani raised a brow, and grew a self-satisfied smirk, "Thought you said he didn't do it fun?" Iris seemed to be coming to a few revelations about their time together herself. Confirming as much when she continued.

Amani nodded, "Maybe so. And hey, if it doesn't work out? Don't worry about it. Just keep your chin up and know your worth."



"I don't know if beating people up should really be considered fun, though." She gave a frown all too telling of her own uncertainty on the matter. Fighting, there were times it was fun. Take away the fear of death and Iris could have a blast just swinging her fists. Something she really needed to face, sooner or latter.

".. Wait know my worth? What do you mean?"

Amani Serys Amani Serys

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